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Balaam was a pagan prophet during the time when the Israelites were camped at the Jordan River, preparing to enter the land of Canaan.

  • Balaam was from the city of Pethor, which was located in the region around the Euphrates River.
  • The Midianite king, Balek, was afraid of the strength and numbers of the Israelites, so he hired Balaam to curse them.
  • God sent an angel to stop Balaam and didn't allow him to curse Israel, but instead commanded him to bless them.
  • God stopped Balaam from doing this by sending an angel to stand in his path so that his donkey refused to continue.
  • In obedience to God's instructions, Balaam ended up blessing the Israelites instead of cursing them.
  • One of the most remarkable parts of the story is that God gave the donkey the ability to speak to Balaam.