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21:1biiwHow did Paul become an apostle of Christ Jesus?Paul became an apostle of Christ Jesus through the will of God.
31:2vnnjTo whom did Paul write this letter?Paul wrote to those set apart for God and the faithful brothers at Colossae.
41:5qqwfFrom where did the Colossians hear about the confident expectation that they now have?The Colossians heard about their confident expectation in the word of truth, the gospel.
51:6qikjWhat does Paul say the gospel has been doing in the world?Paul says the gospel has been bearing fruit and growing in all the world.
61:7dmf2Who presented the gospel to the Colossians?Epaphras, the faithful servant of Christ, presented the gospel to the Colossians.
71:9ausfWith what does Paul pray that the Colossians be filled?Paul prays that the Colossians be filled with the knowledge of Gods will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
81:10f2yyHow does Paul pray that the Colossians will walk in their lives?Paul prays that the Colossians will walk worthy of the Lord, bearing fruit with good deeds, growing in the knowledge of God.
91:12qrlrFor what have those set apart for God been qualified?Those set apart for God have been qualified for a share in the inheritance in the light.
101:13y7asFrom what has the Father rescued those set apart for him?He rescued them from the dominion of darkness and transferred them to the kingdom of his Son.
111:14z9ctIn Christ, we have redemption, which is what?In Christ we have redemption, which is the forgiveness of sins.
121:15s0ktThe Son is the image of whom?The Son is the image of the invisible God.
131:16zforWhat was created through Jesus Christ and for him?All things were created through Jesus Christ and for him.
141:20r641How did God reconcile all things to himself?God reconciled all things to himself when he made peace through his Sons blood.
151:21xtytWhat relationship did the Colossians have with God before they believed the gospel?Before believing the gospel, the Colossians were separated from God and were his enemies.
161:23xys7What must the Colossians continue to do?The Colossians must continue to be settled in the faith and confident of the gospel.
171:24bn1jFor whose sake is Paul suffering, and what is his attitude?Paul is suffering for the sake of the church, and he rejoices in it.
181:27lkx8What is the mystery that was hidden for ages but now has been revealed?The mystery that was hidden for ages but now has been revealed is Christ in you, the confidence of glory.
191:28tewwWhat is the goal for which Paul is admonishing and teaching every man?Pauls goal is to present every person complete in Christ.
202:2khgwWhat is the mystery of God?The mystery of God is Christ.
212:3uqawWhat is hidden in Christ?All the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ.
222:4dzdwWhat is Paul concerned that might happen to the Colossians?Paul is concerned that the Colossians might be deceived with persuasive speech.
232:6zuqzWhat does Paul call the Colossians to do now that they have received Christ Jesus?Paul calls the Colossians to walk in Christ Jesus in the same way that they received him.
242:8exp5Upon what are the empty deceits that Paul is concerned about based?The empty deceits are based upon human tradition and the sinful belief systems of the world.
252:9j96cWhat lives in Christ?All the fullness of Gods nature lives in Christ.
262:10nr08Who is the head of all rule and authority?Christ is the head of all rule and authority.
272:11oxvnWhat is removed through the circumcision of Christ?The sinful body of flesh is removed through the circumcision of Christ.
282:12cl9zWhat happens in baptism?A person is buried with Christ in baptism.
292:13qd9nWhat is a persons condition before Christ makes him alive?A person is dead in his sins before Christ makes him alive.
302:14qmkyWhat did Christ do with the record of debts charged against us?Christ removed the record of debts and nailed it to the cross.
312:15qg82What did Christ do with the rulers and authorities?Christ removed the rulers and authorities, openly exposed them, and led them as his captives in a victory procession.
322:16v5itWhat does Paul say are a shadow of the things to come?Paul says that food, drink, feast days, and Sabbaths are a shadow of the things to come.
332:17f82oTo what reality do the shadows point?The shadows point to the reality of Christ.
342:19wx2iFrom what does the whole body grow with the growth from God?The whole body holds fast to Christ, the head, to grow with the growth from God.
352:21rpy1What kinds of commandments does Paul say are part of the worlds beliefs?Commandments to not handle, not taste, and not touch are part of the worlds beliefs.
362:23e01iAgainst what do the rules of man-made religion have no value?The rules of man-made religion have no value against the indulgence of the flesh.
373:1femjTo where has Christ been raised?Christ has been raised to sit at the right hand of God.
383:1-2nvqyWhat should believers seek, and what should they not seek?Believers should seek the things above and not the things of the earth.
393:3lgs1Where has God put the believers life?God has hidden the believers life in Christ.
403:4c3ivWhat will happen to the believer when Christ is revealed?When Christ is revealed, the believer will also be revealed with him in glory.
413:5kkr7What must the believer put to death?The believer must put to death the sinful desires of the earth.
423:6kdvaWhat happens to those who are disobedient to God?The wrath of God comes upon those who are disobedient to God.
433:8v608What are some of the things that Paul says the believers must get rid of, which are part of the old self?The believers must get rid of wrath, anger, evil intentions, insults, and obscene speech.
443:10qw6mIn whose image is the believers new self created?The believers new self is created in the image of Christ.
453:12egq2What are some of the things that Paul says the believers must put on, which are part of the new self?The believers must put on a heart of compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, and patience.
463:13w8roIn what way should the believer forgive?The believer should forgive in the same way that the Lord has forgiven him.
473:14wp9tWhat is the bond of perfection among believers?Love is the bond of perfection.
483:15reanWhat should rule in the believers heart?The peace of Christ should rule in the believers heart.
493:16japvWhat should live in the believer richly?The word of Christ should live in the believer richly.
503:15-17jpyuWhat should the believer give to God in his attitude, song, word, and deed?In his attitude, song, word, and deed, the believer should give thanks to God.
513:18akjvHow should a wife respond to her husband?A wife should submit to her husband.
523:19hqz9How should a husband treat his wife?A husband should love his wife and not be bitter against her.
533:20x7jeHow should a child treat his parents?A child should obey his parents in all things.
543:21v3wdWhat should a father not do to his children?A father should not provoke his children.
553:23-24gj77For whom are believers working in whatever they do?Believers are working for the Lord in whatever they do.
563:24bc4jWhat will those receive who serve the Lord in whatever they do?Those who serve the Lord in whatever they do will receive the reward of the inheritance.
573:25ja48What will those receive who do unrighteousness?Those who do unrighteousness will receive the penalty for what they did.
584:1n50rWhat does Paul remind earthly masters that they also have?Paul reminds earthly masters that they also have a master in heaven.
594:2w7omIn what does Paul want the Colossians to continue steadfastly?Paul wants the Colossians to continue steadfastly in prayer.
604:3xvnyFor what does Paul want the Colossians to pray?Paul wants the Colossians to pray that he has an open door to speak the word, the mystery of Christ.
614:5-6igt2How does Paul instruct the Colossians to treat those who are outsiders?Paul instructs them to live in wisdom, and speak with grace toward those who are outsiders.
624:7-9qfoiWhat task had Paul given Tychicus and Onesimus?Paul gave them the task of making everything known concerning him to the Colossians.
634:10wv4fWhat instructions did Paul give concerning Mark, the cousin of Barnabus?Paul told the Colossians to receive Mark if he comes to them.
644:12f29yFor what does Epaphras pray for the Colossians?He prays that the Colossians will stand complete and fully assured in all the will of God.
654:14xm1yWhat is the name of the physician that is with Paul?The physicians name is Luke.
664:15uafcIn what kind of place was the church in Laodicea meeting?The church in Laodicea was meeting in a house.
674:16bwccTo what other church had Paul also written a letter?Paul also had written a letter to the church in Laodicea.
684:18vzcpHow did Paul show that this letter was actually from him?Paul wrote his name in his own handwriting at the end of the letter.