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21:1juipHow did Paul become an apostle of Christ?Paul became an apostle of Christ through the will of God.
31:2cu2eWhat does Paul say is his relationship with Timothy?Paul calls Timothy his “beloved child.”
41:4adurWhen Paul remembers Timothy in his prayers, what does Paul long to do?Paul longs to see Timothy.
51:5r3x0In Timothys family, who else had genuine faith before Timothy did?Timothys grandmother and mother both had genuine faith.
61:7yxacWhat kind of spirit did God give Timothy?God gave Timothy a spirit of power and love and discipline.
71:8ck21What does Paul tell Timothy not to do?Paul tells Timothy not to be ashamed of the testimony about the Lord.
81:8l3hpWhat does Paul tell Timothy to do?Paul tells Timothy to suffer for the gospel together with Paul.
91:9csquWhen was Gods plan and grace given to us?Gods plan and grace was given to us before eternal times.
101:10moktHow did God reveal his plan of salvation?Gods plan of salvation was revealed through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus.
111:10yuw0When Jesus appeared, what did he do regarding death, life, and immortality?Jesus put an end to death, and brought to light life and immortality through the gospel.
121:12pc5bWhat is Paul confident that God is able to do for him which makes Paul not ashamed of the gospel?Paul is persuaded that God is able to keep the deposit that Paul has entrusted to God until that day.
131:14q37cWhat is Timothy to do with the good deposit God has committed to him?Timothy is to guard through the Holy Spirit the good deposit God has committed to him.
141:15ap2iWhat did all of Pauls Asian companions do to him?All those in Asia turned away from Paul.
151:16pdcfWhy does Paul ask the Lord to grant mercy to the household of Onesiphorus?Paul asks the Lord to grant mercy to the household of Onesiphorus because Onesiphorus refreshed Paul and was not ashamed of Pauls chain.
161:17l6kyWhat did Onesiphorus do for Paul when Paul was in Rome?Onesiphorus diligently sought Paul in Rome and found him.
171:18dvlmWhat does Paul ask the Lord to grant to Onesiphorus?Paul asks the Lord to grant mercy to Onesiphorus.
182:1i2hnWhat is able to strengthen Timothy?The grace that is in Christ Jesus can strengthen Timothy.
192:2ngkdTo whom is Timothy to entrust the message Paul has taught him?Timothy is to entrust the message to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
202:4ai13As an illustration for Timothy, Paul says a good soldier does not entangle himself in what?A good soldier does not entangle himself in the affairs of life.
212:9e6wsAs he writes to Timothy, in what condition is Paul suffering for his preaching the word of God?Paul is suffering by being chained like a criminal.
222:9mcp7What does Paul say is not bound?The word of God is not bound.
232:10muxtWhy does Paul endure all these things?Paul endures all things for those chosen by God, that they may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus.
242:12sof7What is Christs promise to those who endure?Those who endure will reign with Christ.
252:12z7x8What is Christs warning to those who deny him?Those who deny Christ, Christ will deny.
262:14m99zAbout what should Timothy warn the people not to quarrel?Timothy should warn the people not to quarrel about words, which is useful for nothing.
272:18c1xaWhat false doctrine were the two men who wandered from the truth saying?They were saying that the resurrection had already happened.
282:21zgf4How are the believers to prepare themselves for every good work?The believers are to clean themselves from dishonorable use on order to be ready for every good work.
292:22zlbjFrom what is Timothy to flee?Timothy is to flee youthful lusts.
302:24qfn0What does Paul say that a servant of the Lord must be?A servant of the Lord must be patient, kind to all, and able to teach.
312:25cinrHow must a servant of the Lord treat those who oppose him?A servant of the Lord must educate in meekness those who oppose him.
322:26wwj0What has the devil done with unbelievers?The devil has trapped and captured the unbelievers for his will.
333:1as3zWhat does Paul say will come in the last days?Paul says difficult times will come in the last days.
343:2acgdIn the last days, what will people love instead of God?In the last days, people will love themselves and love money instead of God.
353:4enkkIn the last days, what other thing will people love instead of God?In the last days, people will love pleasure instead of God.
363:5ctcoWhat does Paul tell Timothy to do with those who have only a form of godliness?Paul tells Timothy to turn away from those who have only a form of godliness.
373:6voh1What do some of these ungodly men do?Some of these ungodly men enter households and captivate foolish women who are led away by various desires.
383:8rc0eHow are these ungodly men like Jannes and Jambres in the Old Testament?These ungodly men oppose the truth just as Jannes and Jambres did to Moses.
393:10ognlInstead of the false teachers, who has Timothy followed?Timothy has followed Paul.
403:11sw9aFrom what did the Lord rescue Paul?The Lord rescued Paul from all his persecutions and sufferings.
413:12ryy4What does Paul say will happen to all those who want to live in a godly manner?Paul says that all those who want to live in a godly manner will be persecuted.
423:13hov5Who will become worse in the last days?Evil people and imposters will become worse in the last days.
433:15vwq3From what time in Timothys life had he known the sacred writings?Timothy knew the sacred writings from childhood.
443:16jsbgHow did all the Scripture come into being?All Scripture is God-breathed.
453:16gikdFor what is all Scripture profitable?All Scripture is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.
463:17meseWhat is the purpose of training a person in the Scriptures?A person is trained in the Scriptures so that he is proficient, equipped for every good work.
474:1dkegWho is Jesus Christ going to judge?Jesus Christ will judge the living and the dead.
484:2csqnWhat did Paul solemnly command Timothy to do?Paul solemnly commanded Timothy to preach the Word.
494:3lcliPaul warned that the time will come when people will do what regarding doctrine?People will not endure sound teaching, but will listen to teachings that agree with their own desires.
504:5qnooWhat work and ministry had Timothy been given to do?Timothy had been given the work and ministry of an evangelist.
514:6ez3iWhat time in his life did Paul say had now come?Paul said that his time of departure had come.
524:8hop1What reward did Paul say all those who love Christs appearing will receive?Paul said that all those who love Christs appearing will receive the crown of righteousness.
534:10hz3rWhy did Pauls companion Demas leave him?Demas left Paul because he loved this present age.
544:11sz0vWho was the only companion of Paul to still be with him?Only Luke was still with Paul.
554:14jznkAccording to what did Paul said that the Lord would repay Alexander?Paul said that the Lord will repay Alexander according to his deeds.
564:16mw5uWhich people appeared with Paul at his first defense?At Pauls first defense, no one appeared with Paul.