
24 KiB

2TIT01introc7meTitus 01 General Notes0# Titus 01 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>Paul formally introduces this letter in verses 1-4. Writers often began letters in this way in the ancient Near East.<br><br>In verses 6-9, Paul lists several qualities that a man must have if he is to be an elder in the church. (See: rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-abstractnouns) Paul gives a similar list in 1 Timothy 3.<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### Elders<br><br>The church has used different titles for church leaders. Some titles include overseer, elder, pastor, and bishop.<br><br>#### Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>##### Should, may, must<br>The ULT uses different words that indicate requirements or obligations. These verbs have different levels of force associated with them. The subtle differences may be difficult to translate. The UST translates these verbs in a more general way.<br>
3TIT0101rtc90for the faith ofto strengthen the faith of
4TIT0101fyf80that agrees with godlinessthat is suitable for honoring God
5TIT0102r2gj0before all the ages of timebefore time began
6TIT0103b22h0At the right timeAt the proper time
7TIT0103dpn40God our SaviorGod, who saves us
8TIT0104s3yr0Christ Jesus our SaviorChrist Jesus who is our Savior
9TIT0105ew8h0For this purposeThis is the reason
10TIT0105lh9b0I left you in CreteI told you to stay in Crete
11TIT0105ga620that you might set in order things not yet completeso that you would finish arranging things that needed to be done
12TIT0105p56w0eldersIn the early Christian churches, Christian elders gave spiritual leadership to the assemblies of believers.
13TIT0106wja40Connecting Statement:Having told Titus to ordain elders in every city on the island of Crete, Paul gives the requirements for elders.
14TIT0106wd6q0faithful childrenPossible meanings are 1) children who believe in Jesus or 2) children who are trustworthy.
15TIT0107g2zffigs-metaphor0God's household managerPaul speaks of the church as if it were God's household and the overseer as if he were a servant in charge of managing the household. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
16TIT0108i5490InsteadPaul is changing his argument from what an elder is not to be to what an elder is to be.
17TIT0108vkq10a friend of what is gooda person who loves what is good
18TIT0109pzi10good teachingHe must teach what is true about God and other spiritual matters.
19TIT0110xsq90Connecting Statement:Because of those that would oppose God's word, Paul gives Titus reasons to preach God's word and warns him about false teachers.
20TIT0110w9kk0rebellious peopleThese are rebellious people who oppose Paul's gospel message.
21TIT0110pu74figs-metonymy0those of the circumcisionThis refers to the Christian Jews who taught that men must be circumcised in order to follow Christ. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
22TIT0111tw4e0what they should not teachThese are things that are not proper to teach regarding Christ and the Law because they are not true.
23TIT0111at7c0for shameful profitThis refers to profit that people make by doing things that are not honorable.
24TIT0112h3jbfigs-metaphor0evil beastsThis metaphor compares the Cretans to dangerous wild animals. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
25TIT0113fif80Therefore, correct them severelyYou must use strong language that the Cretans will understand when you correct them
26TIT0114p28i0Jewish mythsThis refers to the false teaching of the Jews.
27TIT0115qtb90To those who are pure, all things are pureIf people are pure on the inside, everything they do will be pure
28TIT0115nx420To those who are pureTo those who are acceptable to God
29TIT0116i3l20they deny him by their actionshow they live proves that they do not know him
30TIT0116ja470They are detestableThey are disgusting
31TIT02introh3ilTitus 02 General Notes0# Titus 02 General Notes<br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### Gender roles<br><br>Scholars are divided over how to understand this passage in its historical and cultural context. Some scholars believe men and women are perfectly equal in all things. Other scholars believe God created men and women to serve in distinctly different roles in marriage and the church. Translators should be careful not to let how they understand this issue affect how they translate this passage.<br><br>##### Slavery<br><br>Paul does not write in this chapter about whether slavery is good or bad. Paul teaches slaves to faithfully serve their masters. He teaches all believers to be godly and live rightly in every situation.<br>
32TIT0201lfu10Connecting Statement:Paul continues giving Titus reasons to preach God's word, and explains how the older men, older women, young men, and slaves or servants should live as believers.
33TIT0202y3j20to be ... sensibleto ... control their desires
34TIT0203v9cp0slanderersThis word refers to people who say bad things about other people whether they are true or not.
35TIT0206i3hv0In the same wayTitus was to train the younger men like he was to train the older people.
36TIT0207x73u0present yourself asshow yourself to be
37TIT0207ym6x0an example of good worksan example of one who does right and proper things
38TIT0209ntp70their masterstheir own masters
39TIT0210t87j0demonstrate all good faithshow that they are worthy of their masters' trust
40TIT0210h2n60in every wayin everything they do
41TIT0210pn930God our Saviorour God who saves us
42TIT0211y44u0Connecting Statement:Paul encourages Titus to look for Jesus' coming and remember his authority through Jesus.
43TIT0211gp2zfigs-personification0the grace of God has appearedPaul speaks of the grace of God as if it were a person who goes to other people. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
44TIT0212qy8kfigs-personification0trains usPaul speaks of the grace of God ([Titus 2:11] (./11.md)) as if it were a person who goes to other people and trains them to live holy lives. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
45TIT0212lxb30trains us to reject godlessnessteaches us not to dishonor God
46TIT0213rz930we look forward to receivingwe wait to welcome
47TIT0214gxe7figs-metaphor0to redeem us from all lawlessnessPaul speaks of Jesus as if he were setting slaves free from their evil master. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
48TIT0214fjy10a special peopleA group of people that he treasures.
49TIT0214ii180are eagerhave a strong desire
50TIT0215h15y0Let no oneDo not allow anyone to
51TIT03introzh6xTitus 03 General Notes0# Titus 03 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>Paul gives Titus personal instructions in this chapter.<br><br>Verse 15 formally concludes this letter. This is a common way of ending a letter in the ancient Near East.<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### Genealogies<br><br>Genealogies are lists that record a person's ancestors or descendants. Jews used genealogies to choose the right man to become king. They did this because only a son of a king could normally become king. They also showed from what tribe and family they came. For example, priests came from the tribe of Levi and the family of Aaron.<br>
52TIT0301y9tr0Connecting Statement:Paul continues giving Titus instructions on how to teach the elders and people under his care in Crete.
53TIT0301w3fy0submit to rulers and authorities, to obey themdo as the political rulers and government authorities say by obeying them
54TIT0301wa9x0rulers and authoritiesThese words have similar meanings and are used together to include everyone who holds authority in the government.
55TIT0301in7u0be ready for every good workbe ready to do good whenever there is opportunity
56TIT0302lug70to revileto speak evil of
57TIT0303m9zd0For once we ourselvesThis is because we ourselves were once
58TIT0303y5lp0We were detestableWe caused others to hate us
59TIT0304ba5afigs-personification0when the kindness of God our Savior and his love for mankind appearedPaul speaks of God's kindness and love as if they were people that came into our sight. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
60TIT0305n4ug0by his mercybecause he had mercy on us
61TIT0305k1a6figs-metaphor0washing of new birthPaul is probably speaking of God's forgiveness for sinners as if he were physically washing them. He is also speaking of sinners who become responsive to God as if they had been born again. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
62TIT0306q9ze0through our Savior Jesus Christwhen Jesus saved us
63TIT0307q1cmfigs-metaphor0we might become heirs with the certain hope of eternal lifeThe people to whom God has made promises are spoken of as if they were to inherit property and wealth from a family member. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
64TIT0308j8md0This messageThis refers to God giving the believers the Holy Spirit through Jesus in [Titus 3:7](../03/07.md).
65TIT0308kqm60may be careful to engage themselves in good worksmay seek to do good works
66TIT0309tzh90Connecting Statement:Paul explains what Titus should avoid and how to treat those who cause contention among the believers.
67TIT0309xnf90foolish debatesarguments concerning unimportant matters
68TIT0309qk660genealogiesThis is the study of family kinship relationships.
69TIT0309xu7f0strifearguments or fights
70TIT0309ky3n0the lawthe law of Moses
71TIT0310x3fh0Reject anyoneStay away from anyone
72TIT0310xzx10after one or two warningsafter you have warned that person once or twice
73TIT0311r7pc0such a persona person like that
74TIT0311inh5figs-metaphor0has turned from the right wayPaul speaks of someone who makes errors as if he were leaving the path on which he had been walking. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
75TIT0311p81k0condemns himselfbrings judgment on himself
76TIT0312z7i40Connecting Statement:Paul closes the letter by telling Titus what to do after he appoints elders in Crete and by giving greetings from those with him.
77TIT0312mba60When I sendAfter I send
78TIT0312c32wtranslate-names0Artemas ... TychicusThese are men's names. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
79TIT0312knt10hurry and comecome quickly
80TIT0312gdw90spend the winterstay for the winter
81TIT0313a46ftranslate-names0ZenasThis is a man's name. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
82TIT0313j4960Do everything you can to sendDo not delay in sending
83TIT0313s7570and Apollosand also send Apollos
84TIT0314v7wg0Connecting Statement:Paul explains why it is important to provide for Zenas and Apollos.
85TIT0314fw980Our peoplePaul is referring to the believers in Crete.
86TIT0314tn240that provide for urgent needsthat enable them to help people who need important things immediately
87TIT0315j3y20General Information:Paul ends his letter to Titus.
88TIT0315k1sa0All thoseAll the people