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The Miracles [49-02] 神迹


Jesus did many miracles that prove he is God. He walked on water, calmed storms, healed many sick people, drove out demons, raised the dead to life, and turned five loaves of bread and two small fish into enough food for over 5,000 people.

耶稣行了很多神迹来证明他是神。他在海上行走, 平息风暴,治愈了很多病人, 赶鬼,让死人复活,并且把五饼二鱼变成足够五千人吃的食物.

Important Terms: 重要的术语

Translation Notes: 翻译注解:

  • drove out demons - That is, "made demons come out of people."
  • 赶鬼 - 即 “将鬼从人身上赶出来”。
  • raised the dead to life - This could also be translated as, "caused dead people to become alive again."
  • 死里复活 - 这也可译成 ”使死人再次活过来“。