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Raw Blame History

Wait for the Harvest [50-07]

__ 等待收获 __


“The servants responded to their master, Should we pull out the weeds? The master said, No. If you do that, you will pull out some of the wheat as well. Wait until the harvest and then gather the weeds into piles to be burned, but bring the wheat into my barn.’”


Important Terms:


Translation Notes:


  • (Jesus continues to tell the story.)
  • (耶稣继续讲故事)
  • you will pull out some of the wheat as well - That is, "you will accidentally pull out some of the wheat also." It would be too difficult to distinguish young wheat from the weeds, and to pull the weeds without uprooting the wheat.
  • 你会把拔出的一些麦苗的 — 就是说,“你也会偶尔拔出一些麦苗的。” 会很难从野草中分辨出麦苗,并且很难拔出草而不带出麦苗。
  • until the harvest - That is, "until the time when the wheat is ready to harvest" or, "until the wheat has grown enough to be harvested."
  • 直到收获 — 就是说,“直到麦子准备收获的时候”或 “直到麦苗已长得足够成熟,以待收获。”
  • the wheat - That is, "the harvested wheat grains."
  • 麦子 — 就是“已收获的麦粒。”
  • barn - This refers to the building where the harvested wheat grain was saved and stored. It could also be called a "storehouse."
  • 粮仓 — 指已收获的麦粒被收好和贮存的建筑物。也可以被称作“堆栈/仓库”