Updated TOC's to French

This commit is contained in:
Larry Sallee 2022-07-13 16:00:32 -04:00
parent 3b77508678
commit 581522be51
3 changed files with 135 additions and 135 deletions

View File

@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
title: "Table of Contents"
title: "Introduction à Bussard Translation Academy"
- title: "Introduction to unfoldingWord® Translation Academy"
- title: "Introduction à Translation Academy"
link: ta-intro
- title: "Why We Translate the Bible"
- title: "Pourquoi nous traduisons la Bible"
link: translate-why
- title: "The unfoldingWord Project"
- title: "Le project"
link: uw-intro
- title: "Statement of Faith"
- title: "Déclaration de foi"
link: statement-of-faith
- title: "Translation Guidelines"
- title: "Directives de traduction"
link: translation-guidelines
- title: "Open License"
- title: "Licence libre"
link: open-license
- title: "Gateway Languages Strategy"
- title: "Stratégie des langues Gateway"
link: gl-strategy
- title: "Finding Answers"
- title: "Obtenir des réponses"
link: finding-answers

View File

@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
title: "Table of Contents"
title: "Manuel des procédures"
- title: "Step 1: Getting Started"
- title: "Étape 1 : Comment démarrer"
- title: "Introduction to the Process Manual"
- title: "Introduction au Manuel des procédés"
link: process-manual
- title: "Step 2: Setting Up a Translation Team"
- title: "Étape 2 : La mise sur pied d'une équipe de traduction"
- title: "Setting Up A Translation Team"
- title: "La mise sur pied d'une équipe de traduction"
link: setup-team
- title: "Step 3: Translating"
- title: "Étape 3 : La traduction"
- title: "Training Before Translation Begins"
- title: "Formation avant de faire de la traduction"
link: pretranslation-training
- title: "Choosing a Translation Platform"
- title: "Choisir une plateforme de traduction"
link: platforms
- title: "Setting Up translationStudio"
- title: "Configuration de traductionStudio"
link: setup-ts
- title: "Translation Overview"
- title: "Aperçu de la traduction"
link: translation-overview
- title: "Step 4: Checking"
- title: "Step 4: Verification"
- title: "Training Before Checking Begins"
- title: "Formation avant le début de la vérification"
link: prechecking-training
- title: "Setting Up translationCore"
- title: "Configuration de translationCore®"
link: setup-tc
- title: "Step 5: Publishing"
- title: "Step 5: Publication"
- title: "Introduction to Publishing"
- title: "Introduction à la publication"
link: intro-publishing
- title: "Step 6: Distributing"
- title: "Step 6: Distribution"
- title: "Introduction to Distribution"
- title: "Introduction à la distribution"
link: intro-share
- title: "How to Share Content"
- title: Comment partager du contenu?"
link: share-content

View File

@ -1,234 +1,234 @@
title: "Table of Contents"
title: "Le Manuel de traduction"
- title: "Introduction"
- title: "Introduction to the Translation Manual"
- title: "Introduction au manuel de traduction"
link: translate-manual
- title: "Terms to Know"
- title: "Mots importants à connaître"
link: translate-terms
- title: "What is Translation"
- title: "Quest-ce que la traduction ?"
link: translate-whatis
- title: "More about Translation"
- title: "En savoir plus sur la traduction"
link: translate-more
- title: "How to Aim Your Bible Translation"
- title: "Comment diriger votre traduction de la Bible"
link: translate-aim
- title: "Defining a Good Translation"
- title: "Définition dune bonne traduction"
- title: "The Qualities of a Good Translation"
- title: "Les qualités dune bonne traduction"
link: guidelines-intro
- title: "Create Clear Translations"
- title: "Faire des traductions claires"
link: guidelines-clear
- title: "Create Natural Translations"
- title: "Créer des traductions naturelles"
link: guidelines-natural
- title: "Create Accurate Translations"
- title: "Faire des traductions précises"
link: guidelines-accurate
- title: "Create Church-Approved Translations"
- title: "Créer des traductions approuvées par lÉglise"
link: guidelines-church-approved
- title: "Create Faithful Translations"
- title: "Créer des traductions fidèles"
link: guidelines-faithful
- title: "Son of God and God the Father"
- title: "Fils de Dieu et Dieu le Père"
link: guidelines-sonofgod
- title: "Translating Son and Father"
- title: "Traduction des termes Fils et Père"
link: guidelines-sonofgodprinciples
- title: "Create Authoritative Translations"
- title: "Créer des traductions faisant autorité"
link: guidelines-authoritative
- title: "Create Historical Translations"
- title: "Créer des traductions historiques"
link: guidelines-historical
- title: "Create Equal Translations"
- title: "Créer des traductions égales"
link: guidelines-equal
- title: "Create Collaborative Translations"
- title: "Créer des traductions collaboratives"
link: guidelines-collaborative
- title: "Create Ongoing Translations"
- title: "Créer des traductions continuelles"
link: guidelines-ongoing
- title: "Meaning-Based Translation"
- title: "traduction basée sur le sens"
- title: "The Translation Process"
- title: "Le processus de traduction"
link: translate-process
- title: "Discover the Meaning of the Text"
- title: "Découvrir la signification du texte"
link: translate-discover
- title: "Re-telling the Meaning"
- title: "Raconter de nouveau le sens"
link: translate-retell
- title: "Form and Meaning"
- title: "La forme et le sens"
link: translate-fandm
- title: "The Importance of Form"
- title: "Limportance de la forme"
link: translate-form
- title: "Levels of Meaning"
- title: "Niveaux de signification"
link: translate-levels
- title: "Literal Translations"
- title: "Traductions littérales"
link: translate-literal
- title: "Word for Word Substitution"
- title: "Substitution de termes, mot pour mot"
link: translate-wforw
- title: "Problems with Literal Translations"
- title: "Problèmes avec les traductions littérales"
link: translate-problem
- title: "Meaning-Based Translations"
- title: "Traductions reposées sur le sens"
link: translate-dynamic
- title: "Translate for Meaning"
- title: "Traduire pour obtenir le sens"
link: translate-tform
- title: "Before Translating"
- title: "Avant de traduire"
- title: "Choosing a Translation Team"
- title: "Choisir une équipe de traduction"
link: choose-team
- title: "Translator Qualifications"
- title: "Qualifications des traducteurs"
link: qualifications
- title: "Choosing a Translation Style"
- title: "Choisissez un style de traduction"
link: choose-style
- title: "Choosing What to Translate"
- title: "Choisir ce quil faut traduire"
link: translation-difficulty
- title: "Choosing a Source Text"
- title: "Le choix d'un bon texte source"
link: translate-source-text
- title: "Copyrights, Licensing, and Source Texts"
- title: "Droits dauteur, licences et textes sources"
link: translate-source-licensing
- title: "Source Texts and Version Numbers"
- title: "Textes sources et numéro de version"
link: translate-source-version
- title: "Decisions for Writing Your Language"
- title: "Décisions concernant la rédaction de votre langue"
link: writing-decisions
- title: "Alphabet/Orthography"
- title: "Alphabet/Orthographe"
link: translate-alphabet
- title: "Alphabet Development"
- title: "Développement de lalphabet"
link: translate-alphabet2
- title: "File Formats"
- title: "Formats de fichier"
link: file-formats
- title: "How to Start Translating"
- title: "Comment commencer à traduire"
- title: "First Draft"
- title: "Première ébauche"
link: first-draft
- title: "Help with Translating"
- title: "Aides à la traduction"
link: translate-help
- title: "The Bible Text"
- title: "Le texte biblique"
- title: "The Original and Source Languages"
- title: "Les langues originales et les langues sources"
link: translate-original
- title: "Original Manuscripts"
- title: "Manuscrits autographes"
link: translate-manuscripts
- title: "Structure of the Bible"
- title: "Structure de la Bible"
link: translate-bibleorg
- title: "Chapter and Verse Numbers"
- title: "les numéro de chapitres et de versets"
link: translate-chapverse
- title: "unfoldingWord® Literal Text (ULT) and unfoldingWord® Simplified Text (UST) Formatting Signals"
- title: "Signaux de formatage du Texte Littéral en Langue Gateway (GLT) et du Texte Amplifié en Langue Gateway (GST)"
link: translate-formatsignals
- title: "How to Use the ULT and UST when Translating the Bible"
- title: "Comment utiliser le GLT et le GST lors de la traduction de la Bible"
link: translate-useultust
- title: "Use the Translation Helps when Translating"
- title: "Utilisez les aides à la traduction pendant la traduction"
- title: "Notes with Links"
- title: "Liens dans les notes de traduction"
link: resources-links
- title: "Using the unfoldingWord® Translation Notes"
- title: "Utilisation des notes de traduction du GLT"
link: resources-types
- title: "Connecting Statement and General Information in the Notes"
- title: "Déclaration de connexion et informations générales dans les notes"
link: resources-connect
- title: "Notes with Definitions"
- title: "Notes avec définitions"
link: resources-def
- title: "Notes that Explain"
- title: "Notes qui expliquent"
link: resources-eplain
- title: "Notes with Synonyms and Equivalent Phrases"
- title: "Notes avec synonymes et phrases équivalentes"
link: resources-synequi
- title: "Notes with Alternate Translations (AT)"
- title: "Notes avec traductions alternatives (AT)"
link: resources-alter
- title: "Notes that Clarify the UST Translation"
- title: "Notes qui clarifient la traduction du GST"
link: resources-clarify
- title: "Notes that have Alternate Meanings"
- title: "Notes qui ont dautres sens"
link: resources-alterm
- title: "Notes with Probable or Possible Meanings"
- title: "Notes qui ont des significations probables ou possibles"
link: resources-porp
- title: "Notes that Identify Figures of Speech"
- title: "Notes qui identifient les figures de style"
link: resources-fofs
- title: "Notes that Identify Indirect and Direct Quotes"
- title: "Remarques qui identifient les citations indirectes et directes"
link: resources-iordquote
- title: "Notes for Long ULT Phrases"
- title: "Notes pour les phrases longues du GLT"
link: resources-long
- title: "Using unfoldingWord® Translation Words"
- title: "Utilisation des mots de traduction du GLT"
link: resources-words
- title: "Using unfoldingWord® Translation Questions"
- title: "Utilisation des questions de traduction du GLT"
link: resources-questions
- title: "Just-in-Time Learning Modules"
- title: "Modules de formation « juste à temps »"
- title: "Translation Issues"
- title: "problèmes de traduction"
- title: "Textual Variants"
- title: "Variantes textuelles"
link: translate-textvariants
- title: "Verse Bridges"
- title: "Pont de versets"
link: translate-versebridge
- title: "Writing Styles (Discourse)"
- title: "Styles décriture (discours)"
- title: "Writing Styles"
- title: "Styles d'écriture"
link: writing-intro
- title: "Background Information"
- title: "Information générale"
link: writing-background
- title: "End of Story"
- title: "La fin de l'histoire"
link: writing-endofstory
- title: "Hypothetical Situations"
- title: "Situations hypothétiques"
link: figs-hypo
- title: "Introduction of a New Event"
- title: "Introduction dun nouvel événement"
link: writing-newevent
- title: "Introduction of New and Old Participants"
- title: "Présentation de nouveaux et d'anciens participants"
link: writing-participants
- title: "Parables"
- title: "Paraboles"
link: figs-parables
- title: "Poetry"
- title: "Poésie"
link: writing-poetry
- title: "Proverbs"
- title: "Proverbes"
link: writing-proverbs
- title: "Symbolic Language"
- title: "Le langage symbolique"
link: writing-symlanguage
- title: "Symbolic Prophecy"
- title: "Prophétie symbolique"
link: writing-apocalypticwriting
- title: "Sentences"
- title: "Les phrases"
- title: "Sentence Structure"
- title: "La structure des phrases"
link: figs-sentences
- title: "Information Structure"
- title: "La structure des informations"
link: figs-infostructure
- title: "Sentence Types"
- title: "Types de phrases"
link: figs-sentencetypes
- title: "Statements Other Uses"
- title: "Déclarations Autres utilisations"
link: figs-declarative
- title: "Imperatives Other Uses"
- title: "Phrases impératives Autres utilisations"
link: figs-imperative
- title: "Exclamations"
link: figs-exclamations
- title: "Connecting Words"
- title: "Les mots et les phrases de liaison"
link: grammar-connect-words-phrases
- title: "Sequential Clauses"
- title: "Proposition Séquentielle"
link: grammar-connect-time-sequential
- title: "Simultaneous Clauses"
- title: "Relation temporelle simultanée"
link: grammar-connect-time-simultaneous
- title: "Background Clauses"
- title: "Renseignements généraux"
link: grammar-connect-time-background
- title: "Goal or Purpose Clauses"
- title: "Relation avec un objectif (but)"
link: grammar-connect-logic-goal
- title: "Reason-Result Clauses"
- title: "Relation entre raison et résultat"
link: grammar-connect-logic-result
- title: "Contrast Clauses"
- title: "Relation de contraste"
link: grammar-connect-logic-contrast
- title: "Factual Conditions"
- title: "Conditions factuelles"
link: grammar-connect-condition-fact
- title: "Contrary-to-Fact Conditions"
- title: "Conditions contraires aux faits"
link: grammar-connect-condition-contrary
- title: "Hypothetical Conditions"
- title: "Condition hypothétique"
link: grammar-connect-condition-hypothetical
- title: "Exception Clauses"
- title: "propositions d'exception"
link: grammar-connect-exceptions
- title: "Grammar"
- title: "Grammaire"
- title: "Grammar Topics"
- title: "sujets de grammaire"
link: figs-grammar
- title: "Abstract Nouns"
- title: "Les noms abstraits"
link: figs-abstractnouns
- title: "Active or Passive"
- title: "L'actif ou le passif"
link: figs-activepassive
- title: "Distinguishing versus Informing or Reminding"
- title: "Distinguer contre informer ou rappeler"
link: figs-distinguish
- title: "Double Negatives"
link: figs-doublenegatives