
852 B

Paul, Saul


Paul was a leader of the early church who was sent by Jesus to take the good news to many other people groups.

  • Paul was a Jew who was born in the Roman city of Tarsus, and was therefore also a Roman citizen.
  • Paul was originally called by his Jewish name, Saul.
  • Saul became a Jewish religious leader and arrested Jews who became Christians because he did not believe in Jesus.
  • Jesus came to Saul in a blinding light and told him to stop hurting Christians. Jesus then sent a Christian man to teach Saul, and Saul believed in Jesus.
  • At first, Saul taught Jews about Jesus.
  • Later, God sent Saul to teach other people groups about Jesus in many Roman cities. Then he started using the Roman name, Paul.
  • Paul also wrote letters to encourage and teach Christians in various cities. Some of his letters are in the Bible.