
951 B



  • the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron - Ephron owned a field in Machpela and the cave that was in that field. Abraham bought the field from Ephron.
  • Machpelah - See how you translated this place name in en:bible:notes:gen:23:07.
  • Ephron...Zohar - See how you translated these men's names in en:bible:notes:gen:23:07.
  • which is near Mamre - Machpela was near Mamre.
  • Mamre - See how you translated this place name in en:bible:notes:gen:23:17.
  • This field Abraham had bought - "Abraham had bought this field"
  • sons of Heth - "the descendants of Heth" or "the Hittites." See how you translated this in en:bible:notes:gen:23:05.
  • Beerlahairoi - See how you translated this place name in en:bible:notes:gen:16:13.