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David Troidl 2012-06-21 07:59:58 -04:00
commit 5700a3fe29
1 changed files with 121 additions and 123 deletions

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@ -177,8 +177,7 @@ papa (cf. EWI §106a); also As. <foreign xml:lang="akk">bab</foreign> Jen ZAI886
<status p="31">base</status> <status p="31">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="aii"> <entry id="aii">
<bdb><w>אטט</w> Arab. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> <def>to emit a moaning</def> or <def>creaking <bdb><w>אטט</w> Arab. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> <def>to emit a moaning</def> or <def>creaking sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<xref twot="72"/> <xref twot="72"/>
<status p="31">base</status> <status p="31">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
@ -203,185 +202,184 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="38">base</status> <status p="38">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="ale"> <entry id="ale">
<bdb mod="I"><w>אלה</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb mod="I"><w>אלה</w> (assumed as √ of <w>אֵל</w>, (<w>אֱלוֹהַּ</w>) <w>אֱלֹהִים</w> <def>god, God</def>, but question intricate, &amp; conclusions dub. It is uncertain whether <w>אֵל</w> &amp; <w>אֱלֹהִים</w> are from the same √. Following are the chief theories: 1. a. Thes makes <w>אֵל</w> &amp; <w>אֱלֹהִים</w> distinct, and both really primitive, but associates <w>אֵל</w> in treatment with <w>אֵל</w> <def>strong</def>, Pt. of √<w>אול</w>; <def>strong</def>, acc. to Thes, being derived from mng. <def>be in front of</def>; (different order in Lex. Man., RobGes); b. <w>אֵל</w> &amp; <w>אֱלֹהִים</w> distinct; former fr. <w>אול</w> <def>strong</def>; latter pl. of <w>אֱלוֹהַּ</w> from √[<w>אלהּ</w>] = <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign>
<def>go to and fro</def> in perplexity or fear, hence <w>אֱלהַּ</w> <def>fear &amp; object of fear</def>, reverence, <def>revered one</def>; <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> = <w>פחד אל</w> <def>trepide confugere ad</def> <ref r="Hos.3.5">Ho 3:5</ref>; <w>אלהים</w> = <w>פחד</w> <ref r="Gen.31.42">Gn 31:42</ref> = <w>מוֹרָא</w> <ref r="Isa.8.13">Is 8:13</ref> DeGn 1887, 48 (cf. <foreign xml:lang="grc">σέβασμα</foreign>, postB.Heb. <w>יִרְאָה</w> NHWB; Aram. <w>דַּחֲלָא</w> CWB); so De following Fl in De Gn ed. 4. 51, cf. MV. 2. <w>אֵל</w> &amp; <w>אֱלֹהִים</w> possibly connected; <w>אֵל</w> = <def>leader, lord</def>, fr. √<w>אול</w> <def>be in front</def>; so Nö M8 Ak 1880, 760f; SB Ak 1882, 1175f. 3. a. <w>אֵל</w> &amp; <w>אֱלֹהִים</w> connected, &amp; both fr. a √<w>אלה</w> (= <w>אלהּ</w>) to which is assigned mng. <def>strong</def>; so Ew §146d. 178b (v. also Jahrbücher d. bibl. Wiss., x. 11, Bibl. Theol. ii. 330). b. <w>אֵל</w> fr. √<w>אלה</w> <def>strong</def> (not <w>אלהּ</w>), &amp; <w>אֱלֹהִים</w> expanded from <w>אֵל</w>, cf. pl. <w>אֲמָהוֹת</w>; fr. <w>אמה</w> etc.; so Di on <ref r="Gen.1.1">Gn 1:1</w>; he supports mng. <def>strong</def> by ref. to phrase <w>יֵשׁ לְאֵל יָדִי</w> <ref r="Gen.31.29">Gn 31:29</ref> al.; c. similarly, <w>אֵל</w>, being very early &amp; common Shemitic word, formed pl. <w>אלהים</w>, fr. which sing. <w>אֱלוֹהַּ</w> was afterwards inferred, Nes Theol. Stud. a. Württ. 1882. 243 (criticized by Nö SBA 1.c.). 4. <w>אֵל</w> (<w>אֱלוֹהַּ</w>, <w>אֱלֹהִים</w> disregarded) fr. √<w>אלה</w> <def>stretch out to, reach after</def> (cf. prep. <w>אֶל</w>, <w>אֱלִי</w>, also <w>אָלָה</w> <def>swear</def>), God as <def>the one whom men strive to reach</def>, 'das Ziel aller Menschensehnsucht und alles Menschenstrebens,' Lag Or. ii. 3; GN 1882. 173—M 96.—Cf. Spurrell Heb. Text of Gn. App. ii, where all these views are stated somewhat more fully, &amp; briefly criticized; on the use of <w>אֵל</w> &amp; <w>אֱלהַּ</w> in Shemitic languages vid., exhaustively, Nö MB Ak. SB Ak. i.c.).</bdb>
<xref twot="93"/> <xref twot="93"/>
<status p="42">added</status> <status p="41">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="all1"> <entry id="all1">
<bdb form="false" mod="I"><w>אלל</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb form="false" mod="I"><w>אלל</w> (<def>to be weak</def> or <def>insufficient</def>, assumed in Thes as root of <w>אֱלִיל</w> (as also of <w>אַל</w>): cf. Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> <def>to fail</def> in a thing).</bdb>
<xref twot="99"/> <xref twot="99"/>
<status p="47">new</status> <status p="47">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="all2"> <entry id="all2">
<bdb mod="II"><w>אלל</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb mod="II"><w>אלל</w> (√ assumed for following words).</bdb>
<xref twot="100"/> <xref twot="100"/>
<status p="47">new</status> <status p="47">done</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="ame"> <entry id="ame">
<bdb><w>אמה</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אמה</w> (assumed as √ of foIl., which however prob. bilit. cf. Sta §188; vid. also Lag BN 82).</bdb>
<status p="51">new</status> <status p="51">done</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="amm"> <entry id="amm">
<bdb mod="I"><w>אמם</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb mod="I"><w>אמם</w> (perh. <def>be wide, roomy</def>, As. [<foreign xml:lang="akk">amāmu</foreign>] whence <foreign xml:lang="akk">ummu</foreign>, <def>womb, mother</def> = <w>אֵם</w> cf. DlPr 109; but <w>אֵם</w> n.prim. acc. to Thes Sta §189b LagBN22).</bdb>
<xref twot="115"/> <xref twot="115"/>
<status p="51">new</status> <status p="51">done</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="anb"> <entry id="anb">
<bdb><w>אנב</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אנב</w> (perh. <def>spring, leap</def>, so Dl HA 65, Pr 114, inferred fr. As. <foreign xml:lang="akk">annabu</foreign>, <def>hare</def>; ag. this Nö ZMG 1886. 734).</bdb>
<xref twot="123"/> <xref twot="123"/>
<status p="58">new</status> <status p="58">done</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="ane2"> <entry id="ane2">
<bdb mod="II"><w>אנה</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb mod="II"><w>אנה</w> (√ whence foll. nouns, cf. As. <foreign xml:lang="akk">ânu, unûtu</foreign>, <def>vessel, utensil</def>, v. Dl in Zim BP 115 Hpt in KAT 2Gloss i.; Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign>).</bdb>
<xref twot="125"/> <xref twot="125"/>
<status p="58">new</status> <status p="58">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="anv2"> <entry id="anv2">
<bdb mod="II"><w>אנשׁ</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb mod="II"><w>אנשׁ</w> (d. Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign>, <def>be inclined to, friendly, social</def>, which however Nö ZMG 1886, 739 thinks denom., cf. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> coll. <def>men, people</def>; v. on the other hand Wetzst l.c. Zim BP 20, v. also Lag BN 68;—hence <w>אֲנָשִׁים</w> pl. of <w>אִישׁ</w>; v. also sub <w>אישׁ</w>).</bdb>
<xref twot="136"/> <xref twot="136"/>
<status p="60">new</status> <status p="60">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="anv3"> <entry id="anv3">
<bdb mod="III"><w>אנשׁ</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb mod="III"><w>אנשׁ</w> (<def>soft, delicate</def>, cf. Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign>, <em>id</em>., v. Lag BS 68 Dl Pr 160, also sub I. <w>אנשׁ</w>; but cf. Nö ZMG 1886, 739 who der. this mng. fr. <em>feminine</em>).</bdb>
<xref twot="137"/> <xref twot="137"/>
<status p="61">new</status> <status p="61">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="anw"> <entry id="anw">
<bdb><w>אנת</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אנת</w> (the root of the pron. 2 pers. in Shemitic: <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign>, <foreign xml:lang="gez">Ethiopic</foreign>, <foreign xml:lang="akk">anta</foreign>; f. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign>, <foreign xml:lang="gez">Ethiopic</foreign>, <foreign xml:lang="akk">antī</foreign>; BAram. Kt <w>אַנְתָּה<w> (m.), 𝔗<!--Not sure about this character--> <w>אַנְתְּ</w> &amp; <w>אַתְּ</w> (both m. &amp; f.); Syr. <foreign xml:lang="syr">Syriac</foreign>, f. <foreign xml:lang="syr">Syriac</foreign>, the <em>n</em> being written but not pronounced; As. <foreign xml:lang="akk">atta</foreign>, f. <foreign xml:lang="akk">atti-e</foreign> Dl §55a, the <em>nt</em> being merged in the double <em>t</em>; Heb. similarly. PI. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign>, <foreign xml:lang="gez">Ethiopic</foreign> f. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign>, <foreign xml:lang="gez">Ethiopic</foreign>
<status p="61">new</status> Aram. <foreign xml:lang="arc">אַנְתּוּן</foreign>, <foreign xml:lang="syr">Syriac</foreign>, f. <w>אַתִּין</w>, <foreign xml:lang="syr">Syriac</foreign>; As. <foreign xml:lang="akk">attunu</foreign>).</bdb>
<status p="61">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="aoe1"> <entry id="aoe1">
<bdb mod="I"><w>אסה</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb mod="I"><w>אסה</w> (perh. cf. Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> <def>heal</def>, Aram. <foreign xml:lang="arc">אֲסָא</foreign>, <foreign xml:lang="syr">Syriac</foreign><!--?-->).</bdb>
<status p="61">new</status> <status p="61">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="aoe2"> <entry id="aoe2">
<bdb mod="II"><w>אסה</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb mod="II"><w>אסה</w> (cf. Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> be sorrowful, distressed).</bdb>
<xref twot="138"/> <xref twot="138"/>
<status p="61">new</status> <status p="61">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="aom"> <entry id="aom">
<bdb><w>אסם</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אסם</w> (<def>gather, store</def>, Aram. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign><!--?-->).</bdb>
<xref twot="139"/> <xref twot="139"/>
<status p="62">new</status> <status p="62">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="aqd"> <entry id="aqd">
<bdb><w>אפד</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אפד</w> (existence &amp; mng. dub. Thes MV al. identify with <w>אָפַד</w> <def>gird on</def>, but this denom. v. infr.; Lag BN 178, GN 1890, p. 15 prop <foreign xml:lang="ara">وفد</foreign><!--?-->, <def>come as ambassador</def>, as √ of <w>אֵפוֹד</w>).</bdb>
<status p="65">new</status> <status p="65">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="aql1"> <entry id="aql1">
<bdb><w>אפל</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אפל</w> (Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> <def>disappear, depart, set</def> (of the sun)).</bdb>
<xref twot="145"/> <xref twot="145"/>
<status p="66">new</status> <status p="66">base</status>
<entry id="aql2">
<bdb><w>אפל</w> empty entry</bdb>
<status p="66">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="aqn"> <entry id="aqn">
<bdb><w>אפן</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אפן</w> (meaning dub., perh. <def>turn</def>, cf. <w>פנה</w>).</bdb>
<xref twot="146"/> <xref twot="146"/>
<status p="66">new</status> <status p="66">done</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="aqt1"> <entry id="aqt1">
<bdb mod="I"><w>אפר</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb mod="I"><w>אפר</w> (cf. perh. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> <def>leap</def>, <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> <def>be agile</def>; v. <w>אבק</w>).</bdb>
<xref twot="150"/> <xref twot="150"/>
<status p="68">new</status> <status p="68">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="aqt2"> <entry id="aqt2">
<bdb mod="II"><w>אפר</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb mod="II"><w>אפר</w> (<def>enclose, envelope</def>, As. <foreign xml:lang="akk">apâru</foreign>, <def>attire</def> Dl Pr 54; Thes comp. Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign>, <def>cover</def>; MV comp. Aram. <foreign xml:lang="syr">Syriac</foreign><!--?-->, <def>mantle, turban</def>; but connection of √ (<foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign>)<w>פּ´ע</w> with <w>אפר</w> is dub.)</bdb>
<xref twot="151"/> <xref twot="151"/>
<status p="68">new</status> <status p="68">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="aqw"> <entry id="aqw">
<bdb><w>אפת</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אפת</w> (meaning dub. √ whence Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> <def>calamity</def>, &amp; also <def>wonder, portent</def>, acc. to Thes Ar. √ = <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> <def>suffer evil</def>).</bdb>
<xref twot="152"/> <xref twot="152"/>
<status p="68">new</status> <status p="68">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="arl"> <entry id="arl">
<bdb form="false"><w>אצל</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb form="false"><w>אצל</w> prob. i.q. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> <def>to join</def> (cf. on the <w>א</w> W 8G 71).</bdb>
<status p="69">new</status> <status p="69">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="arm"> <entry id="arm">
<bdb><w>אצם</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אצם</w> (meaning dub., cf. Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> <def>be angry</def>).</bdb>
<status p="69">new</status> <status p="69">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="ate1"> <entry id="ate1">
<bdb mod="II"><w>ארה</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb mod="II"><w>ארה</w> (<def>burn</def>, cf. Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> whence <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> <def>hearth</def>; Ew §163g al. v. infr.)</bdb>
<xref twot="159"/> <xref twot="159"/>
<status p="72">new</status> <status p="72">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="atg"> <entry id="atg">
<bdb><w>ארז</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>ארז</w> (cf. Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> <def>be firm</def>, also <def>withdraw, retreat</def>).</bdb>
<xref twot="160"/> <xref twot="160"/>
<status p="72">new</status> <status p="72">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="atm2"> <entry id="atm2">
<bdb><w>ארם</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>ארם</w> (√ of following; cf. <w>רום</w> ?).</bdb>
<xref twot="164"/> <xref twot="164"/>
<status p="74">new</status> <status p="74">done</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="atn1"> <entry id="atn1">
<bdb mod="I"><w>ארן</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb mod="I"><w>ארן</w> (cf. Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign>, <foreign xml:lang="lat">alacer, laetus fuit</foreign>; possible √ of following).</bdb>
<xref twot="165"/> <xref twot="165"/>
<status p="74">new</status> <status p="74">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="atn2"> <entry id="atn2">
<bdb mod="II"><w>ארן</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb mod="II"><w>ארן</w> (√ assumed for foll. word, cf. Sta §208c; Dl Pr 125 argues for √<w>ארה</w> (so Thes), on ground of an As. <foreign xmlênu:lang="akk">êrû</foreign>, synon. of <foreign xml:lang="akk">êrênu</foreign>).</bdb>
<xref twot="166"/> <xref twot="166"/>
<status p="75">new</status> <status p="75">done</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="atv"> <entry id="atv">
<bdb><w>ארשׁ</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>ארשׁ</w> (<def>to desire, request</def>, As. <foreign xml:lang="akk">êrêšu</foreign> Dl Pr 55).</bdb>
<xref twot="171"/> <xref twot="171"/>
<status p="77">new</status> <status p="77">done</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="avd"> <entry id="avd">
<bdb><w>אשׁד</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אשׁד</w> (√ of following, cf. prob. As. <foreign xml:lang="akk">išdu</foreign>, <def>foundation</def>).</bdb>
<xref twot="174"/> <xref twot="174"/>
<status p="78">new</status> <status p="78">done</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="ave"> <entry id="ave">
<bdb><w>אשׁה</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אשׁה</w> (support, √ whence following).</bdb>
<xref twot="175"/> <xref twot="175"/>
<status p="78">new</status> <status p="78">done</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="avk"> <entry id="avk">
<bdb><w>אשׁך</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אשׁך</w></bdb>
<status p="79">added</status> <status p="79">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="avl"> <entry id="avl">
<bdb><w>אשׁל</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אשׁל</w> (<def>be firm, firmly rooted</def>, cf. Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> <def>be firm</def>).</bdb>
<xref twot="179"/> <xref twot="179"/>
<status p="79">new</status> <status p="79">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="avn"> <entry id="avn">
<bdb><w>אשׁן</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אשׁן</w> (√ assumed for foll.; perh. <def>be hard,
<status p="80">new</status> firm</def>, cf. Aram. <foreign xml:lang="arc">אֲשִׁינָא ,אֲשׁוּנָא</foreign>, something <def>firm</def>).</bdb>
<status p="80">done</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="avq2"> <entry id="avq2">
<bdb><w>אשׁף</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אשׁף</w> (√ of dub. meaning, whence foll.)</bdb>
<xref twot="182"/> <xref twot="182"/>
<status p="80">new</status> <status p="80">done</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="avt"> <entry id="avt">
<bdb><w>אשׁר</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אשׁר</w></bdb>
<xref twot="176"/> <xref twot="176"/>
<status p="78">added</status> <status p="80">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="awn"> <entry id="awn">
<bdb><w>אתן</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אתן</w> (mng. ? Thes comps. Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> <def>take short steps</def>, but this appy. only by-form of <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign>).</bdb>
<xref twot="190"/> <xref twot="190"/>
<status p="87">new</status> <status p="87">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="aws"> <entry id="aws">
<bdb><w>אתק</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אתק</w></bdb>
<xref twot="191"/> <xref twot="191"/>
<status p="87">added</status> <status p="87">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="aww"> <entry id="aww">
<bdb><w>אתת</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>אתת</w> (? √ of following, meaning dubious. Lag M ii. 254 proposes √ <w>אנה</w>, whence he derives also Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> a tool used in tillage).</bdb>
<xref twot="192"/> <xref twot="192"/>
<status p="88">new</status> <status p="88">base</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="b1"> <entry id="b1">
<bdb><w>ב</w>, <w>בּ</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>ב</w>, <w>בּ</w> empty entry</bdb>
@ -682,7 +680,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="170">new</status> <status p="170">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="cnc"> <entry id="cnc">
<bdb><w>גנג</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>גנג</w></bdb>
<status p="150">added</status> <status p="150">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="cng"> <entry id="cng">
@ -901,7 +899,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="255">new</status> <status p="255">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="fvm"> <entry id="fvm">
<bdb><w>ושׁם</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>ושׁם</w></bdb>
<status p="1051">added</status> <status p="1051">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="g1"> <entry id="g1">
@ -1002,12 +1000,12 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="285">new</status> <status p="285">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="hbl1"> <entry id="hbl1">
<bdb><w>חבל</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>חבל</w></bdb>
<xref twot="592"/> <xref twot="592"/>
<status p="285">added</status> <status p="285">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="hbl2"> <entry id="hbl2">
<bdb><w>חבל</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>חבל</w></bdb>
<xref twot="596"/> <xref twot="596"/>
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</entry> </entry>
@ -1212,7 +1210,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="340">new</status> <status p="340">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="hoq"> <entry id="hoq">
<bdb><w>חסף</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>חסף</w></bdb>
<status p="341">added</status> <status p="341">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="hqn"> <entry id="hqn">
@ -1246,7 +1244,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="348">new</status> <status p="348">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="hrt4"> <entry id="hrt4">
<bdb mod="III"><w>חצר</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb mod="III"><w>חצר</w></bdb>
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<status p="348">added</status> <status p="348">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
@ -1435,7 +1433,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="391">new</status> <status p="391">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
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<bdb><w>יהד</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>יהד</w></bdb>
<status p="421">added</status> <status p="421">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="jer"> <entry id="jer">
@ -1618,7 +1616,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="460">new</status> <status p="460">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="kbu"> <entry id="kbu">
<bdb><w>כבשׂ</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>כבשׂ</w></bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
<entry id="kdd"> <entry id="kdd">
@ -1641,7 +1639,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="465">new</status> <status p="465">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="kfn"> <entry id="kfn">
<bdb><w>כון</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>כון</w></bdb>
<status p="476">added</status> <status p="476">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="kft1"> <entry id="kft1">
@ -1756,7 +1754,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="499">new</status> <status p="499">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="ktg"> <entry id="ktg">
<bdb><w>כרז</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>כרז</w></bdb>
<status p="1121">added</status> <status p="1121">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="ktk"> <entry id="ktk">
@ -1770,7 +1768,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="501">new</status> <status p="501">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="ktm"> <entry id="ktm">
<bdb><w>כרם</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>כרם</w></bdb>
<status p="501">added</status> <status p="501">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="ktu"> <entry id="ktu">
@ -1834,7 +1832,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="523">new</status> <status p="523">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="lbn"> <entry id="lbn">
<bdb cite="full"><w>לבן</w> = <w src="H3835a">3835a</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb cite="full"><w>לבן</w> = <w src="H3835a">3835a</w></bdb>
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<status p="526">added</status> <status p="526">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
@ -1904,7 +1902,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="545">new</status> <status p="545">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="lvm"> <entry id="lvm">
<bdb><w>לשׁם</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>לשׁם</w></bdb>
<status p="545">added</status> <status p="545">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="lvn"> <entry id="lvn">
@ -1977,11 +1975,11 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="561">new</status> <status p="561">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
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<bdb><w>מזח</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>מזח</w></bdb>
<status p="561">added</status> <status p="561">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="mgl"> <entry id="mgl">
<bdb><w>מזל</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>מזל</w></bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
<entry id="mgt1"> <entry id="mgt1">
@ -2024,7 +2022,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="571">new</status> <status p="571">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="mlh3"> <entry id="mlh3">
<bdb><w>מלח</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>מלח</w></bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
<entry id="mlk1"> <entry id="mlk1">
@ -2243,7 +2241,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="654">new</status> <status p="654">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="nql"> <entry id="nql">
<bdb><w>נפל</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>נפל</w></bdb>
<xref twot="1393"/> <xref twot="1393"/>
<status p="658">added</status> <status p="658">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
@ -2300,7 +2298,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="684">new</status> <status p="684">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="oan"> <entry id="oan">
<bdb><w>סאן</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>סאן</w></bdb>
<status p="684">added</status> <status p="684">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="ocl"> <entry id="ocl">
@ -2309,7 +2307,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="688">new</status> <status p="688">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="ocn"> <entry id="ocn">
<bdb><w>סגן</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>סגן</w></bdb>
<status p="688">added</status> <status p="688">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="oct2"> <entry id="oct2">
@ -2318,7 +2316,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="689">new</status> <status p="689">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="oda"> <entry id="oda">
<bdb mod="II"><w>סדא</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb mod="II"><w>סדא</w></bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
<entry id="odt"> <entry id="odt">
@ -2347,7 +2345,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="691">new</status> <status p="691">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="ojn"> <entry id="ojn">
<bdb><w>סין</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>סין</w></bdb>
<status p="719">added</status> <status p="719">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="oll2"> <entry id="oll2">
@ -2476,7 +2474,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="736">new</status> <status p="736">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="pgb"> <entry id="pgb">
<bdb><w>עזב</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>עזב</w></bdb>
<status p="1115">added</status> <status p="1115">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="pgt2"> <entry id="pgt2">
@ -2495,7 +2493,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="743">new</status> <status p="743">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="pjn"> <entry id="pjn">
<bdb><w>עין</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>עין</w></bdb>
<status p="744">added</status> <status p="744">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="pjq1"> <entry id="pjq1">
@ -2636,7 +2634,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="785">new</status> <status p="785">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="pst2"> <entry id="pst2">
<bdb><w>עקר</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>עקר</w></bdb>
<status p="1107">added</status> <status p="1107">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="ptb1"> <entry id="ptb1">
@ -2970,7 +2968,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="851">new</status> <status p="851">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="rjr"> <entry id="rjr">
<bdb><w>ציץ</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>ציץ</w></bdb>
<status p="851">added</status> <status p="851">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="rjt1"> <entry id="rjt1">
@ -3330,7 +3328,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="918">new</status> <status p="918">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="tcl"> <entry id="tcl">
<bdb><w>רגל</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>רגל</w></bdb>
<status p="919">added</status> <status p="919">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="tec"> <entry id="tec">
@ -3418,7 +3416,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="944">new</status> <status p="944">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="tpe3"> <entry id="tpe3">
<bdb mod="III"><w>רעה</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb mod="III"><w>רעה</w> (Aram. <w>רְעָא</w> <foreign xml:lang="syr">Syriac</foreign>), <def>take pleasure</def> (in), <def>desire</def>, = Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> [Heb. <w>רָצָה</w>], whence Aram. <w>רְעוּתָא</w>, <def>desire</def>, <w>רַעֲיָנָא</w>, <w>רַעֲיוֹנָא</w>, <foreign xml:lang="syr">Syriac</foreign>, <def>opinion, thought, disposition</def>, and following late and Aram, words in Heb., cf. Nö ZMG liv (1900), 155; > De Siegf Qoh. 18 al. from I. <w>רעה</w> 2 b, cf. <ref r="Hos.12.2">Ho 12:2</ref>, and Ar. <foreign xml:lang="ara">Arabic</foreign> <def>watch, regard, respect</def> (Lane) [Ba WU 46f. Kau Arimaismen 82f. derive foll. from I. <w>רעה</w> = <def>observe, attend to</def>, specif, <def>tend sheep</def>, also <def>aim at, purpose</def>]).</bdb>
<xref twot="2187"/> <xref twot="2187"/>
<status p="946">new</status> <status p="946">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
@ -3474,7 +3472,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="959">new</status> <status p="959">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="uam"> <entry id="uam">
<bdb><w>שׂאם</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>שׂאם</w></bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
<entry id="ubk"> <entry id="ubk">
@ -3534,11 +3532,11 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="968">new</status> <status p="968">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
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<bdb><w>שׂלו</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>שׂלו</w></bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
<entry id="umk"> <entry id="umk">
<bdb><w>שׂמך</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>שׂמך</w></bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
@ -3668,7 +3666,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="995">new</status> <status p="995">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
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<bdb><w>שׁהם</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>שׁהם</w></bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
<entry id="vfa1"> <entry id="vfa1">
@ -3967,7 +3965,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
<entry id="wnk"> <entry id="wnk">
<bdb><w>תנך</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>תנך</w></bdb>
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<status p="1072">added</status> <status p="1072">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
@ -4095,7 +4093,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="1086">new</status> <status p="1086">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
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<bdb><w>דכר</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>דכר</w></bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
@ -4129,7 +4127,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="1091">new</status> <status p="1091">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
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<bdb><w>זמר</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>זמר</w></bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
@ -4142,7 +4140,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
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<bdb><w>חבר</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>חבר</w></bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
@ -4151,17 +4149,17 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="1092">new</status> <status p="1092">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
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<bdb><w>חטא</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>חטא</w></bdb>
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<status p="1092">added</status> <status p="1092">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="hkm"> <entry id="hkm">
<bdb><w>חכם</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>חכם</w></bdb>
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<status p="1093">added</status> <status p="1093">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="hls"> <entry id="hls">
<bdb><w>חלק</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>חלק</w></bdb>
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<status p="1093">added</status> <status p="1093">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
@ -4182,7 +4180,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="1095">new</status> <status p="1095">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="jst"> <entry id="jst">
<bdb><w>יקר</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>יקר</w></bdb>
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<status p="1096">added</status> <status p="1096">added</status>
</entry> </entry>
@ -4220,7 +4218,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="1098">new</status> <status p="1098">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="lbb2"> <entry id="lbb2">
<bdb><w>לבב</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>לבב</w></bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
@ -4239,7 +4237,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="1100">new</status> <status p="1100">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
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<bdb><w>מרד</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>מרד</w></bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
@ -4248,7 +4246,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="1101">new</status> <status p="1101">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
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<bdb><w>נהר</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>נהר</w></bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
@ -4257,7 +4255,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="1103">new</status> <status p="1103">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="oqt"> <entry id="oqt">
<bdb><w>ספר</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>ספר</w></bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
@ -4353,7 +4351,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
<status p="1112">new</status> <status p="1112">new</status>
</entry> </entry>
<entry id="tcm"> <entry id="tcm">
<bdb><w>רבע</w> empty entry</bdb> <bdb><w>רבע</w></bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
<entry id="tfh3"> <entry id="tfh3">
@ -4415,7 +4413,7 @@ sound</def> (cf. AW Lex. 36 Ges Jes. 1. 604 f Lane 1.66).</bdb>
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</entry> </entry>
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</entry> </entry>