
873 B

endure, endurance


The term "endure" literally means to last a long time.bear something difficult with patience.

  • It also means to stand firm when times of testing come, without giving up.
  • In the Bible, "enduring to the end" refers to remaining loyal to the Lord and being committed to obeying him even if this loyalty causes a person to suffer.

Translation Suggestions

  • Depending on the context, the term "endure" can be translated as "persevere" or "keep believing" or "continue to do what God wants you to do" or "stand firm."
  • A different meaning of "endure" could be translated as, "to experience" or "to go through."
  • The phrase, "will not endure" could be translated as "will not last" or "will not continue to survive."
  • Ways to translate "endurance" could include, "perseverance" or "continuing to believe" or "remaining faithful."