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21:1co4aHow did Amos receive the things he spoke concerning Israel?Amos received the things he spoke concerning Israel in revelation.
31:1rtjfWhat was Amos occupation?Amos was a shepherd.
41:3pkxkWhy did Yahweh declare punishment against Damascus?Yahweh declared punishment against Damascus because they threshed Gilead with instruments of iron.
51:6couwWhy did Yahweh declare punishment against Gaza?Yahweh declared punishment against Gaza because they carried away captive a whole people to hand them over to Edom.
61:7vi7nWhat did Yahweh declare he would do to the fortresses of Ben Hadad, Gaza, and Tyre?Yahweh declared he would devour the fortresses of Ben Hadad, Gaza, and Tyre.
71:9n6iiWhy did Yahweh declare punishment against Tyre?Yahweh declared punishment against Tyre because they handed over whole people groups to Edom and broke their treaty of brotherhood.
81:11jmpcWhy did Yahweh declare punishment against Edom?Yahweh declared punishment against Edom because he pursued his brother with the sword.
91:13a4aoWhy did Yahweh declare punishment against Ammon?Yahweh declared punishment against Ammon because they ripped open the pregnant women of Gilead.
101:14dy3xWhat did Yahweh declare he would do to the palaces of Rabbah?Yahweh declared he would devour the palaces of Rabbah.
111:15f1fpWhat did Yahweh declare would happen to the king of Ammon?Yahweh declared the king of Ammon would go into captivity.
122:1p4srWhy did Yahweh declare punishment against Moab?Yahweh declared punishment against Moab because Moab burned the bones of the king of Edom.
132:4c3rmWhy did Yahweh declare punishment against Judah?Yahweh declared punishment against Judah because Judah rejected the law of Yahweh.
142:5jm9cWhat did Yahweh declare he would do to the fortresses of Moab and Judah?Yahweh declared he would devour the fortresses of Moab and Judah.
152:7ayzwWhy did Yahweh declare punishment against Israel?Yahweh declared punishment against Israel because Israel trampled the heads of the poor.
162:9p4xfHow had the Israelites been able to defeat the Amorites?The Israelites had been able to defeat the Amorites because Yahweh destroyed the Amorites before them.
172:12w7teWhat did the Israelites do with the prophets Yahweh had raised up among them?The Israelites commanded the prophets not to prophesy.
182:12bdseWhat did the Israelites do with the Nazarites Yahweh had raised up among them?The Israelites persuaded the Nazarites to drink wine.
192:14j6a7What will the swift person and the strong person not be able to do?The swift person will find no escape and the strong will not add to his own strength.
202:15-16n44gWhat did Yahweh declare concerning the archer, the fast runner, the horseman, and the bravest warriors?Yahweh declared the archer will not stand, the fast runner will not escape, the horseman will not save himself, and even the bravest warriors will flee naked in that day.
213:1t2psAgainst whom is this word of Yahweh?This word of Yahweh is against the people of Israel, the whole family Yahweh brought up out of Egypt.
223:2w15oWho did Yahweh choose from all the families of the earth?Yahweh chose Israel from all the families of the earth.
233:3fciwWhat must two persons do in order to walk together?Two persons must agree in order to walk together.
243:6xlm7When disaster comes on a city, who has sent it?When disaster comes on a city, Yahweh has sent it.
253:7jgxtWhat does Yahweh do before he takes action?Yahweh reveals his plan to his prophets before he takes action.
263:9in8iWhat would Egypt see if they saw what was happening in Samaria?Egypt would see great confusion and oppression in Samaria.
273:10u96iWhat was Israel storing up in their fortresses?Israel was storing up violence and destruction in their fortresses.
283:11q3uiWhat punishment does Yahweh declare against Israel?Yahweh declares that an enemy will plunder the fortresses of Israel.
293:12ntf4Who will escape Yahwehs punishment?Only a few will escape Yahwehs punishment.
303:13-14a3ieIn the day Yahweh punishes the sins of Israel, who else will he punish?Yahweh will also punish the altars of Bethel, of the house of Jacob.
314:1hmbkWhat name does Yahweh give the wives of the rich who live in Samaria?Yahweh calls the wives of the rich, “cows of Bashan”.
324:1fdr7What are the wives of the rich in Samaria doing to the poor?The wives of the rich are oppressing the poor and crushing the needy.
334:2uadfWhat does Yahweh declare will happen to the wives of the rich in Samaria?Yahweh declares the wives will be taken away with hooks and driven out from the city.
344:4-5ln1kWhat pleases the people of Israel?The people of Israel are pleased to sin in Bethel and multiply sin in Gilgal, to bring sacrifices and tithes, to offer a thanksgiving sacrifice, and proclaim freewill offerings.
354:7s3w0What did Yahweh do to the rain so that the people of Israel would return to him?Yahweh withheld rain from Israel so that the people of Israel would return to him.
364:9j4d6What did Yahweh do to the gardens, vineyards, and trees so that the people of Israel would return to him?Yahweh afflicted the gardens, vineyards, and trees with blight and mildew, and devoured them with locusts.
374:10w6cuWhat did Yahweh do to the young men so that the people of Israel would return to him?Yahweh killed the young men with the sword so that the people of Israel would return to him.
384:11yl2hWhat did Yahweh do to the cities so that the people of Israel would return to him?Yahweh overthrew the cities so that the people of Israel would return to him.
394:11k2wvHow did the people of Israel respond to Yahwehs attempts to cause them to return?The people of Israel did not return to Yahweh.
404:12rox1What does Yahweh tell the people of Israel they must now prepare to do?Yahweh tells the people of Israel they must now prepare to meet their God.
414:13nvrrWho formed the mountains and revealed his thoughts to mankind?Yahweh, God of hosts, formed the mountains and revealed his thoughts to mankind.
425:1-2q2o5Who has fallen in this lament?The virgin Israel has fallen in this lament.
435:4lt63What does Yahweh tell the house of Israel to do?Yahweh tells the house of Israel to seek him and live.
445:9d17qWhat does Yahweh bring on the strong?Yahweh brings sudden destruction on the strong.
455:10mvwpWho do the strong hate and abhor?The strong hate those who correct them, and abhor anyone who speaks the truth.
465:11ssrnWhat had the strong done, for which Yahweh will punish them?The strong had trampled down the poor, for which Yahweh will punish them.
475:13d233What does a prudent person do at such an evil time?A prudent person is silent at such an evil time.
485:14p2mwWhat should the people do so that Yahweh is really with them?The people should seek good and not evil, so that Yahweh is really with them.
495:16-17qibjWhat will be heard in the streets when Yahweh passes through the peoples midst?Wailing and woes will be heard in the streets when Yahweh passes through the peoples midst.
505:20bwyuWhat will the day of Yahweh be?The day of Yahweh will be darkness and gloom.
515:21rwg6What does Yahweh think about the solemn assemblies of the people?Yahweh takes no delight in the solemn assemblies of the people.
525:24nffuWhat does Yahweh want to see flowing from the people?Yahweh wants to see justice and righteousness flowing from the people.
535:26tgvuWhat had the people made for themselves?The people had made for themselves idols.
545:27lg2hWhere will Yahweh send the people?Yahweh will exile the people beyond Damascus.
556:1ma39On whom does Yahweh declare a woe?Yahweh declares a woe on those at ease in Zion, and those secure in Samaria.
566:5-6uyh4What are those receiving Yahwehs woe doing with their time?Those receiving Yahwehs woe are using their time lounging, feasting, singing songs, and drinking.
576:6rg43What are those receiving Yahwehs woe not doing with their time?Those receiving Yahwehs woe are not using their time grieving over the ruin of Joseph.
586:7qhduWhere are those receiving Yahwehs woe now going?Those receiving Yahwehs woe are now going into exile.
596:8y32cWhat does Yahweh hate about these people of Jacob?Yahweh hates the pride and fortresses of these people of Jacob.
606:11v6sdWhat will happen to the houses of these people of Jacob?Their houses will be smashed to bits.
616:12b926What have these people of Jacob done to justice and righteousness?These people of Jacob have turned justice into poison and righteousness into bitterness.
626:14j601What does Yahweh declare he will do against the house of Israel?Yahweh declares he will raise up a nation against the house of Israel.
636:14r91lWhat will this nation do against the house of Israel?This nation will afflict the house of Israel.
647:1kc1tIn his vision, what did Amos see Yahweh forming in the spring?Amos saw Yahweh forming a locust swarm in the spring to eat the vegetation of the land.
657:2-3s6twWhen Amos asked Yahweh to forgive Jacob and not bring this disaster on them, what did Yahweh answer?Yahweh answered that this disaster would not happen.
667:4gjbjIn his vision, on what did Amos see Yahweh calling?Amos saw Yahweh calling on fire to judge.
677:5-6fx89When Amos asked Yahweh to forgive Jacob and not bring this disaster on them, what did Yahweh answer?Yahweh answered that this disaster also would not happen.
687:7g1g9In his vision, what did Amos see the Lord standing and doing?Amos saw the Lord standing beside a wall with a plumb line in his hand.
697:8aji2What did the Lord say was the meaning of the plumb line?The Lord said the plumb line meant Israel would be spared no longer.
707:9jib2What did Yahweh declare he would do to Israel?Yahweh declared he would destroy the high places and sanctuaries of Israel.
717:10hk28Of what was Amos accused by Amaziah, priest of Bethel?Amos was accused of conspiring against Jeroboam, king of Israel.
727:11uzo7What had Amos prophesied about Jeroboam?Amos had prophesied that Jeroboam would die by the sword.
737:12j3d6To where was Amos told to return and prophesy?Amos was told to return to the land of Judah and prophesy there.
747:14-15u0hkWhat was Amos work before Yahweh took him to be his prophet?Amos was a herdsman and keeper of sycamore fig trees.
757:17yvhcWhat did Yahweh declare against Amaziah, priest of Bethel?Yahweh declared that Amaziah would die in an unclean land, his wife would be a prostitute, his sons and daughters would be killed, and his land would be divided up.
767:17ra31What did Yahweh declare he would do with Israel?Yahweh declared he would exile Israel from its land.
778:1-2kqcaWhat did Yahweh show Amos?Yahweh showed Amos a basket of summer fruit.
788:2fa4eWhat did Yahweh say had come for his people Israel?Yahweh said the end had come for his people Israel.
798:4ui34What sins had the people of Israel committed?The people of Israel had trampled the needy and removed the poor of the land.
808:5-6mlyrWhy were the people anxious for the new moon and Sabbath to be over?The people were anxious because they wanted to sell grain again and cheat the poor.
818:7j9plWhat did Yahweh say he would never do with any of the peoples actions?Yahweh said he would never forget any of the peoples actions.
828:9hr1fIn that day, what did Yahweh say he would do to the sun?In that day, Yahweh said he would make the sun set at noon.
838:10q046What would the people wear on that day?The people would wear sackcloth on that day.
848:11s8gfWhat famine did Yahweh say he would send in the land?Yahweh said he would send a famine in the land for hearing the words of Yahweh.
858:13p2lvIn that day, who would faint from thirst?In that day, the virgins and young men would faint from thirst.
868:14o9zcWho does Yahweh say would never rise again?Those who swear by the sin of Samaria would never rise again.
879:1uebiWho will escape the Lords judgment of Israel?Not one of them will escape the Lords judgment.
889:3l8xqWhat will the Lord do to those who would hide in the bottom of the sea?The Lord will give orders to the serpent to bite them.
899:4a4waFor what purpose will the Lord keep his eyes on Israel?The Lord will keep his eyes on Israel for harm.
909:5zvflWhat do the people do when Yahweh touches the land to melt it?The people mourn when Yahweh touches the land to melt it.
919:7b2l8From where did Yahweh bring up Israel?Yahweh brought up Israel from the land of Egypt.
929:7y28oFrom where did Yahweh bring the Philistines?Yahweh brought the Philistines from Crete.
939:8j7hjDoes Yahweh say he will totally destroy the people of Israel?No, Yahweh says he will not totally destroy the people of Israel.
949:10pz6mWhat were the sinners in Israel saying, those that Yahweh will kill?The sinners were saying that disaster would not overtake them.
959:11mlxaIn that day, what does Yahweh say he will raise up?In that day, Yahweh says that he will raise up the tent of David that has fallen.
969:13v6fzWith what does Yahweh say the mountains will drip and the hills will flow in the coming days?In the coming days, the mountains will drip and the hills will flow with sweet wine.
979:14cddlFrom what does Yahweh promise to bring Israel back?Yahweh promises to bring Israel back from captivity.
989:15f7rhAfter Yahweh brings back Israel, how long will Israel remain in the land?After Yahweh brings back Israel, Israel will remain in the land forever.