
37 KiB
Raw Blame History

21:10j77vWho was the first conqueror on the earth?Nimrod, the son of Cush, was the first conqueror.
31:19qgd7Why was one of Ebers sons named Peleg?In his days, the earth was divided.
41:43fx0wWhat land had kings before kings reigned over the Israelites?The land of Edom had kings before the Israelites had kings.
52:3beewWhat happened to Er, Judahs firstborn son?He was wicked in the sight of Yahweh, so Yahweh killed him.
62:7tq2pHow did Achar bring trouble on Israel?He stole what was reserved for God.
72:13-14e0dhWho was the seventh son of Jesse?David was the seventh son of Jesse.
83:4s6fyHow many years did David rule as king in Jerusalem?He ruled for thirty-three years as king in Jerusalem.
93:16spfaWho was the last king for the Israelites?Zedekiah was Israels last king.
104:9-10jgsvWhat did Jabez pray to the God of Israel?He prayed that God would bless him, extend his territory, keep him from harm so that he might not have to endure pain.
114:10r6kcWas Jabezs prayer answered?Yes, God granted him his prayer.
124:27y6koWhy did the clan of Shimei and his brothers not increase greatly in numbers and the people of Judah did?His brothers did not have many children.
134:39-40jttmWhy did some of the sons of Shimei go to Gedor on the east side of the valley?They were seeking pasture for their flocks, and they found abundant and good pasture there.
145:1mjrjWhy was Reubens firstborn birthright given to his brother Joseph?His birthright was given to Joseph, son of Israel, because Reuben had defiled his fathers couch.
155:2g2vyFrom what son of Israel would a leader come?A leader would come from Israels son, Judah.
165:6wkhfWhat happened to Beerah, the son of Baal?The king of Assyria took him into exile.
175:18hpltHow many trained soldiers did the Reubinites, Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh have?They had forty-four thousand soldiers trained for war, who carried shield and sword, and who drew the bow.
185:20b937Why were the Hagrites defeated?They were defeated because the Israelites cried out to God and put their trust in him, and God responded to them.
195:22u4c0How long did the Israelites live in the land they took from the Hagrites?They lived there until their captivity.
205:23-24apufWhere did the half tribe of Manasseh live with their families?They lived in the land of Bashan.
215:25-26ei6fBecause the Reubenittes, Gadities, and the half tribe of Manasseh were unfaithful to God, what did he do to them?God stirred up the king of Assyria and these tribes were taken into exile by Assyria.
226:15frt1To whom did Yahweh exile Judah and Jerusalem?He exited Judah and Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.
236:31qfyrWhat were the duties of the men whom David put in charge of music?They were to serve by singing before the tabernacle.
246:32jarvWho built the house of Yahweh in Jerusalem?Soloman built the house of Yahweh.
256:48jtppWhat tribe of Israel was assigned to do the work for the tabernacle?The Levites were assigned to do this work.
266:49eh29What atonement offerings were Aaron and his sons responsible for?They were responsible for the offerings on the altar for burnt offerings and on the incense altar.
276:49dkmgWhat were these offerings for?These offerings were to make atonement for Israels sins.
286:64-65a8hnWhere did the Levites live because they were not given specific land like the other tribes?The Levites were assigned by lot cities with their pasturelands from the tribes of Judah, Simeon, and Benjamin.
297:2ekdxWhat kind of men were the sons of Tola?They were strong, courageous men.
307:5j0yhWhat was the number of fighting men from the tribe of Issachar?The tribe of Issachar had 87,000 fighting men.
317:6-7zo7sFor what were the sons of Bela known?The sons of Bela were known as soldiers and originators of clans.
327:14uyaaWho bore Manasseh a male child named Asriel?Manassehs Aramite concubine bore him a male child named Asriel.
337:21-22zwuvWhy did Ephraim need comfort from his brothers when he was in mourning for many days?Ephraim needed comfort from his brothers because his sons Ezer and Elead were killed by men of Gath when they went to steal their cattle.
347:23v35hWhy did Ephraim name his son Beriah?Ephraim named his son Beriah because tragedy had come to his family.
357:27kpofWho was the son of Nun?Joshua was the son of Nun.
367:28empsWhere were the possessions and residences of Joshua and his family?Their possessions and residences were in Bethel and its surrounding villages.
377:40ax1fWhat were the qualities of the descendants of Asher?The descendants of Asher were originators of clans, leaders of their families, distinguished men, fighting men, and chief among the leaders.
388:6g2a5What were the descendants of Ehud compelled to do?The descendants of Ehud were compelled to move to Manahath.
398:13jwj6Who did the sons of Elpaal drive out?His sons drove out the inhabitants of Gath.
408:28a68zWhere did Jerohams sons live?They lived in Jerusalem.
418:32pyzbWhere did Mikloth and his family live?Mikloth and his family lived near their relatives in Jerusalem.
428:33quo0Who was the father of Saul?Kish was the father of Saul.
438:39-40qvrfFor what were the sons of Ulam, who were descendants of Benjamin, known?The sons of Ulam were fighting men and archers.
449:1elrwWhere were the genealogies of all Israel recorded?The genealogies were recorded in the Book of the Kings of Israel.
459:1xvzfWhy was Judah carried away in exile to Babylon?Judah was carried away to Babylon because of their sin.
469:2axq0Who were the first people to resettle in their cities?The first to resettle in their cities were some Israelites, priests, Levites, and temple servants.
479:11cnhbFor what was Azariah known?Azariah was the priest who was in charge of the house of God.
489:13mjriFor what were the relatives of Adaiah and Maasai known?They were very capable men in the work in the house of God.
499:17-18c1l9What was the previous responsibility which the doorkeepers carried out?The doorkeepers previously stood guard at the kings gate on the east side for the camp of Levis descendants.
509:19z485What was the responsibility of the Korahites?The Korahites were guards over the temple work and over the thresholds of the tent where Yahweh lived.
519:21qeicWhat was the responsibility of Zechariah, son of Meshelemiah?Zechariah was the guard of the entrance to the Temple, the “tent of meeting”.
529:22-24oeufWhat did the gatekeepers and their children, whom David and Samuel placed into their positions of trust, do in Israel?The gatekeepers and their children guarded the gates of the house of Yahweh, the tabernacle.
539:26-27ig9iHow did the four leaders of the gatekeepers carry out their assigned task to guard the room and storerooms in the house of God?The four leaders of the gatekeepers would spend the night in their posts all around the house of God and then open it each morning.
549:28-29oxhkWhat specific tasks were the Levites assigned to do?Some of the Levites were in charge of the temples equipment and some were assigned to take care of the sanctuary utensils, equipment, and supplies like the flour, the wine, the oil, the frankincense, and the spices.
559:32zvzgWhat was the responsibility of the Kohathites?The Kohathites were in charge of preparing the bread of the presence every Sabbath.
569:33n5j7Why did the singers and Levite family leaders live in rooms at the sanctuary when they were free from work?The singers and Levite family leaders lived at the sanctuary because they had to carry out their assigned tasks every day and night.
5710:1-2bbtrWhat happened to the sons of Saul on Mount Gilboa?The Philistines pursued the sons of Saul and killed them.
5810:4oxwwWhy did Saul want his armor bearer to thrust him through with his sword?Saul wanted his armor bearer to thrust him through so that the uncircumcised could not abuse him.
5910:4qn5cWhat did Saul do when his armor bearer would not thrust him through?Saul took his own sword and fell on it.
6010:5yddtHow did Sauls armor bearer react to Sauls death?When Sauls armor bearer saw that Saul was dead, he also fell on his sword and died.
6110:7x08hWhat did the men of Israel do when they saw the the army had fled and that Saul and his sons were dead?They fled abandoned their cities and allowed the Philistines to come and live in them.
6210:9-10kwjzWhat did the Philistines do to the body of Saul?The Philistines stripped his body and put his armor in the temple of their gods and fastened his head to the temple of Dagon.
6310:11-12dxz1What did the fighting men of Jabesh Gilead do with the bodies of Saul and his sons?They took away the body of Saul and his sons and brought them to Jabesh and buried their bones under the oak tree.
6410:13-14yb52Why did Saul die?Saul died because he was unfaithful and did not seek guidance from Yahweh, but asked for advice from someone who talked with the dead.
6510:14tkhlTo whom did Yahweh hand over the kingdom of Israel?Yahweh handed over the kingdom of Israel to David, the son of Jesse.
6611:1-3pxenWhy was all of Israel willing to anoint David as king over Israel?David was their flesh and bone, led the Israelite army in the past, and Yahweh through Samuel had declared that David would rule over Israel.
6711:4-6mzbrHow did Joab become a commander in the army of Israel?David had said that whoever attacked the Jebusites first would become a commander, and Joab was the first to attack them.
6811:7-9ykruWhy did David become greater and greater after he began to live in the city of David?David became greater and greater because Yahweh of hosts was with him.
6911:11u0lkFor what was Jashobeam known?Jashobeam killed three hundred men with his spear on one occasion.
7011:12-14r3xwWhat was the reputation of Eleazar the Ahohite?After the Israelite army had fled, Eleazar the Ahohite stood his ground in the middle of the barley field and cut down the Philistines.
7111:17gffxWhat was the request which David made?David wanted some water to drink from the well near the gate at Bethlehem.
7211:18jfkvWhat did the three mighty men of David do to make his request a reality?The three mighty men of David broke through the army of the Philistines, drew water out of the Bethlehem well, and brought it back to David.
7311:19ays5Why did David not drink the water from the well in Bethlehem when his mighty men had risked their lives to get it?David refused to drink the water because he could not think of drinking it when the men had risked their lives to get it.
7411:20-21fwtaWhat was the reputation of Abishai, brother of Joab?Abishai was captain over the three mighty men and once killed three hundred with his spear.
7511:22-23u6nuWhat was the reputation of Benaiah, son of Jehoiada?Benaiah was a strong man who killed a lion in a pit while it was snowing, and killed a large Egyptian by wresting his own spear away from him.
7611:24-25o1oiWhat responsibility did David give to Benaiah?Benaiah was highly regarded by David, so he put him in charge of his bodyguard.
7711:26mvuuWhich of the mighty men was the brother of Joab?Asahel was the mighty man who was the brother of Joab.
7812:1-2hgwyWhat was the special talent of the mighty men who came to David while he was still banished from the presence of Saul?The mighty men were Benjaminites who could use both the right hand and the left in slinging stones and shooting arrows from their bows.
7912:8h5paWhat were the special traits of the Gadites who joined David at the stronghold in the wilderness.The Gadites were fighting men trained for battle who could handle the shield and spear, whose faces were as fierce as the faces of lions, and who could run as swift as gazelles on the mountains.
8012:14-15xu71What did the sons of Gad accomplish in the land given to Israel?The sons of Gad not only crossed the Jordan after it had overflowed its banks, but chased away all those living in the valleys.
8112:16-17ng09What warning did David give to the men of Benjamin and Judah when they came to his stronghold?David told them they could join him if they had come in peace, but if they had come to betray him to his adversaries, then he would tell God to rebuke them since he had done no wrong.
8212:18lzi0What was Amasais response to Davids warning?Amasai told David that we are all on his side and only want peace for whoever helps David because his God is helping him.
8312:19n57cWhy did the Philistines send David away when David had come over to the Philistines to fight in battle against Saul?The Philistines were afraid that he would desert back to fighting with Saul and they would be at risk for losing their lives.
8412:21uttvHow did the men of Manasseh, who later became commanders in Davids army, help him?The men of Manasseh were fighting men who helped David by fighting against the roving bands.
8512:23no90Why did all the armed soldiers for war come to David at Hebron?They came to David at Hebron to help him take over the kingdom of Saul which was a fulfillment of Yahwehs word.
8612:28fd2lFor what was Zadok known?Zadok was a young, strong, and courageous man.
8712:32khoaFor what were the two hundred leaders from Issachar known?They had understanding of the times and knew what Israel ought to do.
8812:38fsooWhy did all the soldiers of Israel come to Hebron?They came to Hebron with the firm intentions to make David the king over all Israel.
8912:39csx1Where did the soldiers of Israel get enough food and drink to be able to eat and drink for three days to celebrate David becoming the king of Israel?The relatives of the soldiers of Israel sent all those provisions with them.
9013:1-2otttWith whom did David consult before speaking to all the assembly of Israel?He consulted with the commanders and with every leader in Israel.
9113:2-4qfygWhy did the assembly agree to listen to David, send out messengers everywhere in Israel and join with David to bring the ark of God back to Israel?The assembly agreed to do these things because they seemed right in the eyes of all the people.
9213:7-8wskmWhat did David and all Israel do as they brought the ark out of Abinadabs house?David and all Israel celebrated before God with all their might.
9313:9oj1eWhat did Yahweh do when Uzza stretched out his hand to grab the ark when the oxen stumbled?The anger of Yahweh burned against Uzzah and Yahweh killed him.
9413:11wgzzWhy was David angry with Yahweh?David was angry because Yahweh had attacked Uzza.
9513:12-13ziogWhere did David put the ark of God when he became afraid of God?David put the ark of God into the house of Obededom the Gittite.
9613:14ypruWhat did Yahweh do for Obededoms household?Yahweh blessed his house and all that he possessed.
9714:1-2m64oWhat did David know for sure when Hiram, king of Tyre sent messengers, cedar trees, carpenters and masons to build a house for David?David knew for sure that Yahweh had established him as king over Israel.
9814:3gjgbWhat was the result when David took more wives in Jerusalem?David became the father of more sons and daughters.
9914:8hqidWhat did David do when he heard that the Philistines were out looking for him?He went out against the Philistines.
10014:10dqciWhat did Yahweh answer David when David asked if he should attack the Philistines?Yahweh told David to attack them for he would certainly give them to David.
10114:12ff6yWhat did David order to be done to the gods that the Philistines had abandoned?David gave an order that the gods of the Philistines should be burned.
10214:13-14qk8zFrom where did God tell David to attack the Philistines when they raided the valley again?God told David to circle around behind them and come on them through the woods.
10314:15zc9kWhat was David to hear before he attacked the Philistines with force?David was to hear the sound of marching in the wind blowing through the treetops.
10414:17i06iWhat did Yahweh cause all nations to do when Davids fame went out to all lands?Yahweh caused all nations to fear David.
10515:2e19qWho did David say were the only people that Yahweh had chosen to carry the ark?Levites were the only people who Yahweh had chosen to carry the ark.
10615:3pn59For what purpose did David assemble all of Israel at Jerusalem?David assembled them to bring up the ark of Yahweh to the place he had prepared for it.
10715:4yu2lWho did David gather together to bring up the ark?David gathered together Aarons descendants and the Levites.
10815:12w223What were the leaders of the Levite familes and their brothers to do so that they could bring up the ark of Yahweh to the place David prepared for it?They were to place themselves apart so they could bring up the ark of Yahweh.
10915:14rez6Why did the priests and Levites sanctify themselves?They sanctified themselves so that they could bring up the ark of Yahweh, the God of Israel.
11015:15phgqFrom whom did Moses get the rules for carrying the ark on the Levites shoulders with the poles?The rules for carrying the ark were given by the word of Yahweh.
11115:16n049To whom did David give the responsibility of assigning the musicians?David gave the responsibility of assigning the musicians to the leaders of the Levites.
11215:26b0oeWho helped the Levites who carried the ark of the covenant of Yahweh?God helped the Levites who carried the ark.
11315:27ndu4With what was David clothed and what was he wearing in addition?David was clothed with a robe of fine linen and he was wearing a linen ephod.
11415:28xgm4Who brought up the ark with joyful shouting, with the sound of horns, with cymbals and with stringed instruments and harps?All of Israel brought up the ark.
11515:29kkiyWhat did Michal see David doing that caused her to despise him in her heart?Michal saw King David dancing and celebrating.
11616:1dw0pWhat did the Israelites offer before God after the ark was put in the middle of the the tent that David had set up for it?They offered burnt offerings and fellowship offerings.
11716:2-3p8u2What did David distribute to every Israelite when he had finished blessing the people in the name of Yahweh?David distributed to each of them a loaf of bread, a piece of meat, and a cake of raisins.
11816:4l4j1What were the Levites appointed to do as they served before the ark?The Levites were to celebrate, thank and praise Yahweh, the God of Israel as they served before the ark of Yahweh.
11916:7r7o8What were Assaph and his brothers appointed to do?They were appointed to sing a song of thanksgiving to Yahweh.
12016:9kfo1What were people to speak about in the song that Assaph and his brothers sang?They were to speak of all of Yahwehs marvelous deeds.
12116:10-11q5cuWho were the people to boast about and seek?The people were to boast about and seek Yahweh.
12216:12-14wp7rWhat are the descendants of Israel, Yahwehs chosen ones, supposed to recall about Yahweh their God?They are to recall the marvelous things he has done, his miracles and the decrees from his mouth.
12316:15-16xhtmWhat did Yahweh make with Abraham that the Israelites are to keep in mind forever?He made a covenant with Abraham, and the Israelites are to keep Yahwehs covenant in mind forever.
12416:18jhm1What did Yahweh promise to give to his people as a share of their inheritance?Yahweh promised to give them the land of Canaan.
12516:19-21n8q8How did Yahweh protect Israel when they were few in number and as they were going from one kingdom to another?He did not allow anyone to oppress them.
12616:23-24p1f1What are the people to declare among the nations as they sing to Yahweh and announce his salvation day after day?They are to declare Yahwehs glory and his marvelous deeds among all the nations.
12716:25-26n60qWho is it that has made the heavens and is to be praised greatly and feared above all other gods?It is Yahweh who made the heavens and is to be praised greatly and feared above all other gods.
12816:28rpthWhat is to be ascribed to Yahweh?Glory and strength are to be ascribed to Yahweh.
12916:31dppiWhat will the nations say about Yahweh?The nations will say, “Yahweh reigns.”
13016:33s57mWhat are the trees in the forest going to do before Yahweh?The trees in the forest will shout for joy before him.
13116:35p1siWhy should Yahweh gather his people together and rescue them from the other nations?He should gather them together and rescue them so that they may give thanks to his holy name and glory in his praises.
13216:36kfazFor how long is Yahweh, the God of Israel to be praised?He is to be praised from everlasting to everlasting.
13316:40tv40Who gave the commands and written law to Israel for how the burnt offerings were to be made?Yahweh gave the commands and written law to Israel.
13416:43xcpvTo what place did the people and David return after the celebration of the placing of the ark?The people returned to their homes, and David returned to bless his own household.
13517:1h41uWhat bothered King David about where the ark of the covenant of Yahweh was staying?It bothered him that the ark of the covenant of Yahweh was staying under only a tent while David was living in a house of cedar.
13617:3a0esWhat did Yahweh tell Nathan to say David about building a house in for Yahweh?God said David was not to build a house in which Yahweh could live.
13717:7zx52Why did Yahweh take David from the pasture and from following the sheep?He took David from the pasture and from following the sheep so that he would be ruler over Yahwehs people Israel.
13817:8rxukWhat did Yahweh say that he would do for Davids name?He said that he would make David a name like the name of the great ones who are on the earth.
13917:9qndnWho would no longer oppress the people of Israel after Yahweh gave them a place where they could live and be troubled no more?Wicked people would no longer oppress Israel as they did before.
14017:11-12fxy1What does Yahweh say that Davids descendant will do after Davids days are fulfilled?Davids descendant will build a house for Yahweh.
14117:14ko9eFor how long did Yahweh say that the throne of Davids descendant would be established?The throne of Davids descendant would be established forever.
14217:17-18d1xeWhat did David say that Yahweh had done for him because of what Yahweh had shown him about future generations?He said Yahweh had honored him and given him special recognition.
14317:21yjjlWhat does David say is the reason that Yahweh rescued his people from Egypt and made them a people for himself?Yahweh rescued them from Egypt to make a name for himself by his great and awesome deeds.
14417:23migfWhat does David ask Yahweh to do about the promise that he made to David concerning the establishment of Davids family forever?David asks Yahweh to do as Yahweh had spoken.
14517:26-27bt9pWhat did Yahweh promise to do for his servant Davids house?Yahweh promised to bless his servant Davids house and it would be blessed forever.
14618:1-2apt5What two groups of people did David attack and defeat?He attacked and defeated the Philistines and the Moabites.
14718:3-4id7vWhat did David do with the hundred chariot horses that were left over after he hamstrung the horses that he captured from Hadadezer?He reserved enough chariot horses for a hundred chariots.
14818:5-6k33lWhat did David put in Aram of Damascus after he had killed twenty-two thousand Arameans?David put garrisons in Aram of Damascus.
14918:8o2tiWhat did David take from Hadadezer that Solomon used later to make items for the temple?David took very much bronze from Hadadezer.
15018:9-11vgvxWhat did King David do with the silver, gold and bronze items that Hadoram brought to David from Toi, king of Hamath and the silver and gold that he carried away from all the nations?David dedicated these objects to Yahweh.
15118:12-13s8gkWhat happened to all the Edomites after the battle in which Abishai killed 18,000 Edomites?All the Edomites became Davids servants.
15218:17rcoxWho were the leading advisors to King David as he reigned over all Israel and administered justice and righteousness to all his people?Davids sons were the kings leading advisors.
15319:1-2ydikWhy did David want to show kindness to Hanun the son of Nahash, king of the people of Ammon after his father died?Hanuns father had been kind to David.
15419:3zfidDid the leaders of Ammon believe that David was trying to comfort Hanun as Davids servants entered their land?The leaders thought Davids servants were coming to explore and examine their land so David could overthrow their country.
15519:4-5x3asWhat did the Hanun do to Davids servants that made the servants deeply ashamed?He shaved them and were cut off their garments to the waist.
15619:6-7sij4Why did the Ammorites hire chariots and horsemen?They hired the chariots and horsemen to prepare for war because they had become a stench to David.
15719:8g7k6Who did David send when he heard about the Ammonites preparing for war?David sent Joab and his entire army.
15819:10-11oyrgHow did Joab arrange for fighting the Ammonites and the Arameans when he saw their battle lines.Job chose some of Israels best to fight the Arameans and gave command to his brother to fight the Ammonites with the rest of the army.
15919:12-13xbatWhat did Joab tell his brother?Joab told his brother that they should help each other if needed, and that they should be strong because Yahweh will do what is good for his people.
16019:14-15cwu0Why did the army of Ammon flee back to their city?The army of Ammon saw that the Arameans fled before the army of Israel, and so they ran back to their city.
16119:16-17qle3Why did David gather all Israel together and arrange for battle against the Arameans?David heard that the Arameans sent for reinforcements.
16219:18-19uhvhWhy were the people of Aram no longer willing to help the Ammonites?They no longer helped the Ammonites when David killed 47 thousand of their men and the commander of the army.
16320:1zxioWhat did Joab do when David remained in Jerusalem?Joab led the army into battle, devastated the land of the Ammonites, and attacked and defeated Rabbah.
16420:2-3mtmdAfter taking the crown off of the kings head and placing it on his own, what did David force the people to do?He forced them to do hard labor.
16520:6-8l50pWhen the descendants of Rephaim mocked the army of Israel, what happened?They were killed by David and his soldiers.
16621:1-2x7d9Why did David decide to count the people of Israel?If an adversary came against Israel, and David wanted to know how many were in his army.
16721:3j8tcHow did Joab respond to Davids request to count the people?He suggested that it would bring guilt on Israel.
16821:4-5kmeoWhat did Joab do when the king commanded him to go and count the people?He went and reported back the total number of men that were able to fight.
16921:7cm3dHow did God respond to David counting the soldiers of Israel?God was offended and attacked Israel.
17021:8fqenHow did David feel when God attacked Israel?He felt guilty for sending Joab to count the soldiers.
17121:9-10m6yfIn response to Davids confession, what did Yahweh offer him?Yahweh offered him three choices.
17221:11-12vcf6What were the three choices Yahweh gave to David?David could choose three years of famine, three months being sought after by his enemies, or three days of Yahwehs sword.
17321:13ofkdWhich of the three punishments did David choose?He chose the three days of Yahwehs sword.
17421:14-15zklrWhat were the results of Davids choice?Yahweh sent the plague and many people died. Yahweh sent an angel to destroy Jerusalem, but Yahweh changed his mind.
17521:16-17ynteWhen David saw the angel with the sword, how did he react?He confessed and requested that God punish him and his family, but not punish Gods people.
17621:18-19d0prWhat was David commanded to do at the threshing floor of Ornan?He was to build an altar for Yahweh.
17721:20nvvtHow did Ornan react to seeing the angel?He and his four sons hid themselves from the angel.
17821:21-22wcxfWhen Ornan met David, what did David ask of him?He asked Ornan to sell him the threshing floor.
17921:23-24hp4sWhat did Ornan offer that David refused?He offered to give him the threshing floor, the oxen, and wheat.
18021:25-27x0wsAfter David bought the threshing floor and built an altar, how did Yahweh answer his prayer?Yahweh answered him with fire from heaven on the altar and told the angel to put his sword away.
18121:29-30nst5Why did David not go to the shrine of Gibeon?David was afraid of Yahwehs angels sword.
18222:1-2w5ybAfter David declared where the house of Yahweh was to be built, what did he order his servants to do?He ordered them to find the foreigners living in the land of Israel and give them jobs as stonecutters to build Gods house.
18322:3-5ajjtWhat preparations did David make for building the house of Yahweh before his death?He provided large amounts of iron, bronze, and cedar.
18422:6-8z6ozWhy did David tell Solomon that he was commanding him build the house of Yahweh?Yahweh told David that he would not be the one to build the house because of all the blood that was shed.
18522:9-10luseHow did Yahweh tell David he would do for his son?He would give him rest from all his enemies on every side, and would establish Solomons kingdom over Israel forever.
18622:13bso8How did David tell Solomon to carefully observe?He told Solomon to carefully obey the statutes and the decrees that Yahweh gave to Moses concerning Israel.
18722:14fujgWhat did David tell Solomon to do with all of the materials that David had prepared for Yahwehs house?He told Solomon to add more to it.
18822:19lm3yWhat did David tell Solomon to get up and to do?He told Solomon to get up and build the sanctuary of Yahweh God.
18923:1-3r0w7What were some of the last things David did as king of Israel?David made Solomon king in his place, and he had counted the Levites that were at least thirty years old.
19023:4-6w2r3What jobs did David give to the Levites?He divided them into groups of overseers of the work of Yahwehs house, officers and judges, gatekeepers, and others to praise Yahweh with instruments.
19123:13cnl9What were Aaron and his descendants chosen to do permanently?Aaron and his descendants were to consecrate the most holy items, offer incense to Yahweh, serve him, and give blessings in Yahwehs name forever.
19223:25-26tgivWhy will the Levites no longer have to carry the tabernacle?Yahweh had given them a permanent resting place in Jerusalem.
19323:30-31w0mdWhen did the Levites take time to thank and praise Yahweh?They praised him every morning and evening, when they burnt offerings, on the Sabbath, at festivals and feast days.
19424:5g70xWhat method did they use to divide the priests for service in the sanctuary?They divided them impartially by lot.
19524:19edj6What was the procedure for Aarons descendants to enter Yahwehs house?They were instructed by Yahweh to come into his house in a special order.
19624:31dfdjIn what tradition did Aarons descendants participated?They threw lots in the presence of the king.
19725:1xzikWhat did the sons Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun do with harps, stringed insturments and cymbals?These men prophesied with harps, stringed insturments, and cymbals.
19825:3d5msFor what did the sons of Jeduthun play the harp?They played the harp for giving thanks and praising Yahweh.
19925:3udr3What did God give Heman in order to honor him?God gave him fourteen sons and three daughters.
20025:8llsvWhich of the musicians were included when they cast lots for their duties?They all alike cast lots for their duties, the young as well as the old, the teacher as well as the student.
20126:8r8noThe sons and relatives of Obed Edom were capable of doing what?They were men capable of doing their duties in the tabernacle service.
20226:10x6t2How did Shimri become leader even though he was not the firstborn?Although he was not the firstborn, his father made him leader.
20326:12i7b5Where were the gatekeepers responsible to serve?They had responsibilities to serve in Yahwehs house.
20426:15oljeWhat was assigned to Obed Edoms sons in addition to the south gate?His sons were assigned the storehouses.
20526:20uhhhAhijah in charge of what in Gods house?He was in charge of the treasures of Gods house, and of the treasures of the dedicated things.
20626:27auqhFor what purpose was some of the plunder won in battles dedicated by David and the commanders?They dedicated some of the plunder won in battles for repairing Yahwehs house.
20726:29d9cvOf what were Kenaniah and his sons in charge as officers and judges?They were in charge of the civil affairs of Israel as officers and judges.
20827:1fh1vWhen did each division of the army serve?They served month by month throughout the year.
20927:1xgb2How many men were in each division of the army?There were 24,000 men in each division.
21027:23yl8aWhy did David not count those twenty years old or younger?He did not count them because Yahweh had promised to increase Israel like the stars of heaven.
21127:25xy1rOver what was Jonathan son of Uzziah responsible?He was over the storehouses in the fields, in the cities, and in the villages.
21227:28dqmdWhat kinds of trees were in the lowlandsOlive trees and sycamore trees were in the lowlands.
21327:32z9uqWhy was Jonathan, Davids uncle an advisor?He was an advisor, since he was a wise man and a scribe.
21428:3cj33Why did God say David could not build a temple for his name?God said that he could not build it because he was a man of war and had shed blood.
21528:5pjc1What did Yahweh choose Solomon, Davids son, to do over Israel?He chose Solomon to sit on the throne of the kingdom of Yahweh, over Israel.
21628:7e284What did Yahweh say he would do for Solomon if he remained committed to obey his commandments?Yahweh said that he would establish his kingdom forever.
21728:8isn8If all the people kept the commandments of Yahweh, what would happen to the good land they posessed?They would possess the good land and leave it as an inheritance to their children after them forever.
21828:9anz5What does Yahweh understand of everyones thoughts?He understands every motivation of everyones thoughts.
21928:9ipwbWhat will happen if Solomon abandons Yahweh?Yahweh will reject him permanently.
22028:12kkp3What were the storerooms in Gods house and the treasuries to store?The storerooms and the treasuries were for the things consecrated for the temple.
22128:13c6v9Where were the priests and Levites assigned responsibilies to serve?Their assigned responsibilities were for the service of the house of Yahweh.
22228:19kxeyHow was David directed in all the things he put in writing?Yahweh directed him and gave him to understand regarding the design.
22328:20in8oWhat did David promise Solomon about Yahwehs presence until all the work was finished?Yahweh would not leave him nor abandon him until all the work for the service of Yahwehs temple was finished.
22428:21w4u6What were the officials and all the people ready to do?They were ready to follow Solomons commands.
22529:1klxbWhy did David say the task of building the temple was great?The task was great, for the temple is not for people, but for Yahweh God.
22629:3a9nkWhy did David donate his personal treasure for the house of God?He delighted in the house of his God.
22729:6xrqxWhat kind of gifts were made by the leaders of the ancestors families?They made freewill offerings.
22829:9gmmaWhy did the people rejoice for the freewill offerings?They rejoiced because they had contributed wholeheartedly to Yahweh.
22929:11o1o2What does David say belongs to Yahweh?All that is in the heavens and on the earth is Yahwehs, as well as the kingdom.
23029:12l2ewHow is Yahweh able to make people great and give them strength?He possesses strength and might and is able to give strength to anyone.
23129:14s8y4What did David say about the things the people gave to Yahweh?All things come from Yahweh, and they had simply given back to him what was his.
23229:17xw6dIn what does God have pleasure when he examines the heart?Yahweh examines the heart and has pleasure in uprightness.
23329:17ea8dWhat made David look with joy on Gods people who were present?He looked with joy as they willingly offered gifts to Yahweh.
23429:20qq95How did all the assembly bless and worship Yahweh?All the assembly blessed Yahweh, bowed their heads and worshiped Yahweh.
23529:22nntmWith whose authority did they annoint Solomon to be ruler?They anointed him with Yahwehs authority.
23629:25u992How did Yahweh greatly honor Solomon before all Israel?He bestowed on him greater power than he had ever given to any king before him in Israel.
23729:28fanwWhat two things had David enjoyed during his long life?He enjoyed wealth and honor.
23829:30xh5yWhat kingdoms were affected by Davids accomplishments, in addition to Israel?The prophets recorded his accomplishments and the events that affected all the kingdoms of the other lands.