
863 B

Assyria, Assyrian, Assyrian Empire, Asshur


Assyria was a powerful empire during much of the time that the Israelites were living in the land of Canaan.

  • Assyria was located in an area that is today the north-central section of Iraq.
  • The Assyrians fought against Israel at different times in their history. This was one way that God punished his people for rebelling against him and worshiping idols.
  • In the year 722 BC, the Assyrians completely conquered the kingdom of Israel and forced many of the Israelites to leave Israel and move to Assyria.
  • The Assyrians also brought in many foreigners to intermarry with the Israelites who remained in Israel. The descendants of those people who intermarried were later called the Samaritans.
  • Asshur was the name of the founder of Assyrian people
  • Asshur was the capital of the nation of Assyria