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21:1prf0God1The term **God** refers to the eternal being who created the universe out of nothing. God exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Gods personal name is Yahweh.
31:1qs8qthe beginning1This refers to the time before anything except God existed.
41:1b70wcreated1This term here means that God made it from nothing.
51:1wcjrGods Spirit1This is the Holy Spirit (See: [24:8](24/8), [42:10](42/10)).
61:2t4c6light1This light was different than the sun. God did not create the sun until the fourth day (See: [1:6](1/6)).
71:2gbttgood1Each time God created something, it was good. When he finished creating everything, it was very good (See: [1:15](1/15)).
81:2ymc8creation1This refers to the six-day period when God created everything.
91:3bwkgsky1This refers to all the space above the earth including, the air we breathe and the heavens. God did not create the sun, moon, and stars until the fourth day (See: [1:6](1/6)).
101:6josdthe sun, the moon, and the stars1God created these and placed them in the empty sky that he had created on the second day (See: [1:3](1/3)).
111:9dd0hus & our & us1God used plural words to speak about himself. Kings sometimes speak about themselves in that way. However, God the Father may have been speaking to the Son and the Spirit, who are all God.
121:9scg4in our image1People are similar to God in many ways, but they are not equal to him, or the same as he is.
131:9rhyulike us1Perhaps God was saying that people are like God in ways that animals are not.
141:10l24mtook some soil, formed it1When God created all the other things, he simply spoke and they appeared. But God formed the man from the soil.
151:10lbs3breathed life into him1When God breathed into the man, he became alive.
161:12mxvfAdams helper1None of the animals was similar enough to Adam to be able to help Adam do what God wanted him to do.
171:13faswone of Adams ribs1God made the woman from a part of Adam, rather than making her from the soil.
181:14moj1At last!1Adam knew there was no one like him. He had been waiting for her.
191:14ixp8like me1The woman was the same kind of being as Adam, even though she was not exactly the same as he was.
201:14knwwWoman1This is the feminine form of the word man.
211:15dqmsin his own image1God made people to show some of his qualities, but not to be equal to him.
221:15d20jvery good1As God made each thing, it was good. But, together, everything he created was very good because it was complete.
231:16lmh5the seventh day1In modern calendars, the seventh day is Saturday.
241:16utf7finished all the work that he had been doing1God finished creating the earth and everything in it. He continues to do other work.
251:16gyloholy1God set the seventh day apart from the other days. He did not want people to use it the same way as the other six days of the week.
262:2znkta snake1Some scholars think the snake represents Satan. Other scholars think the snake was a real snake, and that Satan was the one who was speaking through it.
272:2bcdoDid God really tell you not to eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?1The snake asked this question to cause the woman to think about the things that God told her not to do, instead of the things he said she could do.
282:3nf95good1Something is **good** if it fits with Gods character, purposes, and will. Good is the opposite of evil.
292:3nvpsevil1Something is **evil** if it is opposed to Gods holy character and will. Evil is the opposite of good.
302:3ktg6or even touch it1God told the man and the woman not to eat the fruit of that tree, but he did not tell them not to touch it.
312:4tz4vThat is not true!1The snake now plainly implied that God was a liar.
322:4n3xbwill understand good and evil like he does1They already understood **good** from what God had done for them. Now the snake says they will also understand evil. The snake spoke as if this was good for them. Instead, understanding evil would cause them to die.
332:5juarThe woman saw1The woman decide to eat the fruit because of what she saw, instead of rejecting it because of what God had said.
342:5ib6ehe ate it too1The man also decided to eat the fruit, even though he knew that God had told him not to do that.
352:6il64They tried to cover their bodies1Before this time, people were not ashamed, and did not have any reason to be ashamed. Their shame began when they disobeyed God.
362:7lknsWhere are you?1God knew where Adam was. He asked this question to make Adam say that he had disobeyed God.
372:7a65tThey both hid from God1When people sin, they feel shame. They know that they have done wrong and that God is angry with them.
382:8e9oiDid you eat the fruit I told you not to eat?1Adam did not answer the question, but instead blamed the woman. He also meant to blame God who gave the woman to him.
392:8c3jjWhat have you done?1The woman also refused to answer God. Instead, she blamed the snake.
402:9qv6gYou are cursed!1This means that God will cause bad things to happen to the snake because he deceived the woman.
412:9hlcyYou and the woman will hate each other, and your children and her children will hate each other too.1People and snakes became enemies at this time, and still hate each other.
422:9vpfeThe womans descendant1Most scholars think this refers to the Messiah who would later rescue people from Satan.
432:9qm19will crush your head1Most scholars think this means the womans descendant will fatally wound Satan.
442:9bhxxwill wound his heel1Most scholars think this means Satan will wound the Messiah.
452:10wsa6he will rule over you1God will punish the woman by giving her husband power over her.
462:11i2c9work hard to grow food1Because the man ate the fruit his wife gave him, God would make it hard for him to grow food to eat.
472:11llivyour body will return to soil1Adam was made from soil (See: [1:10](1/10)). When he died, his body would become soil again.
482:11gimpEve, which means “life-giver,”1The name **Eve** sounds like the Hebrew word that means living.
492:11zghsGod clothed Adam and Eve with animal skins1Adam and Eve tried to cover themselves with leaves (See: [2:6](2/6)). God did not accept that. Instead, he covered them with the skins of animals. This is the first instance of animals being sacrificed in order to cover the sins of people.
502:12ii5rthey must not be allowed to eat the fruit of the tree of life and live forever1Adam and Eve were now sinners and ashamed. God did not want them to live forever in that condition. Therefore, he did not allow them to eat from the tree of life.
512:12e8kathe tree of life1This is the same tree God planted in the garden (See: [1:11](1/11)).
522:12ov8oangels1An angel is a powerful spirit being whom God created. Angels exist to serve God by doing whatever he tells them to do.
533:2t4fkGod was pleased with Noah1God was pleased with the way that Noah lived. Therefore, God decided to tell Noah to build a boat to protect him and his family from the flood.
543:2gytca righteous man1The term **righteous** describes a person who obeys God and is morally good. However, because all people have sinned, no one except God is completely righteous.
553:3fjpkthe boat1The boat needed to be big enough to hold eight people, two of every kind of animal, and food for them to eat for about a year.
563:6ihmvevery kind of animal and bird1Only the animals and birds who could not live on the water came to Noah. Animals that lived in the sea did not need to come to the boat.
573:8cpewEverything that lived on the dry land died1The other people and animals could not enter the boat because God had shut the door before the rain started.
583:9o2wrthe boat rested on the top of a mountain1The boat was stuck on the top of the mountain that was still under the water.
593:10y5vxit could not find any1Perhaps the dove was not able to fly far enough to find dry ground, although the tops of the mountains were visible far away.
603:11mvcucould not find any dry land1Perhaps the dry land on the mountain tops were too far away for the dove to fly there.
613:11rlrkan olive branch1Plants were beginning to grow in the wet ground.
623:13yfe6Two months later1The land was already dry enough for the dove to live. But it took two more months until there was enough dry land for Noahs family and all of the animals to be able to leave the boat.
633:14k35tsacrificed some of each kind of animal1People offered animals as special gifts to God as a way of worshiping him. They normally killed the animals and then burned them in a fire on an altar.
643:14c442each kind of animal that could be used for a sacrifice1These were seven males and females of these animals in the boat (See: [3:6](3/6)). After Noah sacrificed some of them, there were still enough left to fill the earth again.
653:16fggphis promise1This refers to Gods promise not to destroy the earth with a flood again (See: [3:15](3/15)).
664:1sl8gspreading out over the earth as God had commanded1God told Noah and his family to spread out over the earth after the flood (See: [3:13](3/13)).
674:3tdiuspread the people out all over the world1The people did not stay together because they could no longer speak to each other in the same language.
684:3pn31confused1The people were confused by what other people said. They were confused because God changed their language so they could not understand each other.
694:4p84tAbram1God would later change Abrams name to Abraham.
704:4zlhgLeave your country and family1God told Abram to leave his relatives and the place he lived, but not to leave his wife.
714:4a965bless you1To **bless** someone or something means to cause good and beneficial things to happen to the person or thing that is being blessed.
724:4idymAll families on earth will be blessed because of you1When Abram obeyed God, God used him to bless every people group.
734:6gnakCanaan1This is the land that is called Israel in modern times.
744:6yr5pyour descendants will always possess it1God promised to give the land of Canaan to Abram and his descendants in the same way a father gives his land to his children.
754:7jgoaAbram gave Melchizedek a tenth of everything he had won in the battle1Abram gave this gift to Melchizedek to honor God. Melchizedek was a representative of God in Canaan.
764:8k3prAbram and Sarai still did not have a son1Abram needed to have a son because God had promised to make him a great nation (See: [4:4](4/4)). God also said he would give the land of Canaan to Abrams descendants (See: [4:6](4/6)).
774:8rrjnSarai1God would later change Sarais name to Sarah.
784:8s239God declared that Abram was righteous1Because Abram believed God, God decided to treat Abram as if he had fully obeyed God in everything he had done.
794:9oqmmGod made a covenant with Abram1God had already said he would give Canaan to Abrams descendants (See: [4:6](4/6)). Now God stated the same thing again to Abram as an official promise.
805:1gtxiI am too old to have children1Sarai did not believe God could cause her to have a child when she was very old. She decided she should find a way to help God keep his promise.
815:1nqkpMarry her also1The custom of that time allowed a man to have more than one wife.
825:1e3vphave a child for me1Because Hagar was Sarais servant, she did not have the same rights as Sarai. Sarai would treat any children she had as if they were Sarais children.
835:2peb0Sarai became jealous of Hagar1Even though Sarai told Abram to take Hagar as his wife, she was jealous that Hagar was able to have a child when Sarai was not able.
845:3yfl4I will make a covenant with you1God had already made this covenant with Abram (See: [4:9](4/9)). Now, God added to that covenant by telling Abram to circumcise the males in his family.
855:3if98circumcise every male1The term **circumcise** means to cut off the foreskin of a man or male child. A circumcision ceremony may be performed in connection with this.
865:4r4ytthe son of promise1Through Isaac, God would keep his promise to make Abram a great nation and to give the land of Canaan to his descendants.
875:4robhmy covenant will be with Isaac1God would bless Abrams son, Ishmael. However, God would cause Abrams other son, Isaac, and his descendants to receive the blessings of Gods covenant with Abram.
885:5kxf5Sarah gave birth to Abrahams son1Sarai had been wrong to believe that God could not give her a son when she was very old (See: [5:1](5/1)).
895:6cc5jGod tested Abrahams faith1God wanted to show that Abram would obey God in whatever he asked. He did not want Abraham to actually kill Isaac. However, Abraham did not yet know that he would not have to kill Isaac.
905:7lfzawood for the sacrifice1Abraham planned to kill Isaac and offer him as a burnt offering. He brought the wood to make the fire.
915:7woumthe lamb1A lamb was the normal sacrifice to God in that day.
925:8dc50He was about to kill his son1Abraham showed that he was willing even to kill Isaac if God told him to do that.
935:8pot4Stop! Do not hurt the boy!1God did not want Abraham to kill Isaac. He only told Abraham to do that so that he could test Abrahams faith (See: [5:6](5/6)).
945:9flr7a ram that was stuck in a bush1God provided this ram. It would be very unusual for a ram to be stuck in a bush.
955:10w5k1all the families of the world1This refers to the other people groups who are not descendants of Abraham.
965:10m8upyour family1This refers to the Jews, because they are the descendants of Abraham.
976:1wu6da wife for his son1The people of Canaan did not worship God. Therefore, Abraham did not want Isaac to marry a woman from Canaan. Instead, he sent his servant to bring a wife for Isaac from Abrahams relatives where Abraham lived before coming to Canaan.
986:3t61eRebekah agreed to leave her family1Although parents arranged marriages in that day, they apparently asked Rebekah if she was willing to go to Canaan and marry Isaac.
996:4z79oGod then blessed Abrahams son Isaac1God chose to give to Isaac and his descendants the things he promised in his covenant with Abraham (See: [5:4](5/4)). Ishmael did not receive those blessings, even though he was a son of Abraham.
1006:6dm6kTheir descendants will become two different nations1The descendants of Jacob, the younger son, were the Israelites. The descendants of Esau, the older son, were the Edomites. The Israelites and the Edomites often fought against each other, but the Israelites would eventually become stronger than the Edomites.
1016:7w7ikthey named him Jacob1The name, **Jacob** means “the one who grabs the heel.” They named him Jacob because he was holding Esaus heel when he was born.
1027:2xrqyeverything you should receive because you were born first1The older son always inherited twice as much of his fathers possessions as the younger son. These things belonged to Esau, but Jacob wanted Esau to trade them to him for food.
1037:3prrxgive his blessing1Isaac loved Esau more than he loved Jacob. Therefore, before he died, Isaac wanted to formally ask God to bless and provide for Esau more than for Jacob. Isaac was following the normal custom of giving the best blessing to the oldest son.
1047:5mfdihad stolen his rights as oldest son1Jacob did not steal Esaus rights as the older son. Esau traded them to Jacob for food (See: [7:2](7/2)). But Esau hated Jacob as if Jacob had stolen what belonged to him.
1057:6ciq5far away to live with her relatives1Rebekahs relatives were Abrams family. They lived in the land that Abram left when he came to Canaan (See: [4:4](4/4), [6:1](6/1), [6:2](6/2)).
1067:10rwv5The covenant promises God had made to Abraham now passed on from Isaac to Jacob1The descendants of Jacob would receive the land and blessings that God promised to Abraham and Isaac (See: [5:3](5/3), [6:4](6/4)). Esau did not receive those blessings even though he was a son of Isaac.
1078:1fo4xhis favorite son, Joseph1Jacob had four wives and 12 sons. Joseph was the son of Rachel, whom Jacob loved more than his other wives. Therefore, Jacob loved Joseph more than his other sons.
1088:1akkjtaking care of the flocks1People at that time allowed their animals to go wherever they could find grass to eat. Someone traveled along with the animals to protect them.
1098:2x9r6slave traders1Slave traders bought people to be used as slaves. They then sold them to other people for a profit. They often traveled very far to buy and sell slaves.
1108:3cn53dipped it in goats blood1Josephs brothers wanted their father to think the blood on the robe was Josephs blood.
1118:5qhe1She became angry1The wife of the government official who bought Joseph was angry that Joseph would not sleep with her. She lied about Joseph to her husband so he would be angry with Joseph and put him in prison.
1128:6tmajthe meaning of the dreams1The Egyptians believed that God spoke to the Pharaoh through his dreams. Pharaohs advisors normally helped him understand what his dreams meant.
1138:8fmmzPharaoh was so impressed with Joseph1Pharaoh was impressed with Joseph because Joseph was the only person who was able to to tell Pharaoh what God was saying through Pharaohs dreams.
1148:10ajoaThe famine1The famine began seven years later, after the seven years of good harvests (See: [8:7](8/7)).
1158:11m2qwThe brothers did not recognize Joseph1The brothers came to Egypt at least ten years after they sold Joseph into slavery. They did not recognize Joseph because he was ten years older and was dressed as an Egyptian official.
1168:12y080if they had changed1Josephs brothers did evil when they sold him as a slave (See: [8:2](8/2)). He now wanted to know if his brothers would still treat people badly.
1178:12lrz7God used the evil for good1Joseph was willing to forgive his brothers because he believed that God had caused their evil action to result in a good thing. By going to Egypt as a slave, Joseph gained the power to save his whole family from the famine.
1188:13kfw4Josephs brothers returned home1The brothers returned home in order to bring their father and their families from Canaan to Egypt so they would survive the famine.
1198:15rqmrThe covenant promises that God gave to Abraham were passed on to Isaac, then to Jacob, and then to Jacobs 12 sons and their families1All the descendants of Jacob would receive the land and blessings that God promised to Abraham and Isaac (See: [5:3](5/3), [6:4](6/4), [7:10](7/10)).
1208:15u2uxthe 12 tribes of Israel1God changed Jacobs name to Israel. Therefore, the descendants of his 12 sons were called the 12 tribes of Israel.
1219:1x4l7the Israelites1God changed Jacobs name to Israel. Therefore, Jacobs descendants were called the Israelites.
1229:2y3paJoseph had done so much to help them1Joseph warned the Egyptians about the famine so they could store up grain in advance (See: [8:8](8/8)). In this way, he saved the Egyptians.
1239:3pelqGod blessed them1The Egyptians made the Israelites slaves so they would become weaker. But God blessed the Israelites so they became stronger instead.
1249:7l69hshe took him as her own son1Pharaohs daughter treated Moses as if he were her own Egyptian son. For that reason, the Egyptians did not kill him as they killed the other Israelite baby boys (See: [9:4](9/4)).
1259:9py1uburied his body1Moses buried the Egyptians body to hide it. Moses did not want anyone to know that he had killed an Egyptian.
1269:10slz7He tried to kill him1Pharaoh realized that Moses was helping the Israelites and was against the Egyptians. That is why he wanted to kill Moses.
1279:10maehthe wilderness1The wilderness where Moses fled was a desert area that was east of Egypt. This area today is called the Sinai.
1289:12jx9ctake off your shoes1God told Moses to take off his shoes to show his respect for God. The ground around the burning bush was a special place because God was there.
1299:12gyisholy ground1The term **holy** refers to the character of God. He is totally set apart and separated from everything that is sinful and imperfect. The place where Moses stood was also set apart for God.
1309:13nzsomy people1God said the descendants of Abraham were his people. God wanted to say that the Israelites were special to him. He would treat them better than other people because Abraham honored him (See: [5:10](5/10)).
1319:13flo2I will give them the land of Canaan1God was going to keep his promise to give the land of Canaan to Abrahams descendants, even though they were slaves at that time (See: [8:15](8/15), [9:2](9/2)).
1329:14vyoxI AM WHO I AM1God wanted to say that he has always existed as God, and was not created by anyone else.
1339:14i7fiYahweh1This is the name that God has chosen for himself. Hebrew was originally written without vowels, so the letters written for this name were YHWH, which would be spoken as **Yahweh**.
1349:15jlo8did not want to go to Pharaoh1Moses knew that Pharaoh wanted to kill him (See: [9:10](9/10)).
1359:15c1orhe thought he could not speak well1Moses said this was why he did not want to go to Pharaoh, but the real reason was that Moses was afraid of Pharaoh.
13610:1oiuhthe God of Israel1Pharaoh may have thought that this **God of Israel** only ruled over the Israelites. He did not yet understand that the God who ruled over Israel also ruled over the entire world.
13710:1dgz4Let my people go!1God told Moses to bring the Israelites out of Egypt (See: [9:13](9/13)).
13810:1izv3Pharaoh did not listen to them1Pharaoh heard what Moses and Aaron said, but did not do what they told him to do.
13910:1cav9he forced them to work even harder1Pharaoh was angry that the Israelites wanted to leave Egypt. He made them work harder as a way to punish them for that desire.
14010:2hdd6ten terrible plagues1Plagues are events which cause suffering or death to a large number of people. Often a plague is a disease that spreads quickly and causes many people to die before it can be stopped.
14110:2pcavhe is more powerful than Pharaoh and all of Egypts gods1Pharaoh asked the false gods of Egypt to stop the plagues, but the plagues continued. This proved to Pharaoh and the Egyptians that the God of Israel also ruled over Egypt.
14210:4g9srPharaoh hardened his heart1Pharaoh became stubborn and decided not to believe and obey God. Pharaoh did this after most of the plagues.
14310:7r1aabut not on the Israelites1God caused the sores to affect only the Egyptians in order to show that he was against the Egyptians, but not against the Israelites.
14410:8oqodhail1Hail is chunks of ice that fall from the sky. These chunks are often large enough to destroy plants, and can even kill people or animals.
14510:8xc7lI have sinned1Pharaoh finally realized that he had disobeyed God and that the plagues were Gods punishment for not letting the Israelites leave Egypt.
14610:11lmnjthere was light where the Israelites lived1This was not a normal darkness. The parts of Egypt where the Egyptians lived was completely dark even during the daytime. But the places in Egypt where the Israelites lived had sunshine in the daytime as they normally did.
14710:12qmqmone last plague1This final plague would be much worse than the previous ones. It would be so terrible that it would force Pharaoh to finally agree to let the Israelites leave Egypt.
14811:2r9j1Each family1Every Egyptian and Israelite family had to select and kill a lamb in the way that God told them to do it. If any family obeyed and did this, God would not kill their firstborn son.
14911:3d2qnto put the blood of this lamb around the door of their houses1The Israelites put the blood on the frame of the door of their houses to show that they had killed the lamb just as God told them to do.
15011:3b7dkunleavened bread1Unleavened bread is bread that is prepared without yeast. People can make unleavened bread very quickly because they do not need to wait for the dough to rise before they bake it. The unleavened bread shows that this meal was urgent and the people needed to do it quickly.
15111:5vdyeGod passed over those houses1God did not enter into the houses with blood on the doors to kill the firstborn sons in those houses.
15211:5s7nwpassed over1God later told the Israelites to remember this day in a festival called the Passover. In this way, they would always remember that he passed over their houses on that day and did not kill their firstborn sons.
15311:6d4t3did not believe God or obey his commands1The Egyptians did not believe God would kill their firstborn sons, and therefore did not obey his commands to kill a lamb and put its blood around their doors.
15411:8mdl9leave Egypt immediately1God had promised that he would send one last plague to Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt (See: [4:9](4/9)). After God killed every firstborn son of the Egyptians in this final, terrible plague, Pharaoh and all the Egyptians urged the Israelites to leave Egypt.
15512:1tk6lthe Promised Land1God had promised Abraham to give the land of Canaan to Abrahams descendants. The Israelites were finally going there to possess that land.
15612:1jrilThe Egyptians gave the Israelites whatever they asked for1The Egyptian had suffered greatly during the plagues. They very much wanted the Israelites to leave Egypt and the plagues to stop. Therefore, they gave the Israelites anything they asked for in order to encourage them to leave Egypt quickly.
15712:1rnfzSome people from other nations believed in God1God chose the descendants of Abraham for his own people, but he was always willing to accept people from other nations if they would believe in him and obey him.
15812:2t6fnA tall pillar1The people could not see God, but they could see the pillar and know that he was going before them as they traveled from Egypt to the Promised Land.
15912:3mdvhIt was God who made them change their minds1Pharaoh and the Egyptians had already learned that God was powerful. However, God also wanted the other nations to know that he is the only God who rules the earth. Therefore, God caused Pharaoh to chase after the Israelites so that God could destroy the Egyptian army. This would show the other nations how powerful God is.
16012:4hmxvthey were trapped between Pharaohs army and the Red Sea1God had led the Israelites to the shore of the Red Sea without a way to cross the deep water of the sea. God also allowed the Egyptians to catch up with the Israelites there. He did this so that he could show the Israelites the he could protect them even in that hopeless situation.
16112:4m7lwWe are going to die!1The Israelites thought they would either be killed by the Egyptian army or would go into the sea and drown.
16212:6v0tyThe Egyptians were not able to come near the Israelites all night1The Egyptians were not able to go through the pillar. In this way, God protected the Israelites from the Egyptians.
16312:8nc8ion dry ground1God not only moved the water away from the path of the Israelites, but also dried up the ground at the bottom of the sea so they could walk on it.
16412:10hukpcaused their chariots to get stuck1God made the ground at the bottom of the sea to be dry for the Israelites. But when the Egyptians followed them, God caused the bottom of the sea to become muddy again so the heavy chariots of the Egyptian became stuck in it and could not move.
16512:10e6xtRun away!1The Egyptians realized they were in danger, and tried to escape from the path through the sea.
16612:11fwv8the water fell on the Egyptian army1The Red Sea is very wide. The Egyptians had followed the Israelites too far into the sea and were not able to escape before the water closed back over them and they drowned.
16712:12i4dhThey believed that Moses was a prophet of God1God had told Moses to stretch out his arm over the sea when God made a path through it, and when he closed the water again over the Egyptians. In this way, God showed the Israelites that he was speaking to them through Moses.
16812:12zlhja prophet of God1A prophet is a person through whom God speaks to the people.
16912:14axomthe Passover1The festival was called the Passover because God “passed over” the houses of the Israelites that had the blood of a lamb around their doors. He did not enter into those houses to kill their firstborn sons. God told the Israelites to celebrate this festival every year so they would remember how he had save them.
17012:14iujmbread made without yeast1**Yeast** is a specific kind of leaven. **Yeast** is a general term for a substance that causes bread dough to expand and rise.
17113:1qjxja mountain called Sinai1Mount Sinai is a mountain that was probably located in the southern part of what is now called the Sinai Peninsula. It was also known as Mount Horeb.
17213:1or90where Moses had seen the burning bush1God spoke to Moses from a bush that was on fire, but did not burn up (See: [9:12](9/12)).
17313:1yjqnset up their tents1The Israelites had to travel a great distance from Egypt to the Promised Land. So they took tents with them so that they could set them up as shelters and sleep in them along the way.
17413:2q472the covenant I am making with you1God was going to make a new covenant with the Israelites (See: [13:4](13/4)).
17513:2x8q9my prized possession1The Israelites would belong to God and he would value them more than any other people group.
17613:2s7eba kingdom of priests1The Israelites were supposed to teach the other nations about God and be a mediator between God and the nations just as there were priests in the nation of Israel to go between God and the Israelites.
17713:3hulithe people made themselves ready1The Israelites did three days of ceremonial cleansing in preparation to meet with God.
17813:4d7njGod made a covenant with the people1This was a new covenant between God and the Israelites. This covenant told the Israelites how they should worship God. This covenant was in addition to the covenant that God made with Abraham, the ancestor of the Israelites (See: [4:9](4/9)).
17913:5wgm9the Sabbath day1The Sabbath day was the seventh day of the week. This is Saturday in a modern calendar. God had said that the Sabbath should be holy because that was the day that he finished creating the earth and everything in it (See: [1:16](1/16)).
18013:5g8vwa day for you to rest and to remember me1The two reasons for the Sabbath were for people to rest from their work and to think about God and what he had done for them.
18113:8w53othe Tent of Meeting1The **Tent of Meeting** was called by that name because it was the place where God would come to meet with Moses or the high priest of the Israelites.
18213:8rcncGod would come into the room behind the curtain1God is spirit and is everywhere, all the time. However, he appeared to Moses in a special way in the Tent of Meeting.
18313:8bdzjthe high priest1The term **high priest** refers to a special priest who was appointed to serve for one year as the leader of all the other Israelite priests.
18413:9aqtzdisobeyed Gods law1This refers to all of the laws that God gave to the Israelites—not only to the Ten Commandments.
18513:9ev0rthe animals blood would cover that persons sin1The sin of the person would still exist, but the blood would cover it. This is like hiding something that is ugly or dirty by covering it.
18613:9zuavGod would not see that sin any longer1This does not mean that God was not able to see the persons sin. Rather, it means that God would choose not to look at the persons sin. Because that person had offered the sacrifice, God would not punish them for that sin. In this way, they would be clean.
18713:10hqgathese Ten Commandments1The Ten Commandments were main commands that God gave to Moses for the Israelites to obey. They are listed in [13:5](13/5) and [13:6](13/6).
18813:10tgvwtwo stone tablets1The stone tablets were two flat pieces of stone on which God wrote the Ten Commandments.
18913:12bsexto wildly worship the idol1The people were sinning by worshiping the idol and also by doing sinful things as they worshiped it.
19013:12s1rgGod was very angry with them1God knew what the people had done and told Moses about it while Moses was still the mountain with God. Moses prayed for the people before he came down from the mountain.
19113:13u07uhe smashed the tablets1Moses threw the stone tablets down on the ground and they broke into little pieces. Moses did that to show that the Israelites had broken the Ten Commandments that God had written on the tablets.
19213:14anpyMoses burned the idol and ground it into powder1Moses was so angry that they had made the idol that he ground it into fine particles.
19313:14ny4dmade the people drink the water1Moses made the people drink the water with the particles of the idol in it as a symbol that they were guilty for making that idol.
19413:14qgq0God sent a plague on the people1God sent ten plagues on the Egyptians to force Pharaoh to set the people free from being slaves in Egypt. But now, the Israelites sinned so terribly that God sent a plague on them to punish them.
19514:1a1h0all the laws1These laws included many more commands in addition to the Ten Commandments. (See: [13:7](13/7)).
19614:1t8xpthe pillar of cloud1This was the same pillar of cloud which led the Israelites out of Egypt. (See: [12:2](12/2)).
19714:2syajGod had promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that he would give the Promised Land to their descendants1God made this promise to Abraham (See: [4:6](4/6)). That promise was later passed on to Isaac and Jacob.
19814:3d8rwyou will end up worshiping their idols1God wanted the Israelites to be completely separate from the other people groups who worshiped idols. Otherwise, the Israelites might also start worshiping the false gods of the Canaanites.
19914:4om5fto see if they were strong or weak1Moses wanted to know how difficult it would be to defeat the Canaanites and to take their land. He also wanted to know the best way to attack the Canaanites.
20014:6hk6rCaleb and Joshua, the other two spies1Moses sent 12 men to spy on the Canaanites. Ten of those men said the Israelites could not defeat them. Only Caleb and Joshua believed that God was powerful enough to help them defeat the Canaanites. The 12 men saw the same things, but Caleb and Joshua were not afraid as the other ten men were.
20114:6osa3God will fight for us!1Caleb and Joshua knew that the Israelites alone could not defeat the Canaanites, but with God's help, they could win against them.
20214:8gqaxyou will have to wander in the wilderness1God would lead the people around in the wilderness with no specific destination until all of the adults who rebelled against him died.
20314:8nx24Everyone who is 20 years or older will die1God would allow only the children to enter the Promised Land after their parents had died.
20414:10qlptthey would wander through the wilderness1They lived in the wilderness, and together they moved from place to place in that large, dry land, looking for food and water for themselves and their animals.
20514:11oeu5bread from heaven, called manna1Overnight, this thin, bread-like food fell onto the grass like dew from the sky. They called it **manna**. Almost every day the people gathered this manna and cooked it as their food.
20614:11o7eztheir camp1The place where the Israelites set up their tents to sleep in was called a **camp**. It was like a city with tents instead of buildings, and it could be moved around.
20714:12m0htthe people of Israel complained and grumbled against God and against Moses1The people had refused to go into the Promised Land. Now they continued to complain against God and Moses until they died in the wilderness.
20814:12o25vGod was still faithful1Even though all of the adult Israelites disobeyed God and complained against him, God did not forget his promise to Abraham. He continued to take care of the people in the wilderness so that he could lead their children into the Promised Land.
20914:13q4aahe dishonored God1God had a specific way He wanted Moses to show the people Gods power to provide for them. When Moses disobeyed God by doing it in a different way, he showed a lack of respect for God. Because of that, Moses would die before the Israelites would enter the Promised Land.
21014:14e4udall of those who had rebelled against God1The people who died were the ones who were over 20 years old at the time when they rebelled (See: [14:8](14/8)). Their children lived and entered the Promised Land.
21114:14an6panother prophet like Moses1Like Moses, this man would be an Israelite, he would speak Gods words to the people, and he would lead the people.
21214:15sgeahe could see the Promised Land1The mountain was just across the Jordan River from Canaan. Moses was able to see the land from that high place.
21314:15c5jbJoshua became their new leader1This was the same Joshua who was one of the 12 who spied on the land when Israel first arrived at Canaan (See: [14:6](14/6)). Joshua and Caleb wanted the people to go into the land at that time. Because they trusted God, he said they would enter the land after the other people died (See: [14:8](14/8)).
21415:1iljeJoshua sent two spies to that city1Joseph sent the spies to find out information about the city so the Israelites could attack it.
21515:2cwyfthe Jordan River1The Jordan River is a river that flows from north to south, and forms the eastern boundary of the land that was called Canaan. It flows through the Sea of Galilee and then empties into the Dead Sea.
21615:2kzm6on dry ground1God not only stopped the river from flowing, but also dried up the ground on the bottom of the river so the people could walk across it easily.
21715:5d0lvthe walls around Jericho fell down1The walls around Jericho were made of stone and were very strong. They did not fall down on their own. God caused them to fall down when the Israelites shouted and blew the trumpets as he told them to do.
21815:6abt7Joshua and the other leaders of the Israelites did not ask God what they should do.1Joshua and the other leaders acted very foolishly. The peace treaty was a very important decision. They should have asked God what to do, but they did not think they needed to do that.
21915:7ox95they combined their armies into one large army and attacked Gibeon1The Amorites were angry with the Gibeonites because they made a peace treaty with the Israelites instead of helping the Amorites to fight against them. They may also have been afraid that the Gibeonites would help Israel fight against the Amorites. Therefore, they decided to destroy the Gibeonites.
22015:9ajv5he sent large hailstones that killed many of the Amorites1The hailstones were large balls of ice that fell from the sky. God also killed many Egyptians with hail during one of the plagues in Egypt (See: [10:10](10/10)).
22115:10ndm0caused the sun to stay in one place in the sky1God caused the sun to stay in one place in order to make the day longer. That gave the Israelites more time to defeat the Amorites before nighttime when they might escape in the dark.
22215:13lh9vJoshua was an old man1Joshua was over 100 years old when the Israelites finished taking control of the land.
22315:13jhz8the covenant1This was the covenant that God made with the Israelites through Moses after they left Egypt (See: [13:4](13/4)).
22416:1ppy2After Joshua died, the Israelites disobeyed God1Joshua led the people well, so they obeyed God as Joshua did until he died. But when he was no longer alive to lead them, they began to disobey God.
22516:1yj19they did not drive out the rest of the Canaanites1While Joshua was alive, the Israelites defeated all the large Canaanite armies. However, many Canaanite people and cities remained in the land. The Israelites did not finish driving them out of the Promised Land.
22616:1sjseThe Israelites began to worship the Canaanite gods1Before the Israelites came to the Promised Land, God had warned them that they would begin to worship false gods if they did not drive out the Canaanites (See: [14:3](14/3)).
22716:1uegjeveryone did what they thought was right for themselves1The people did what they thought was right, instead of doing what God told them was right. Unfortunately, many of the things that they wanted to do were actually sinful.
22816:2kofga pattern that repeated many times1Each time the Israelites asked God to help them, he rescued them from their enemies. But their children would not remember that God had saved their parents. So they would sin against God just as their parents had done. This same thing happened with every generation.
22916:3w4tca deliverer1God sent many of these deliverers. After each one defeated Israels enemies, the deliverer ruled over Israel until they died.
23016:5pgjythreshing grain1The grain was wheat, which has a head of many small grains, or seeds, on the top of a thin stalk. **Grain** is separating the seeds of the plant from the stalks by beating the heads of grain. The seeds are food, but the stalks are not.
23116:5o6ewin a hidden place1People normally thresh grain on a high, open place where the wind can blow away the chaff of the wheat that people cannot eat. However, Gideon was so afraid of the Midiantes that he was in a secluded place where it would be difficult to separate out the grain.
23216:6b4mbGideons father had an altar dedicated to an idol1Gideons own father worshiped false gods rather than Yahweh, the true God.
23316:6u1auThe first thing God told Gideon to do was to tear down that altar1God would not help Gideon rescue Israel until he destroyed the altar of the idol that his family worshiped.
23416:6rscbGideon was afraid of the people1The Israelites who lived around Gideon also worshiped idols. Gideon was afraid that they would be angry with him if he destroyed the altar where his father worshiped idols.
23516:6whe8he waited until nighttime1Because Gideon was afraid of the people, he tore the altar down at night when no one would see him do it and try to stop him.
23616:6x47aHe built a new altar to God1Gideon not only destroyed his fathers altar so he could not worship the false gods, but he also built an altar to God and worshiped God by sacrificing an animal on it.
23716:8uatkcame again to steal from the Israelites1The Midianites would come to Israel at harvest time when there would be a lot of food for them to steal.
23816:9gwz2a sheepskin1This is the skin of a sheep that has all of the wool on it. Wool is a very thick and curly hair that would hold a lot of water.
23916:9zer3the ground be wet but the sheepskin dry1Gideon did not yet trust God enough to believe the first sign. So he asked God to do the opposite thing—make the ground wet instead of the skin, and the skin dry instead of the ground. He wanted to be sure that the first sign did not happen by itself.
24016:10u5sqGod told him this was too many1This was more soldiers than God wanted for this fight. If that many soldiers fought and won, they would think that they won the battle with their own strength, and they would not know that God did it.
24116:10e315300 soldiers1The Midianite army was **so many of them that they could not be counted** (See: [16:8](16/8)). God planned to cause Gideon to defeat all of them with only 300 soldiers.
24216:11u67pyou will no longer be afraid to attack them1Even after God gave Gideon the two miraculous signs, he was still afraid of the Midianites.
24316:11egb7Gideon went down to the camp1Gideon secretly went down near the enemy camp in the dark. He found a place where he could hear them, but they could not see him.
24416:11jm5osomething he had dreamed1God had caused one of the Midianites to have a strange dream. He also caused another Midianite soldier to understand that the dream meant that Gideon would defeat them. God did this so that Gideon would hear them and trust God enough to attack the Midianites.
24516:13d6yaA sword for Yahweh and for Gideon!1This was the battle cry of Gideons soldiers. This means: We fight for Yahweh and for Gideon! They yelled this out to encourage themselves, and to scare the Midianites.
24616:14ghrpthey started attacking and killing each other1The Midianites wanted to attack the Israelites, but because God caused them to be confused, they attacked each other instead.
24716:14ad0xmany other Israelites1This refers to the other Israelite soldiers that Gideon previously sent home (See: [16:10](16/10)).
24816:15fua2wanted to make Gideon their king1The Israelites had not yet had a king. Instead, God was their king. Gideon knew that they should not have a human king.
24916:15hppja large amount of gold1Even though each person gave Gideon only a small piece of gold, there were so many Israelites that the total amount of gold was very large.
25016:16dqmvthe people started worshiping it as if it were an idol1Gideon made the garment to honor God, but it became a problem for him. He and the people soon began to worship the garment as an idol. In this way, the Israelites followed the same pattern as before. They worshiped idols instead of God, and God, therefore, allowed their enemies to defeat them.
25116:18ztm2a king like all the other nations had1Other nations had a king. Israel wanted to be like them and have a king too.
25216:18h5bgGod did not like this request1God knew that they were rejecting him as their ruler and were choosing to follow a human leader instead.
25317:1ny1dwould one day be king in his place1God did not immediately remove Saul from being king. Instead, he allowed Saul to continue to rule for several more years while God prepared a man to replace him as king.
25417:3ce5la giant named Goliath1The word **giant** here describes a person who is unusually tall and powerful. Goliath was a huge soldier in an army that was fighting against Israel.
25517:3l627he led Israels army1David led the army, but Saul was still the king of Israel at this time.
25617:4a55mDavid shouted to him to look at the cloth he was holding1David cut off the piece of Sauls clothing to show Saul that David was close enough to kill Saul, but did not do it. In this way, David wanted to prove to Saul that he, David, was not trying to kill him.
25717:4l7ljDavid refused to kill him1David would not dishonor God by killing Saul, whom God had placed as king over Israel. Instead, he waited until God was ready to make David king.
25817:6wfbfto build a temple1David wanted to construct a permanent building for worshiping God that would replace the portable Tent of Meeting (See: [13:8](13/8)).
25917:7bbaiThe only descendant of David who could rule forever was the Messiah1All of the normal descendants of David eventually died. The Messiah, however, would live forever and continue to rule.
26017:7ojjbthe Messiah1The term **Messiah** means Anointed One. It refers to the person that God would send to save his people and to rule over his kingdom forever. In the New Testament, **Messiah** is translated as Christ.
26117:10a9s1saw a beautiful woman bathing1Bathsheba may have been bathing at her own house, but Davids palace was very high and he was able to see over walls that were lower.
26217:11asi7He slept with her1This is a polite way to say that David had sexual relations with Bathsheba. David was married and so was Bathsheba. Therefore, when he slept with her, he not only sinned against God, but also against his wives and her husband.
26317:12qa57He was one of Davids best soldiers1David knew Uriah well, because he was one of the best soldiers in Israel. For that reason, it was especially evil that David slept with Uriahs wife.
26417:12l0g1told him to go be with his wife1This could mean go home to be intimate with his wife. David wanted people, especially Uriah, to believe that Bathsheba was pregnant with Uriahs child.
26517:12ux57so that he would be killed1When David told his general to place Uriah where the enemies would kill him, David became guilty of murdering Uriah.
26617:14uxpmGod punished David1When David repented about sleeping with Bathsheba and murdering Uriah, God forgave him and was no longer angry with him. However, God still needed to punish David so that the Israelites would know that they should not disobey God. Therefore, God caused Davids baby to die, and also caused Davids children to fight against him and against each other.
26718:2ibbvwas present in the Temple1This could mean was present in the Temple in a special way. Even though God was also present everywhere else at the same time, he made himself especially available to the people at the Temple.
26818:3kygebrought their gods with them1His wives brought their idols and their methods of worshiping idols with them to Israel. As a result, Solomon himself also began to worship those idols.
26918:4kzbxbecause of this1God was angry with Solomon for worshiping idols.
27018:6w0p3I will make you suffer worse1Rehoboah was a very selfish person. The people asked him to treat them better than Solomon treated them, but he said he would treat them even worse.
27118:7r39ytribes1The descendants of each of Jacobs 12 sons had become a **tribe** or very large family group in the nation of Israel. Everyone in Israel belonged to one of the 12 tribes.
27218:7v336the kingdom of Judah1The tribe of Judah was the largest of the 12 tribes of Israel. The kingdom of Judah was made up of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. They were called by the name of Judah, a larger tribe than Benjamin.
27318:8jypqthe kingdom of Israel1The ten tribes were the majority of Israel. Therefore, they called themselves the kingdom of Israel.
27418:9lqj8They no longer went to Jerusalem1Jereboam placed his two idols in two temples in Dan and Bethel. The people in the kingdom of Israel went there to worship instead of going to Jerusalem.
27518:12dlypslept with prostitutes1They slept with prostitutes as an evil form of worship of their idols.
27618:13eof7Judah1The kingdom of Judah was often called “Judah.”
27718:13j5l9the people of Judah also rebelled against God1The people of Judah usually did whatever their kings did. If the kings worshiped God, the people did that also. But if the kings worshiped idols, the people also worshiped those false gods.
27819:3j410birds would bring Elijah bread and meat1God sent the birds to bring food to Elijah so that Elijah could eat. Elijah drank water from the stream.
27919:4mpm3another country close by1Elijah would be safe in this country, because Ahab would not go there to look for him to kill him.
28019:4edsntook care of Elijah1The widow and her son gave Elijah a place to stay in their house and provided food for him.
28119:4sokbjar of flour1This refers to a clay jar in which the widow kept her supply of flour.
28219:4j5uobottle of oil1In Israel, olive oil is used for cooking. The widow used the flour and the oil for making bread.
28319:5tdq1you troublemaker!1This means: You are a troublemaker! Ahab was accusing Elijah of causing trouble by telling the king that he was doing wrong and also by stopping the rain.
28419:5vhonYou have abandoned Yahweh1That is, Ahab had led Israel to stop worshiping and obeying Yahweh.
28519:5mi3mMount Carmel1Mount Carmel is the name of a mountain located in northern Israel. It is over 500 meters high.
28619:6dvvvIf Yahweh is God, worship him! But if Baal is God, worship him!1This does not mean that Elijah was undecided. He knew that Yahweh is the real God. He wanted the people to understand that when they worship false gods, they are rejecting Yahweh as the only true God.
28719:8lx18prayed to Baal1The prophets of Baal asked Baal to send fire onto the bull they prepared as a sacrifice.
28819:8eu74cut themselves with knives1They injured themselves with knives as an extreme way to show their devotion to Baal, hoping that this would persuade him to listen to them.
28919:9lj4qhe told the people to pour 12 huge pots of water on top of the sacrifice1Elijah told the people to pour the water on the sacrifice so that it would be more difficult to burn. In this way, the people would know for certain that God had answered when he sent fire onto the sacrifice.
29019:11lyrzthe rocks, the soil1Rocks and dirt do not burn. But God sent fire that was so hot that it even melted the rocks of the altar and the dirt underneath it. This showed the people that Yahweh is God, because only the true God could send fire that hot.
29119:13xdyoYahweh was ending the drought1God caused it not to rain for about three years in order to punish the people for worshiping Baal. Now, however, the people had rejected Baal and killed his prophets. Therefore, God was going to send rain on the kingdom of Israel again.
29219:14blojElijah finished his work1By that time, Elijah was very old. He had done everything that God told him to do.
29319:14bdriNaaman heard about Elisha1This means that people had told Naaman that Elisha was able to perform miracles.
29419:14bzwahe went to Elisha1Naaman had to go into Israel to find Elisha and ask him to do this.
29519:15l1ltit seemed foolish1Naaman would not do what Elisha said because he knew that washing alone could not heal his disease.
29619:17s5x8a dry well1The well had water in it, but there was still mud in the bottom.
29720:1ttejbroke the covenant1The people disobeyed the commands God had given them in his covenant with them at Mount Sinai (See: [13:4](13/4)).
29820:4q0xaforeigners1This refers to people who were not Israelites.
29920:4i4dnSamaritans1When the foreigners married the Israelites, their children were neither foreigners nor Israelites. They were a mixed race. These children were called Samaritans.
30020:5lborThe people in the kingdom of Judah saw how God had punished the people of the kingdom of Israel1God punished the kingdom of Israel first by sending the Assyrians to defeat them. The people in the kingdom of Judah saw this happen, and had time to repent. Instead, they continued to worship idols rather than worship God.
30120:6vpyaagreed to be1The king of Judah was forced to either serve the Babylonian king or be destroyed.
30220:7q0qdthe Babylonians came back and attacked the kingdom of Judah1This was the second time that the Babylonians attacked the kingdom of Judah. The first time, they forced the king of Judah to serve them. This second time, they destroyed Jerusalem.
30320:8k1xsthen made him blind1The Babylonians were very cruel. They made the king blind to punish him, but also so that the last thing he would remember seeing was them killing his sons.
30420:9omvtthe Exile1The word **exile** means someone is removed from their country by force. The **Exile** is the term for this 70-year period when the Israelites were forced to live in Babylon.
30520:11o3m6the Persian Empire1The Persian Empire grew to cover the area from central Asia to Egypt. It was located in the region of what is Iran today.
30620:11fswzthe land of Judah1That is, the area where the kingdom of Judah was located before the Exile. Jerusalem was the capital city of Judah.
30720:12gtv0go back to Judah1Since most of these Jews were the children and grandchildren of those who left Judah, they had never lived in Judah before.
30820:13jyoathe people1That is, the Israelites, the descendants of Jacob, who were now called the Jews.
30920:13gwmtthe wall1This wall was very thick (2.5 meters) and was built to protect the city from attackers.
31021:1b86ucrush the snakes head1A venomous snake cannot hurt anyone after its head has been crushed. To crush the snakes head is to completely destroy the snake.
31121:1vdxtSatan appeared as a snake in order to deceive Eve1Satan spoke to Eve in the form of a snake. This does not mean that he is a snake now.
31221:1ry61to deceive Eve1The snake deceived Eve by making her doubt what God had said and tricking her into disobeying God.
31321:2vfa0through him1The blessing that would come to all the people groups would be through Abraham because it would come through one of Abrahams descendants.
31421:3nydwprophet like Moses1To be like Moses, the future prophet would need to have great authority from God to lead and rescue his people.
31521:5cniaa New Covenant1The New Covenant would be truly effective. People really would know God. They would truly live as his people. And God would forgive their sins completely. God would make this New Covenant because the Messiah would die as a sacrifice for all who would believe in him.
31621:5opktwriting his law on their hearts1This is in contrast with the way God had written his law on stone tablets for the Israelites.
31721:7l746in place of God punishing the people1The people sin, but God would punish the Messiah for their sins. In this way, God would not need to punish anyone who believes in the Messiah.
31821:7c1mfthe perfect high priest1The sacrifices the Israelite priests kept making were never good enough because the priests sinned. The Messiah would never sin. Therefore, his sacrifice was perfect and would satisfy God completely.
31921:7nl2vthe perfect high priest1The sacrifices the Israelite priests kept making were never good enough because the priests sinned. The Messiah would never sin. Therefore, his sacrifice was perfect and would satisfy God completely.
32021:7tbz2offer himself1The Messiah would offer himself as a sacrifice by allowing himself to be killed.
32121:7lo60a perfect sacrifice1There was no fault or imperfection in the Messiahs sacrifice.
32221:9oxtzMalachi1Malachi was the last prophet in the Old Testament.
32321:9tv1bMicah1Micah was an Old Testament prophet of God who, like Isaiah, spoke his messages from God almost 800 years before the Messiah came.
32421:10xwgaset prisoners free1This means he would set free those who have unjustly been put into prison. This could also refer to setting people free from the bondage of sin.
32521:11h824Zechariah1Zechariah was an Old Testament prophet who spoke to Gods people after they returned to the Promised Land from the Exile in Babylon. This was about 500 years before the Messiah came.
32621:11w1ja30 silver coins1At the time, each of these coins was worth the amount of money a person could earn in four days.
32721:15smc0at exactly the right time1God decided that he would send the Messiah at a specific time in history. God prepared everything so that the events his prophets spoke about would happen at that time.
32822:1vaj7his people1This refers to the Israelites.
32922:1xdb6Then came 400 years of silence1The last Old Testament prophet, Malachi, has prophesied 400 years before.
33022:1ybepZechariah1This was not the same person as the Old Testament prophet by that name.
33122:2zhf3The angel1This refers to the angel that came to Zechariah in [22:1](22/1).
33222:2b1thfill him with the Holy Spirit1That is, God will give him wisdom and power through the Holy Spirit.
33322:4prstElizabeth1She was Zechariahs wife.
33422:4iqjbElizabeths relative1Mary may have been Elizabeths cousin, but we dont know exactly how these two women were related.
33522:5t45oHow can this be1Mary was not doubting the truth of the angels words, but was asking how it would happen.
33622:5e975Holy Spirit will come to you, and the power of God will come to you1By the power of God, the Holy Spirit miraculously caused Mary to become pregnant. This was not a physical act. This was a miracle.
33722:5o6eythe baby will be holy1The word **holy** here means the baby will belong to God.
33822:6ha4vbaby jumped inside her1The baby moved suddenly inside Elizabeths womb in response to Marys greeting to Elizabeth.
33922:6kfoawhat God had done for them1This refers to the fact that both women were pregnant through Gods supernatural intervention. Mary had conceived without a man, and Elizabeth had conceived with Zechariah after she was too old to have a child.
34022:7e9fzthe prophet1John would be the prophet that the Old Testament prophets had predicted would come before the Messiah.
34122:7jhvythe Most High God1This title refers to the fact that God rules over everything.
34223:1grnehe knew it was not his baby1Joseph knew that he was not the one who had caused Mary to be pregnant.
34323:1aue0to shame Mary1Joseph was merciful to Mary, even though it seemed like she was an adulteress.
34423:1c2ledivorce her1In Jewish culture, an engagement was binding. The only way to end the engagement was to divorce the woman.
34523:3ujtohe did not sleep with her1Joseph kept Mary a virgin until after the baby was born.
34623:4qj21When the time was near for Mary to give birth1This could mean When it was near the end of Marys pregnancy.
34723:4bkpothe Roman officials1Rome had conquered and ruled over Israel at this time.
34823:4ffvzto count all the people1The Romans probably counted the people so they could tax them.
34923:5l74xno place for them to stay1Because Bethlehem was so crowded at that time, the usual rooms for guests were already full of people.
35023:5z8uowhere some animals were kept1This was a place for sheltering animals, not a place where people lived.
35123:5e1s0a feeding trough1This refers to an animal feed box. The box could have been filled with hay to provide a padded surface for the baby to lie on.
35223:6nhmaguarding their flocks1A **flock** is a group of sheep. The shepherds were caring for their sheep, and protecting them from harm or theft.
35323:6gt4dthey were terrified1The shepherds were very afraid when a supernatural angel appeared.
35423:7ftrpwrapped in pieces of cloth1The custom of that time was to tightly wrap newborn babies in long strips of cloth.
35523:8gqh3everything they had heard and seen1This included the glorious angels and their amazing message, as well as seeing the newborn Messiah himself.
35623:9u2uoa country far to the east1This country was to the east of Israel. Many scholars think it was near Persia, which is modern-day Iran or Iraq.
35723:9n2cpThey studied the stars1These men may also have had access to the Old Testament prophets writings that predicted the birth of the Messiah.
35823:9brjvan unusual star1The star that they noticed was not a normal star. It was something that appeared at the time of Jesus birth.
35923:9exalthe child1As much as a year or two passed before the men arrived in Bethlehem. Jesus was no longer a baby.
36023:9vs46the house1They were no longer staying in the place for animals where he was born.
36123:10f4lgbowed down1At that time, this was the customary way of showing great respect or reverence.
36224:1kx3zwild honey1This honey was the natural product of bees in the wilderness; it was not cultivated by people.
36324:1ablmlocusts1These were large, hopping insects with wings, like very large grasshoppers. Some people who live in the desert eat them.
36424:1ms3aclothes made from camel hair1The hair of a camel is very coarse and strong. Clothes made of camel hair would not quickly wear out in the wilderness as other clothes would.
36524:2u63vRepent1To repent means to begin to think and act differently about something. In this case, it means to decide to change your behavior because it was wrong to sin.
36624:2idypthe kingdom of God is near1That means the kingdom of God is ready to appear.
36724:3yvh3did not repent1That is, they did not turn away from their sins.
36824:3dg7lconfess their sins1To confess is to acknowledge that something is true. These leaders did not want to acknowledge that they had sinned.
36924:4oozuYou poisonous snakes1John was calling the religious leaders poisonous snakes because they were dangerous and deceptive.
37024:4efldevery tree that does not bear good fruit1John is not really talking about trees. This is an expression that compares good fruit to good actions and attitudes that come from God.
37124:4dcdpGod will cut down every tree that does not bear good fruit, and he will throw them into the fire1These phrases mean God will judge them and punish them.
37224:4fmppSee1This word means that what follows is very important, and the one who hears should pay close attention to it.
37324:4zv4fahead of you1In this phrase, the word **you** refers to the Messiah.
37424:4orwzprepare your way1The prophets said that Gods messenger will prepare the people to listen to the Messiah.
37524:5nvo4not even worthy to untie his sandals1John meant that, compared to the Messiah, John was not important enough to do even the most menial task for him. Untying sandals was a very low job, something a slave would do.
37624:6kjo8the Lamb of God1Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for sin that God promised to provide. He fulfilled the image that was presented by the sacrifice of lambs in the Old Testament.
37724:6kbrkwill take away1The sacrifice of Jesus causes God to look at our sin as if it never existed.
37824:8jiygThis is my Son1God the Father called Jesus **my Son**.
37924:9vqeeGod had told John1God had told John this before Jesus came to be baptized.
38025:1xms8During that time he fasted1Most scholars believe Jesus fasted during the entire 40 days and 40 nights.
38125:1sj4xtempted him to sin1Satan tried to convince Jesus to sin.
38225:2jo7iturn these rocks into bread1Satan was reminding Jesus that, as the Son of God, Jesus had the power to supernaturally change the rocks into bread.
38325:3cj1xIt is written in Gods word1Jesus speaks the words that are written in Deuteronomy 8:3.
38425:3z946People do not only need bread in order to live1Jesus knew that God had led him into the wilderness to fast. Therefore it would be wrong for Jesus to change the rocks into bread for him to eat.
38525:3qxuqthey need everything that God tells them1Jesus knew that hearing from God and obeying him was more important than eating food. By quoting this verse, Jesus showed that he was willing to follow it.
38625:4bojpthe highest point on the Temple1This part of the Temple in Jerusalem would have been about 150 meters from the ground.
38725:4ay8lit is written1Satan spoke words from Psalm 91:11-12.
38825:5rzk2Do not test the Lord your God1Jesus speaks the words that are written in Deuteronomy 6:16. Jesus wanted to say that it would be wrong to challenge God to take care of him while doing something that God did not want him to do.
38925:6hdd3all the kingdoms of the world1This refers to all the greatest cities, countries, and other territories of the world.
39025:6xygnI will give you all this1It appears that Satan is able to give things of this world to people who obey him.
39125:7aacmWorship only the Lord your God. Honor only him as God1Jesus speaks the words that are written in Deuteronomy 6:16. We must worship and honor only the Lord God.
39225:8vnajdid not give in to1Jesus did not do the things that Satan was tempting him to do. He did not sin.
39326:1kb12After Jesus refused Satans temptations1Jesus did not do the wrong things Satan tried to get him to do, so Jesus defeated him.
39426:2n8nxthe village where he had lived when he was a child1Jesus was born in Bethlehem, but Joseph and Mary were from Nazareth. They moved back to Nazareth when Jesus was a young boy and lived there after that.
39526:2btuzthe place of worship1This was not the main Temple in Jerusalem where the Jews offered sacrifices. There were smaller buildings in many towns where the Jews worshiped and prayed together every week. This was one of those places.
39626:2n1sda scroll1A scroll was a long sheet of paper or leather that was rolled up and had writing on it.
39726:2e6vaa scroll with the messages of the prophet Isaiah1This was a copy of the scroll that Isaiah had written hundreds of years before.
39826:3zjr1proclaim good news to the poor1This means to tell poor and needy people the good message that God will help them.
39926:3v14hto set prisoners free1This means to tell people who are wrongfully in prison that they will be released.
40026:4n1chThe things I just read to you, they are happening right now1Jesus wanted to say that God was causing this passage about the Messiah to happen at that time. This meant that Jesus was the Messiah.
40126:4eau0Isnt this the son of Joseph?1The people were not asking if he was Josephs son or not. They were wondering how he could be the Messiah since they thought he was only the son of an ordinary man.
40226:5im20people never accept a prophet in the town he grew up in1Jesus was perhaps speaking a Jewish proverb. This proverb meant that people do not recognize the authority of a prophet who has grown up among them. Since Jesus grew up in Nazareth, the people there would not believe he was the Messiah.
40326:5zdnlhe sent Elijah to a widow in a different nation1Jesus is referring to a story in the Old Testament about the prophet Elijah. God provided food for that widow during a famine so she could take care of Elijah.
40426:6sdw9Elisha1Elisha was Gods prophet who came after Elijah. Like Elijah, Elisha confronted Israelite kings who were sinning against God and he did miracles that God gave him power to do.
40526:6cp8bHe only healed the skin disease of Naaman1Jesus is again referring to a story in the Old Testament. God healed Naaman because he obeyed what Elisha told him to do.
40626:6brghthey were furious at him1The Jews did not want to hear that God had blessed any people besides themselves, so they were very angry at what Jesus said.
40726:7ncqfJesus walked through the crowd1The crowd was trying to seize and kill Jesus. We do not know how Jesus was able to walk through the middle of them. Perhaps God confused them or prevented them from seeing Jesus. As a result, they were not able to do to Jesus what they had planned to do.
40826:9enexwho had demons in them1These people were controlled by evil spirits.
40926:9dtvcYou are the Son of God!1Even the demons knew that Jesus was the Son of God.
41026:10egveapostles1Jesus chose these 12 men from among his many disciples to be apostles. They spent more time with Jesus than his other disciples. And he later gave the apostles more authority than he gave his other disciples.
41127:1h1mean expert in the Jewish law1This man studied and taught the laws God had given the Israelites, as well as other Jewish laws.
41227:1z4zlto inherit eternal life1The law expert was asking how he could be worthy to receive eternal life as an inheritance from God the Father.
41327:1g9eseternal life1This refers to life forever with God after the mortal body dies.
41427:1aj4cWhat is written in Gods law?1Jesus asked this question because he wanted the man to think about what Gods law really teaches.
41527:2phceLove the Lord your God1Jesus is quoting what Gods law commands people to do in Deuteronomy 6:5.
41627:2bju7with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind1This could mean with your whole self or with every part of yourself.
41727:2af5mheart1The heart refers to the part of a person that has desires and emotions.
41827:2lmsxsoul1The soul refers to the nonphysical, spiritual part of a person.
41927:2hp6ustrength1Here **strength** refers to the physical body and all of its abilities.
42027:2ggesmind1Here **mind** refers to the part of a person that thinks, plans, and has ideas.
42127:2naskneighbor1Although the word **neighbor** normally refers to a person who lives near us, the Jews applied the term to everyone except close relatives, foreigners, and enemies.
42227:2tianlove your neighbor as yourself1This could mean love your neighbor to the same extent that you love yourself.
42327:3qlclwho is my neighbor?1The law expert knew that he did not love everyone, and was asking which people he needed to love.
42427:6mqhthappened to walk down1The priest was not just walking on the road, but was traveling to get to another city.
42527:6s5svignored that man1The priest did not help that man or show any concern for him.
42627:7grw9Levites were a tribe of Jews1The Levites were from the Israelite tribe of Levi.
42727:7qdefignored1This means he did not help the man.
42827:9y8c8an inn by the road1This was a place where travelers could get food and stay overnight.
42927:11iyahthe three men1The three men were the priest, the Levite, and the Samaritan.
43027:11ejl1neighbor1Jesus is using the word **neighbor** in a broader sense than in [27:2](27/2). **Neighbor** here refers to anyone that we meet who needs our help.
43127:11lkoedo the same1This could mean love others, even your enemies.
43228:1tuoza rich young ruler1This man was already a rich and powerful political official, even though he was still young.
43328:1j59vGood teacher1He meant to say that Jesus was a righteous teacher. He was not saying that Jesus was simply a skilled teacher.
43428:1wcisto have eternal life1This could mean to live with God forever.
43528:1ionmWhy do you call me good?1Jesus is not denying that he is good. Rather, he is asking if the ruler understands that Jesus is God.
43628:2kyu0as you love yourself1This could mean as much as you love yourself.
43728:4adbbperfect1This could mean completely righteous.
43828:4rcdsin heaven1Jesus is asking the man to give up wealth now in order to gain it later on when he will be with God.
43928:6ycyza camel1Camels are very large animals that are often used to carry heavy loads.
44028:6z44rthe eye of a needle1This refers to the tiny hole in the end of a sewing needle. The idea of something as large as a camel going through the eye of a needle is intended to represent something that is impossible.
44128:7qoqyIf it is like this, who will God save?1The disciples were surprised because many people believed that being rich was a sign of Gods favor.
44228:7jqh4save1This refers to God not judging or condemning them for their sin, and allowing them to be citizens in his kingdom.
44328:10um9v100 times more1This could mean very much more than he had before.
44428:10y568many who are first will be last1This could mean many people who are important now, will not be important then.
44528:10ladamany who are last will be first1This could mean many people who are considered to not be very important on earth will be considered very important in heaven.
44629:1u54jmy brother1This term sometimes included people who were not actually siblings, but who shared another very strong connection such as religion, ethnic background, etc.
44729:1ai70Not seven times, but 70 times seven!1Jesus was not talking about an exact number. He was saying that we should forgive people every time they sin against us.
44829:2qnt0to settle accounts with his servants1That is, to collect the money his servants had borrowed from him.
44929:4i9mvfell on his knees1That is, he quickly knelt down on the ground. This was a way to show his humility and his desire for the king to help him.
45029:4yh4jcanceled all of his debt1The king said the servant did not need to pay back any of the money that he owed the king.
45129:9r2lomy heavenly Father1Jesus is expressing his unique, personal relationship to God the Father.
45230:1nk1cthe lake1This refers to the Sea of Galilee.
45330:1vd1gto the other side of the lake1They went across the northern part of the lake. This would have been about 5-8 kilometers by boat.
45430:2zwt9to get to the other side1The distance around that part of the lake was about 8-10 kilometers.
45530:3ksmqover 5,000 men in it, not counting the women and children1Some scholars think there may have been as many as 10,000 or 15,000 people.
45630:3svaklike sheep without a shepherd1This means the people were vulnerable and lost, just like sheep are when they have no shepherd to take care of them.
45730:5qgjmHow can we do that?1The disciples were not asking an actual question. Rather, they were strongly expressing that they did not think this was possible.
45830:8jh1iit never ran out!1This was a miracle. The small amount of food became enough for thousands of people as Jesus gave it to his disciples.
45930:8d0twwere satisfied1That is, they were no longer hungry.
46031:1rmy4to the other side of the lake1They went across the northern part of the Sea of Galilee. This would have been about 5-8 kilometers by boat.
46131:2v66yrowing their boat1The boat had a sail, but it would not have helped them much when the wind was against them.
46231:3y1lmwalked on top of the water1This was a miracle. The average depth of the Sea of Galilee is 25 meters.
46331:4olcythey thought he was a ghost1The disciples thought Jesus was a spirit, because a human being cannot walk on water.
46431:6gvrystarted walking to Jesus1Jesus enabled Peter to begin to actually walk on top of the water.
46531:7ellhPeter became afraid and began to sink1Peter sank into the water because he stopped looking at Jesus and became afraid of the waves instead.
46631:8opiwThey worshiped him1The disciples realized that Jesus could only do these miracles because he was the Son of God.
46732:1t29pthe Gerasene people1The Gerasenes lived in an area along the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee. They were descendants of the Jews, but we know few details about them.
46832:2weirwas demon possessed1The man was controlled by evil spirits.
46932:5jlm1knelt down in front of him1The man knelt down before Jesus as a sign of respect. He wanted Jesus to free him from the demons.
47032:6eji2What do you want with me1This expression means What are you going to do to me?
47132:6bhdrthe Most High God1This title means that God is the Supreme God who rules over everything.
47232:6a5hwLegion1This was the name of the group of demons, but it also indicates that the evil spirits were very numerous.
47332:10eudkbegged to go along with Jesus1The man wanted to become one of Jesus disciples.
47432:11zgk0I want you to go home1Jesus told the man to serve him in his own town instead of traveling with Jesus to other places.
47532:15ig2epower had gone out from him1Jesus knew that his power had healed the woman. He asked who touched him because he wanted the woman to testify about what happened to her.
47632:16s23xshaking and very afraid1The woman was very afraid because she had tried to be healed secretly. She thought perhaps Jesus was angry with her for doing that.
47732:16u5p5Your faith has healed you1Jesus did not heal the woman because she touched him, but because she believed that he was able to heal her.
47832:16oo3mGo in peace1People spoke this traditional blessing when they left each other. Jesus may also have spoken these words because the woman was afraid. Now, however, she would know that Jesus had accepted her because of her faith in him.
47933:1twjathe lake1This refers to the Sea of Galilee.
48033:2thdmspreading the seed by hand1Farmers in the ancient Middle East typically planted grain-bearing crops by throwing the seed on the soil.
48133:2midxthe path1The path was packed hard from people walking on it. The seed could not go down into the soil, so it was easy for the birds to eat all of it.
48233:3qnkzvery little soil1The rocky ground had enough soil to hide the seed from the birds, but not enough for the roots to grow well.
48333:4x32uchoked it out1The thorn bushes were so dense that the grain plants could not get enough sunlight to grow well.
48433:6npvyThis story confused the disciples1The disciples understood what happened to the seed, but they did not understand what it taught about God.
48533:8ucicdo not produce any grain1This could mean do not produce spiritual fruit or do not behave in a way that shows Gods Spirit is working in him.
48633:9a9ayproduces fruit1This means he does the things that God wants him to do.
48734:1p9y4stories1Jesus used these stories to teach truths about Gods kingdom. It is not clear if the events actually happened or not.
48834:1wls7a mustard seed1This probably refers to the seed of the black mustard plant, which has tiny seeds that rapidly grow into very large plants.
48934:1r6ththe smallest seed of all1That means the smallest of all the seeds that people planted at that time.
49034:3gfx8yeast1Yeast is added to bread dough to make it rise. A little bit of yeast mixed into a large amount of dough makes the whole batch of dough rise.
49134:3zm0mbread dough1This is a mixture of flour and liquid that can be shaped and baked into bread.
49234:3zcblit spreads throughout the dough1The yeast works its way into every part of the dough and causes it all to rise.
49334:4flerburied it again1He buried the treasure so that no one else would find it before he could buy the field.
49434:4fldobuy that field1After he bought the field, he could openly search for all of the treasure, and it would all be his.
49534:5v4zwa perfect pearl1This refers to a pearl that does not have any defects, and is therefore very valuable.
49634:5swela pearl merchant1This refers to a person whose business is buying and selling pearls.
49734:6nmk3despised others1This means they considered other people to be inferior to themselves.
49834:6gclpthe Temple1This refers to the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.
49934:7uk75that tax collector1The Jews considered the tax collectors to be sinners because they worked for the Romans, collecting taxes from fellow Jews.
50034:8z2oeI fast1The religious ruler believed that doing this would earn favor with God.
50134:9a347stood far away1He did not think he was worthy to come close to the religious leader.
50234:9mgnydid not even look up to heaven1The word **up** indicates that people normally looked up to heaven when praying to God, but that this man did not because he was so ashamed of his sin.
50334:9slu6he pounded on his chest with his fist1The tax collector pounded on his chest as a sign that he was very sorry that he had sinned.
50434:10ektudeclared him to be righteous1Even though the tax collector was a sinner, God was merciful to him because of his humility and repentance.
50534:10tk2drather than the religious leader1God did not accept the prayer of the religious leader because he prayed in a proud way. The religious leader did not understand that he was also a sinner.
50635:1y8cbtax collectors1The tax collectors were Jews who collected taxes for the Romans. The Jews hated them for that, and because they often collected higher taxes than the Romans required, keeping the difference for themselves.
50735:2gp7zreligious leaders1This refers to the Jewish religious officials.
50835:3evvlI want my inheritance now!1This was not normal. Sons received their inheritance when their fathers died.
50935:3sgdtdivided his property1The father was extremely generous to divide his property while he was still alive. An older son always received twice as much inheritance as a younger son.
51035:5yvncfeeding pigs1The Law of Moses did not allow Jews to touch pigs. This was a shameful job for a Jewish man.
51135:6i8vsone of his servants1The younger son assumed that his father would not accept him as his son, but might let him be a servant.
51235:7qnuvHe ran to his son1Older men did not run to meet people. The father was so excited to see his son that he ignored the culture and ran to kiss and hug his son.
51335:8g50wI have sinned against God1The son had offended God, as well as his father by doing the things that he did (See: [35:3](35/3), [35:4](35/4)).
51435:8iq8tI am not worthy to be your son1The younger son did not have time to ask to be a servant before his father interrupted him (See: [35:6](35/6)).
51535:9bivqPut a ring on his finger and put sandals on his feet1A ring, sandals, and a fine clothes were symbols that showed the son was a member of the family and not a servant.
51635:9g7bukill the best calf1The Jews of that time often fed one of their calves special food so that it would be especially good to eat at a feast or other special occasion.
51735:12uf34you did not give me even one small goat1A small goat was much less expensive than the best calf. The older brother was angry, and ignored the fact that his father had already given him twice the inheritance that he gave to the younger brother (See: [35:3](35/3)).
51835:12doouthis son of yours1The older son was so angry that he did not speak of the younger son as his own brother.
51935:13u7jveverything I have is yours1The father reminded his older son that he had already given him all of his possessions as an inheritance (See: [35:3](35/3)).
52035:13m61eyour brother1The father reminds his older son that his sons are also brothers.
52135:13zygzwas dead, but now is alive1The younger son was so far away and separated from his family that it was as if he were dead. But now that he had returned, it was as if he were alive again (See: [35:9](35/9)).
52236:1flzsJames1This is a different James than the one who wrote the Book of James in the Bible.
52336:3e2nlMoses and the prophet Elijah1Moses gave the law to Israel, and Elijah was one of the most important prophets of Israel. These two men represented the way God spoke to Israel in the Old Testament.
52436:4bescshelters1These were the small, individual, temporary shelters the Jews made from tree branches during an annual Jewish holiday.
52536:4nmexdid not know what he was saying1Peter spoke without thinking clearly because he was so excited.
52636:5ufyja voice coming from the cloud1God spoke to them from the cloud.
52736:5awz9This is my Son whom I love1This is the same thing that God had said about Jesus after John the Baptist baptized him in [24:8](24/8).
52836:5s3r3Listen to him1Moses and the prophets were important, but God told the disciples that Jesus was more important, and that they should honor what he said more than they honored Moses and the prophets.
52936:6ea9fthe only one still there was Jesus1Moses and Elijah had gone away, leaving only Jesus with the disciples.
53036:7od0pDo not tell anyone yet1Jesus knew that the people would not yet believe who he was, but later, when he came back to life, many people would believe.
53137:1kai2Mary1Jesus mother was also named Mary. This was a different woman.
53237:1xhmeThis sickness will not end with Lazarus dying1Jesus disciples probably thought this meant that Lazarus would not die. But Jesus knew that, although Lazarus would die from his sickness, he would become alive again.
53337:2dj51but he waited where he was for two days1Jesus stayed where he was for two days, even though they wanted him to go and heal Lazarus. He was waiting for Lazarus to die.
53437:2aamlJudea1This refers to the southern section of Israel, which was settled by the tribe of Judah.
53537:2rqfghas fallen asleep, and I must wake him1When Jesus spoke about sleeping, he was talking about death. However, the disciples did not understand that yet.
53637:3spg1he will get better1The disciples thought there was no reason for them to go to Lazarus now, since he was getting well.
53737:3oudzI am glad1This did not mean he was happy that Lazarus died, but rather that he was happy that God was going to show how great he is.
53837:4uocxMartha1Martha was the sister of Lazarus and Mary (See: [37:1](37/1)).
53937:4x705my brother would not have died1Martha believed that Jesus could have prevented her brother from dying.
54037:5lekvI am the Resurrection and the Life1This is one of several very powerful **I am** statements in which Jesus says something about his essential nature. In this one, Jesus indicates that he is the provider or source of resurrection and life.
54137:5x9phwill never die1That means they will live forever, even if they die for a short time.
54237:6woveMary1This was the same woman as in [37:1](37/1), not the mother of Jesus.
54337:6vzm6fell at the feet of Jesus1Mary knelt down at Jesus feet as a sign of respect.
54437:6t34emy brother would not have died1Like Martha in [37:4](37/4), Mary also believed that Jesus could have kept her brother from dying.
54537:7la4jhe told them1He was probably not telling Mary and Martha to roll the large stone away. He was speaking to the men who were with them.
54637:7a90vMartha1Martha was the sister of Lazarus and Mary (See: [37:1](37/1)).
54737:8xpqiDid I not tell you1This could mean Remember that I told you. Jesus is not asking this question in order to get an answer, so some languages should translate this as a command.
54837:8h6n6see Gods power1This could mean see the power of God displayed or see God show how powerful he is.
54937:8qgadrolled the stone away1Some languages should say: “rolled the stone away from the opening of the tomb.”
55037:10yxftgrave clothes1This refers to the strips of cloth that the Jews wrapped around dead bodies before they buried them.
55137:11r3b5envied1The religious leaders were jealous that the people were listening to Jesus instead of listening to them.
55238:3cvkd30 silver coins1Each of these coins were worth about four days wages.
55338:4a502broke it1Jesus tore the flat loaf of bread into small pieces in order to share it among the disciples.
55438:4w1h6This is my body, which I will give for you1Jesus was referring to his death, which would happen soon.
55538:5k251my blood of the New Covenant1The shedding of Jesus blood made the New Covenant possible.
55638:5pzr5I will pour out1Jesus would bleed as he was dying.
55738:5gb16remember me1When his followers ate this ceremonial meal in the future, it would remind them of how Jesus died for them.
55838:7eqhsSatan entered into him1At this time, Satan took control of Judas.
55938:8t5c5Mount of Olives1This is the name of a hill covered with olive trees, just outside the walls of the city of Jerusalem.
56038:8xpp3It is written1Jesus quoted a prophecy in the Old Testament that refers to Jesus death and his followers' desertion.
56138:8ha9athe shepherd and all the sheep1Jesus is the shepherd in the prophecy, and his disciples who desert him are the sheep.
56238:9te66to have all of you1Satan wanted to cause all of the disciples to be so afraid of being killed that they would abandon Jesus.
56338:9t9qzthat your faith will not fail1Jesus prayed that Peter would not completely stop believing in Jesus.
56438:9xx56before the rooster crows1Roosters normally crow at the first light of the new day.
56538:11my19a place called Gethsemane1Gethsemane was a garden at the foot of the Mount of Olives.
56638:11mjcvthey would not enter into temptation1This could mean they would not be tempted or Satan would not tempt them.
56738:12csxudrink this cup of suffering1This is a figure of speech that means Jesus would endure this suffering.
56838:12tf8ulet your will be done1Jesus did not want to die, but he understood that he must die in order to make a way for God to forgive sinners as God wanted to do.
56938:12jczbhis sweat was like drops of blood1This may mean that Jesus grief was so intense that he started to bleed, and his blood mingled with his sweat.
57038:15emg9I could ask the Father for an army of angels to defend me, but I must obey my Father.1Jesus could have easily prevented the soldiers from arresting him. However, he allowed it because it was Gods will that he die in the place of sinners.
57138:15jiczJesus healed the mans ear1Jesus was so gracious that he even healed the ear of the man who had come to arrest him.
57238:15k14hall the disciples ran away1The disciples fled as Jesus had said they would in [38:8](38/8).
57339:1zgscthe house of the high priest1The soldiers took Jesus there because the high priest was the one who ordered them to arrest Jesus.
57439:3n6ejare you the Messiah, the Son of the living God?1The religious leaders could not find any reason to condemn Jesus. Therefore, they asked him to tell them if he was the Son of God. They did not believe he was Gods Son. If he said that he was indeed the Messiah, they planned to condemn him for falsely stating that he was God.
57539:4mleiI am1**I am** is also the name of God (See: [9:14](9/14)). By saying simply “I am,” Jesus was also saying that he is God.
57639:4c7iiseated with God1Because God is the ruler over all, people talk about him as sitting on a throne in heaven. By saying that he would be seated with God, Jesus claimed that he had authority to rule with the Father.
57739:4jpbytore his clothes because he was angry1The Jews would tear their clothes to show grief or anger.
57839:4qetfWhat is your decision about him?1The chief priest wanted the religious leaders to condemn Jesus for claiming to be equal with God.
57939:5toy0He deserves to die!1The Jewish law said that any person who claimed to be God must be killed. Because the Jews did not believe that Jesus was God, they condemned him to die.
58039:6tkjgyou both are from Galilee1The people could tell from the way Jesus and Peter talked that they both came from the region of Galilee.
58139:7fxp6a rooster crowed1**Crowing** is the loud sound that a rooster makes. Jesus had told him in [38:9](38/9) that Peter would deny Jesus before the rooster crowed.
58239:8vhzgJudas became full of sorrow1Although Judas was sorry for what he had done, he did not ask God to forgive him. Instead, he killed himself.
58339:9es9wHe worked for Rome1The Roman government had appointed Pilate to govern the region of Judea in Israel.
58439:9tshmcondemn Jesus and kill him1As governor, Pilate had the authority to condemn Jesus to death and to give approval for his crucifixion, or he could set him free. The Jewish religious leaders did not have the authority to have someone killed.
58539:10tfoqmy kingdom is not here on earth1Jesus kingdom is not like earthly kingdoms.
58639:10ok8emy servants would fight for me1An earthly king would ask his disciples to fight to protect him. But Jesus was not that kind of king.
58739:10gbcklistens to me1This includes not just hearing Jesus words, but also doing what he says.
58839:10f9n0What is truth?1Pilate did not believe that anyone could know what is true.
58939:11nmywCrucify him!1The Romans executed the worst criminals by nailing them to a cross and letting them hang on it until they died of exhaustion or asphyxiation.
59039:11u5kaHe is not guilty!1Pilate correctly judged that Jesus was completely innocent. But the people would not accept his judgment.
59139:12lacrhe agreed to have1Pilate did not want to kill Jesus because he believed that Jesus was innocent. But he was forced to tell his soldiers to crucify Jesus because of his fear of the crowd.
59239:12xi82a royal robe1This robe had a bright color, so it looked like the kind of robe that a king would wear.
59339:12ammpa crown made of thorns1They tied thorn branches into a circle to look like a crown. A crown is an ornament that a king wears on his head to show his authority. But the crown that they put on Jesus head had sharp, dangerous thorns on it.
59439:12yibgthe King of the Jews1The soldiers said this to mock Jesus. They did not believe that he was the King of the Jews.
59540:1w53zto crucify him1The soldiers crucified criminals by nailing them to a large cross and keeping them there until they died.
59640:2tqvpthe Skull1This is a small escarpment near Jerusalem with a rocky, white face which looks somewhat like a skull.
59740:2npylforgive them, because they do not know what they are doing1Jesus knew that the soldiers thought Jesus was only a criminal who deserved to die. They did not understand that he was the Son of God.
59840:2jhgna sign on the cross above his head1The Romans often put a sign on a cross to state the crime that the person had committed.
59940:3mjlogambled for Jesus clothing1The soldiers played a game of chance to win Jesus clothes.
60040:3wikithey fulfilled a prophecy that said1King David wrote these words in Psalm 22 hundreds of years before this event.
60140:4xt0ztwo robbers1This refers to criminals who used force or violence to steal things.
60240:4wx4lParadise1This is another name for heaven.
60340:5jtawcome down from the cross and save yourself!1These people did not understand that Jesus was able to come down from the cross and to save himself (See: [38:15](38/15)). However, it was Gods plan for him to die so that he could save other people (See: [38:12](38/12)).
60440:6ie9othe whole region became completely dark1God caused this darkness. Natural events such as an eclipse only last few minutes. This darkness lasted three hours.
60540:7mqajIt is finished!1This means that Jesus has completed his work to save people who had sinned against God.
60640:7xooxgave up his spirit1Jesus released his spirit back to God, and he died.
60740:7ezznthe large curtain1This was a large, strong fabric hung in the Temple. It was like a wall separating one room from another.
60840:7fq6yfrom the top to the bottom1The curtain was torn from the top to indicate that God was opening it from above, rather than men opening it from below.
60940:8v822opened the way for people to come to God1The tearing of the curtain showed that the barrier between God and people had been removed.
61040:8f4xwHe was the Son of God1The soldier realized that Jesus did not die like an ordinary man, and that God had done the miraculous things that happened when he died.
61140:9vemmJoseph1This was not Marys husband. It was another man named Joseph.
61240:9u0vqasked Pilate for Jesus body1The two men asked Pilate to permit them to take Jesus body down from the cross in order to bury it.
61341:1jl04That liar, Jesus, said1The Jewish leaders refused to believe that Jesus told the truth about being the Son of God.
61441:1ux6krise from the dead1The Jewish leaders were well aware that Jesus promised to become alive again.
61541:2wrpva seal on the stone1They put a soft material like clay or wax between the stone and the tomb and marked it with an official seal. If anyone moved the stone, the material would break and show that someone had entered the tomb.
61641:3enz6No one could work on the Sabbath day1The Sabbath day rules did not permit a Jew to walk very far or to do any other kind of work.
61741:3zlobspices1This refers to sweet-smelling spices that were placed on a dead body to cover the bad smell.
61841:4sl42fell to the ground like dead men1They were not dead, but they did not move, just like dead men do not move. They probably had fainted from fright.
61941:5x041Do not be afraid1The women were frightened because the angel shone like lightning.
62041:6d8iehe will go to Galilee ahead of you1Jesus intended to meet his disciples in Galilee.
62141:8ysyfDo not be afraid1The women perhaps were afraid because they thought that Jesus was a ghost.
62242:1sbqvthe women said he was alive again1The women told the disciples that Jesus was alive in [41:8](41/8).
62342:2g2jyall the things that had happened1This refers to the teaching and miracles of Jesus, his death, and the reports of his resurrection.
62442:3lomfon the third day1This refers to the third day after his death.
62542:6pt10Peace to you1This was a normal greeting among the Jews. However, Jesus may have said this here because the disciples thought he was a ghost and were frightened when he appeared.
62642:6dyf2a ghost1This refers to the spirit of a dead person.
62742:7qznxJesus made them understand Gods word better1Jesus did something that enabled them to better understand the meaning of the scriptures.
62842:8ozpvMy disciples will proclaim this message starting in Jerusalem1The disciples would speak first in Jerusalem about Jesus rising from the dead, and then they would speak about it in other places.
62942:10fkdbmake disciples in all people groups1The disciples would help people from every people group to also become disciples of Jesus.
63042:10bcjfin the name of1This phrase means both by the authority of and under the authority of.
63142:11eqoyat the right hand of God1This was the position of the highest authority.
63243:1m9h9stayed in Jerusalem1Jesus had told them to stay in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit came upon them (See: [42:11](42/11)).
63343:2h6kccelebrated the wheat harvest1The Jews would thank God for the wheat harvest by bringing offerings and celebrate by having special meals. This happened in May; other crops were harvested at other times of the year.
63443:2o9azThis year1This refers to the year that Jesus died.
63543:3phzkfilled with the Holy Spirit1The Holy Spirit entered into them and began to give them power to speak in other languages.
63643:4lqrxthis noise1This refers to the sound like a rushing wind that happened when the Holy Spirit filled the believers.
63743:4qpsoin their own native language1The people in the crowd were from different regions, and spoke different languages. They each heard the disciples speak to them in their own language.
63843:5ns02Joel1Joel was a prophet in Israel who lived hundreds of years before this happened.
63943:5lhlathe last days1This refers to the final days before the end of the world.
64043:5t0nopour out my Spirit1This means that God will give his Spirit generously to people.
64143:5tyajmy Spirit1This refers to the Holy Spirit.
64243:6lzoeyou crucified him!1The Jews did not actually nail Jesus to the cross. However, the Jewish leaders caused him to be condemned and many of the people in the crowd had shouted for him to be crucified (See: [39:11](39/11)).
64343:7lyaxYou will not let your1**You** and **your** refer to God the Father.
64443:7p8ewrot in the grave1This refers to the fact that Jesus did not remain in the tomb very long. It is another way of saying that he did not stay dead, but rather, came back to life again.
64543:8mhijat his right hand1This is the place of highest honor.
64643:8dd24as he promised he would do1Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to the disciples in [42:11](42/11).
64743:8n32nThe Holy Spirit is causing1The Holy Spirit was the one who enabled the believers to speak the languages of all the people.
64843:9vk7athe Lord of everything1By saying this about Jesus, Peter was saying that Jesus is God.
64943:10hscmBrothers1This was a normal way for a Jew to address fellow Jews.
65043:11d77vrepent1To repent is to change ones way of thinking about God.
65143:11x20qin the name of1This phrase means both by the authority of and under the authority of.
65243:11d5jtChrist1This is the same meaning as “Messiah.”
65344:1s65uthe Temple1This refers to the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.
65444:2zep7In the name of Jesus1This expression here means by the authority of Jesus.
65544:3yf4tthe courtyard of the Temple1Only priests could enter the Temple, but ordinary Jews were allowed to come into this area that surrounded the Temple.
65644:5aj8vYou are the ones who told the Roman governor to kill Jesus1The Jews did this in [39:11](39/11).
65744:5c8p5turn to God1Peter is telling the Jews they must begin to obey God.
65844:6dnrjthey were very upset1The leaders had Jesus killed because they were jealous that people listened to him. They were upset now that people were still talking about him.
65944:6hfpfThe number of men1This was in addition to the women and children who believed.
66044:8x362rejected him1That is, they refused to believe that Jesus was the Messiah.
66144:8t6eabut there is no other way to be saved except through the power of Jesus1Jesus is the only one who has the power to save people.
66244:8mpvqto be saved1This means God will not condemn them for their sins.
66344:9ykpnordinary1That means Peter and John were simple fishermen.
66444:9k0f0who were uneducated1That means they did not have a formal or religious education.
66544:9q7mphad been with Jesus1The disciples had spent time with Jesus and he had taught them.
66645:1uto9followers of Jesus1This title refers to people who believe in Jesus Christ.
66745:2uwb7Moses1God used Moses to free the Israelites from being slaves in Egypt (See: [12:12](12/12)). God then gave his laws and commandments to Moses to give to the Israelites (See: [13:7](13/7)).
66845:4iabwcovered their ears1They did this to show that they did not want to hear what Stephen said.
66945:4c5foThey dragged Stephen out of the city1They did this as a sign that they did not think Stephen was worthy to live among them.
67045:4ey48threw stones at him in order to kill him1This was the method that the Jews used to kill people who they believed had offended God.
67145:5p8e4Jesus, receive my spirit1Stephen prayed to Jesus, believing that when he died, his spirit would go to heaven, where Jesus is.
67245:5ol88do not hold this sin against them1Stephen asked God to forgive the Jews for killing him.
67345:6ah65many people in Jerusalem started persecuting the followers of Jesus1The Jews were not satisfied to kill only Stephen. They also began to attack all of the other followers of Jesus who believed in him the same way Stephen did.
67445:6ulfoBut in spite of opposition1The Jewish leaders thought they could stop the spread of Jesus teaching by persecuting his followers. Instead, this caused them to scatter and spread the message even more widely.
67545:7v0wpSamaria1This region was located on the north side of Judea. The Jews hated the Samaritans, and rarely went there.
67645:7m1uzchariot1A chariot was a type of cart with two wheels that was pulled by horses. A chariot had space for a few people to ride in it. It was used by soldiers and important officials.
67745:7qrryEthiopia1Ethiopia is a country in Eastern Africa.
67845:8jfphthe Ethiopian1This refers to a person from the country of Ethiopia.
67945:8yplhthe prophet Isaiah1Isaiah lived many hundreds of years before Jesus.
68045:8q8hjas a lamb is silent1Lambs are so afraid that they are often silent when someone kills them.
68145:9cw8cWas Isaiah writing about himself or someone else?1The Ethiopian was not able to understand the prophesy of Isaiah. He needed Philip to help him know whom Isaiah was writing about. This is why the Holy Spirit sent Philip to the Ethiopian.
68245:11edwhsome water1This refers to a larger body of water such as a pond, lake, or stream.
68345:11utxsMay I be baptized?1Perhaps Philip told the Ethiopian that the disciples of Jesus were baptized, or perhaps when the Ethiopian was in Jerusalem, he heard that John the Baptist and Jesus baptized their disciples. He now decided that he wanted Philip to baptize him.
68445:12a1p4carried Philip away1The Holy Spirit suddenly took Philip to a different place in a miraculous way.
68546:1b36kSaul1This was not the same man as King Saul in the Old Testament. Saul would later change his name to Paul (See: [47:1](47/1)).
68646:1nxchguarded the robes of the men who killed Stephen1See [45:6](45/6).
68746:1pqgnDamascus1Damascus is now the capital of the country of Syria. During Sauls time, it was a city belonging to the Roman Empire. Most of the people there were not Jewish, but there were some Jews and also some followers of Jesus living there.
68846:4citfBut Ananias said1Ananias did not want to go to Saul because he was afraid Saul would arrest him.
68946:4odi9to declare my name1This could mean to teach about me or to make me known.
69046:4ipakfor my name1Saul would suffer because he would be associated with Jesus and serve Jesus.
69146:5xsr1placed his hands on him1This was a symbol that Ananias accepted Saul and gave Gods message to him.
69246:6odb6argued with the Jews1Saul spoke persuasively with the Jews to convince them to believe in Jesus.
69346:7qwk1the city gates1The gates were the only normal way into or out of the walled cities.
69446:7r52vlowered him over the city wall in a basket1The other believers helped Saul get into a large basket and lowered the basket with him in it over the city wall so he could leave the city without going through the gates where the Jews waited to kill him.
69546:8h28raccepted Saul1Barnabas convinced the apostles that Saul also was a believer in Jesus.
69646:9v696the city of Antioch1This was an ancient city located in what is now the southernmost tip of the modern country of Turkey, near its border with Syria and close to the Mediterranean Sea. It was about 450 miles northwest of Jerusalem.
69746:9wid1to strengthen the church1Barnabas and Saul helped the church to grow strong spiritually by teaching them about God and about Jesus.
69846:9gsyiChristians1They were called Christians because they believe in Jesus Christ.
69946:10i11xplaced their hands on them1This was a symbol that they were sending Barnabas and Saul out to work for God on behalf of all the followers of Jesus.
70047:1dwoqPhilippi1Philippi was a major city and Roman colony located in Macedonia in the northern part of ancient Greece.
70147:2c7xeShe invited Paul and Silas to stay at her house1This was the normal custom of the day for people to provide hospitality to visitors in their homes. There were no immoral motives in this arrangement.
70247:3pbakas a fortuneteller1The masters of the slave girl charged people money for her to tell them what would happen to them in the future.
70347:4oauiPaul became annoyed1Paul and Silas were indeed telling people how to be saved. But the demon who controlled the girl was the one who was actually saying these things. Paul did not want to accept praise from a demon.
70447:5sirpIn the name of Jesus1Because of Jesus authority, Paul could command the demon to leave.
70547:6qu8ywithout the demon1The owners of the slave girl knew that a demon gave her the power to tell what would happen in the future. They only thought of their own profit, and were not happy that the girl was now freed from the demon that had controlled her.
70647:7w2z3Paul and Silas to the Roman authorities1Paul and Silas had done nothing wrong, but they were strangers in Philippi. The Roman authorities believed the false accusations of the owners of the slave girl and punished Paul and Silas.
70747:8xyorsinging songs of praise to God1Paul and Silas were able to trust God even though the authorities beat them and put them in prison. Therefore, they were singing and praising God.
70847:9fsn1the chains of all the prisoners fell off1God caused this to happen. A natural earthquake would not release a person from the chains on their hands and feet.
70947:10poapthe jailer1This could mean the official in charge of the jail.
71047:10ccyfhe got ready to kill himself!1The jailer was so afraid, thinking that the prisoners had escaped, that he intended to kill himself rather than be punished for his failure to guard them.
71147:11fy0uWhat must I do to be saved?1The jailer knew that it was God who caused the earthquake and released the prisoners. He wanted to know how he could be saved from being punished by that powerful God.
71247:11k7siBelieve in Jesus, the Master1This was addressed to both the jailer and his family, who all then believed and were baptized.
71347:13rdf0The good news about Jesus kept spreading1People in more and more places were hearing the good news about Jesus.
71447:13o5qwthe Church kept growing1More and more people were becoming part of the Church by believing in Jesus.
71548:1aa4uGod created the world1See [1:1](1/1).
71648:1glvdperfect1Everything was exactly as it should have been in order to accomplish all that God intended for it.
71748:1dw49Adam and Eve1See [1:14](1/14).
71848:1ve58There was no sin1See [2:1](2/1).
71948:2a1ddSatan1Satan is a spirit being that God created. He rebelled against God and became Gods enemy.
72048:2d9mythe garden1This refers to the garden created by God where he placed the first man and woman [1:10](1/10).
72148:2tyocdeceive her1Satan lied to Eve by leading her to doubt what God had said. By doing this, he tricked her into disobeying God (See: [2:4](2/4)).
72248:2i11pBecause they sinned, everyone on earth dies1See [1:11](1/11).
72348:4jy2ccrush Satans head1God made this promise in [2:9](2/9). This (crushing the head) represents a person stepping on the head of a snake. The head is completely crushed, and the snake is dead and therefore harmless.
72448:4i598bite his heel1This represents a snake on the ground biting a persons foot. In this case, Satan would cause the Messiah to suffer, but would not destroy him (See: [2:9](2/9)).
72548:5ta0bGod told Noah to build a boat1See [3:2](3/2).
72648:6u7wspriests kept on offering sacrifices1See [13:9](13/9).
72748:6o0t4He gave himself1That is, Jesus allowed himself to be killed.
72848:7v7peI will bless all the people groups on the earth1See [4:4](4/4).
72948:8d79asacrifice his own son, Isaac1See [5:6](5/6).
73048:8ltm7the Lamb of God1See [24:6](24/6).
73148:9bhlxsent the last plague on Egypt1This was the tenth plague when God caused the firstborn sons of the Egyptians to die (See: [11:7](11/7)).
73248:9kc42kill a lamb1See [11:2](11/2).
73348:9luh2the Passover1The Passover is the name of a religious festival that the Jews celebrate every year to remember how God rescued their ancestors, the Israelites, from slavery in Egypt (See: [12:14](12/14)).
73448:10vxwzblood of Jesus1This refers to the sacrifice of himself that Jesus made when he died for sinners.
73548:11m1pwa covenant1A covenant is a formal, binding agreement between two parties that one or both parties must fulfill.
73648:12r6lpcall Jesus the Word of God1Jesus reveals Gods character. The other prophets preached the message God gave them, but Jesus revealed God in his preaching and his actions.
73748:13krq5God promised King David1See [17:7](17/7).
73849:1qrq6the Holy Spirit came to her and made her become pregnant1Scholars cannot explain how the Holy Spirit caused Mary to become pregnant. However, the Holy Spirit does not have a physical body, so we know that the Holy Spirit did not have sexual relations with Mary (See: [22:5](22/5)).
73949:2cscoHe walked on water1See [31:3](31/3).
74049:2p45ldrove demons out1See [26:9](26/9).
74149:2x16pHe raised dead people to life1See [37:10](37/10).
74249:2g0jpto feed over 5,000 people1See [30:8](30/8).
74349:3yw7ma great teacher1This could mean a very important teacher or an excellent teacher.
74449:3gapdthe same way1This could mean as much as or the same amount that or to the same degree that.
74549:4cibzlove God more than you love anything else1See [28:4](28/4).
74649:5bbd3better to be in Gods kingdom1See [34:4](34/4).
74749:6ugr6good soil1See [33:9](33/9).
74849:6yw5rhard soil on a path1See [33:6](33/6).
74949:8x55vAdam and Eve sinned1See [2:5](2/5).
75049:9psmygave his only Son1That is, he offered his only Son to the world as a sacrifice for sins.
75149:10dhkoJesus took the punishment for sin in our place1Jesus willingly took the place of sinners and received the punishment that they deserved.
75249:10u162killing him on a cross1See [42:2](42/2).
75349:11y1jdtake away1The sacrifice of Jesus causes God to look at our sin as if it never existed.
75449:14fqjrto believe in him1That means to believe that he is God and to trust in him to save you.
75549:14hqrmto be baptized1Jesus wants people to be baptized in order to show others that they have believed in him.
75649:15wtz9kingdom of darkness1**Darkness** is used here to refer to sin and everything that is evil.
75749:15a00ikingdom of light1**Light** here refers to Gods holiness and goodness. The Bible often compares evil to darkness, and goodness to light.
75849:15kwumGod has enabled you to no longer sin as you used to do.1Followers of Jesus still sin sometimes. But because the Holy Spirit lives in them, they can now resist sinning. Therefore, they do not sin easily or often, like they did before God saved them.
75949:17qeyjconfess your sins1This could mean admit to God what you have done wrong.
76049:17m8q4He will give you strength to fight against sin1God will give you spiritual strength to refuse to sin.
76150:1jqojThe Church has been growing1That is, the number of people who have believed in Jesus has been increasing.
76250:1bqqkat the end of the world1This refers to the final days of this world.
76350:3sih9make disciples1This has the meaning help people to become my disciples.
76450:3ve1iThe fields are ripe for harvest1That is, people in many places are ready to be gathered and brought to God like crops that are ripe in fields and ready to be gathered.
76550:3wo27The fields1In this expression, **The fields** represents the people in the world.
76650:3eh0fripe1**Ripe** here represents being ready to believe in Jesus.
76750:3he3tharvest1**Harvest** here represents the work of bringing people to God by teaching them about Jesus.
76850:4x62sin this world1This could mean in this lifetime.
76950:4rvvfremain faithful to me1This could mean Keep obeying me.
77050:4wwg2to the end1This could mean to the end of your life.
77150:4m0a8will save you1This refers to spiritual salvation rather than physical deliverance from harm. It has already been stated that many believers will be killed or tortured.
77250:5a33tgood seed1This seed was wheat grain.
77350:5snqmweed seeds1The weed seeds that were planted would grow up as tall grass but could not be eaten. They were useless.
77450:5zwwewheat seeds1Wheat is a kind of grain that grows like a tall grass. It has seeds that people use for food.
77550:7xx6yyou will pull out some of the wheat as well1It would be too difficult to distinguish young wheat from the weeds, and to pull the weeds without uprooting the wheat.
77650:7yupqbarn1This refers to the building where the harvested wheat grain was saved and stored.
77750:8x9ptthe people of Gods kingdom1This refers to the people whom God has chosen to live in his kingdom.
77850:9wc9gwho belong to the devil1This refers to the people who are ruled by the devil.
77950:9y6xcthe devil1The devil is also called “Satan.”
78050:9jelcthe evil one1This is another title for Satan. It describes his character.
78150:9jrb6the harvesters1This refers to the men who harvest the ripe grain.
78250:10ss3awho belong to the devil1This refers to those who do not believe in Jesus, but follow the evil ways of the devil.
78350:10i15ithe people who are righteous1This refers to the people who belong to the Messiah (See: [50:8](50/8)).
78450:10cjj8shine like the sun1This means everyone in heaven will see that they are good.
78550:11hoixhe will have a real body1Jesus will still have his physical body, but it will be different than the body he had while he was on earth. He will never be able to die again.
78650:11u8b0will come on the clouds in the sky1The clouds in the sky will surround Jesus as he comes.
78750:11wzqjmeet him in the sky1Those who believe in Jesus will go up to be near Jesus while he is in the sky.
78850:12npxvstill alive1This refers to followers of Jesus who will still be alive when he returns to earth.
78950:13pecta crown1This crown represents our reward for believing in Jesus and serving him in this life.
79050:14uqeihell1**Hell** is the place where God will punish forever all the people who do not believe in Jesus.
79150:14zegaweep and grind their teeth1This is a symbol of their intense suffering (See: [50:10](50/10)).
79250:14mlopcontinually burn them1The fire will never completely destroy them. They will continue to suffer forever.
79350:15fg8zhis kingdom1This refers to all the evil things Satan does and the evil people he controls.
79450:16w5toGod cursed it1See [2:11](2/11).
79550:16awmqa new heaven1This refers to a new set of stars and everything else in the sky.
79650:16mpqna new earth1This current earth on which we live will be replaced by a new and improved one.
79750:17zbzrwipe away every tear1This means that Jesus will cause his people to never be sad again.
79850:17yd8fThey will not be sick or die1The people in the new earth will no longer suffer the effects of the curse that Adam and Eve brought upon the people of this earth.