
63 KiB
Raw Blame History

21:1kp2jHow is Jobs character described?He was blameless and upright, and honored God and turned from evil.
31:5zx8zAfter Jobs sons held feasts with their brothers and sisters in their houses, what would Job do?Job would consecrate them to God, offer burnt offerings, and pray for them.
41:8ba5vWhy did Yahweh say Satan should consider Job?There was no one like Job in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one who feared God and turned away from evil.
51:10r8j0How did Satan say Yahweh had protected Job?He made a hedge around Job, around his house, and around all that he had on every side.
61:11c2syWhat did Satan think would cause Job to renounce God?He said to Job would renounce God is God attacked all Jobs possessions.
71:12geuxWhat did Yahweh give Satan permission to do?He gave Satan permission to take everything from Job, but not to lay a hand on his person.
81:14-15f518What did the messenger tell Job the Sabeans had done to him?They killed all Jobs servants in the field and took away all the oxen and donkeys.
91:16xngcWhat did the second messenger tell Job had happened to his sheep?The fire of God fell from then heavens and burned them up along with the servants.
101:17krn8What the third messenger tell Job had happened to his camels?Three groups of robbers came and attacked them. They stole all the camels and killed all the men that were caring for them.
111:18-19giexWhat news did the fourth messenger bring to Job?Jobs sons and daughters were feasting in their brothers home when a great wind came and struck the house, which collapsed on them and killed them.
121:20tikdWhat did Job do after he got all these messages?Job tore his robe, shaved his head, lay facedown on the ground, and worshipped God.
131:21rbigWhat did Job say about his condition after these events?He said he came naked from his mothers womb, and would return naked.
141:21ld2qWhat did Job say that Yahweh had done to him?Yahweh gave, and Yahweh has taken away.
151:22fk7mHow did Job show that he was not a foolish man?Job did not sin, nor did he foolishly accuse God.
162:1w4ihWho came with the sons of God when they presented themselves before Yahweh?Satan also came and presented himself.
172:2lvjeWhat did Satan tell Yahweh that he had been doing?He said he was going to and fro on the earth, and walking back and forth on it.
182:3y5rdHow did Yahweh say that Job continued to do after Satans attacks?Job held fast to his integrity.
192:5hs5zWhat does Satan want to do to Job now so that Job will curse God?Satan wants to touch Jobs bones and his body to hurt him.
202:7wvm7How did Satan afflict Jobs body?He afflicted Job with severe boils from the sole of his foot to the top of his head.
212:8u7nwWhat did Job do to deal with the pain of his affliction?He took a potshard and scraped himself as he sat in ashes.
222:9mx0aWhat did Jobs wife want him to do?Jobs wife wanted him to curse God and die.
232:10mlsdWhat accusation did Job make to his wife?He accused her of thinking they should receive good at the hand of God but not evil.
242:11zeufWhat did Jobs three friends do when they heard what happened to Job?They came to mourn with him and comfort him.
252:12-13bqsvHow did the three friends of Job show their grief when they saw him?They raised their voices and wept, tore their robes, threw dust on their heads, and sat on the ground in silence for seven days and nights.
263:1-3qsesWhat did Job say about the day he was born?He cursed the day he was born and asked that it would perish.
273:5zx0bWhat does Job want to claim the day he was born?He wants that day to be claimed by darkness and the shadow of death.
283:6lndqWhat does Job want to seize the night he was conceived?Job wants that night to be seized by thick darkness.
293:11hh41What did Job wish had happened when he came out of the womb?He wishes he had died and given up his spirit.
303:13-14s5sbWhat does Job say he would be doing now if he had died at birth?He would be sleeping and at rest with kings and counselors of the earth.
313:18-19qr04From what are prisoners and servants released in death?The prisoner is released from the voice of the slave driver, and the servant is free from his master.
323:21g9i8To whom does Job say that death will not come?It does not come to the one who longs for death, and who searches for it more than those who search for hidden treasure.
333:24q17xHow does Job describe his groaning?His groaning is poured out like water.
343:26kpx0What is the things that Job has feared that has come upon him?He is not at ease or quiet, and has no rest.
354:3n2twWhat good things does Eliphaz say Job has done for others?Job had instructed many, and strengthened weak hands.
364:6togcWhat does Eliphaz say is Jobs confidence and hope in time of trouble?Jobs fear of God is his confidence, and the integrity of his ways is his hope.
374:8-9n3oeWho has perished and are consumed by the breath of God and his anger?Those who plow iniquity sow trouble perish and are consumed.
384:10jlvfWhat does Eliphaz says is broken?The voice of the fierce lion and the teeth of young lions are broken.
394:12-13t7h5How did Eliphaz secretly receive a certain message?He heard a whisper in his ear and saw visions in the night.
404:14hklxWhat came upon Eliphaz when he received the message?Fear and trembling came on him.
414:17fib4What did the voice ask about mortal men?It asked if a mortal man can be more righteous than God, and more pure than his maker?
424:19jdroHow does Eliphaz describe mortal men?They live in houses of clay, whose foundation is the dust, and who are crushed sooner than a moth.
435:2hc9lWhat does Eliphaz say will happen to a foolish and silly man?Anger kills the foolish man, and jealousy kills the silly one.
445:4mha0What happens to the children of the foolish person in the city gate?They are crushed in the gate.
455:7qqheFrom where does trouble really come?Mankind makes his own trouble.
465:10a4tlWhat does God give to the earth and the fields?He gives rain on the earth and sends water on the fields.
475:12bzlsWhat does God do the schemes of crafty people?He frustrates their schemes so that their hands cannot carry out their plots.
485:15otu6From what does God save the needy and poor person?He saves the poor person from the sword in their mouths, and saves the needy person from the hand of the mighty people.
495:18y06zWhy is the man happy whom God corrects and chastens?He is happy because God after he wounds, he binds up wounds, and his hands heal.
505:22r6uwAt what will the man whom God corrects laugh?He will laugh at destruction and famine.
515:24h00dWhat will the man whom God corrects find when he visits his sheepfold?He will find that nothing will be missing.
525:26lkzzHow long will the man whom God corrects live?He will come to his grave at a full age.
536:2xxnkHow does Job describe his anguish and his calamity?If his anguish and calamity were weighed, they would be heavier than the sand of the seas.
546:3cc7zHow does Job describe his anguish and his calamity?Ff his anguish and calamity were weighed, they would be heavier than the sand of the seas.
556:4mmx7What has the Almighty done to Job with his arrows?His arrows are in Job, and Jobs spirit drinks up the poison.
566:6fdrhWhat food does Job say has no taste?He says the white of an egg does not have any taste.
576:8-9lw1uWhat one request does Job long for God to grant him?He wants God to crush him and cut him loose from his life.
586:10r7unWhat is Jobs consolation?His consolation is that he has not have denied the words of the Holy One.
596:13erseWhat has been driven from Job?Wisdom has been driven out of him.
606:14pt5pTo whom should a friend show faithfulness?A friend should show faithfulness to the person who is about to faint.
616:15-17w9dlHow does Job compare his brothers to a desert streambed?They pass away to nothing, they vanish when they thaw, and they melt when it is hot.
626:18-20sn6rWhat happened to the caravans when they looked for water in these streams?They wandered into barren land and then perished. They were disappointed and deceived.
636:21bk4pWhy were Jobs friends nothing to him?They saw his dreadful situation and were afraid.
646:24ebc7What does Job say he will do if his friends would teach him?He will hold his peace.
656:26nqc2What does Job say his friends plan to do with his words?They plan to ignore his words, and to treat them like the wind.
666:29x0o1Why does Job say his friends should relent in their attacks on him?Jobs cause is just.
677:2-3lfpyTo what does Job compare his months of misery and trouble-filled nights?He compares them to a slave desiring the evening, or a hired man looking for his wages?
687:5cnleWhat covers Jobs flesh?Worms and clods of dust cover his flesh.
697:6wrxcWhat image does Job use to describe the speed of his days?His days are swifter than a weavers shuttle.
707:9gil6To what does Job compare the man who goes down to sheol?He is like a cloud that is consumed and vanishes away.
717:11xxlmIn what way will Job speak and complain?He will speak in the anguish of his spirit and complain in the bitterness of his soul.
727:14dutmWhat does God do to Job when Job goes to bed?God scares him with dreams and terrifies him through visions.
737:16vccpWhy did Job want God to leave him alone?Job said his days are useless.
747:19xbywWhat does Job ask God to let him alone long enough to do?He asks to be left alone long enough to swallow his own saliva.
757:21c7ljWhat does Job think God will not do?Job thinks God will not pardon his transgression and take away his iniquity.
768:2nx2mTo what did Bildad compare the words of Jobs mouth?He compared them to a mighty wind.
778:4qz1uHow did Bildad say he knew that Jobs children sinned?He said he knew this because God had handed Jobs children over to their sin.
788:6cuc2How does Bildad say that God would bless Job if he was pure and upright?He would reward Job with a home that truly belonged to him.
798:9vi3zTo what does Bildad compare our days on earth?He says they are a shadow.
808:11wzysWhat do papyrus and reeds require in order to grow?Papyrus requires a marsh, and reeds need water to grow.
818:14xoscTo what does Bildad compare the trust of godless men?Their trust is as fragile as a spiders web.
828:17v8iuWhat do the roots do that represent a person that forgets God?His roots are wrapped around the heaps of stone and look for good places among the rocks.
838:20admmHow does God treat the innocent man and the evildoers differently?He will not cast away an innocent man, but will not take the hand of evildoers.
848:21svgqWith what will God fill the mouth and lips of the innocent man?He will fill his mouth with laughter and his lips with shouting.
859:3yb6yWhat would happen is a man tried to argue with God?The man could not answer God once in a thousand times.
869:5wh72What does God do to the mountains when he is angry?He removes the mountains without warning and overturns them.
879:8g8esWhat does God trample down?He tramples down and subdues the waves of the sea.
889:11j9c8Does Job see God when he passes by?God goes by him and Job does not see or perceive him.
899:15r12nEven if Job was righteous, how would he need to address God?Job could not answer him, but could only plead for mercy.
909:17i9mdWhy does Job believe God has multiple his wounds?Job believed God multiplied his wounds without cause.
919:20scdbIs it possible for Job to be righteous and perfect?No, even then, his mouth would condemn him and prove him guilty.
929:22v4d4Does Job think God treats righteous and wicked people differently?He says God destroys both perfect people and wicked people together.
939:26o9ouTo what three things does Job compare the speed of his days?They are swifter than a running messenger, they are as fast as reed boats, and as fast as the swooping eagle.
949:27-29i5y3Why did Job say it would be in vain to forget about his complaints?God would not consider him innocent, but Job would be condemned.
959:33k0gnWhat does Job say that no judge would be able to do?No judge could lay his hand on both Job and God.
969:34qyx1What does Job say no other judge could do?There is no other judge who can take Gods rod from Job, or keep Gods terror from frightening Job.
9710:2ofkrWhy does Job want God to show him, instead of merely condemning him?He wants God to show Job why he accuses him.
9810:4v9lmWhat kind of eyes does Job ask God if he has?Job asks him if he has eyes of flesh and sees like a man sees.
9910:6y8p9What does Job say that God inquires and searches after?God inquires after Jobs iniquity and searches after his sin.
10010:8y0uyWhat had Gods hands done for Job?They had framed and fashioned Job, together round about.
10110:11yabfWith what did God clothe Job?He clothed him with skin and flesh.
10210:12ekfyWhat has God granted to Job?God granted him life and covenant faithfulness.
10310:14env2What would God do if Job sinned?God will notice his sin, and not acquit him of his iniquity.
10410:16c10rWhat would God do to Job if Jobs head were lifted up?God would hunt him down like a lion.
10510:17e8gkWho does God bring against Job?God brings new witnesses against him.
10610:18jl22What does Job wish had happened to him?He wishes he had given up his spirit and that no eye had ever seen him.
10710:21gwepWhere is Job going, from which he will not return?He is going to the land of darkness and to the shadow of death.
10811:3nujlWhat did Zophar think Job had done to their teaching?He thought Job had mocked his friends teaching.
10911:6m4mmWhat does Zophar say that God has demanded from Job?He said God has demanded less from Job than his iniquity deserved.
11011:7-9s0pzDoes Zophar think that Job could possibly understand God?Zophar thinks that it is impossible because God is high as the heaven, deeper than sheol, longer than the earth, and wider than the sea.
11111:10-11ogc9Does Zophar think that it is possible for anyone to stop God?It is impossible to stop God because he knows false people and notices iniquity.
11211:12xomzWhen does Zophar say foolish people will have understanding?They will have understanding when a wild donkey gives birth to a man.
11311:16zlrdWhat does Zophar say would happen to Jobs misery if he truly put away his iniquity?Job would forget his misery and remember it only like waters that have flowed away.
11411:18l180Why would Job be secure if he put away his iniquity?He would be secure because there would be hope.
11511:20oh1tWhat does Zophar say is the only hope of wicked people?Their only hope will be a last gasp of life.
11612:3px1rHow does Job compare himself to his friends?He says he also has understanding and is not inferior to them.
11712:4ic9nWhat do Jobs neighbors think of him now?They laugh at him.
11812:7-8wotwWho does Job think could teach his friends?The beasts, the birds, the earth, and the fish of the sea could teach his friends.
11912:9geaxWhat do all of the animals know?They know that the hand of Yayweh has given them life.
12012:12p9v4What does Job say about aged men and understanding?Aged men have wisdom, and in length of days is understanding.
12112:15vrj8What does God do with the waters?He with holds them and they dry up, and he sends them out and they overwhelm the land.
12212:18q9mxWhat does God take from kings?He takes off the chain of authority from them.
12312:20tjrzWhat does Job say about God does to the trustworthy and the elders?He removes the speech of the trustworthy, and takes away the understanding of elders.
12412:23ln5aWhat does Job say about God does to nations?He makes them strong or destroys them, and enlarges them or leads them along as prisoners.
12512:24q7xfWhat happens to the leaders of the people of the earth when God takes away their understanding?He causes them them to wander in a wilderness where there is no path.
12613:2eub2How does Job say his knowledge compares to that of his friends?Job says that he know the same as they know, and he is not inferior to them.
12713:3la0eWho would Job like to talk to instead of his friends and why?He would rather speak to the Almighty because Job wants to reason with God.
12813:5e0u5What does Job say his friends do with truth?They whitewash the truth with lies.
12913:6irsuWhat does Job want his friends to hear?He wants them to listen to the pleading of his lips.
13013:10y84hWould God approval if Jobs friends showed favoritism to God?No, he would reprove them if they showed favoritism to him.
13113:12ut7xWhat does Job think about his friends sayings and defenses?He says their sayings are proverbs made of ashes, and their defenses are made of clay.
13213:13dwj3What does Job ask his friends to do so that he may speak?Job asks them to hold their peace and let him alone.
13313:16e8l8Why does Job think that he would be acquitted?He does not come before God like a godless man.
13413:18of2tWhat has Job set in order?He has set his defense in order.
13513:21etxuWhat does Job want God to withdraw from him?Job wants God to withdraw his oppressive hand from Job.
13613:24ls3cWho does God treat Job like?He treats Job like his enemy.
13713:28espvWhat useless things does Job say he is like?He is like a rotten thing that wastes away, like a garment that moths have eaten.
13814:2m7cfHow does Job say man is like a flower?Man sprouts from the ground like a flower, and is cut down.
13914:5tdsuWho decides the lifespan of man?God has determined his days and the number of his months.
14014:7jo3eWhat does Job say about a tree that has been cut down?There can be hope for a tree that has been cut down, for it can sprout again.
14114:12ululDoes Job say a man can live again?He says that that people do not rise up again, and will not be roused out of their sleep.
14214:13f19fWhere does Job wish would God would hide him?Job wants God to hide him away in sheol away from troubles.
14314:17rsc2How would God treat Jobs transgression and iniquity if Gods wrath was finished?God would seal up Jobs transgression in a bag, and cover up Jobs iniquity.
14414:19lmxgWhat amazing thing can water do over time?It can wear down the stones.
14514:20fd9jHow does it affect a dead man if his sons are honored or brought low?If they come to honor, he does not know it, and if they are brought low, he does not see it happen.
14615:2wgu4With what should a wise man not fill himself?He should not fill himself with the east wind.
14715:4o13oHow does Eliphaz think that Jobs statements dishonored God?He thinks Job diminishes respect for God, and obstructs devotion to him.
14815:9q7bjDoes Eliphaz think that Job knows something that the other friends do not know?He does not thing that Job knows what they do not know, or that he understands what is not also in them.
14915:10qaynWhich people does Eliphaz say agree with Jobs friends?The gray-headed and very aged men who are older than Jobs father are with Eliphaz and his friends.
15015:13x0d5What does Eliphaz think Jobs spirit has done?He thinks Jobs has turned his spirit against God.
15115:15g8mcHow does God view his holy ones and the heavens?He puts no trust even in his holy ones, and the heavens are not clean in his sight.
15215:17-18l347From whom did Eliphaz get the things he will announce to Job?The things he has seen are things that wise men passed down from their fathers, and things that ancestors did not hide.
15315:21aroxWhen will they destroyer come upon the wicked man?The destroyer will come upon him while he is in his prosperity.
15415:22pxw9What waits for the wicked man?The sword waits for the wicked man.
15515:26dbhiWith what does the wicked man run against God?He runs at God with a stiff neck and a thick shield.
15615:28pc4zWhat will happen to the cities and houses of the wicked man?They are ready to become heaps.
15715:30mmw4What will cause the wicked to go away?He will go away at the breath of Gods mouth.
15815:31zyxwWhat reward will the wicked man have for trusting in useless things?Uselessness will be his reward.
15915:34col8What will happen to the company of godless people?It will be barren, and fire will consume their tents of bribery.
16016:2-3m93hWhat did Job say about the comfort of his friends?Job said they were miserable comforters using useless words.
16116:6izwwHow does Jobs speaking affect his grief?If he speaks, his grief is not lessened, and if he keeps from speaking, his is not helped.
16216:10nq73How are other people treating Job as God attacks him?They gape at Job with open mouth, hit him reproachfully on the cheek, and gather together against him.
16316:11mtxjTo whom has God given Job?God handed him over to ungodly, and threw him into the hands of wicked people.
16416:13bxbrHow has God injured Job?He has pierced Jobs kidneys and poured out his bile on the ground.
16516:15ctyxWhat has Job done to his skin to show his grief?He has sewn sackcloth on his skin.
16616:19af2lWho is Jobs witness and able to vouch for Job?Jobs witness is in heaven, and the one who is for him is on high.
16716:20cxe4Who does Job turn to as his friends scoff at him?Job pours out his tears to God.
16817:2lhq7What must Job always see?He must always see the provocation of the mockers who are with him.
16917:3r25kWhat pledge does Job want God to make to Job?He wants God to pledge to be a guarantee with himself for Job.
17017:5kyfyWhose evil deed will cause the eyes of his children to fail?The one who denounces his friends for a reward will cause the eyes of his children to fail.
17117:7x3dzWhat has happened to Jobs eye and his body because of sorrow?His eye is dim and all his body parts are as thin as shadows.
17217:10lztzDoes Job think that he can find a wise man among his friends?Job does knows that he will not find a wise man among them.
17317:11cqy9Does Job have plans for the future?Jobs plans are over, as are the wishes of his heart.
17417:14qstmWhat has become Jobs father, mother, and sister?The pit has become his father, and the worm is his mother and sister.
17518:3wcroHow did Bildad think Job viewed his friends?Bildad thought Job regarded them as beasts, and thought they were stupid.
17618:5nlwzWhat will happen to the light of the wicked person?His light will be put out, and the spark of his fire will not shine.
17718:8pdbmWhat will throw the wicked man into a net?He will be thrown into a net by his own feet, and he will walk into a pitfall.
17818:9-10xswrWhat will catch the wicked man?He will be caught by a trap, a snare, and a noose.
17918:12i8f2What will happen to the wealth of the wicked man?His wealth turn into hunger.
18018:14teugWhere will the wicked man no longer live?He will be torn out of his tent, his home in which he now trusts.
18118:16tyc5What image does Bildad use to describe what will happen to the wicked man?He describes the wicked man as a tree whose roots will dry up beneath the ground, and whose branch will be cut off above.
18218:19xy7kWill the wicked man have any descendants?He will have no son or sons son among his people, nor any remaining kinfolk where he had stayed.
18318:20j9bwHow do the people respond to what happens to the wicked man?The people who live in the west will be horrified and the people who live in the east will be frightened.
18419:2ejtcInto what does Job say his friends have broken him?Job says they have broken him into pieces of wood.
18519:3hoz6How many times have Jobs friends reproached him?They have reproached him ten times.
18619:4skg2Whose concern should it be if Job had erred?Job says the error should be his own concern.
18719:6t2plHow does Job say God has treated him?Job says God has dome wrong to Job and caught him in Gods net.
18819:7v63qWhat happens when Job calls out for help because he has been wronged?He is not heard and there is no justice.
18919:11kwmlHow has God regarded Job?He has regarded Job as one of his adversaries.
19019:13-14ib0jWhat has happened to all of Jobs family and friends?God has put his brothers far from him, his acquaintances are alienated, his kinsfolk fail him, and his close friends have forgotten him.
19119:16ih4aHow does Jobs servant respond to Job when he calls him?His servant him gives me no answer although he entreats him with his mouth.
19219:19n676What have those whom Job loves responded to him?Those whom he loves have turned against him.
19319:20unhrHow does Job survive?He survives only by the skin of his teeth.
19419:23-24h5q7What does Job want to happen to his words?He wants them to be written down and inscribed in a book, or engraved with pen and lead in the rock forever.
19519:25weroWhat does Job say he knows?He knows that his Redeemer lives, and that at last his Redeemer will stand on the earth.
19619:26bqkhWhat does Job say will happen when his body is destroyed?Job in his flesh will see God.
19719:29bf1gWhat does wrath bring?Wrath brings the punishment of the sword.
19820:1-3w6hjWhy did Zophar answer Job quickly?He answered Job quickly because of his worry and that there is a spirit beyond his understanding that answers him. He has heard Jobs rebuke and says it puts him to shame.
19920:5b86bHow long does the joy of a godless man last?The joy of the godless only lasts for a moment.
20020:7rj9rHow will the wicked man perish?He will perish permanently like his own feces.
20120:8fjufHow will the wicked man go away?He will fly away like a dream, and be chased away like a vision of the night.
20220:10mwiqWhat will the wicked mans children do?His children will apologize to poor people.
20320:14fxlbWhat happens to wickedness inside the wicked man?It will cause the food in his intestines to turn bitter, and will becomes like the poison of asps inside him.
20420:15gz9dWhat will happen to the riches that the wicked man swallows down?He will vomit them up again.
20520:17n051What will the wicked man not live to enjoy?He will not live to enjoy looking on rivers and flowing streams of honey and butter.
20620:19gjgfWhy will the wicked man not rejoice?He has oppressed and neglected the poor people, and has violently taken away houses that he did not build.
20720:21um7hWhy will the prosperity of the wicked man not be permanent?It will not be permanent because there is nothing left that he did not devour.
20820:23p319What will God do to the wicked man who is about to fill his belly?God will rain down the fierceness of his wrath on him while he is eating.
20920:24jhhnWhat will happen when the wicked man flees from the iron weapon?A bow of bronze will shoot him.
21020:27vshrWhat will the heavens and the earth do against the wicked man?The heavens will reveal his iniquity and the earth will be a witness against him.
21120:28inykWhat will happen to the wicked man on the day of Gods wrath?The wealth of his house will vanish and his goods will flow away.
21221:3nt18What does Job think his friends will do after he has spoken?He thinks they will continue to mock him.
21321:5eedoHow will people respond when they look at Job?They will be astonished and lay their hands upon their mouths.
21421:6bhbgWhat happens to Job when he thinks about his sufferings?He is troubled and horror takes hold of his flesh.
21521:7eb64What does Job ask about wicked people?Job asks why do they continue to live, become old, and grow mighty in power?
21621:10j8b3What happens to the bull and the cow of the wicked?The bull doesnt fail to breed and the cow doesnt lose her calf prematurely.
21721:14d67gWhat do the wicked say to God?They tell God to depart from them, for they do not wish any knowledge of his ways.
21821:16qw9kHow does Job respond to the advice of wicked people?He has nothing to do with their advice.
21921:19pcy7Who does Job want to pay for the guilt of the wicked person?Job wants the wicked person to pay for his guilt, and not his children, so that he would know his guilt.
22021:22hd5uCan anyone teach God knowledge?No, for he judges even those who are high.
22121:26gu9dWhat happens to both the man who dies in full strength and the one who dies in bitterness of soul?They both lie down alike in the dust and the worms cover them both.
22221:27pl07What does Job know about his friends thoughts and ways?He knows their thoughts and the ways in which they wish to wrong him.
22321:30tilwWhat have traveling people seen happen to the wicked man?They have seen that the wicked man is kept from the day of calamity, and that he is led away from the day of wrath.
22421:32d7nyWhat will men do for the tomb of the wicked man?Men will keep watch over his tomb.
22521:34tedbWith what does Job say Zophar was trying to comfort him?Job says Zophar was comforting him with nonsense.
22622:3sm10What does Eliphaz ask Job if his righteousness can do for the Almighty?He asks if it brings any pleasure to the Almighty if Job is righteous.
22722:4fyeeHow does Eliphaz mock Jobs reverence for God?He mockingly says that because Job was reverent to God, he rebukes Job.
22822:6byafWhat does Eliphaz accuse Job of doing to the naked?He says that Job has stripped the naked of their clothing.
22922:9n55vWhat does Eliphaz accuse Job of doing to widows?He claims Job has sent widows away empty.
23022:11phk4What does Eliphaz say the darkness has done to Job?He says that there is darkness, so that Job cannot see.
23122:14k3nuWhat does Eliphaz claim Job says about God not seeing people?Job says, “Thick clouds are a covering to God, so that he does not see people.”
23222:16mv6dWhat happens to the foundations of wicked men?The wicked mens foundations have washed away like a river.
23322:19qkpsHow do the righteous act when they see the fate of the wicked?The righteous see their fate and are glad.
23422:21stfwWhat will happen if Job is at peace with God?If Job is at peace with God, good will come to him.
23522:23bwm0What does Eliphaz say will happen if Job returns to the Almighty?If Job returns to the Almighty, he will be built up.
23622:26ly5iWhat will happen when Job takes pleasure in the Almighty?When Job takes pleasure in the Almighty, he will lift up his face to God.
23722:29h9s1What does God do to the proud?God humbles the proud.
23823:2f8ahWhat does Job say is heaveir than his groaning?Job said that his suffering is heavier than his groaning.
23923:4om1eWhat would Job do before God if he could find him?He would lay his case in order before God and fill his mouth with arguments.
24023:6yt73Does Job think God would against him in the greatness of Gods power if he could stand before him?No, he thinks God would pay attention to him.
24123:9vxyoWhat does Job say God is doing in the south?Job says in the south, God hides himself so that Job cannot see him.
24223:10dtegWhat result does Job expect from Gods testing him?When God has tested Job, he will come out like gold.
24323:12xlbfWhat has Job done with the words of Gods mouth?Job has treasured up in his heart the words of Gods mouth.
24423:14vac7What does God carry out for Job?God carries out his decrees for Job.
24523:15efalHow does Job feel when he thinks about God?When Job thinks about him, he is afraid of him.
24623:17fmgfWhat covers Jobs face?The thick darkness covers Jobs face.
24724:1io9xWhat times does Job think are not set by the Almighty?Job asks why times for judging the wicked are not set by the Almighty.
24824:3d9xwWhat do the wicked do to the donkey of the fatherless?They drive away the donkey of the fatherless.
24924:5g320What do the poor hope the Arabah will provide?They hope the Arabah will provide them food for their children.
25024:7agapWhat do the poor lack in the cold?They have no covering in the cold.
25124:8q42vWhat do the poor embrace for lack of shelter?They embrace a rock for lack of shelter.
25224:10nr0jWhat do the poor do for others even though they go hungry?Even though they go hungry, they carry others sheaves of grain.
25324:11hidcWhat do the poor do for others even though they suffer thirst?They tread the wicked mens winepresses, but they suffer thirst.
25424:14np48What is the murderer like in the night?In the night, the muderer is like a thief.
25524:16x8xnWhy do the wicked shut themselves up in daytime?The wicked do not care for the light.
25624:17y487With what terrors are the wicked comfortable?They are comfortable with the terrors of the thick darkness.
25724:19adbmWho does sheol consume?Sheol consumes those who have sinned.
25824:21dvtwWho does the wicked one devour?The wicked one devours the barren women who have not born children.
25924:22bs9mWho does God drag away?God drags away the mighty by his power.
26024:24tzrnWhat will happen to the mighty in a little while?In only a little while, the mighty will be gone.
26125:2elymWhere does God make order?God makes order in his high places of heaven.
26225:4ho3bOf whom does Bildad ask can they be clean and acceptable to God?He asks if one who is born of a woman can be clean and acceptable to God.
26325:6p412To what does Bildad compare a son of man?He says that a son of man is a worm.
26426:4i67hHow does Job think Bildads spoke his own words?No, Job wants to know who helped Bildad speak his words.
26526:6lebhWhat has no covering before God?Destruction itself has no covering against God.
26626:8woe6Where does God bind up the waters?He binds up the waters in his thick clouds.
26726:9litlWhat does God spread on the face of the moon?He encloses the face of the moon and spreads his clouds on it.
26826:12f3rkWhat did God calm with his power?He calmed the sea with his power.
26926:13lfcoBy what did God clear the heavens of storms?By his breath, he cleared the heavens of storms.
27026:14qaquWhat measure of Gods voice do we hear?We hear but a small whisper of him.
27127:2vuedWhat does Job say God has taken away from him?God has taken away his justice.
27227:4phksWhat does Job vow his lips will not speak?Job vows that surely his lips will not speak unrighteousness.
27327:6extoHow long will Jobs thoughts not reproach him?His thoughts will not reproach him so long as he lives.
27427:8oehrWhat does Job say God does when he cuts off a godless mans life?When God cuts off his life, God takes away his soul.
27527:11mjnmWhat does Job say he will not conceal of the Almighty?Job said that he would not conceal the thoughts of the Almighty.
27627:14wszuOf what will the wicked mans offspring not have enough?His offspring will never have enough food.
27727:15e9kvWhat will the wicked mans widow not do for him?His widow will make no lament for him.
27827:17v2qnWhat will happen to the silver of the wicked man?The innocent will divide up his silver among themselves.
27927:19c148What does the wicked man see when he opens his eyes after he lies down rich?He opens his eyes, and everything is gone.
28027:21v7bwWhat does the east wind do as it carries the wicked man away?The east wind carries him away, and it sweeps him out of his place.
28127:22r83pWhat does the wicked man try to do when the east wind does not stop?He tries to flee out of its hand.
28228:2znmnFrom where is copper smelted?Copper is smelted out of the stone.
28328:3s6iqWhat does man search out to the farthest limit?Man searches out, to the farthest limit, the stones in obscurity and thick darkness.
28428:4rwwgWhere does man break open a shaft?He breaks open a shaft away from where people live.
28528:6gri2What is contained in the dust of the earth?The earths dust contains gold.
28628:8m5ltWhat has not walked through the path of mans shaft?The proud animals have not walked such a path, nor has the fierce lion passed there.
28728:10byeqWhat does man see in the channels he cuts among the rocks?His eye sees every valuable thing there.
28828:13ils4Where are wisdom and understanding not found?Both of these are not found in the land of the living.
28928:17c862What cannot equal the worth of wisdom and understanding?Gold and crystal cannot equal both of these in worth.
29028:18ps1fThe price of wisdom is more than what jewel?The price of wisdom is more than rubies.
29128:21kv2gFrom whose eyes is wisdom hidden?Wisdom is hidden from the eyes of all living things.
29228:23yg4hWho knows wisdoms place?God understands the way to wisdom and he knows its place.
29328:25qh62What did God parcel out by measure?He parceled out the waters by measure.
29428:26a7wmFor what did God make a decree?He made a decree for the rain.
29528:28ur9oWhat did God tell people is wisdom?To people God said, “See, the fear of the Lord—that is wisdom.”
29629:2a92xDoes Job recall a time when God cared for him?Job remembers that in the past months God had cared for him.
29729:4fro6What was on Jobs tent in the ripeness of his days?Job remembers the ripeness of his days, when the friendship of God was on his tent.
29829:6p2njWhat had the rock poured out for Job in the past?When the almighty was with Job, the rock poured out for him streams of oil.
29929:8ohfnHow did the young men show respect for Job in the city square?They saw Job and kept their distance from him in respect.
30029:9bjosWhat did the princes do in the past when Job came?They used to refrain from talking when he came.
30129:10qwxuWhat happened to the tongue of the noblemen when Job came?Their tongue clung to the roof of their mouths.
30229:11ojr3What would the noblemen do after their eyes saw Job?They would then give witness to Job and approve of him.
30329:13fvipWhat did Job cause the widows heart to do?He caused her heart to sing for joy.
30429:16x6l7What had Job done even for the person he did not know?He would examine the case even of one whom he did not know.
30529:17y7tdWho would Job pluck from the teeth of the unrighteous?He plucked the victim out from between the teeth of the unrighteous.
30629:20j9soWhat does Job say is always new in his hand?The bow of his strength is always new in his hand.
30729:23hoaxWhat did men wait to drink in like rain from Job?They opened their mouth wide to drink in his words as they would for the latter rain.
30829:25vb6zTo what does Job compare himself at a funeral?He say that he is like one who comforts mourners at a funeral.
30930:1bwsyWho has nothing but mockery for Job?Those who are younger than Job have nothing but mockery for him.
31030:3ldlbWhat made the young mens fathers thin?They were thin from poverty and hunger.
31130:5a43iFrom where were the young mens fathers driven out?Their fathers were driven out from among people.
31230:8gnm6Of whom does Job say the young mens fathers are descendants.Job says that they were descendants of fools, indeed, of worthless men.
31330:9fu2qWhat had Job become for the sons of the worthless men?Job had become their subject for a song of mockery.
31430:11w7pdWhat do the people now lose in front of Job?These people lose all self-control in front of him.
31530:13gp7cWhy are the men able to push forward disaster for Job?They push forward disaster for him, for they have no one to hold them back.
31630:15c7oxWhat does Job say is driven away by the wind?His honor is driven away as if by the wind.
31730:16wxv3What has laid hold of Job as his life is pouring out within him?Many days of suffering have laid hold on him.
31830:18yep8What does Job say has seized his clothing?Gods great force has seized my clothing.
31930:21peorHow does Job say God persecutes him as he has changed and become cruel?God has changed and become cruel to him; with the power of his hand God persecutes him.
32030:23s4bbWhat does Job know is destined for all living things?He knows that God will bring him to death, to the house destined for all living things.
32130:26b6rzWhat came when Job waited for light?When he waited for light, darkness came instead.
32230:28xdbdWhere did Job stand to call for help?He stood up in the assembly and cried for help.
32330:31rovsFor what kind of music does Job say his harp is tuned?Job says that his harp is tuned for songs of mourning.
32431:1w3xsWhat desire does Job say is subdued by a covenant with his eyes?Job has made a covenant with his eyes to not look with desire on a virgin.
32531:3pzcbFor whom did Job use to think calamity was reserved?Job used to think that calamity was for the unrighteous.
32631:6vpv1What does Job ask to be done so that God would know his integrity?He asks to be weighed in an even balance, so that God would know his integrity.
32731:8c60pWhat does Job ask to happen to the harvest, if he has turned out of the right way?He says to let the harvest be uprooted out of his field.
32831:10d1ptWhat does Job say should be the judgement if he was attracted to another woman?Job says to let his wife grind grain for another man.
32931:12clkaWhat kind of fire does Job say this crime is like?Job says that it is a fire that consumes everything for sheol.
33031:15ns1yWhat did God do for both the servants and for Job?God made and molded them all in the womb.
33131:18jxdrHow does Job say he has treated the orphan from his youth?He says the orphan grew up with him as with a father.
33231:20ywdtWhat should be offered to warm the needy with no clothing?They should have been warmed with the wool of his sheep.
33331:22pjiaWhat part of his body does Job say should come off if he has failed to have compassion?Job says to let his shoulder fall from the shoulder blade.
33431:24rqolWhat could people say to fine gold?They could say to fine gold, “You are my confidence.”
33531:28mow1Who would Job be denying if he worshipped the sun or moon?If he worshiped them he would have denied the God who is above.
33631:30fr0dHow has Job not suffered his mouth to sin?Job has not suffered his mouth to sin by asking for the life of those who hate him with a curse.
33731:32syrzWhat had Job always done for the traveler?He had always opened his doors to the traveler.
33831:33c7e1How does Job say mankind has hidden his sins?He has hidden his sins by hiding his guilt inside his tunic.
33931:35v6m3What does Job want to have that his opponent has written?Job desired the indictment that his opponent had written.
34031:37u7nsHow would Job go up to his opponent if he had their indictment?He would go up to him as a confident prince.
34131:40d29sIf Job has caused landowners to lose their lives, what does he call to grow instead of crops?Job said to let thorns grow instead of wheat and weeds instead of barley.
34232:1pbe9What did Jobs three friends do when they could not convince Job that he had done anything wrong?They stopped answering Job.
34332:2jtb6What emotion was kindled in Elihu when Job continued to justify himself rather than God?Elihus anger was kindled against Job.
34432:3-5w817Why was Elihus anger kindled against Jobs three friends?He was angry with Jobs friends because they had found no answer to Job and yet they had condemned Job.
34532:6-7j24iWhy was Elihu timid and afraid to tell Job and his friends what he was thinking?Elihu was young and the others were all very old and should be able to teach wisdom.
34632:8plorWho does Elihu say gives understanding to man?The breath of the Almighty gives man understanding.
34732:9-10bt75Why does Elihu say the others should listen to him and allow him to declare what he knows?It is not only the great who are wise, and it not the aged alone who understand justice.
34832:11-12x1psWhat were Jobs friends not able to do even though Elihu waited for them to speak, and paid attention carefully?Jobs friends were not able to convince Job or respond to his words.
34932:13el4jWho does Elihu say must refute Job when the three friends, who thought they were wise, were not able to do that?It is God who must refute Job.
35032:15-16ybm1What does Elihu decide to do because the three friends were dumbfounded and could not answer Job?Elihu decided that because the friends had not a word more to say, he will not wait any longer.
35132:18pt8bWhat is it that compels Elihu to share his knowledge with Job?The spirit compels Elihu to share his knowledge.
35232:19mzf2What does Elihu say he is feeling like within his breast?He says his breast feels like wine in new wineskins that are ready to burst.
35332:21-22o0zrWhat does Elihu say his Maker would do to him if he were to speak and give honorific titles to any man?Elihu says that his Maker would soon take him away.
35433:1-3k8qbWhy does Elihu beg Job to listen to the words he will speak?Elihu begs Job to listen because he will speak the uprightness of his heart.
35533:4lvqhWho has made Elihu and what has given him life?The Spirit of God made Elihu and the Almighty gave him life.
35633:5acx7What does Elihu ask Job to do if Job could answer Elihu?He asks Job to set his words in order and stand up before Elihu.
35733:6-7i4whWhat reason does Elihu give that Job should not be afraid of him or feel pressure from Elihu?Elihu tells Job that they are the same in Gods sight and were both formed out of the clay.
35833:8-9ipayWhat had Elihu heard Job saying?Elihu heard Job saying that he was clean, without transgression, innocent and there was no sin in him.
35933:10v9z1Who does Job blame for finding opportunities to attack him, and for regarding him as an enemy?Job blames God for doing these things.
36033:12iqbeHow does Elihu say God compares to man?Elihu says God is greater than man.
36133:13ltnrWhy does Elihu say it is useless to struggle against God?God does not have to account for any of his doings.
36233:14-15n8iaHow does Elihu say that God speaks to man?God speaks in a dream and in a vision during the night while men are sleeping.
36333:16-17ixu1Why does God open the ears of men and frighten them with threats?God does this in order to pull man back from sinful purposes and keep pride from him.
36433:19-20nbaeWhat does Elihu say is the reason that man has pain on his bed, agony in his bones, and no desire for food or delicacies?Elihu says that this is because man is being punished.
36533:21-22cz5dWhat does Elihu say happens to a man who is being punished by God?A mans flesh is consumed, his bones stick out and his soul draws close to the pit.
36633:24vc30What could an angel mediator say to God to save a person from going down to the pit?The angel could ay to God, “I have found a ransom for him.”
36733:25rlyxWhat will happen to the flesh of the person who is saved from going down to the pit?His flesh will become fresher than a childs.
36833:28wfclWhat will happen to the life of a person who admits his sin and is rescued from the pit by God?That persons life will continue to see light.
36933:29-30q709Why does Elihu say that God rescues a person from the pit?God does this so that a person may be enlightened with the light of life.
37033:33h1jcWhat does Elihu want to teach Job if Job will pay attention and listen to him and remain silent?Elihu wants to teach Job wisdom.
37134:1-3v0i1Who does Elihu want to listen to his words and hear him?Elhu wants the wise men and those who have knowledge to listen to him.
37234:4gorqWhat does Elihu want others to choose and discover for themselves?Elihu wants them to choose what is just and discover what is good.
37334:5qlkzWhat does Job say that God has taken away from him even though he is without sin and what is incurable?Job says that God has taken away his rights.
37434:8ykyuIn whose company does Elihu say Job goes around?He says Job goes around in the company of those who do evil.
37534:10-12g1h2What does Elihu tell the men of understanding that God does not do?God does not do wickedness, commit sin, or pervert justice.
37634:13-15zq9wWhat does Elihu say would happen if God ever gathered back to himself his spirit and his breath?All flesh would perish and mankind would return to dust again.
37734:17xc6gWho does Elihus question imply that Job is condemning?He implies Job is condemning God who is righteous and mighty.
37834:19h123Who does Elihu say are the works of Gods hands?Leaders, rich and poor, are all the work of Gods hands.
37934:21gof1What does Elihu say that God sees.Elihu says that God sees a persons ways and all his steps.
38034:25lsavWhat does God do in the night to mighty men whose ways and deeds he knows?God overthrows them in the night and they are destroyed.
38134:26e5u6What will God do to those who do wicked deeds like criminals and make the cry of the poor come to him?God will kill them in the open sight of others.
38234:29xdkkOver whom does God rule?God rules over the nation and the individual alike.
38334:31-32n716What is Elihu suggesting that Job should admit to God?Elihu suggests that Job should admit that he is guilty and has committed sin, but will do it no longer.
38434:34-35l0pwWhat will men of understanding say about Job?They will say that Job speaks without knowledge and wisdom.
38534:37nd9kWhat does Elihu say Job is adding to his sin because of his talking like wicked men?He says that Job is adding rebellion to his sin.
38635:1-2uantHow does Elihu imply Job compares himself to God?Elihu implies that Job thinks he is innocent, and that he is more righteous than God.
38735:5ny42What does Elihu tell Job and his friends to look up and see?Elihu tells them to look up and see the sky.
38835:8slwjWhat effect could Jobs wickedness or his rightousness have on another man?Jobs wickedness could hurt a man and his righteousness could benefit another son of man.
38935:9iqe5Why do people cry out for help from the arms of mighty men?They cry out for help because of the many acts of oppression.
39035:10-11jx50What things does Elihu say that God can do for people even though no one acknowledges it?God gives songs in the night, teaches us, and makes us wise.
39135:12v5ttWhy does Elihu say that God does not give an answer when people cry out to him?Elihu says that God does not give an answer when people cry out because of the pride of evil men.
39235:13nvorWhat will God certainly not hear?He will certainly not hear a foolish cry.
39335:16pec7What does Elihu accuse Job of doing when Job opens his mouth?He says Job opens his mouth to speak foolishness and to pile up words without knowledge.
39436:3aq6bTo whom does Elihu acknowledge that righteousness belongs?Elihu acknowledges that righteousness belongs to his Maker.
39536:6hj6zWhat does God do for those who those who suffer?He does what is right for those who suffer.
39636:7gyz8What does God do for the righteous?He sets them on thrones like kings forever, and they are lifted up.
39736:9kf9nWhat does God reveal to those who are bound in chains and trapped in cords of suffering?He reveals to them what they have done, their transgressions, and how they behaved arrogantly.
39836:11n7r7What will happen to listen to God and worship him?They will spend their days in prosperity and their years in contentment.
39936:12ysvnWhat will happen to the people who do not listen to God?They will perish by the sword and die because they have no knowledge.
40036:14gm33What does the godless person who stores up anger and does not cry out to God for help?They will die in their youth and their lives will end in disgrace.
40136:15-16vklyHow does Elihu say God uses affliction and oppression?God uses affliction to rescue the afflicted and oppression to open their ears.
40236:16o8j4What does Elihu say that God would like to do for Job?God would like to draw Job out of his distress into a broad place where there is no hardship.
40336:17ulbkWhat has filled Job?He is full of the judgment on the wicked.
40436:18ym2aWhat things could lead Job to deception and turn him aside from justice?Wealth could lead Job to deception and a bribe could turn him aside from justice.
40536:19p8jcWhat things will not be able to help Job out of his distress?Jobs wealth and the force of his strength will not help him out of his distress.
40636:21mj63Why does Elihu say that Job is being tested by suffering?Job is being tested by suffering so that he will stay away from sinning.
40736:23zf5rWhat can no one say about God?No one can say that God has committed unrighteousness.
40836:26m0ifWhat is it about God that we cannot calculate?We cannot calculate the number of his years.
40936:27-28q0apHow does God cause rain to fall?He draws up the drops of water that distill as rain from his vapor, which the clouds pour down and drop in abundance on mankind.
41036:30-31z82aWhy does Elihu say that God spreads lightning and covers the sea with darkness?He spreads lightning around himself and covers the sea with darkness in order to feed people and give food in abundance.
41136:32-33cy47What tells people and cattle of the coming storm?The noise of the lightning bolts hitting their targets tells people and cattle of the coming storm.
41237:1-2qea5What makes Elihus heart tremble?The noise of Gods voice and the sound from his mouth causes Elihus heart to tremble.
41337:6s35jWhat does God tell the snow and the rain to do?HE tells the snow to fall to the earth, and the rain to become a great shower of rain.
41437:7t4znWhy does God stop the hand of every man from working?God stops them so that all people may see his deeds.
41537:8-9iivtFor what reason do the beasts go into hiding and stay in their dens?They hide and stay in their dens because of the storms that come.
41637:10hjlfWhat is given by the breath of God?By the breath of God ice is given.
41737:13euttFor what reasons does God give guidance to the clouds and cause them to do whatever he commands?He makes this happen sometimes for correction, sometimes for his land, and sometimes as acts of covenant faithfulness.
41837:14e5o6About what does Elihu want Job to stop and think?He wants Job to stop and think about Gods marvelous deeds.
41937:15jig1What happens when God forces his will on the clouds?God makes lightning bolts flash in the clouds.
42037:18mrz7What image does Elihu use to describe the sky?He says the sky is as strong as a mirror of cast metal.
42137:19rk1oWhy does Elihu say that he and others cannot lay out their arguments before God?They cannot lay out their arguments before God because of the darkness of their minds.
42237:21tad5What is it that people cannot look at when the sky is clear?People cannot look at the sun when it is bright in the sky.
42337:23xuazWhat does Elihu say that the Almighty does not do to his people?The Almighty does not oppress people.
42437:24t9wvTo whom does Elihu say that the Almighty does not pay attention?The Almighty does not pay attention to those who are wise in their own minds.
42538:1s062Out of what did Yahweh speak to Job?Yahweh spoke to Job out of a fierce storm.
42638:2y407By what means did someone bring darkness to Yahwehs plans?Job brought darkness to Yahwehs plans by means of words without knowledge.
42738:3t3lqWhat does Yahweh tell Job he must do when Yahweh questions him?Job must gird up his loins like a man and answer Yahwehs questions.
42838:6-7zxx2What sang together and who shouted for joy when Yahweh laid the cornerstone of the earth?The morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy when the cornerstone was laid.
42938:8slr0To what does Yahweh compare the sea bursting out after it was shut up with doors?God compares the sea bursting out of doors to coming out of the womb.
43038:10-11y3yyWhat did Yahweh put in place to mark out the boundary of the sea so that it could come only so far and no farther?Yahweh put in place bars and doors to mark a boundary for the sea.
43138:14x3r0How is the earth is changed in appearance like clay changes under a seal?The light of dawn changes the earth so that all things on it stand out clearly like the folds of a piece of clothing.
43238:19-21l104What does Yahweh say to mock Job about his lack of knowledge about the way to the resting place of light and darkness?Yahweh mocks Job by saying that undoubtedly Job should know about this because the number of Jobs days is so large.
43338:22-23nubiFor what reason does Yahweh say he has kept storehouses for the snow and the hail?Yahweh has kept these storehouses for times of trouble and for days of battle and war.
43438:25-27qs1vWhy does Yahweh cause it to rain on the wilderness in which there is no person?He causes it to rain in order to meet the needs of the barren and lonely regions and to make the tender grass sprout up.
43538:31t64dWhat does Yahweh asks Job if he can do to Pleiades and Orion?He asks Job if he can fasten chains on Pleiades or undo the cords of Orion.
43638:37-38ama6What happens to the dust and clods of earth when Yahweh pours out water on them?The dust runs into a hard mass and the clods of earth clump tightly together.
43738:40d5wbWhere do the young lion cubs wait for their food?They are crouch in their dens and shelter in hiding to lie in wait.
43838:41slcaWhy do the young ones of the ravens stagger about?They stagger about for lack of food.
43939:4vo2uWhat happens to the young deer after they grow up in the open fields?They go out and do not come back again.
44039:6nwasWhere has Yahweh made the home of the donkey?He has made his home in the Arabah, and his house in the salt land.
44139:8sk55Where does the wild donkey find food?He roams over the mountains where he looks for every green plant to eat.
44239:10eqaxWhat does Yahweh ask Job to make the wild ox do with a rope?He asks Job if with a rope, he can make the wild ox to plow the furrows or harrow the valleys for him.
44339:13qw9sWhat does the ostrich wave proudly?The wings of the ostrich wave proudly.
44439:14dlb8What does the ostrich do with her eggs?She leaves her eggs on the earth, and lets them keep warm in the dust.
44539:16z06iWhy does the ostrich not fear that her labor might have been in vain?Yahweh has deprived her of wisdom and not given her any understanding.
44639:18hrx7What does Yahweh say the ostrich does when she runs?She laughs in scorn at the horse and its rider.
44739:19ocbaWhat clothes the neck of the horse?A flowing mane clothes his neck.
44839:22zj74How does the horse react to the sword?He does not turn back from the sword.
44939:24f34xWhat can the horse not do at the sound of the trumpet?He cannot stand in one place.
45039:27-28svrvWhere does the eagle make his nest and his home?He makes his nest in high places, and his home on the peaks of the cliffs.
45140:4nwp3How did Job do to show that he was too insignificant to answer Yahweh?Job put his hand over his mouth.
45240:6pop7From what did Yahweh answer Job?Yahweh answered Job from out of a fierce storm.
45340:7ggmhWhat did Yahweh tell Job to do to prepare to answer Yahweh?He told Job to gird up his loins like a man.
45440:8d8kaWhy did Yahweh say that Job was condemning Yahweh?He said Job condemned Yahweh so that Job could claim he was right.
45540:10a17dWith what does Yahweh challenge Job to clothe himself?He challenges Job to cloth himself with glory, dignity, honor and majesty.
45640:12olvmWhat does Yahweh tell Job to do to the wicked people?Yahweh tells Job to trample them down where they stand.
45740:15rrmnWhat does the behemoth eat?He eats grass like an ox.
45840:17v1lhWhat is the tail of the behemoth like?His tail is like a cedar.
45940:19uhxqWho can defeat the behemoth?Only God can defeat the behemoth.
46040:21insrWhere does the behemoth lie?He lies under the lotus plants in the shelter of the reeds.
46140:23g6jxWhat does the behemoth think when the river floods and the Jordan surges?He does not tremble and he is confident.
46241:1pe8kWith what does Yahweh ask Job if he can draw out leviathan?Yahweh asks Job if he can draw out the leviathan with a fishhook.
46341:6dh9rWhat does Yahweh ask Job if the fishermen would do with leviathan?He asks Job if the fishermen would bargain for leviathan or divide him up to trade among the merchants.
46441:8ykfsWhat will happens if a person puts his hand on leviathan?It someone puts his hand on the leviathan just once, he will remember the battle and do it no more.
46541:10f79vSince no one is fierce enough to dare stir leviathan up, can anyone stand before Yahweh?No one dares to stir leviathan up, so there is no one who can stand before Yahweh.
46641:14w35oHow more does Yahweh describe leviathans mouth?He says it is the doors of his face that are ringed with his teeth, which are a terror.
46741:16kf2aHow close are the scales on the back of leviathan?One is so near to another that no air can come between them.
46841:18ejdqHow does Yahweh say leviathans eyes are like?His eyes are like eyelids of the morning.
46941:19cy5hWhat comes out of leviathans mouth?Out of leviathans mouth go burning torches, and sparks of fire leap out.
47041:20q5d4How is the smoke from leviathans nostrils like?It is like a boiling pot on a fire that has been fanned to be very hot.
47141:24tlorWhat is leviathans heart like?His heart is as hard as a lower millstone.
47241:25imieWhat do the gods do when leviathan raises himself up?They become afraid and draw back.
47341:26mce9What happens when a sword, spear, arrow or any pointed weapon strikes leviathan?They do nothing to him.
47441:27ph2xWhat does leviathan think of iron and bronze?He thinks of iron as if it were straw and bronze as if it were rotten.
47541:30vviwWhat kind of trail does leviathan leave?He leaves a spreading trail in the mud as if he were a threshing sledge.
47641:31vkrtWhat does he make the deep to do?He makes the deep to foam up like a boiling pot of water.
47741:33j49dWhy does leviathan have no equal on earth?He s has been made to live without fear.
47842:3dbzuWhat did Job acknowledge that he had spoken?He had spoken things that he did not understand, things too difficult for him to understand, which he did not know about.
47942:6dakcHow did Job respond to Yahweh after seeing him with his eye?Job despised himself and repented in dust and ashes.
48042:7lbonWhat did Yahweh say that Eliphaz and his two friends had done wrong?They had not said right things about Yahweh, as Job had done.
48142:8ajshWhat did Yahweh tell Eliphaz to give as an offering?He told Eliphaz to take seven bulls and seven rams to offer for themselves as a burnt offering.
48242:8p3zgWhose prayer did Yahweh say he would accept?Yahweh said he would accept Jobs prayer.
48342:10fjqgWhat happened after Job prayed for his friends?Yahweh restored his fortunes, and gave him twice of what he had possessed before.
48442:11o2dcWhat did every person give to Job when they came to comfort him?They each gave him a piece of silver and a ring of gold.
48542:12k73sHow did Yahweh bless Job at the end of his life?Yahweh blessed Job more than the first part of Jobs life.
48642:13b7ovHow many more sons and daughters did Yahweh give to Job?He had seven sons and three daughters.
48742:15txaxWhat was unique about Jobs daughters?There were no woman in the land as beautiful as Jobs daughters, and he gave them an inheritance with their brothers.