
889 B

crown, to crown


A crown is a decorative, circular headpiece worn on the head of rulers such as kings and queens. The term "to crown" means to put a crown on someone's head; figuratively it means, "to honor."

  • Crowns usually are made of gold or silver, and are embedded with precious gems such as emeralds and rubies.
  • A crown was intended to be a symbol of a king's power and wealth.
  • By contrast, the crown made of thorn branches that the Roman soldiers placed on Jesus' head was meant to mock him and hurt him.
  • In ancient times, winners of athletic contests would be awarded a crown made out of olive branches. The apostle Paul mentions this crown in his second letter to Timothy.
  • Used figuratively, "to crown" means to honor someone. We honor God by obeying him and praising him to others. This is like putting a crown on him and acknowledging that he is King.