
927 B



The term "trial" refers a situation in which something or someone is "tried" or tested. A judicial hearing where evidence is presented before a judge or jury, and an individual is found, based on the evidence, to be innocent or guilty. Trials can also be situations that prove to be difficult to endure, in which an individual is either found to be worthy or unworthy based on how they respond in the situation.

  • A trial can be a judicial hearing in which evidence is given to prove whether a person is innocent or guilty of wrongdoing.
  • The term "trial" can also refer to difficult circumstances that a person goes through as God tests their faith. Other words for this are "testing" or "temptation."
  • Many people in the Bible were tested to see if they would continue to believe and obey God. They went through trials which included being beaten, imprisoned, or even killed because of their faith.