
4.0 KiB
Raw Blame History

shame, ashamed, disgrace, humiliate, reproach


The term “shame” refers to the painful feeling of being disgraced or humiliated that a person feels when they do something that others consider dishonorable or improper.

  • Something that is “shameful” is “improper” or “dishonorable.”
  • The term “ashamed” describes how a person feels when he has done something improper or dishonorable.
  • The term “humiliate” means to cause someone to feel shamed or disgraced, usually publicly. The act of shaming someone is called “humiliation.”
  • To “reproach” someone means to criticize or disapprove of that persons character or behavior.
  • The phrase “put to shame” means to defeat people or expose their actions so that they feel ashamed of themselves. The prophet Isaiah said that those who make and worship idols will be put to shame.
  • The term “disgraceful” can be used to describe a sinful act or the person who did it. When a person does something sinful, it can cause him to be in a state of disgrace or dishonor.
  • Sometimes a person who is doing good things is treated in a way that causes him disgrace or shame. For example, when Jesus was killed on a cross, this was a disgraceful way to die. Jesus had done nothing wrong to deserve this disgrace.
  • When God humbles someone, it means that he is causing a prideful person to experience failure to help him overcome his pride. This is different from humiliating someone, which is often done in order to hurt that person.
  • Saying that a person is “above reproach” or “beyond reproach” or “without reproach” means that this person behaves in a God-honoring way and there is little or nothing that could be said in criticism of him.

Translation Suggestions

  • Ways to translate “disgrace” could include “shame” or “dishonor.”
  • Ways to translate “disgraceful” could include “shameful” or “dishonoring.”
  • To “humiliate” could also be translated as to “shame” or to “cause to feel shame” or to “embarrass.”
  • Depending on the context, ways to translate “humiliation” could include “shame” or “degrading” or “disgrace.”
  • The word “reproach” could also be translated as “accusation” or “shame” or “disgrace.”
  • To “reproach” could also be translated as to “rebuke” or to “accuse” or to “criticize,” depending on the context.

(See also: dishonor, accuse, rebuke, false god, humble, Isaiah, worship)

Bible References:

Word Data:

  • Strongs: H937, H954, H955, H1317, H1322, H1421, H1442, H1984, H2490, H2616, H2617, H2659, H2778, H2781, H2865, H3001, H3637, H3639, H3640, H3971, H5007, H5034, H5039, H6030, H6031, H6172, H6256, H7022, H7034, H7036, H7043, H7511, H7817, H8103, H8213, H8216, H8217, H8589, G149, G152, G153, G410, G422, G423, G808, G818, G819, G821, G1788, G1791, G1870, G2617, G3059, G3679, G3680, G3681, G3856, G5014, G5195, G5196, G5484