
1.8 KiB

possess, possession


The terms "possess" and "possession" usually refer to owning something. They can also mean to gain control over or occupy an area of land. This is how they are often used in the Bible.

  • In the Old Testament, this term is often used in the context of "possessing" or "taking possession" of an area of land.
  • When Yahweh commanded the Israelites to "possess" the land of Canaan, it meant that they should go into the land and live there. This often involved first conquering the Canaanite peoples who were living on that land.
  • Yahweh told the Israelites that he had given them the land of Canaan as their "possession," which meant that he was going to help them to conquer the Canaanites and occupy the land.
  • The people of Israel were also called Yahweh's "special possession." This means that they belonged to him as his people whom he had specifically called to worship him and be ruled by him.

Translation Suggestions

  • The terms "possess" or "take possession of" could be translated as "take control of" or "occupy' or "live on," depending on the context.
  • Certain languages may translate this with a term that is different from the word for possessing or owning an object.
  • The expression, "my special possession" could be translated as "my special people" or "people who belong to me" or "my people whom I love and rule."
  • The sentence, "they will become their possession" when referring to land, means "they will occupy the land" or "the land will belong to them."
  • The expression, "found in his possession" could be translated as, "that he was holding" or "that he had with him."
  • The term "possessions" refers to things that belong to someone and could be translated as, "belongings" or "property" or "owned things."
  • The phrase "as your possession" could be translated by a phrase that means, "as something that belongs to you."