Update 'content/case_vocative.rst'

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@ -8,15 +8,92 @@ Case vocative
**Vocative** is the nominal case used when addressing (speaking directly
to) someone.
**Vocative** is the case used when addressing (speaking directly to) someone.
.. csv-table:: Example: MAT 8:2
"κύριε, ἐὰν θέλῃς δύνασαί με καθαρίσαι"
"kyrie, ean thelēs dynasai me katharisai"
"Lord, if willing you are me you can make clean"
"Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean"
**Lord**,if,willing,you are able,me,to make clean
**Lord**, *if you are willing, you can make me clean*
Article **In process - Draft**
The vocative case is the case of direct address.
* However, a noun in the vocative case preceded by the particle **ὥ** is is used to add emphasis or to express emotion.
* Caution: Do not confuse ὥ (the particle) with ῷ -the dative case relative personal pronoun, or with ὦ - the first person
subjunctive form of εἰμί.
Only 2.1% of the 28,599 nouns in the New Testament are in the vocative case.
#. Often it is easy to identify nouns in the vocative case by the context.
#. The vocative case is identical to the nominative case in the plural.
#. The vocative case is identical to the nominative case in the first declension (singular and plural)
#. The vocative case of the singular second declension usually ends in an epsilon.
#. The vocative case of the singular third declension is usually the bare stem of the word. However, the stem vowel may shorten,
lengthen, or drop out entirely. This is known as *ablout*.
Vocative Direct Address
The **vocative of direct address** is the most frequent use of the vocative case.
.. csv-table::
Matthew 7:21
not,everyone,who says,to me,**Lord,Lord**,he will enter,into,the,kingdom,of,heaven
*Not everyone who says to me,* **Lord, Lord**,*will enter into the kingdom of heaven*
.. csv-table::
Matthew 8:2
**Lord**,if,you are willing,you are able,me,to (make) clean
**“Lord"**, *if you are willing, you can make me clean.*
Vocative Emphasis/Emotion
The Vocative case can also be used **to express emotion or emphasis**. The particle ὥ is used when the vocative case is used
to add additional emphasis or emotion to the basic function of direct address. ὥ followed by a word in the vocative case only
occurs 14 times in the New Testament.
Example of **ὥ + vocative** to add an *emotional emphasis.*
.. csv-table::
Mark 9:19
to them,he says,**Oh,generation**,unbelieving,until,when,with,you,will I be?
*and he said to them*, “You unbelieving* **generation!**, *how long will I be with you?*
Note: The emotional emphasis can be difficult to reflect in a translation. The exclaimation mark is used in this example to
reflect the emotion.
Example of **ὥ + vocative** *to add emphasis.*
.. csv-table::
I Timothy 6:11
you,but,**o,man**,of God,these things,you flee,you pursue,but (instead),righteousness
*But you*, **man** *of God, flee from these things. Instead, pursue righteousness...*