
2.5 KiB

fulfill, fulfills, fulfilled, fulfillment, carried out, make ... full, fill up ... to the limit, made ... complete, completed, bring to completion, coming to completion, finishing, in full


The term "fulfill" means to complete or accomplish something that was expected.

  • When a prophecy is fulfilled, it means that God causes to happen what was predicted in the prophecy.
  • If a person fulfills a promise or a vow, it means that he does what he has promised to do.
  • To fulfill a responsibility means to do the task that was assigned or required.

Translation Suggestions:

  • Depending on the context, "fulfill" could be translated as "accomplish" or "complete" or "cause to happen" or "obey" or "perform."
  • The phrase "has been fulfilled" could also be translated as "has come true" or "has happened" or "has taken place."
  • Ways to translate "fulfill," as in "fulfill your ministry," could include "complete" or "perform" or "practice" or "serve other people as God has called you to do."

(See also: prophet, Christ, minister, call)

Bible References:

Examples from the Bible stories:

  • 24:04 John fulfilled what the prophets said, "See I send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way."
  • 40:03 The soldiers gambled for Jesus's clothing. When they did this, they fulfilled a prophecy that said, "They divided my garments among them, and gambled for my clothing."
  • 42:07 Jesus said, "I told you that everything written about me in God's word must be fulfilled."
  • 43:05 "This fulfills the prophecy made by the prophet Joel in which God said, 'In the last days, I will pour out my Spirit.'"
  • 43:07 "This fulfills the prophecy which says, 'You will not let your Holy One rot in the grave.'"
  • 44:05 "Although you did not understand what you were doing, God used your actions to fulfill the prophecies that the Messiah would suffer and die."

Word Data:

  • Strong's: H1214, H4390, H5487, H7999, G378, G1096, G4138, G5055