
953 B

divination, diviner, soothsaying, soothsayer


The terms "divination" and "soothsaying" refer to the practice of trying to get information from spirits in the supernatural world. A person who does this is sometimes called a "diviner" or "soothsayer."

  • Types of divination include such practices as interpreting patterns in animal bones or in remnants of a drink left behind in a cup.
  • In his laws for the people of Israel, God told them to not practice divination or soothsaying.
  • God did permit his people to seek information from him using the Urim and Thummim, which were stones that he had designated to be used by the high priest for that purpose. But he did not allow his people to seek information through the help of evil spirits.
  • The terms "witchcraft" and "sorcery" and "magic" involve doing magic, casting spells, and other miraculous things that use the power of evil spirits. These practices are also condemned by God.