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run, running
Literally the term "run" refers to moving very quickly on foot, usually at a much faster pace than walking.
This main meaning of "run" is also used in figurative expressions such as the following:
- "run in such a way as to win the prize"– refers to persevering in doing God's will with the same perseverance as running a race in order to win.
- "run in the path of your commands" – means to gladly and quickly obey God's commands.
- "run after other gods" – means to persist in worshiping other gods.
- "I run to you to hide me" – means to quickly turn to God for refuge and safety when faced with difficult things. Other figurative meanings of "run":
- Water and other liquids such as tears, blood, sweat, and rivers are said to "run." This could also be translated as, "flow."
- The border of a country or region is said to "run along" a river or the border of a different country. This could be translated as "its border is next to" or "it borders."
- Rivers and streams can "run dry," which means that they no longer have water in them. This could be translated as "have dried up" or "have become dry."
- The days of a feast can "run their course," which means they "have passed by" or "are finished" or "are over."
(See also: falsegod · perseverance · refuge · turn)