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In the Old Testament, there are three men with the name Jotham.

  • One man named Jotham was the youngest son of Gideon. Jotham helped defeat his older brother Abimelech, who had treacherously killed all the rest of their brothers.
  • Another man named Jotham was a king over Judah for sixteen years following the death of his father Uzziah (also known as Azariah).
  • Like his father, King Jotham obeyed God and was a good king.
  • However, also like his father, King Jotham did not remove the places of idol worship and this caused his people to later turn away from God again. Another result of idol worship was that Jotham's son Ahaz was an evil king.
  • Jotham is one of the ancestors listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ in the book of Matthew.