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Hagar [05-01]


Ten years after Abram and Sarai arrived in Canaan, they still did not have a child. So Abram's wife, Sarai, said to him, “Since God has not allowed me to have children and now I am too old to have children, here is my servant, Hagar. Marry her also so she can have a child for me.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • still did not have a child - Without a child, Abram had no descendants to become a great nation.
  • Marry her also - Abram would take Hagar as a second wife, but Hagar would not have the full status of a wife as Sarai did. She was still Sarai's servant.
  • have a child for me - Since Hagar was Sarai's servant, Sarai would be considered the mother of any children that Hagar bore.