
1.3 KiB

trouble, troubles, troubled


The term "trouble" refers to experiences in life that are very difficult and distressing. To be "troubled" means to feel upset or distressed about something.

  • Troubles can be physical, emotional, or spiritual things that hurt a person.
  • In the Bible, troubles are often times of testing that God uses to help believers mature and grow in their faith.
  • The Old Testament use of "trouble" also referred to judgment that came on nations that were immoral and rejected God.

Translation Suggestions

  • The term "trouble" or "troubles" could also be translated as, "danger" or "painful things that happen" or "persecution" or "difficult experiences" or "distress."
  • The term "troubled" could be translated with a word or phrase that means, "undergoing distress" or "feeling terrible distress" or "worried" or "anxious" or "distressed" or "terrified" or "disturbed."
  • The phrase "day of trouble" or "times of trouble" could also be translated as, "when you experience distress" or " when difficult things happen to you" or "when God causes distressing things to happen."
  • The idiom "make trouble" or "bring trouble" could possibly be translated as, "cause distressing things to happen" or "cause difficulties" or "make them experience very difficult things."