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## Fill the Earth [01-15] ##
__God made__ man and woman __in his own image__. He __blessed__ them and told them, “Have many children and grandchildren and fill the earth!” And God saw that everything he had made was __very good__, and he was very pleased with all of it. This all happened on the sixth day of __creation__.
## Important Terms: ##
* __[God](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-tw/src/master/content/kt/God.md)__
* __[bless](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-tw/src/master/content/kt/bless.md)__
* __[good](https://git.door43.org/Door43/en-tw/src/master/content/kt/good.md)__
### Translation Notes: ###
* __God made__ - God formed the man and the woman in a very personal way.
* __in his own image__ - An image is a physical representation of someone or something. God made people to display or represent some of his qualities and traits, but not to be equal to him.
* __very good__ - More intense than the, "it was good" statements on previous days. "Very good" refers to all of creation, not just the man and the woman. Everything was exactly as God intended it to be.
* __creation__ - The six-day period during which God made everything that exists.