The term "righteousness" refers to God's absolute goodness, justice, faithfulness, and love. Having these qualities makes God “righteous." Because God is righteous, he must condemn sin.
* These terms are also often used to describe a person who obeys God and is morally good. However, because all people have sinned, no one except God is completely righteous.
* When it describes people who are obedient to God, the term "righteous" could also be translated as "morally good" or "just" or "living a God-pleasing life."
* The phrase "the righteous" could also be translated as "righteous people" or "God-fearing people."
* Depending on the context, "righteousness" could also be translated with a word or phrase that means "goodness" or "being perfect before God" or "acting in a right way by obeying God" or "doing perfectly good