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A council is a group of people who meet to discuss, give advice, and make decisions about important matters.

  • A council is usually organized in an official and somewhat permanent way for a specific purpose, such as making decisions about legal matters.
  • The most important Jewish Council was also known as the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin had 70 members, which included Jewish leaders such as chief priests, elders, scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees.
  • Paul was brought before a Roman council when he was arrested for teaching the gospel.
  • Depending on the context, the word "council" can also be translated as "legal assembly" or "political assembly."
  • To be "in council" means to be in a special meeting to decide something.
  • Note that the word "counsel" means advice or wisdom or insight. In some contexts its meaning is very similar to "council" especially when it refers to God's council.