
2.1 KiB

test, tests, tested


The term "test" refers to a difficult or painful experience that reveals a person's strengths and weaknesses.

  • God tests people, but he does not tempt them to sin. Satan, however, tempts people to sin.
  • God sometimes uses tests to expose people's sin. A test helps a person to turn away from sin and to draw closer to God.
  • Gold and other metals are tested with fire to find out how pure and strong they are. This is a picture of how God uses painful circumstances to test his people.
  • To "put to the test" can mean, "challenge something or someone to prove its value."
  • In the context of putting God to the test, it means to try to make him do a miracle for us, taking advantage of his mercy.
  • Jesus told Satan that it is wrong to put God to the test. He is the almighty, holy God who is above everything and everyone.

Translation Suggestions:

  • The term to "test" could also be translated as, to "challenge" or to "cause to experience difficulties" or to "prove."
  • Ways to translate "a test" could be, "a challenge" or "a difficult experience."
  • To "put to the test" could be translated as to "test" or to "set up a challenge" or to "force to prove oneself."
  • In the context of testing God, this could be translated as, "trying to force God to prove his love."
  • In some contexts, when God is not the subject, the term "test" can mean "tempt."

(See also: tempt)

Bible References:

Word Data:

  • Strong's: H5713, H5715, H5749, H6030, H8584, G1242, G1263, G1303, G1957, G3140, G3141, G3142, G3143, G4303, G4828, G6020