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21:1zmb4By what means did John know about the Word of life?John had heard, seen, contemplated, and handled the Word of life.
31:2n05uWhere was eternal life before it was manifested to John?Eternal life was with the Father before it was manifested to John.
41:3dkvxWhy is John declaring what he has seen and heard?John is declaring what he has seen and heard so that others may also have fellowship with him.
51:3wbweWith whom does John already have fellowship?John already has fellowship with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ.
61:5e5d4What is the message from God that John is announcing to his readers?John is announcing the message that God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all.
71:6wnfhWhat does John say about a person who says he has fellowship with God, but walks in darkness?John says that such a person is a liar and does not practice the truth.
81:7q6umWhat cleanses all the sin of those walking in the light?The blood of Jesus cleanses them from all sin.
91:8s0mrWhat do we do to ourselves if we say we have no sin?If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
101:9ldreWhat will God do for those who confess their sins?For those who confess their sins, God will forgive their sins and cleanse them from all unrighteousness.
112:2cwjqFor whom is Jesus Christ the propitiation for their sins?Jesus Christ is the propitiation for the sins for the whole world.
122:3o2gwHow do we know that we have known Jesus Christ?We know that we have known him if we keep his commandments.
132:4oq37What kind of person says he knows God, but does not keep Gods commandments?A liar says he knows God, but does not keep Gods commandments.
142:6djanHow should a person walk if he says he remains in Christ?He should walk even as Jesus Christ walked.
152:9d7erWhat is the spiritual condition of someone who says he is in the light, but hates his brother?Someone who says he is in the light, but hates his brother, is in the darkness.
162:11t52dWhat is the spiritual condition of someone who hates his brother?Someone who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness.
172:12w6akWhy does God forgive the sins of believers?God forgives the sins of believers because of his name.
182:15afbdWhat should the attitude of a believer be toward the things of the world?A believer must not love the world nor the things of the world.
192:16pfzuWhat are three things that come from the world rather than from the Father?The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the vain glory of life are from the world, and not from the Father.
202:18cd02What do we know about the Antichrist?We know that he is coming.
212:18dz04How do we know that it is the last hour?We know it is the last hour because many antichrists have come.
222:22u6q4How will we recognize the Antichrist?The Antichrist will deny the Father and the Son.
232:23g5crCan someone deny the Son and yet have the Father?No, someone who denies the Son cannot have the Father.
242:24x90kWhat must believers to do in order to remain in the Son and in the Father?They must remain in what they have heard from the beginning.
252:25n42dWhat promise has been given the believers by God?God has promised everlasting life to the believers.
262:28yjr1What attitudes will we have when Christ appears if we remain in him?If we remain in him, we will have boldness and will not be ashamed when Christ appears.
273:1uc2nHow has the Father expressed his love to believers?He has made it possible for them to be called children of God.
283:2voaoWhat will happen to believers when Christ is revealed?When Christ is revealed, believers will be like Christ because they will see him as he is.
293:3vrucWhat action concerning himself should be taken by every believer who hopes in Christ?Every believer who hopes in Christ should purify himself.
303:5knzfWhat does Christ not have in himself?Christ has no sin in himself.
313:6mw43If a person continues to sin, what does that tell us about their relationship to God?It tells us they have neither seen Christ, nor known him.
323:8rioaFor what reason was the Son of God revealed?The Son of God was revealed in order to destroy the works of the devil.
333:9xjnyWhy is the one who is begotten from God not able to continue to sin?He is not able to continue to sin because God's seed remains in him.
343:10sgt9How are the children of the devil apparent?The children of the devil are apparent because they do not do righteousness and they do not love their brother.
353:11wswkWhat is the message that we have heard from the beginning?The message is that we should love one another.
363:12bo8yHow did Cain demonstrate that he was from the evil one?Cain demonstrated that he was from the evil one by murdering his brother.
373:13tyilWhat does John say should not amaze believers?John says believers should not be amazed that the world hates them.
383:14hiypWhat attitude demonstrates that we have relocated from death to life?We know we have relocated from death to life because we love the brothers.
393:16n128How have we known love?We have known love because Christ laid down his life for us.
403:17uefxWhat indicates that a person does not have the love of God in him?When someone who is rich sees a brother in need, but does not help him, the love of God does not remain in that person.
413:18eczeWhat are two ways in which it is insufficient for us to love?If is not enough for us to love only in word or tongue.
423:18sh2iWhat are two ways in which we should love?We should love in deed and in truth.
433:21yz2hWhat do we have if our heart does not condemn us?If our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God.
443:23wvkwWhat is the commandment that God has given to us?Gods commandment is that we should believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another.
453:24c6paHow do believers know that God remains in them?God has given believers the Spirit so that they know God remains in them.
464:1rxpsWhy should believers not believe every spirit?They should not believe every spirit because there are many false prophets that have gone out into the world.
474:2w9srHow can you know the Spirit of God?Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God.
484:3rausWhat spirit does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh?The spirit of an antichrist does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.
494:4o8nnHow are believers able to overcome spirits that are not from God?We can overcome them because the spirit in us is greater than the one in the world.
504:7y7jaWhy should believers love one another?Believers should love one another because love is from God, and the one who is begotten from God loves.
514:8x7exHow does the one who does not love demonstrate that he does not know God?People who know God love because God is love.
524:9ax54How did God reveal his love for us?God revealed his love for us by sending his only begotten Son into the world.
534:9z4i9For what purpose did the Father send his Son?The Father sent his Son so that we might live through him.
544:15glq3If God remains in a person and he remains in God, what does that person confess about Jesus?The person who remains in God confesss that Jesus is the Son of God.
554:17bdoxWhat attitude will the love of God cause us to have on the day of judgment?The love of God will cause us to have confidence on the day of judgment.
564:19xolqHow are we able to love?We love because God first loved us.
574:20vyhwIf someone hates his brother, what relationship does he have with God?Someone who hates his brother is not able to love God.
584:21sjhaHow should the one who loves God treat his brother?The one who loves God should also love his brother.
595:3edbxHow do we demonstrate that we love God?We demonstrate that we love God when we keep his commandments.
605:4pw9aWhat is the victory that has overcome the world?Faith is the victory that has overcome the world.
615:6qolaBy what two things did Jesus Christ come?Jesus Christ came by water and by blood.
625:8je7zWhat three things testify about Jesus Christ?The Spirit, the water, and the blood all testify about Jesus Christ.
635:10s4arIf someone does not believe the testimony of God concerning his Son, what do they make God to be?Anyone who does not believe the testimony of God concerning his Son makes God to be a liar.
645:11lgj0What has God given us in his Son?God has given us everlasting life in his Son.
655:14xwehWhat confidence do believers have before God?Believers have confidence that if they ask anything according to Gods will, he hears them.
665:16yo4uWhat should a believer do when he sees his brother committing a sin not to death?A believer who sees his brother committing a sin not to death should pray that God will give his brother life.
675:17dgvxWhat is all unrighteousness?All unrighteousness is sin.
685:19afpxWhere does the whole world lie?The whole world lies in the evil one.
695:20xwlkWhat is the result of the understanding that the Son of God has given to us?Because of the understanding that the Son of God has given to us, we may know the True One.
705:21e9ogFrom what must believers keep themselves?Believers must keep themselves from idols.