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21:3jsvoWhat does Paul always remember before God concerning the Thessalonians?Paul remembers their work of faith, their labor of love, and their patience of hope.
31:5vb48In what four ways did the gospel come to the Thessalonians?The gospel came to the Thessalonians in word, in power, in the Holy Spirit, and in much assurance.
41:6bs88What was happening to the Thessalonians as they received the word of the gospel?The Thessalonians received the word in much hardship.
51:6ry9nWhat was the Thessalonians attitude as they received the word of the gospel?The Thessalonians received the word with joy in the Holy Spirit.
61:8kr5uWhat happened to the word of the Lord after the Thessalonians received it?The word of the Lord rang out in every place their faith went out.
71:9rpj1What were the Thessalonians worshiping before they became believers in the true God?The Thessalonians were worshiping idols before they became believers in the true God.
81:10pbgoFor what were Paul and the Thessalonians waiting?Paul and the Thessalonians were waiting for Jesus to come from heaven.
91:10cbw4From what does Jesus deliver us?Jesus delivers us from the wrath to come.
102:2kue3How had Paul and his companions been treated before coming to the Thessalonians?Paul and his companions had suffered and had been treated shamefully.
112:4xmfgWho is Paul desiring to please with his preaching of the gospel?Paul is desiring to please God with his preaching of the gospel.
122:5-6lzjyWhat did Paul not do in his preaching of the gospel?Paul did not use flattery, nor seek glory from people.
132:7-8a4vkHow did Paul treat the Thessalonians when he was among them?Paul was gentle with the Thessalonians, like a mother or father with their own children.
142:9pmdpWhat did Paul and his companions do so that they were not a burden to the Thessalonians?Paul and his companions worked night and day so that they were not a burden to the Thessalonians.
152:11cqdqHow did Paul treat the Thessalonians when he was among them?Paul was gentle with the Thessalonians like a mother or father with their own children.
162:12zklmHow did Paul tell the Thessalonians they should walk?Paul told the Thessalonians that they should walk in a manner worthy of God who calls them to his own kingdom and glory.
172:13r3knAs what kind of word did the Thessalonians receive the message Paul preached to them?The Thessalonians received the message as the word of God, not as the word of man.
182:14-16s0f1What had the unbelieving Jews done which did not please God?The unbelieving Jews persecuted the churches in Judea, killed Jesus and the prophets, drove out Paul, and forbade Paul to speak to the Gentiles.
192:17-18nj2yWhy was Paul not able to come to the Thessalonians even though that was his wish?Paul was not able to come because Satan hindered him.
202:19-20rv3rWhat will the Thessalonians be for Paul at the Lords coming?The Thessalonians will be Pauls hope, joy, and crown of glorying at the Lords coming.
213:1-2dx8iWhat did Paul do, even though he would be left behind in Athens?Paul sent Timothy to strengthen and comfort the believers in Thessalonica.
223:3j0y4To what did Paul say he was appointed?Paul said that he was appointed to afflictions.
233:5ksbaAbout what was Paul concerned regarding the Thessalonians?Paul was concerned that somehow the tempter had tempted them and that his labor had been in vain.
243:6-7txwzWhat comforted Paul when Timothy returned from Thessalonica?Paul was comforted to hear the good news of the Thessalonians faith and love, and that they longed to see him.
253:8eu19Paul says that he lives if the Thessalonians do what?Paul says that he lives if the Thessalonians stand firm in the Lord.
263:10t3l7For what does Paul pray night and day?Paul prays night and day that he might see the Thessalonians and provide what is lacking in their faith.
273:12ifsmIn what does Paul wish the Thessalonians to increase and abound?Paul wishes the Thessalonians to increase and abound in love toward one another and toward all people.
283:13jsfcFor what event does Paul want the Thessalonians to be prepared by having their hearts blameless in holiness?Paul wants the Thessalonians to be prepared for the coming of the Lord Jesus with all his holy ones.
294:1-2mqqbWhat did Paul want the Thessalonians to do with the instructions he had given them about how they must walk and please God?Paul wanted the Thessalonians to continue to walk and please God, and to do even more.
304:3j6zyWhat did Paul say was Gods will for the Thessalonians?Paul said Gods will for the Thessalonians was their sanctification.
314:4nwbvHow were the husbands to treat their wives?The husbands were to treat their wives in holiness and honor.
324:6sshfWhat would happen to a brother who sinned in the matter of sexual immorality?The Lord would be an avenger toward a brother who sinned in the matter of sexual immorality.
334:8p71qWho does a person reject who rejects the call to holiness?A person who rejects the call to holiness rejects God.
344:9-10wni9What were the Thessalonians doing that Paul wanted them to do even more?Paul wanted the Thessalonians to love one another even more.
354:11-12gj89What were the Thessalonians to do so that they walked properly before unbelievers and had need of nothing?The Thessalonians were to be quiet, mind their own business, and work with their hands.
364:13n5xhAbout what subject did the Thessalonians possibly have a misunderstanding?The Thessalonians possibly had a misunderstanding about what happened to those who slept.
374:14cc78What will God do for those who have fallen asleep in Jesus?God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Christ.
384:16y01zHow will the Lord descend from heaven?The Lord will descend from heaven with a shout and with the trumpet of God.
394:16-17w4ljWho will rise first, and then who will rise together with them?The dead in Christ will rise first, then those who are still alive will be caught up with them.
404:17h18nWho will the risen meet, and for how long?The risen will meet the Lord in the air, and will always then be with the Lord.
414:18ddhxWhat did Paul tell the Thessalonians to do with his teaching about those who had fallen asleep?Paul told the Thessalonians to comfort one another with his words.
425:2fshzHow does Paul say the day of the Lord will come?Paul says the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.
435:3za4nWhat will some people be saying when sudden destruction comes upon them?Some people will be saying, “Peace and safety”.
445:4-5id8zWhy does Paul say the day of the Lord should not overtake the believers like a thief?Because the believers are not in darkness, but are sons of the light, the day of the Lord should not overtake them like a thief.
455:6bu2nWhat does Paul tell the believers to do regarding the coming day of the Lord?Paul tells the believers to watch and be sober.
465:9w9s4For what are the believers destined by God?The believers are destined by God for salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.
475:12-13fwhvWhat attitude does Paul say the believers should have toward those who are over them in the Lord?Paul says that they should acknowledge and highly regard them in love.
485:15e8l5What does Paul say no one should do when evil is done to them?Paul says that no one should pay back evil when evil is done to them.
495:18j9n0What does Paul say that the believers should do in everything, and why?Paul says that the believers should give thanks in everything, because this is the will of God for them.
505:20-21gwldWhat instructions does Paul give the believers about prophecies?Paul instructs the believers to not despise prophecies, and to test all things, holding on to that which is good.
515:23uvxsWhat does Paul pray that God will do for the believers?Paul prays that God will sanctify the believers completely in spirit, soul, and body.
525:28pn17What does Paul pray would be with the believers?Paul prays that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ would be with the believers.