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Raw Blame History

21:1i4zdWhat did God create in the beginning?God created the heavens and the earth.
31:2hxnlWhat was the Spirit of God doing in the beginning?The Spirit of God was moving above the surface of the waters.
41:3yztsHow did God create light?God said, “Let there be light”.
51:7-8op7tWhat did God make on the second day?God made the sky between the expanses of water.
61:10mv7gWhat did God call the dry land and the gathered waters?God called the dry land “earth,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.”
71:11-12nc8qWhat living things did God make on the third day?God made plants, fruit trees, and vegetation on the third day.
81:14kh88What is the purpose of the lights in the sky?They are to divide the day from the night, and as signs for seasons, for days and years.
91:16mgsaWhat did God make on the fourth day?God made the two great lights and the stars.
101:21nextWhat did God make on the fifth day?God made the living creatures of the water, and birds.
111:22yzpeWhat command did God give the sea creatures and birds?Be fruitful, and multiply.
121:26gfpfWhat did God make in his image?God made man in his image.
131:26j7tvOver what things was man given dominion?God gave man dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the sky, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.
141:27zj7aWhat was different about how God made man?God created man in his own image.
151:28jh4nWhat command did God give man?Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it.
161:29utrpWhat did God give man to eat?God gave them every plant yielding seed and every tree with fruit.
171:31bkv3When God saw everything that he had made, what did he think about it?God thought it was very good.
182:2-3e07vWhat did God do on the seventh day?He rested from all his work, and he blessed and sanctified the day.
192:6aeiqBefore Yahweh caused it to rain, how was the earth watered?A mist went up from the earth.
202:7be0gHow did Yahweh make man?Yahweh formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into him.
212:8knt5Where did Yahweh first put the man?In the garden in Eden.
222:9sx2vWhat two trees were in the midst of the garden?The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
232:15oslvWhat was the man to do in the garden?He was to work and maintain the garden.
242:16-17suffWhat command did Yahweh give the man about what to eat?You may freely eat from every tree in the garden, except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
252:17mgveWhat did Yahweh say would happen if the man violated this command?In the day when the man violated the command, he would surely die.
262:18aqbqWhat did Yahweh say was not good?He said it was not good that the man was alone.
272:19wtq6What did Yahweh have the man do with every living creature?The man gave every living creature a name.
282:20rzisWhat was not found among all the living creatures?A helper for the man corresponding to him.
292:22ao3fHow did Yahweh make the woman?Yahweh caused the man to sleep and took one of the mans ribs, and made the woman from the rib.
302:23goh1Why did the man call her “woman”?Because she was taken out of the man.
312:24lk7uHow do a man and woman become one flesh?The man is united to the woman as his wife.
322:25cdnjWere the man and his wife ashamed of being naked?No.
333:1o2a7What was the first question that the serpent asked the woman?The serpent asked the woman, “Has God really said, You must not eat from any tree of the garden”?
343:4m1iiWhen the woman said God told them they would die if they ate from the tree in the middle of the garden, what did the serpent say?The serpent said, “You will surely not die”.
353:5sy1iWhat did the serpent say would happen to the man and woman if they ate of the fruit?The serpent said they would be like God, knowing good and evil.
363:6vj2qWhat attracted the woman to the fruit of the tree?She saw it was good for food, a delight to the eyes, and desirable to make one wise.
373:6t4vfWho ate of the fruit?The woman ate, and gave some to her husband who also ate.
383:7jx3eWhat happened to them when they ate of the fruit?When they ate, their eyes were opened and they knew that they were naked.
393:8rpasWhat did the man and woman do when God came into the garden?They hid themselves from God.
403:10qg1vWhy did the man hide himself from God when he came into the garden?The man hid himself from God because he was naked and therefor afraid.
413:12pdzgWho did the man say was responsible for giving him the fruit?The man said the woman was responsible.
423:13i7pxWho did the woman say was responsible for giving her the fruit?The woman said that the serpent was responsible.
433:15yckoWhat kind of relationship did God say he would cause to exist between the serpent and the woman?God said he would cause them to hate each other.
443:16sdziWhat curse did God give the woman regarding childbirth?God greatly multiplied the womans pain in childbirth.
453:17pvbuWhat curse did God give the man regarding his work?God cursed the ground so that only by painful toil would the man eat from it.
463:20ip5mWhat name did the man give the woman, and why?The man called the woman Eve, because she was the mother of all living things.
473:21sh4yWhat did God make for Adam and Eve, and why?God made them garments of skins in order to clothe them.
483:22dghaWhy did God say that now Adam must not eat of the tree of life?God said that since Adam now knew good and evil he must not eat of the tree of life, because he would then live forever.
493:24w4miWhat did God do to prevent Adam from eating from the tree of life?God drove the man out of the garden and placed cherubim there to guard the way to the tree of life.
504:2hvckWhat work did Cain and Abel do?Cain worked the soil, and Abel was a shepherd.
514:3zng3What offering did Cain bring to Yahweh?Cain brought some of the fruit of the ground.
524:4spqaWhat offering did Abel bring to Yahweh?Abel brought some of the firstborn of his flock and some of the fat.
534:4-5fsdkHow did Yahweh respond to the offerings of Cain and Abel?Yahweh accepted Abels offering, but did not accept Cains offering.
544:5dpzaHow did Cain react?Cain was very angry, and his face looked dejected.
554:7rwzzWhat did Yahweh tell Cain he needed to do in order to be accepted?Yahweh told Cain to do what is right and he would be accepted.
564:8nvrbLater, what happened with Cain and Abel in the field?Cain rose up and killed Abel.
574:9lkqjWhen Yahweh asked Cain where his brother was, what did Cain say?Cain said, “I do not know. Am I my brothers keeper”?
584:12sxesWhat was Gods curse on Cain?Cains curse was that the earth would not yield its strength to him, and he would be a fugitive and wanderer.
594:15l7zoWhat did Yahweh do to make sure no one killed Cain?Yahweh put a mark on Cain.
604:16tgddWhere did Cain go to live?Cain lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden.
614:19gocuCains descendant Lamech had how many wives?Lamech had two wives.
624:23ky2yWhat did Lamech tell his wives he had done?Lamech told his wives that he had killed a man.
634:25ssriWhat was the name of another son born to Adam and Eve?Another son of Adam and Eve was named Seth.
644:26t19nWhat did people begin to do in the days of Seths son Enosh?People began to call upon the name of Yahweh.
655:1fl8qOf what is chapter five of Genesis a record?Chapter five of Genesis is a record of the descendants of Adam.
665:1visfIn whose likeness was mankind made?Mankind was made in Gods likeness.
675:2c05dWhat genders of mankind did God create?God created mankind male and female.
685:5bfwbHow long did Adam live?Adam lived 930 years.
695:8fzjqHow long did Seth live?Seth lived 912 years.
705:14rhm3How long did Kenan live?Kenan lived 910 years.
715:20gkv0How long did Jared live?Jared lived 962 years.
725:24f1drWhat was Enochs relationship with God, and what happened to him?Enoch walked with God, and God took him.
735:29pwn6What did Lamech say about his son Noah?Lamech said that Noah would give mankind rest from the work and the toil caused by the ground that Yahweh had cursed.
745:32wxqhWho were the sons of Noah?The sons of Noah were Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
756:2cp29When mankind multiplied on the earth, what did the sons of God do?The sons of God took for themselves wives from the daughters of mankind.
766:3lazhWhat did God now say about the length of life for mankind?God said that mankind would live 120 years.
776:4yflrWho were the mighty men of old, the men of renown?The mighty men of old were giants born from the marriage of the sons of God with the daughters of men.
786:5p8hrWhat did Yahweh see in the hearts of mankind in those days?Yahweh saw that the wickedness of mankind was great, and that their every thought was evil.
796:7rxilWhat did Yahweh decide to do with mankind?Yahweh decided to wipe away mankind from the earth.
806:8d4r2But who found favor with Yahweh?Noah found favor with Yahweh.
816:9pikbWhat kind of person was Noah?Noah was a righteous man, blameless, and a man who walked with God.
826:14pealWhat did God tell Noah to do before God destroyed mankind?God told Noah to build a boat.
836:17snjrHow did God say he was going to destroy all flesh that has the breath of life in it?God said that he was going to bring the flood of waters upon the earth.
846:18m5szBut with whom did God establish his covenant?God established his covenant with Noah.
856:18mzd5Who did God tell Noah to bring on the boat?God told Noah to bring his wife, his three sons, and his sons wives.
866:19j3xwWhat animals were to be brought on the boat to be kept alive?Two of every kind of living creature, male and female, were to be brought on the boat.
876:22xn8mHow did Noah respond to Gods commands?Noah did all that God commanded him.
887:2ehjdSeven males and females of which kinds of animals were to go on the boat?Seven males and females of every clean animal and the birds were to go on the boat.
897:4swvfHow long did God say the rain would continue on the earth?God said that the rain would continue for forty days and forty nights.
907:6wjtsHow old was Noah when the flood came upon the earth?Noah was six hundred years old when the flood came upon the earth.
917:9lnzoHow did Noah bring the animals into the boat?The animals came to Noah and went into the boat.
927:11ciw1From which two sources did the waters of the flood come?The waters came from deep underground, and from the sky.
937:16q4pgOnce all the people and animals were in the boat, who closed the door?Yahweh shut the door after them.
947:20glfxHow high did the water on the earth get?The water rose fifteen cubits above the tops of the mountains.
957:21tfguBecause of the flood, what died upon the earth?All creatures that moved upon the earth, and all mankind, died.
967:23o5i7Who were the only persons left alive on the earth?Only Noah and those with him in the ark were left alive.
978:1-2r2uhHow did God make the waters recede?God made a wind blow, the fountains of the deep were closed, and the rain stopped.
988:4hsz4Where did the ark come to rest on the ground?The ark came to rest upon the mountains of Ararat.
998:9ixnjWhat happened the first time Noah sent out a dove from the ark?The first time, the dove found no place to rest her foot, and she returned to Noah in the ark.
1008:11zriqWhat happened the second time Noah sent out a dove from the ark?The second time, the dove returned with a freshly plucked olive leaf.
1018:12cbkgWhat happened the third time Noah sent out a dove from the ark?The third time, the dove did not return to Noah.
1028:13i28uWhat did Noah see when he removed the covering of the ark and looked out?Noah saw that the surface of the ground was dry.
1038:17g5bzWhat did God want all the creatures on the ark to go and do as they left the ark?God wanted all the living creatures to be fruitful and multiply on the earth.
1048:20r047What did Noah do when he left the ark?Noah built an alter to Yahweh and offering burnt offerings on the altar.
1058:21fws3What two promises did God make to mankind at this time?God promised to not again curse the ground, and to not again destroy every living thing.
1068:21dximWhat did God say was mans inclination from childhood?God said that mans inclination from childhood was evil.
1079:1abbbWhat did God tell Noah and his sons to do after they left the ark?God told Noah and his sons to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth.
1089:3bi53What did God give Noah and his sons now as food?God gave Noah and his sons both the green plants and every moving thing that lived as food.
1099:4ocaoHow did God command that meat not be eaten?God commanded that meat not be eaten with the blood in it.
1109:4hoztWhat did God say was in the blood?God said that the life was in the blood.
1119:5-6yj0eWhat did God declare was the penalty for shedding a mans blood?God declared that the one who shed a mans blood must have his blood shed.
1129:6jo8vIn whose image did God make man?God made man in Gods image.
1139:9-11wg6nWhat covenant promise did God make with everything that lives on the earth?God made a covenant promise that never again will all flesh be destroyed by a flood.
1149:13jy6aWhat sign did God give of the covenant that he made with the earth?God placed the rainbow in the clouds as the sign of the covenant he made with the earth.
1159:15xp9dWhat covenant promise did God make with everything that lives on the earth?God made a covenant promise that never again will all flesh be destroyed by a flood.
1169:16-17uwfhWhat sign did God give of the covenant that he made with the earth?God placed the rainbow in the clouds as the sign of the covenant he made with the earth.
1179:18ipfcWhat were the names of the three sons of Noah?The names of the three sons of Noah were Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
1189:20-21hkzrWhat happened to Noah after he planted a vineyard?After he planted a vineyard, Noah drank some of the wine and became drunk.
1199:23rfv3How did Shem and Japheth cover the nakedness of their father?Shem and Japheth walked backwards with a garment, while turned the other way, in order to cover the nakedness of their father.
1209:25fnj4What was the curse Noah put on Ham?Noah cursed Ham and said, “Cursed be Canaan. May he be a servant to his brothers servants.”
1219:26-27b496Who did Noah bless?Noah blessed both Shem and Japheth.
12210:5ml90After the flood, the descendants of Noah eventually spread out on the earth in clans, and when they spread out, each clan had its own what?When the clans eventually spread out, each clan had its own language.
12310:9rozwFor what was Nimrod, descendant of Ham, known?Nimrod was known as a mighty hunter before Yahweh.
12410:10kw0oWhat was the first of Nimrods primary cities in the land of Shinar?The first of Nimrods primary cities was Babel.
12510:11z1tpIn addition to the land of Shinar, what other area did Nimrod develop with cities?Nimrod also built cities in Assyria.
12610:15a7amCanaan was a descendant of which son of Noah?Canaan was a descendant of Ham.
12710:20cvwnAfter the flood, the descendants of Noah eventually spread out on the earth in clans, and when they spread out, each clan had its own what?When the clans eventually spread out, each clan had its own language.
12810:25vhshWhat happened in the days of Peleg, descendant of Shem?In the days of Peleg, the earth was divided.
12910:31we9zAfter the flood, the descendants of Noah eventually spread out on the earth in clans, and when they spread out, each clan had its own what?When the clans eventually spread out, each clan had its own language.
13010:32jkukFrom where did the nations come that spread over the earth after the flood?The nations came from the clans of the sons of Noah.
13111:1xkpvImmediately after the flood, how many languages were there on the whole earth?Immediately after the flood, there was one language on the whole earth.
13211:2q8hrWhere did the people build their city and tower?The people built their city and tower in the land of Shinar.
13311:4hjfbWhat did the people decide to do instead of spreading across the whole earth as God had commanded?Instead of spreading across the whole earth as God had commanded, the people decided to build a city and a tower.
13411:4gzyqWhat did the people want to make for themselves?The people wanted to make a name for themselves.
13511:7q6uwWhat did Yahweh come down and do to the people?Yahweh came down and confused the peoples languages.
13611:7cywpWhy did God do this?God confused their languages so they would not understand each other.
13711:8fn1tWhat did God cause the people then to do?God caused the people to scatter across the face of all the earth, as he had commanded.
13811:9dys8What was the name of the city the people tried to build?The name of the city was Babel.
13911:10aqpfThe descendants of which son of Noah are given in this chapter?The descendants of Shem, son of Noah, are given in this chapter.
14011:26uv7sWho was the father of Abram?The father of Abram was Terah.
14111:27wkutTerahs son Haran had a son with what name?Terahs son Haran had a son named Lot.
14211:28ija3Where did Terah live?Terah lived in Ur of the Chaldeans.
14311:29h1soWhat was the name of Abrams wife?Abrams wifes name was Sarai.
14411:30sspxWhat problem did Abrams wife have?Abrams wifes Sarai was barren and had no children.
14511:31gv0zTo where did Terah move with Abram, Sarai, and Lot?Terah moved to the land of Canaan with Abram, Sarai, and Lot.
14612:1fw0oWhile Abram was living in Haran, what did Yahweh tell Abram to do?Yahweh told Abram to leave his fathers household and go to the land that he would show Abram.
14712:2-3rzahWhat promise did Yahweh make to Abram?Yahweh promised that he would bless Abram, make him a great nation, and bless all the families of the earth through him.
14812:5p3foWho traveled with Abram?Abram traveled with Sarai, his wife, and Lot, his brothers son.
14912:5j7hqTo which land did Abram travel?Abram traveled to the land of Canaan.
15012:7q7z9When Yahweh appeared to Abram, what promise did he make to Abram?Yahweh promised that Abrams descendants would live in Canaan.
15112:8fk2rHow did Abram worship Yahweh?Abram built an altar to Yahweh and called upon Yahwehs name.
15212:10bthdLeaving Canaan, to where did Abram travel?Leaving Canaan, Abram traveled to Egypt.
15312:12bzrjWhat was Abram concerned about as he entered Egypt?Abram was concerned the Egyptians would kill him and take his wife Sarai because she was beautiful.
15412:13yc5jWhat did Abram ask Sarai to tell the Egyptians about herself?Abram asked Sarai to tell the Egyptians that she was Abrams sister.
15512:15qyg3What happened to Sarai when they entered Egypt?Pharaoh took Sarai into his household.
15612:17i46zWhat happened to Pharaoh at this time?Yahweh afflicted Pharaoh and his house with great plagues.
15712:18-19wnyrWhat question did Pharaoh ask Abram?Pharaoh asked Abram why he had told him that Sarai was his sister instead of his wife.
15812:20j8ezWhat did Pharaoh do with Abram and Sarai?Pharaoh sent Abram and Sarai away.
15913:1a4v0To where did Abram travel after leaving Egypt?Abram traveled to the Negev.
16013:2i22zWhat did Abram carry with him?Abram carried with him many animals, and much silver and gold.
16113:6-7iavgWhy was there a dispute between Abrams and Lots herdsmen?There was a dispute because the land could not support Abram and Lot living close together with all their possessions.
16213:9b073What offer did Abram make to Lot?Abram offered that Lot choose where to live, and then Abram would find his place to live separated from Lot.
16313:10-11pzu3Where did Lot choose to live and why?Lot chose to move east and to live in the plain of the Jordan because it was well watered.
16413:12eo18Where did Abram then live?Abram lived in the land of Canaan.
16513:13qze5What kind of people lived in Sodom?The people of Sodom were wicked sinners against Yahweh.
16613:14-15nbk5At this time, what did Yahweh say he would give to Abram?Yahweh promised that all the land Abram could see from where he was standing would be given to him.
16713:16wq8lHow many descendants did Yahweh say Abram would have?Yahweh told Abram he would have more descendants than he could count, “abundant as the dust of the earth.”
16813:18towjNear what city did Abram then move?Abram moved near the city of Hebron.
16914:11-12dk7vWhat happened at Sodom as a result of the battle of the kings in the valley of Siddim?All the goods of Sodom were taken away, and Lot and all his possessions were also taken.
17014:14xrmpWhat did Abram do when he was told Lot had been taken away?Abram gathered his 318 trained men to pursue them.
17114:15-16s8b4Near what large city did Abram fight the kings, and what was the result of the battle?Abram fought the kings north of Damascus, and he brought back the possessions, Lot, and the other people.
17214:17-18fur8Which two kings met Abram when he returned?The king of Sodom and Melchizedek, the king of Salem, met Abram when he returned.
17314:18s1z2What was Melchizedeks relationship to God?Melchizedek was priest of God Most High.
17414:18daujWhat did Melchizedek bring with him when he met Abram?Melchizedek brought bread and wine with him when he met Abram.
17514:19-20jzvwWhat did Melchizedek say to Abram?Melchizedek blessed Abram, and blessed God Most High.
17614:20atk3What did Abram do after Melchizedek spoke to him?Abram gave Melchizedek a tenth of everything.
17714:21l928What offer did the king of Sodom make to Abram?The king of Sodom offered to let Abram keep all the goods, if Abram gave the people to the king.
17814:22-23ne26Why did Abram not want any of the possessions?Abram had lifted up his hand to Yahweh, God Most High, and did not want the king of Sodom to be able to say that he had made Abram rich.
17914:23-24yoteHow did Abram respond to the king of Sodoms offer?Abram said that he did not want any of the possessions, except what the young men had eaten and the share for the men that went with him.
18015:1xak2When Yahweh appeared to Abram, what encouragement did Yahweh give Abram?Yahweh told Abram not to fear, and that he was Abrams shield and very great reward.
18115:2-3xu28About what was Abram worried?Abram was worried because he was still childless, and his steward was his heir.
18215:4a9nnWho did Yahweh say would be Abrams heir?Yahweh said that one coming from Abrams own body would be his heir.
18315:5l1q5How many descendants did Yahweh say Abram would have?Yahweh said that Abram would have descendants as numerous as the stars.
18415:6wx0iHow did Abram respond to Yahwehs promise, and what did Yahweh then do?Abram believed Yahweh, and Yahweh counted it to Abram as righteousness.
18515:8pj18What question did Abram ask Yahweh about the land?Abram asked Yahweh, “How will I know that I will inherit it”?
18615:10adl6What did Abram then do with the animals he was told to bring?Abram cut the animals in two and placed each half opposite the other.
18715:12gvvlWhat happened to Abram when the sun was going down?When the sun was going down Abram fell sound asleep and a deep and terrifying darkness overwhelmed him.
18815:13fka3For how long did Yahweh say Abrams descendants would be enslaved and oppressed?Yahweh told Abram his descendants would be enslaved and oppressed for four hundred years.
18915:14pi1tWhat did Yahweh say would happen to the nation that enslaved Abrams descendants?Yahweh said that he would judge that nation.
19015:15hdnxHow did Yahweh say Abrams life would end?Yahweh said that Abram would die in peace at a good old age.
19115:16et88What would reach its limit before Abrams descendants returned to the land promised them?The sin of the Amorites would reach its limit before Abrams descendants returned.
19215:17bjelThat night, what happened amongst the pieces of the animals Abram had prepared?A smoking fire pot and flaming torch passed between the pieces of the animals.
19315:18-21tieqWhat covenant did Yahweh make with Abram that day?Yahweh made a covenant with Abram that he would give this land to Abrams descendants.
19416:1-2iml0What idea did Sarai have for giving Abram a descendant?Sarai told Abram to sleep with her servant, Hagar, in order to have children by her.
19516:4r958What happened between Hagar and Sarai when Hagar conceived a child with Abram?After Hagar conceived, Hagar looked with contempt on Sarai.
19616:5-6dl1gWhat complaint did Sarai bring to Abram, and how did Abram respond?Sarai complained that it was Abrams fault that Hagar despised her, and Abram told Sarai to do what she thought best with Hagar.
19716:6j2m4How did Sarai treat Hagar after Hagar conceived, and what did Hagar do?Sarai treated Hagar harshly, and Hagar fled.
19816:9czefIn the wilderness, what did the angel of Yahweh tell Hagar to do?The angel of Yahweh told Hagar to return to Sarai and submit to her authority.
19916:10xzbkWhat promise did the angel of Yahweh make to Hagar?The angel of Yahweh promised Hagar that her descendants would be too numerous to count.
20016:11cn12Why was Hagar told to name her son Ishmael?Hagar was told to name her son Ishmael because Yahweh had heard her affliction.
20116:12e4ocHow will Ishmael treat other people?Ishmael will be hostile against every man, and will live apart from all his brothers.
20216:13g4hfWhat name did Hagar give Yahweh?Hagar gave Yahweh the name, “The God who sees me”.
20316:16p9xaHow old was Abram when Ishmael was born?Abram was eighty-six years old when Ishmael was born.
20417:1ms4uHow old was Abram when Yahweh appeared again to him to confirm his covenant with Abram?Abram was ninety-nine years old when Yahweh again appeared to Abram.
20517:1yiglWhat command did Yahweh give Abram concerning Abrams way of life?Yahweh commanded Abram to walk before him blamelessly.
20617:5gjrnTo what did Yahweh change Abrams name, and what does the name mean?Yahweh changed Abrams name to Abraham, which means “father of a multitude of nations”.
20717:8qav0What did Yahweh give to Abrahams descendants as part of the covenant?Yahweh gave Abrahams descendants all the land of Canaan as part of the covenant.
20817:8de3fWhat did Yahweh say would be the relationship between Abrahams descendants and Yahweh?Yahweh said that he would be God to Abrahams descendants.
20917:10-11ind1What did Yahweh command be done as a sign of the covenant between Abraham and Yahweh?Yahweh commanded that every male be circumcised as a sign of the covenant between Abraham and Yahweh.
21017:12ivcuAt what age was a baby to be circumcised?A baby was to be circumcised after eight days.
21117:12-13tb1pWhat was to be done with foreigners who joined a household that was in covenant with Yahweh?Foreigners who joined a household in covenant with Yahweh were also to be circumcised.
21217:14eavnWhat happened to any male who was not circumcised?Any male who was not circumcised was cut off from his people because he had broken the covenant.
21317:15vonfTo what did Yahweh change Sarais name?Yahweh changed Sarais name to Sarah.
21417:16blhwWhat did Yahweh promise would come by Sarah?Yahweh promised that Abrahams son would come by Sarah.
21517:17d2dxHow did Abraham respond to Yahwehs promise concerning Sarah?Abraham laughed and asked how a child could be born to a man and woman who were so old.
21617:19bxg4What did God say Abraham must name the son that would come by Sarah?God said that Abraham must name the son Isaac.
21717:19ivlkWhat did God say he would establish with Isaac?God said that he would establish his covenant with Isaac.
21817:20xzk2What promise did God make concerning Ishmael?God promised to bless Ishmael, to make him fruitful, and to make him a great nation.
21917:21wxhmWhat did God say he would establish with Isaac?God said that he would establish his covenant with Isaac.
22017:25adhcHow old was Ishmael when he was circumcised?Ishmael was thirteen years old when he was circumcised.
22117:24-27e9isAfter God left Abraham, what did Abraham do on that same day?On that same day, Abraham circumcised all the males of his household.
22218:2pf5iAs Abraham was sitting at his tent door, what did he see when he looked up?Abraham saw three men standing across from him.
22318:4-5xoizWhat did Abraham offer the men?Abraham offered the men some water to wash, and some food.
22418:9nu27Where was Sarah when the visitor gave his prediction?Sarah was in the tent.
22518:10jm0lWhat prediction did the one visitor give concerning Sarah?The one visitor said that when he returned, Sarah would have a son.
22618:12jynyHow did Sarah respond to the visitors prediction?Sarah laughed to herself when she heard the visitors prediction.
22718:14irv5What did Yahweh, the visitor, say about Sarahs response?Yahweh asked why Sarah laughed, and said “Is anything too hard for Yahweh”?
22818:16han0When the men left Abrahams home, toward where did they go?The men left Abrahams home and went toward Sodom.
22918:17l2o8What question did Yahweh ask as they walked?Yahweh said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do”?
23018:19l3tcWhat did Yahweh say Abraham must do so that Yahweh might fulfill the promises given to Abraham?Yahweh said that Abraham must instruct his children and his household to do righteousness and justice.
23118:20-21fhd3Why were the men going toward Sodom?The men were going toward Sodom because the cries against Sodom and Gomorrah were great, and they wanted to see if the cities were as wicked as the outcry suggested.
23218:23apf3As Abraham stood with Yahweh, what question did he ask Yahweh?Abraham asked, “Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked”?
23318:26fu77What did Yahweh say he would do if there were fifty righteous within the city?Yahweh said he would spare the whole place for their sake.
23418:28l4ecWhat did Yahweh say he would do if there were forty-five righteous within the city?Yahweh said he would spare the whole place for their sake.
23518:29gkxsWhat did Yahweh say he would do if there were forty righteous within the city?Yahweh said he would spare the whole place for their sake.
23618:30tqxnWhat did Yahweh say he would do if there were thirty righteous within the city?Yahweh said he would spare the whole place for their sake.
23718:31orswWhat did Yahweh say he would do if there were twenty righteous within the city?Yahweh said he would spare the whole place for their sake.
23818:32jn7yWhat did Yahweh say he would do if there were ten righteous within the city?Yahweh said he would spare the whole place for their sake.
23919:2inywWhen Lot saw the two angels coming into Sodom, what did he offer them?Lot offered that they stay at his home for the night, and then leave in the morning.
24019:2jfnqWhat was the angels response to Lot?The angels said that they would spend the night in the town square.
24119:3fw6tAt Lots urging, where did the angels finally decide to spend the night?Finally, the angels went with Lot to his home for the night.
24219:5niqsWhat did the men of the city who surrounded Lots house want Lot to do?The men wanted Lot to bring out the two men visiting him, so they could sleep with them.
24319:8gx2hWhat did Lot offer the men of the city instead?Lot offered the men of the city his two daughters instead of the two visitors.
24419:9rau9How did the men respond to Lots offer?The men told Lot to stand back and almost broke down the door.
24519:11fwcsWhat did the angels then do?The angels pulled Lot back into the house and struck the men outside with blindness.
24619:13o9diWhat did the angels say they had been sent to do by Yahweh?The angels said they had been sent to destroy the city.
24719:14txd8How did Lots sons-in-law respond when Lot told them to hurry and leave Sodom because it was about to be destroyed?Lots sons-in-law thought Lot was joking.
24819:15rsnqWhen morning dawned, what did the angels tell Lot to do?The angels told Lot to take his wife and daughters and get out of the city.
24919:16vntrWhy, despite Lots lingering, did the angels bring Lot and his family by their hands out of the city?The angels set them outside the city because Yahweh was merciful to them.
25019:17opfwWhat instructions did the angels give Lot when they were outside the city?The angels told Lot and his family to flee for their lives and to not look back.
25119:22rzccWhere did the angel allow Lot and his family to flee?Lot and his family were allowed to flee to a small city called Zoar.
25219:24p3bpWhat did Yahweh do when Lot reached Zoar?Yahweh rained down sulfur and fire from the sky on Sodom and Gomorrah.
25319:26zdlkWhat did Lots wife do and what happened to her?Lots wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.
25419:28naq2What did Abraham see early in the morning as he looked down at all the land of the plain?Abraham saw smoke rising from the land like the smoke of a furnace.
25519:30hzloTo where did Lot then move and why?Lot then moved to the mountains because he was afraid to live in Zoar.
25619:31-32jgaxWhat plan did Lots daughters make involving their father?Lots daughters planned to make their father drunk, then lie with him so that they could have children.
25719:37-38qbjvWhich two people groups came from the daughters of Lot?The Moabite and Ammonite people groups came from the daughters of Lot.
25820:1-2pqm9What did Abraham say about Sarah while he was living at Gerar?Abraham said that Sarah was his sister.
25920:3p04qWhat did God say to Abimelech after he took Sarah?God came to Abimelech in a dream and told him that he was a dead man because he had taken a mans wife.
26020:5zdsdWhat did Abimelech say to God he had been told by Abraham and Sarah?Abimelech said to God that Abraham had told him Sarah was his sister, and Sarah had told him Abraham was his brother.
26120:7g6a5What did God tell Abimelech to do, and what did God say would happen if he did not do it?God told Abimelech to return Sarah to Abraham; otherwise, he and all his people would die.
26220:8ystkHow did Abimelechs men respond when they heard what God had told Abimelech?Abimelechs men were very afraid when they heard what God had told him.
26320:11mgxyWhy did Abraham say he had told Abimelech that Sarah was his sister?Abraham said that he was afraid Abimelech would kill him because of Sarah.
26420:12p4jzIn what way was Sarah actually Abrahams sister?Sarah was the daughter of Abrahams father, but not of his mother.
26520:16f12cWhat animals and people did Abimelech give Abraham?Abimelech gave Abraham sheep and oxen, male and female slaves.
26620:16qclvWhat reason did Abimelech give Sarah as to why he gave her brother a thousand pieces of silver?Abimelech told Sarah he had given a thousand pieces of silver to her brother to cover any offense against Sarah in the eyes of all that were with Sarah, and before everyone.
26720:17rrqfWhat happened when Abraham prayed to God for Abimelech and his people?God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his female slaves so they were able to have children.
26821:2jy7vWhat did Yahweh do for Sarah?Yahweh visited Sarah and she bore a son to Abraham at the promised time.
26921:4uqx2When Isaac was eight days old, what did Abraham do?When Isaac was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him.
27021:6h7hoWhat did Sarah say God had made her do?Sarah said that God had made her laugh.
27121:9do11On the day Isaac was weaned, what did Sarah see?Sarah saw the son of Hagar mocking.
27221:10ql7jWhat did Sarah tell Abraham to do with Hagar and her son, and why?Sarah told Abraham to drive out Hagar and her son, because Hagars son would not be heir with Isaac.
27321:11n8pjWhat was Abrahams reaction to Sarahs demand?Abraham was grieved by Sarahs demand.
27421:12h0yyWhat did God tell Abraham to do?God told Abraham to listen to Sarah.
27521:14z3grWhere did Hagar and her son go after Abraham sent them out?Hagar and her son went into the wilderness.
27621:18fh7iWhat did God tell Hagar he would do for her son?God said he would make the son of Hagar into a great nation.
27721:19q1ljHow did Hagar and her son survive?God opened Hagars eyes and she saw a well of water.
27821:20-21qqtyWhat happened to Hagars son as he grew up?Hagars son became and archer and his mother got a wife for him from Egypt.
27921:23ihfkWhat did Abimelech want Abraham to swear to do for him?Abimelech wanted Abraham to swear that he would not deal falsely with Abimelech, or with his children, or with his descendants. Abimelech asked Abraham to show to him the same covenant faithfulness that Abimelech had shown to Abraham.
28021:25d0qwWhat did Abraham complain about to Abimelech?Abraham complained to Abimelech about a well of water that Abimelechs servants had seized from him.
28121:28-30k6vwWhy did Abraham send seven female lambs to Abimelech?Abraham sent seven female lambs to Abimelech as a witness that he had dug the disputed well.
28221:32gm1lInto what land did Abimelech return?Abimelech returned into the land of the Philistines.
28321:33am84What did Abraham do at the tamarisk tree in Beer-sheba?Abraham worshiped Yahweh, the eternal God.
28421:34fz51Where did Abraham live for many days?Abraham lived in the land of the Philistines for many days.
28522:1-2hi0pWhat test did God give Abraham?God told Abraham to go the land of Moriah and offer Isaac as a burnt offering.
28622:3j6eyHow did Abraham respond to Gods command?Abraham rose early in the morning and set out on his journey to the place God had told him about.
28722:5ipxeWhat did Abraham tell his two young men that he and Isaac were going to do?Abraham told his two young men that he and Isaac were going to worship and then would return.
28822:7fr0xWhat question did Isaac ask Abraham as they were walking together?Isaac asked Abraham, “Where is the lamb for the burnt offering”?
28922:8aaijHow did Abraham answer Isaacs question?Abraham said that God would himself provide the lamb for the burnt offering.
29022:9by1yWhen they reached the place, what did Abraham prepare as the burnt offering and how did he do it?Abraham prepared Isaac as the burnt offering by binding him and laying him on the altar.
29122:12p5jeWhen Abraham took the knife in his hand, what did the angel of Yahweh tell Abraham?The angel of Yahweh told Abraham to not harm Isaac.
29222:12w3nhWhat did the angel say he now knew about Abraham?The angel said that he now knew that Abraham feared God.
29322:13fksuHow did God then provide the burnt offering for Abraham?There was a ram caught in the bushes behind Abraham, which Abraham used as the burnt offering.
29422:14rua9What did Abraham call the place of the burnt offering?Abraham called the place, “Yahweh will provide”.
29522:16-17akd1What reason did the angel of Yahweh give for blessing Abraham?The angel of Yahweh said he would bless Abraham because Abraham had not withheld his only son.
29622:18qgmkThrough who and why were all nations of the earth to be blessed?Through Abrahams offspring all the nations of the earth were to be blessed, because Abraham had obeyed the angel of Yahwehs voice.
29723:2kyomWhat did Abraham first do when Sarah died?When Sarah died, Abraham first mourned for her and wept for her.
29823:3-4wqckWhat request did Abraham make to the sons of Heth?Abraham asked for a property to use as a burying-place.
29923:5-6sxveHow did the sons of Heth respond to Abrahams request?The sons of Heth offered the choicest of their tombs to Abraham.
30023:10-11weevWhen Abraham asked for Ephron the Hittites cave as a tomb, how did Ephron respond?Ephron offered to give Abraham the cave and the field next to it.
30123:12-13akx9How did Abraham respond to Ephrons offer?Abraham offered to pay for the field and the cave.
30223:14-15p7ceHow did Ephron respond to Abrahams offer?Ephron asked for four hundred shekels of silver for the field and the cave.
30323:14-16z8gwHow did the conversation between Abraham and Ephron end?Abraham paid four hundred shekels of silver to Ephron for the piece of land.
30423:17-18yw4cWhat was included in the purchase of the field of Ephron which was in Machpelah?The field, the cave that was in it, and all the trees that were in the field and all around its border were included in Abrahams purchase of the field of Ephron.
30523:19ofpsWhat did Abraham then do with the cave?Abraham then buried Sarah in the cave.
30624:2-4edc4What did Abraham make his oldest servant swear to do?Abraham made his oldest servant swear that he would get a wife for Isaac from Abrahams relatives.
30724:5-6ssjiWhat did Abraham insist that the servant not do with Isaac?Abraham insisted that the servant not take Isaac back to the land from which Abraham came.
30824:12-14xek3What did Abrahams servant ask God to do in order to show him which woman God had chosen for Isaac?The servant asked that the woman whom he asked to lower her pitcher to get a drink would do so and offer to water his camels also.
30924:15l92fWhat relation was Rebekah to Abraham?Rebekah was the granddaughter of Nahor, Abrahams brother.
31024:17-18b7t0What did Rebekah do when Abrahams servant asked for a drink of water?Rebekah gave the servant a drink.
31124:19agqsWhat did Rebekah say after she had finished giving the servant a drink?After Rebekah finished giving the servant a drink she said, “I will draw water for your camels also, until they have finished drinking.”
31224:26-27lqhtWhat did the servant do when he heard that Rebekah was related to Abraham and that he could spend the night with her family?The servant worshipped Yahweh and blessed him.
31324:29sn9qWho was Rebekahs brother?Laban was Rebekahs brother.
31424:31f4edWhat did Laban do when he met Abrahams servant?Laban invited Abrahams servant to stay at his house.
31524:33pqk5What did Abrahams servant insist on doing before he ate?Abrahams servant insisted on saying why he had come before he ate.
31624:40wsjlHow had Abraham said that Yahweh would prosper the servants way?Abraham had said that Yahweh would send his angel with the servant to prosper his way.
31724:47placWhat had the servant given Rebekah when he heard she was related to Abraham?Abrahams servant had given Rebekah a gold ring for her nose and bracelets for her arms.
31824:50-51gmneHow did Laban and Bethuel answer Abrahams servant when he asked them what they wanted to do regarding Rebekah?Laban and Bethuel answered that the servant should take Rebekah and go, so that Rebekah could be the wife of Abrahams son.
31924:52-53wx31What did Abrahams servant do when he heard the answer from Laban and Bethuel?The servant bowed down to Yahweh and gave gifts to Rebekah and to her brother and mother.
32024:54-55bnrzWhen they arose the next morning, what did Rebekahs brother and mother want the servant to do?When they arose the next morning, they wanted Abrahams servant to stay with them for at least ten more days.
32124:56-58ae7aWhen Abrahams servant said that he wanted to go immediately, what did Rebekah say that she wanted to do?Rebekah said that she wanted to go with the servant.
32224:60l9djWhat blessing did Rebekahs family give her as she left with Abrahams servant?Rebekahs family blessed her that she might be the mother of thousands and ten thousands, and that her descendants might possess the gate of those who hate them.
32324:63ki1oWhat was Isaac doing when Rebekah arrived at his home?Isaac was out in the field meditating.
32424:64-65w1a6What did Rebekah do when she saw Isaac?When she saw Isaac, Rebekah jumped down from the camel and covered herself with her veil.
32524:67e7qeWhat did Isaac do after Abrahams servant recounted all the things that he had done?Isaac brought Rebekah into his mother Sarahs tent and took Rebekah as his wife.
32625:1k74hWhat did Abraham do after his wife Sarah died?Abraham took another wife named Keturah.
32725:5-6y1n2How did Abraham distribute his wealth?Abraham gave gifts to the sons of his concubines, and gave all that he owned to Isaac.
32825:7az6rHow many years did Abraham live?Abraham lived one hundred seventy-five years.
32925:9dowmWho buried Abraham?Both Isaac and Ishmael buried Abraham.
33025:18bb0xHow did the twelve sons of Ishmael live with each other?The twelve sons of Ishmael lived with each other in hostility.
33125:21pi57What did Isaac do because Rebekah was childless?Isaac prayed to Yahweh for his wife, and Yahweh answered his prayer, and Rebekah conceived.
33225:23dwc7What did Yahweh say concerning the two children struggling within Rebekahs womb?Yahweh said that there were two nations in her womb, one people stronger than the other, and that the older would serve the younger.
33325:25qywaWho was born first, and what did he look like?Esau was born first, and he was red all over like a hairy garment.
33425:26vncwWho was born second, and what was he doing as he was born?Jacob was born second, and he was grasping Esaus heel as he was born.
33525:27hmxpWhat kind of man was Esau?Esau was a skillful hunter and a man of the field.
33625:27uktcWhat kind of man was Jacob?Jacob was a quiet man who spent his time in the tents.
33725:28skvnWho did Isaac love, and who did Rebekah love?Isaac loved Esau, and Rebekah loved Jacob.
33825:30w0n8What was another name for Esau?Edom was another name for Esau.
33925:31iptbFor what did Jacob ask in return for the red stew that Esau wanted to eat because he was starving?Jacob asked for Esaus birthright in return for the red stew.
34025:33gd3lWhat was Esaus response to Jacobs offer?Esau swore an oath and sold his birthright to Jacob.
34125:34z8xhHow was Esau treating his birthright when he responded in this way to Jacobs offer?Esau was despising his birthright when he responded to Jacobs offer in this way.
34226:1lueoWhy did Isaac move to the city of Gerar where Abimelech was the king of the Philistines?Isaac moved to Gerar because there was a famine in the land.
34326:2w1y3What had Yahweh told Isaac before Isaac moved to Gerar?Yahweh had told Isaac not to move to Egypt, and to stay in the land about which he would tell Isaac.
34426:3k3jxWhat did Yahweh tell Isaac about the oath Yahweh had sworn to his father Abraham?Yahweh told Isaac that he would fulfill the oath which Yahweh had sworn to Abraham.
34526:5civ6Why did Yahweh say he was going to do this?Yahweh said he was going to do this because Abraham had obeyed his voice and kept his instructions, commandments, statutes, and laws.
34626:7gepmWhat did Isaac say to the men of Gerar about Rebekah, his wife?Isaac told the men of Gerar that Rebekah was his sister.
34726:9-10ifp8According to Abimelech, what could have brought guilt upon the people because of Isaacs lie?Because of Isaacs lie, someone could have had sexual relations with Rebekah and brought guilt upon the people.
34826:11z7qoWhat command did Abimelech give regarding Rebekah?Abimelech commanded that anyone who touched Rebekah would be put to death.
34926:16qn1jWhat reason did Abimelech give for asking Isaac to move away from the Philistines?Abimelech asked Isaac to move away from the Philistines because he said, “…for you are mightier than we.”
35026:18radbWhy did Isaac have to dig out the wells of water which they had dug in the days of Abraham?Isaac had to dig out the wells of water which they had dug in the days of Abraham because the Philistines had stopped them up after Abrahams death.
35126:22pih6What did Isaac name the well over which the herdsmen of Gerar did not quarrel with him?Isaac named the well, over which the herdsmen of Gerar did not quarrel with him, Rehoboth.
35226:23-24nluwWhat did Yahweh reaffirm to Isaac when he appeared to Isaac at Beersheba?Yahweh reaffirmed that he would bless Isaac and multiply his descendants.
35326:28-29q1rvWhat covenant did Abimelech want to make with Isaac, and why?Abimelech wanted to make a covenant that neither side would harm the other, because he saw that Yahweh was with Isaac.
35426:30-31llyyHow did Isaac respond to Abimelechs request for a covenant between them?Isaac made a feast, and they swore an oath with each other.
35526:34tzp8From what people group were the two wives of Esau?The two wives of Esau were from the Hittites.
35626:35t9ztHow was the relationship between Esaus wives and Isaac and Rebekah?Esaus wives brought sorrow to Isaac and Rebekah.
35727:1lsu5As Isaac grew old, what was he no longer able to do?As Isaac grew old, he was no longer able to see.
35827:3-4ht45What did Isaac ask Esau to do, and why?Isaac asked Esau to go hunt and make the sort of food that he loved, so that he could eat it and bless Esau.
35927:8-10cx7mWhat was Rebekahs plan for providing the food for Isaac, and why?Rebekah told Jacob to go get two goats and she would make the food that Isaac loved, so that Jacob could take it to Isaac and receive the blessing.
36027:11-12b563About what was Jacob concerned in bringing the food to Isaac?Jacob was concerned that Esau was a hairy man and he was a smooth man, and that Isaac would touch him and find out that Jacob was a deceiver and curse him.
36127:15-16ovvpHow did Rebekah solve the problem of Esau being a hairy man, and Jacob a smooth man?Rebekah put Esaus clothes on Jacob and put goatskins upon his hands and neck.
36227:20p4xiWhen Isaac asked, how did Jacob say he had found the game so quickly?Jacob said that Yahweh, Isaacs God, had brought the game to him.
36327:22-23bzjuBecause he was not sure, how did Isaac try to determine who was giving him the food?Isaac touched Jacob on the hands and felt the hairy goatskins.
36427:24xcurWhat did Jacob say when Isaac asked, “Are you really my son Esau”?Jacob said, “I am”.
36527:26-27j8y6What finally convinced Isaac that the person bringing the food was Esau?When Jacob came near Isaac to kiss him, Isaac smelled Esaus clothes.
36627:29t0m5Who did Isaac say would bow down to Jacob?Isaac said nations would bow down to Jacob and that Jacobs mothers sons would bow down to him.
36727:30-31wrnaWhat did Esau do soon after Jacob left Isaacs tent?Esau came in from hunting, prepared the food, and brought it to Isaac.
36827:34-35s6bpWhat did Isaac say when Esau asked for Isaacs blessing?Isaac said that Jacob had deceitfully taken away Esaus blessing.
36927:36dvnzIn what two ways did Esau say Jacob had cheated him?Esau said that Jacob had cheated him from his birthright and from his blessing.
37027:39-40cr1aWhat was the “blessing” that Isaac gave Esau?Isaac said that Esau would live away from the fatness of the earth, that he would serve his brother, but would eventually rebel against him and shake off Jacobs yoke.
37127:41aijfWhat did Esau decide to do after Isaacs death?Esau decided to kill Jacob after Isaacs death.
37227:43zwozWhat did Rebekah do after hearing Esaus plans?Rebekah sent Jacob to Laban, her brother, in Haran.
37328:1n272What command did Isaac give Jacob before he left?Isaac commanded Jacob not to take a Canaanite wife.
37428:2cz76Where did Isaac tell Jacob to get a wife?Isaac told Jacob to get a wife from the daughters of Laban, Rebekahs brother.
37528:4ypneWhose blessing did Isaac ask God to give Jacob?Isaac asked God to give Jacob the blessing of Abraham.
37628:8-9f1itFrom where did Esau get one of his wives when he saw that the women of Canaan did not please Isaac?Esau took a wife from the daughters of Ishmael, Abrahams son.
37728:12-13uuypWhat did Jacob see in his dream while on the way to Haran?Jacob saw a ladder from earth to heaven with angels ascending and descending on it, and Yahweh standing above it.
37828:13ckccWhat did Yahweh say about the land Jacob was lying on?Yahweh said that the land Jacob was lying on would be given to him and his descendants.
37928:13gb0sWhose blessing did Yahweh give to Jacob?Yahweh gave Jacob the blessing of Abraham.
38028:17jv7qWhat did Jacob say about the place where he had the dream?Jacob said the place was the house of God and the gate of heaven.
38128:19a57eWhat name did Jacob give the place where he had the dream?Jacob named the place Beth-el.
38228:20-21bluqWhat did Jacob say Yahweh must do in order for Yahweh to be his God?Jacob said that Yahweh must be with him and protect him on his journey so that he returned safely to his fathers house.
38328:22vgytWhat did Jacob promise to give Yahweh if Yahweh did these things for him?Jacob promised to give back to Yahweh a tenth of everything Yahweh gave Jacob.
38429:4zudlFrom where were the men that Jacob talked to?The men were from Haran.
38529:6avg8Who also came to the well with a flock of sheep?Rachel, daughter of Laban, also came to the well with a flock of sheep.
38629:10vg71What did Jacob do for Labans sheep?Jacob rolled the stone from the wells mouth and watered the sheep.
38729:12rs90What did Jacob tell Rachel, and then what did she do?Jacob told Rachel that he was her fathers relative, and then Rachel ran and told her father.
38829:13jjwhHow did Laban react when he heard about Jacobs arrival?Laban ran to meet Jacob, embraced him, kissed him, and brought him to his house.
38929:16-17d50eDescribe the two daughters of Laban.Leah was the older daughter and she had tender eyes, while Rachel was the younger and was beautiful in form and appearance.
39029:18cfi2What arrangement did Laban and Jacob make concerning Jacobs labor?They agreed that Jacob would serve Laban seven years in return for Rachel.
39129:20gevvWhy did the seven years of labor only seem like a few days to Jacob?The seven years of labor seemed only like a few days because of the love Jacob had for Rachel.
39229:24yi20Who did Laban give to Leah, to be her servant?Laban gave his female servant Zilpah to his daughter Leah, to be her servant.
39329:23-25jzl8How did Laban trick Jacob?Laban gave Leah to Jacob, instead of Rachel, the night of the wedding.
39429:26f1wrWhy did Laban say he had tricked Jacob?Laban said it was not their custom to give the younger daughter in marriage before the first-born.
39529:27dpbyWhat arrangement did Laban and Jacob then make concerning Jacobs labor?They agreed that Jacob would serve Laban seven more years in return for Rachel.
39629:29qz1rWho did Laban give to Rachel, to be her servant?Laban gave Bilhah to his daughter Rachel, to be her servant.
39729:31h3e2What did Yahweh do when he saw that Jacob did not love Leah?Yahweh caused Leah to become pregnant, but Rachel was childless.
39829:32zft4What did Leah hope would happen if she bore sons for Jacob?Leah hoped that Jacob would love her if she bore sons for him.
39929:32zq0nWhat was the name of Leahs first son?The name of Leahs first son was Reuben.
40029:35xibhWhat did Leah say after she bore Judah?After she bore Judah Leah said, “This time I will praise Yahweh.”
40130:2iytcAccording to Jacob, why did Rachel have no children?According to Jacob, God had kept Rachel from having children.
40230:3cc3lWhat did Rachel do in order to have children?Rachel gave Jacob Bilhah her servant so she could have children on Rachels behalf.
40330:7-8siesWhy did Rachel say that she had prevailed against her sister Leah?Rachel said that she had prevailed because Bilhah her servant bore two sons for Jacob.
40430:9o7mpWhat did Leah do when she saw that she had stopped bearing children?Leah gave Jacob Zilpah her servant so she could have children on Leahs behalf.
40530:10-11u35vWhat caused Leah to say, “This is fortunate.”?Leah said, “This is fortunate.” because Zilpah her servant bore Jacob a son.
40630:14-15mkyhWhat did Rachel offer Leah in exchange for her sons mandrakes?In exchange for Reubens mandrakes, Rachel offered to let Leah sleep with Jacob that night
40730:20og8tHow many sons did Leah bear for Jacob?Leah bore six sons for Jacob.
40830:23zmuaWhat caused Rachel to say that her shame had been taken away?When Rachel bore a son for Jacob, she said that her shame had been taken away.
40930:25-26hgeyWhat request did Jacob make to Laban after Joseph was born?Jacob requested that Laban let Jacob go with his family back to his own home and country.
41030:27r8fxWhy did Laban not want to let Jacob go away?Laban had divined that Yahweh had blessed him for Jacobs sake.
41130:32evbqWhat wages did Jacob receive for his work for Laban?Jacob took the speckled, spotted, and black sheep, and the speckled and spotted goats from Labans flock that he tended.
41230:35-36b92lHow did Laban cheat Jacob concerning Jacobs wages?Laban first removed the animals that Jacob would have taken, before he gave the flock to Jacob to tend.
41330:37eoe2What kind of sticks did Jacob peel white streaks into?Jacob peeled white streaks into branches of fresh poplar, almond, and plane trees.
41430:38jo1bWhat did Jacob do with the peeled sticks?Jacob put the sticks that he had peeled in front of the flocks, in front of the watering troughs where they came to drink.
41530:39spafWhat happened when the flocks bred in front of the sticks?When the flocks bred in front of the sticks they produced striped, speckled, and spotted young.
41630:42nvvpWhat was the result of Jacobs breeding of the animals?The result was that Labans flock was feebler, and Jacobs flock was stronger.
41731:1-2acjlFrom where did Laban and his sons believe Jacob had gotten all his wealth?Laban and his sons believed that Jacob had gotten all his wealth from Labans possessions.
41831:3l1etWhat instructions did Yahweh give Jacob?Yahweh instructed Jacob to return to the land of his fathers and to his relatives.
41931:8-9c488How had God taken away the cattle of Laban and given them to Jacob?God had caused the animals to bear speckled, and striped young which were Jacobs wages.
42031:14-15gkk5What attitude did Rachel and Leah have toward their father Laban?Rachel and Leah said that Laban treated them as foreigners and had devoured their money.
42131:19eas5What did Rachel do before leaving with Jacob?Rachel stole her fathers household gods.
42231:20vqc6How did Jacob deceive Laban at this time?Jacob deceived Laban by not telling Laban that he was leaving.
42331:22-23o6ydWhat did Laban do when he was told that Jacob had fled?Laban took his relatives with him and pursued Jacob, overtaking him after seven days.
42431:24vm4sWhat did God tell Laban in a dream?God told Laban to speak neither good or bad to Jacob.
42531:31zh3pWhy did Jacob say that he had fled from Laban secretly?Jacob said that he fled secretly because he was afraid that Laban would take his daughters from him by force.
42631:32ods8What did Jacob say when Laban accused him of stealing his household gods?Jacob said that whoever stole Labans household gods would not continue to live.
42731:34-35r1hzWhy did Laban not find his household gods among Jacobs possessions?Laban did not find his household gods because Rachel sat on them and then said that she could not stand up since she was having her period.
42831:41wvq8How long had Jacob worked for Laban, and how many times had Laban changed his wages?Jacob had worked for Laban twenty years, and Laban had changed his wages ten times.
42931:43h9sdHow did Laban show that he still thought of Jacobs possessions as his own?Laban said that all that he saw of Jacobs possessions was his.
43031:46ujjdHow did Jacob and Laban mark the place of their covenant?Jacob and Laban marked the place of their covenant by making a pile of stones there.
43131:49-50sfxaWho was declared as witness between Jacob and Laban to ensure the covenant would be kept?God was declared as witness between Jacob and Laban to ensure the covenant would be kept.
43231:51-52fh8fWhat were the pile and the pillar for?The pile and pillar were both witnesses to the covenant which said neither Laban nor Jacob would pass the pile or pillar to do one another harm.
43331:52hvrvWhat covenant did Jacob and Laban make?Jacob and Laban each agreed to not pass beyond the pile of stones to do the other harm.
43431:53d52uWhat did Jacob do to show that he agreed to the covenant?To show that he agreed with Laban about the covenant Jacob swore by God, who his father Isaac feared.
43531:55pga5What did Laban do the next morning?Laban rose, kissed his grandsons and daughters, blessed them, and returned home.
43632:3he3tTo whom did Jacob send a message on his way toward Canaan?Jacob sent a message to his brother Esau on his way toward Canaan.
43732:5dh86For what purpose did Jacob send this message?Jacob desired to find favor in Esaus sight.
43832:7-8x3zdWhat was Jacobs reaction when he heard Esau was coming with four hundred men, and what did he do?Jacob was afraid, so he divided his people into two groups so that if Esau attacked one group, the other could escape.
43932:11hrlaWhat was Jacobs request to Yahweh?Jacob asked Yahweh to deliver him from the hand of Esau.
44032:12tw3pOf what promise did Jacob remind Yahweh?Jacob reminded Yahweh that he had promised to prosper Jacob, and to make is descendants like the sand of the sea.
44132:20vhy7What did Jacob think he could accomplish by sending gifts to his brother Esau?Jacob thought that perhaps he could appease Esau with the gifts that he sent to Esau so that later, when Jacob saw him, Esau would receive him.
44232:22cmkcHow did Jacob end up being alone that night?He took his wives, servant women, and children across the ford of the Jabbok.
44332:24cltrWhat did Jacob do that night until daybreak?Jacob wrestled with a man until daybreak.
44432:25ql1pWhat did the man do when he could not defeat Jacob?The man struck Jacobs hip and dislocated it.
44532:26nc65What did Jacob demand before he would let the man go?Jacob demanded that the man bless him.
44632:28xgjoWhat did the man say Jacob would there after be called?The man said that Jacobs name would now be Israel.
44732:30e5duWho did Jacob say he had seen face to face that night?Jacob said he had seen God face to face that night.
44832:32f51xWhat physical problem did Jacob continue to have after that night?Jacob limped because of his hip after that night.
44933:2-3v4slAs Esau was coming to Jacob, in what order did Jacob put his wives behind him?Jacob put his female servants first, then Leah, and then Rachel.
45033:3lq1cWhat did Jacob do as he came near his brother?Jacob bowed toward the ground seven times as he came near his brother.
45133:4njylWhat did Esau do when he came to his brother?Esau ran to meet Jacob, embraced him, hugged his neck, and kissed him.
45233:9t837What did Esau tell Jacob to do with the gifts he had sent ahead to Esau?Esau told Jacob to keep them for himself, since he had enough.
45333:11w17dWhat two reasons did Jacob give Esau to accept his gifts?Jacob said that because God had dealt graciously with him, and because he had enough, Esau should accept his gifts.
45433:12-14c24eWhy did Jacob say he wanted Esau to go ahead, while he traveled more slowly?Jacob said he wanted Esau to go ahead because the flocks would die if they were driven too fast.
45533:14c0v1Where did Jacob say he was going to bring his family and his flocks?Jacob said he was going to bring his family and flocks to Esau in Seir.
45633:17lx68To where did Jacob travel, where he built himself a house?Jacob traveled to Succoth, where he built himself a house.
45733:18-19pstiTo where did Jacob travel, where he bought a piece of ground?Jacob traveled to Shechem, where he bought a piece of ground.
45834:2e3elWhat did Shechem, the son of Hamor, do when he saw Dinah, Leahs daughter?Shechem grabbed Dinah, assaulted her, and forced himself on her.
45934:5k1dqWhat did Jacob do at first when he heard about what happened to Dinah?Jacob held his peace until his sons came in from the field.
46034:7hk7wWhat was the reaction of Jacobs sons when they heard what Shechem had done to Dinah?Jacobs sons were very angry.
46134:8-9q2ruWhat did Hamor, the father of Shechem, want Jacob to do?Hamor wanted Jacob to give Dinah to Shechem as his wife, and to allow Jacobs family to intermarry with Hamors family.
46234:12uo8jWhat did Shechem say he was willing to do to have Dinah as his wife?Shechem said he would pay as great a bride price as Jacob would name.
46334:13jhwzIn what way did the sons of Jacob answer Shechem, and why?The sons of Jacob answered Shechem deceitfully, because Shechem had defiled Dinah.
46434:15rgptWhat requirement did the sons of Jacob make to Hamor before they would agree to intermarry with Hamors family?The sons of Jacob required that all the males in Hamors family be circumcised.
46534:23gn7oWhen speaking to the men of their city, what did Hamor and Shechem say would be theirs if they intermarried with Jacobs family?They said that all of Jacobs livestock, property, and animals would be theirs if they intermarried with Jacobs family.
46634:24tonwHow did the men of Hamors city respond when asked if they were willing to be circumcised?The men of Hamors city listened to Hamor and Shechem and every male was circumcised.
46734:25liniWhat did Simeon and Levi do on the third day after the males from Hamors family had been circumcised?Simeon and Levi killed all the males in Hamors city.
46834:27-29etr5What then did all of the sons of Jacob do?All of the sons of Jacob looted the city, took all the wealth, and captured the children and wives.
46934:30g1awHow did Jacob respond when he learned about what Simeon and Levi had done?Jacob said that Simeon and Levi had brought trouble on him because the inhabitants of the land might now destroy him and his household.
47034:31b3e6Why did Simeon and Levi say they had done it?Simeon and Levi said they had done it because Shechem had treated their sister Dinah like a prostitute.
47135:1y25xWhat did God tell Jacob to go and do?God told Jacob to go to Bethel and to build an altar to God.
47235:2tduyWhat did Jacob then tell the people of his household to do?Jacob told them to put away their foreign gods, to purify themselves, and to change their clothes.
47335:5pc9nAs they traveled, why did the people of the cities around Jacob and his household not pursue them?The people of the cities around them did not pursue them because they were afraid of God.
47435:7gyqhWhy did Jacob call the place they came to “Elbethel”?Jacob called it “Elbethel” because it was the place God had revealed himself to Jacob when Jacob was fleeing from Esau.
47535:10wmj7What new name did God give Jacob?God gave Jacob the new name Israel.
47635:12qjtuWhat promise did God reaffirm to Jacob?God reaffirmed the promise that Jacob would become a company of nations with kings among his descendants, and that the land God had promised to Abraham and Isaac would be given to him and his descendants.
47735:18-19kb9lWhat happened to Rachel during her labor with Benjamin?Rachel died during her labor with Benjamin.
47835:22n3p4Israel heard about what thing that Reuben had done?Israel heard that Reuben had slept with Bilhah, Israels concubine.
47935:22qc1oHow many sons did Jacob have?Jacob had twelve sons.
48035:24qtvjWhich sons of Jacob were born from Rachel?Joseph and Benjamin were born from Rachel.
48135:28fl7eHow many years did Isaac live?Isaac lived one hundred eighty years.
48235:29zoepWho buried Isaac?Esau and Jacob buried Isaac.
48336:1ayahBy what other name are the descendants of Esau called?The descendants of Esau are also called Edom.
48436:2okxiFrom where did Esau get his wives?Esau took his wives from the Canaanites.
48536:6-7u0hnWhy did Esau move away from his brother Jacob?Esau moved away from his brother Jacob because the land could not support both of them as their possessions were too many.
48636:8nc8gWhere did Esau settle?Esau settled in the hill country of Seir.
48736:12yzmhWhat was the name of the son born by Timna, a concubine of Esaus firstborn son Eliphaz?The name of the son born by Timna was Amalek.
48836:15-16gzn0What was the name of the son born by Timna, a concubine of Esaus firstborn son Eliphaz?The name of the son born by Timna was Amalek.
48936:20dabbWho was the father of the inhabitants of the land in which Edom lived?Seir the Horite was the father of the inhabitants of the land in which Edom lived.
49036:31cgunWhat did the people of Edom have before Israel had them?The people of Edom had kings before any king reigned over the Israelites.
49136:43itg1Who was the father of the Edomites?Esau was the father of the Edomites.
49237:1fko7Where did Jacob settle to live?Jacob lived in the land of Canaan.
49337:2ezrpWhat did Joseph bring to his father Jacob while guarding the flock with his brothers?Joseph brought to his father an unfavorable report about his brothers.
49437:3jbk5How did Israel show that he loved Joseph more than his other sons?Israel made Joseph a luxurious tunic.
49537:4hvyvWhat did Josephs brothers think about Joseph?Josephs brothers hated him and would not speak to him cordially.
49637:7wbcvWhat did Joseph see in his first dream?Joseph saw his sheaf stand upright while his brothers sheaves bowed down to his sheaf.
49737:8vzfgWhat did Josephs brothers think about Joseph after he told them about his first dream?Josephs brothers hated him even more.
49837:9ipqsWhat did Joseph see in his second dream?Joseph saw the sun, moon, and eleven stars bow down to him.
49937:10alk8In Josephs second dream, what did the sun, moon, and stars represent?The sun, moon, and stars represented Josephs father, mother, and brothers.
50037:14iajmWhat did Jacob send Joseph out of the valley of Hebron to do?Jacob sent Joseph out of the valley of Hebron to see if it was well with his brothers, and to bring Jacob word.
50137:20nr70What did Josephs brothers plan to do when they saw Joseph coming?Josephs brothers planned to kill Joseph and cast him into one of the pits.
50237:22h9i2What suggestion did Reuben make to his brothers, and why?Reuben suggested that the brothers only throw Joseph into a pit, so that he could rescue Joseph later.
50337:28c7x3Who did Josephs brothers sell Joseph to and for how much?Josephs brothers sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver.
50437:28qcamTo where was Joseph taken?Joseph was taken to Egypt.
50537:31-32vj4dHow did Josephs brothers make it appear that Joseph was dead?Josephs brothers killed a goat and dipped Josephs coat in the blood, then gave the coat to Jacob.
50637:34jq3zWhat did Jacob do after he concluded Joseph was dead?Jacob tore his garments, wore sackcloth, and mourned his son for many days.
50737:36tgkmTo whom was Joseph sold in Egypt?Joseph was sold to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, in Egypt.
50838:2cgziFrom whom did Judah take a wife?Judah took a wife from a Canaanite man.
50938:7c2w4What did Yahweh do with Judahs first son Er, and why?Yahweh killed Er because he was wicked.
51038:9atvfHow did Judahs second son Onan not fulfill the duty of a brother-in-law to raise up a child for Er?Onan would spill his semen on the ground when he made love to Tamar.
51138:10vueyWhat did Yahweh do with Judahs second son Onan, and why?Yahweh killed Onan because what he did was evil.
51238:11onskWhat promise did Judah then make to Tamar?Judah promised Tamar his third son Shelah as a husband when Shelah grew up.
51338:12pe6sAfter a long time, why did Judah need to be comforted?Judah was comforted because his wife died.
51438:14a2ybWhat did Tamar do when she heard that Judah was going to Timnah?Tamar took off her clothing of widowhood, put on a veil and wrapped herself, and sat by the road to Timnah.
51538:14phdqWhy did Tamar do this?Tamar did this because Judahs third son Shelah had grown up, but she had not been given to him as a wife.
51638:18hntkWhat did Tamar obtain as a pledge for payment before Judah made love to her?Judah gave Tamar his seal, cord, and staff as a pledge of payment.
51738:21m6uaWhen Judah tried to retrieve his pledge by paying the prostitute with a young goat, what did he learn?Judah learned that there was no temple prostitute in that area.
51838:24thzqWhat did Judah want to do when he learned that Tamar was pregnant?Judah wanted to burn Tamar because she had become pregnant as a prostitute.
51938:25w071What did Tamar do when she was brought out to Judah?She said that she was pregnant by the man who owned the seal, cord, and staff she had.
52038:26n7d1How did Judah respond when he saw his seal, cord, and staff?Judah said that Tamar was more right than he was, because he had not given Tamar to Shelah as a wife.
52138:27revsHow many children did Tamar bear?Tamar had twin sons.
52238:28l9k9What did the midwife do when one of Tamars twins put his hand out from Tamars womb?When one of Tamars twins put his hand out from Tamars womb The midwife took a scarlet thread and tied it on his hand and said, “This one came out first.”
52338:29-30ai7zWhat were the names of the two brothers that Tamar birthed?The names of the two brothers that Tamar birthed were Perez and Zerah.
52439:1e79rWho bought Joseph in Egypt?Potiphar, an official of Pharaoh, bought Joseph in Egypt.
52539:3-4yxtvWhy was Joseph prosperous in Egypt?Joseph was prosperous because Yahweh was with him.
52639:6sskyWhat did Potiphar put under Josephs care?Potiphar put everything he had under Josephs care.
52739:7ofipWhat did Potiphars wife ask Joseph to do?Potiphars wife asked Joseph to make love to her.
52839:8-9abzlHow did Joseph respond to Potiphars wifes request?Joseph refused and said he could not commit this great wickedness and sin against God.
52939:12le7tWhat did Joseph do when Potiphars wife caught him by his clothes?Joseph left his clothing in her hand and fled outside.
53039:14-15xxx9What accusation did Potiphars wife make against Joseph?She accused him of trying to make love to her against her will.
53139:19-20zd50What did Potiphar do when he heard the accusation against Joseph?Potiphar became very angry and put Joseph in prison.
53239:21fsk3At this time, what did Yahweh show to Joseph?Yahweh showed covenant faithfulness to Joseph at this time.
53339:22j5odWhat did the prison warden put under Josephs care?The prison warden put all the prisoners under Josephs care.
53439:23bfzmWhat was the result of everything Joseph did, and why?Everything Joseph did, Yahweh prospered.
53540:1r85xWhy did the king of Egypt put his cupbearer and his baker in prison?He put them in prison because they offended him.
53640:5f0iqWhat happened to the cupbearer and the baker on the same night?The cupbearer and the baker each dreamed a dream the same night.
53740:7-8xi48Why were the cupbearer and baker both sad the next morning?They were both sad because no one could interpret their dreams.
53840:8t89oWho did Joseph say could give the interpretation of the dreams?Joseph said that God could give the interpretation of the dreams.
53940:12-13c25cWhat did Joseph say was the interpretation of the cupbearers dream?Joseph said that the dream meant that within three days Pharaoh would restore the cupbearer to his office.
54040:14hhcoWhat request did Joseph make to the cupbearer after giving the interpretation of his dream?Joseph requested that the cupbearer remember him, mention him to Pharaoh, and bring him out of the prison.
54140:18-19h2dkWhat did Joseph say was the interpretation of the bakers dream?Joseph said that the dream meant that within three days Pharoah would hang the baker on a tree.
54240:20vwigWhat special event occurred three days later?Pharaohs birthday was three days later.
54340:21-22d3yvWhat did Pharaoh do with the cupbearer and the baker on that day?Pharaoh restored the cupbearer, but he hanged the baker, just as Joseph had interpreted to them.
54440:23e74zDid the cupbearer remember Josephs request to him?No, the cupbearer did not remember to help Joseph, but forgot about him.
54541:4outaIn Pharaohs first dream, what did the seven thin cows do to the seven fat cows?The seven thin cows ate the seven fat cows.
54641:7yi6aIn Pharaohs second dream, what did the seven thin ears of grain do to the seven full ears?The seven thin ears swallowed up the seven full ears.
54741:8ys4zHow did the magicians and wise men of Pharaoh interpret his dreams?The magicians and wise men of Pharaoh could not interpret Pharaohs dreams.
54841:12-13gt1rWhat did the chief cupbearer tell Pharaoh about Joseph?The chief cupbearer told Pharaoh that a young Hebrew man had correctly interpreted his dream and the dream of another fellow when they were in custody.
54941:16vbssWho did Joseph say would interpret Pharaohs dream?Joseph said that God would answer Pharaohs dream with favor.
55041:25k58uWhat did Joseph say God was declaring to Pharaoh?Joseph said that God was declaring to Pharaoh what God was about to do.
55141:26hdbhWhat did the seven good cows and the seven good heads in the dreams represent?The seven good cows and heads represented seven years of abundance.
55241:27ivynWhat did the seven thin cows and the seven thin heads in the dreams represent?The seven thin cows and heads represented seven years of famine.
55341:32lh3cAccording to Joseph, why was Pharaoh given two dreams?Pharaoh was given two dreams because the matter had been established by God, and God would soon do it.
55441:34njleWhat fraction of the crops of Egypt did Joseph advise Pharaoh to take in the seven abundant yearsJoseph advised Pharaoh appoint a man to take a fifth of the crops in the seven abundant years.
55541:38nt5zWhat did Pharaoh say was in Joseph?Pharaoh said that the Spirit of God was in Joseph.
55641:40-41w7heWhat position of authority did Pharaoh give Joseph?Pharaoh gave Joseph authority over Pharaohs house and over all the land of Egypt, second only to Pharaoh.
55741:48-49sk5nHow much grain did Joseph store up in the seven years of abundance?Joseph stored up grain like the sand of the sea, an amount beyond counting.
55841:50-52b7f8What were the names of Josephs two sons born before the famine?Josephs sons were named Manasseh and Ephraim.
55941:54hmobHow widespread was the seven years of famine?The seven years of famine was in all lands.
56041:55-56ubqzWhat did Joseph do when the people of Egypt cried to Pharaoh for food?Joseph opened all the storehouses and sold food to the Egyptians.
56141:57r5ulWho came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph?All the earth came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph.
56242:1-4k60oWho did Jacob send down to Egypt to buy grain?Josephs ten brothers, without Benjamin, went down to Egypt to buy grain.
56342:6r1sjWhat did Josephs brothers do when they came to Joseph to buy grain?Josephs brothers bowed down to him with their faces to the ground.
56442:7jzjkWhat did Joseph do when he recognized his brothers?Joseph disguised himself and spoke harshly with his brothers.
56542:9ivrjWhat accusation did Joseph make against his brothers?Joseph accused his brothers of being spies.
56642:13h6xdWhere did Josephs brothers say their youngest brother was?Josephs brothers said their youngest brother was with his father in the land of Canaan.
56742:13jh7fWhere did Josephs brothers say their other missing brother was?Josephs brothers said their other missing brother was no longer alive.
56842:15rvywWhat test did Joseph give his brothers to demonstrate they were not spies?Joseph said the brothers would not leave Egypt, unless their youngest brother came to Egypt.
56942:17utskWhere did Joseph put the brothers and for how long?Joseph put the brothers in custody for three days.
57042:18-20mytpWhat did Joseph tell the brothers to do in order to live?Joseph told them to let one of the brothers be confined in prison, while the others carried grain to Canaan and brought back the youngest brother.
57142:21-22g9usWhy did Josephs brothers believe this trouble had come upon them?They believed that the blood of Joseph was being required of them for what they had done to Joseph.
57242:24n6wtWhat did Joseph do when he heard his brothers talk about what they had done to him?When Joseph heard his brothers talking about what they had done to him, Joseph turned from them and wept.
57342:25vpaiWhat did Joseph have put back in each brothers sack?Joseph had each brothers money put back in his sack.
57442:28y32qHow did the brothers react when they learned that one brothers sack had his money in it?Their hearts sank and they spoke trembling to one another.
57542:28h5yxWho did the brothers blame for their current problems?The brothers blamed God, asking why God had done this to them.
57642:35j8r0What did the brothers and Jacob learn when they emptied all the sacks?They learned that every mans money was in his sack.
57742:36suqsWhat was Jacob afraid would happen because of their situation?Jacob was afraid that Simeon and Benjamin would be taken away from him.
57842:37v86kWhat oath did Reuben make to Jacob?Reuben swore to bring Benjamin back to Jacob from Egypt; otherwise, Reubens two sons could be killed.
57942:38ihf1Did Jacob allow Reuben to take Benjamin to Egypt?No, Jacob did not allow Reuben to take Benjamin to Egypt.
58042:38lbw0What did Jacob say would happen to him if Benjamin died?Jacob said he would go down with sorrow to Sheol if Benjamin died.
58143:1-2svr0Why did Israel tell his sons to go again and buy some food in Egypt?The famine was severe and they had eaten the grain they had brought from Egypt on the first journey.
58243:3-5eicdWhat did Judah say they must have in order to go down to Egypt again?Judah said they must have their brother Benjamin in order to go down to Egypt.
58343:9nzwsWhat oath did Judah make to Israel his father?Judah said that if he did not bring Benjamin back, he would bear the blame forever.
58443:11-12lprnWhat did Israel tell the brothers to take with them to Egypt?Israel told the brothers to take some of the best products of the land, and to take double the money.
58543:14mkqkFor what did Israel ask God regarding the journey?Israel asked God to give the brothers mercy in Egypt, so that all the brothers would be released.
58643:18zp2dHow did the brothers respond when they were brought to Josephs house, and why?The brothers were afraid they would be arrested and taken as slaves because of the money left in their bags on the first journey.
58743:21-22oow9What did the brothers tell the steward of Josephs house?The brothers told the steward they had brought back the money left in their sacks, and money to buy food.
58843:23ewayFrom where did the steward say the money left in their sacks had come?The steward said the money left in their sacks had come from their God.
58943:26ewuzWhat did the brothers do when Joseph came home?The brothers brought the gifts into the house, and bowed down before Joseph to the ground.
59043:27xx4dAbout whom did Joseph ask the brothers?Joseph asked the brothers about the welfare of their father.
59143:30eg7cWhy did Joseph hurry to go out of the room, and what did he do after he left?Joseph hurried out of the room because he was deeply moved about Benjamin, and he went to his room and wept.
59243:32vdbaWhy did the Egyptians and the Hebrews eat separately?It was detestable to the Egyptians to eat with the Hebrews.
59343:33mn34How were the brothers arranged at the table?The brothers were arranged at the table according to their birthright and age.
59443:34s8g4What was unusual about the portions of food the brothers received?Benjamins portion was five times as much as any of his brothers.
59544:1-2pqsqWhat did Joseph tell his steward to do with the brothers sacks before they left?Joseph told his steward to fill the brothers sacks with food, to put their money in the sacks, and to put his silver cup in the youngests sack.
59644:4-5wl63Basically what did Joseph tell the steward say to the brothers when he overtook them outside the city?Joseph told the steward to ask them why they had returned evil for good and accused them of stealing Josephs cup.
59744:9e6plWhat did the brothers swear they would do if any one of them had stolen Josephs cup?The brothers said the one found with the cup would die, and the others would become slaves.
59844:10i9a5What punishment did the steward say he would require if the cup was stolen?The steward said that the one with whom the cup was found would be his slave, and the others would be innocent.
59944:12-13qarbWhat did the steward find, and how did the brothers react?The steward found the cup in Benjamins sack, and the brothers tore their clothes.
60044:14sovuWhat did the brothers do when they came back to Joseph in his house?The brothers bowed before Joseph to the ground.
60144:16y584Who did Judah say had found out the iniquity of the brothers?Judah said that God had found out their iniquity.
60244:16idsyWhat did Judah say all the brothers would now become?Judah said all the brothers would now become Josephs slaves.
60344:17b7n4What punishment did Joseph say he would require of the brothers?Joseph said that the man in whose hand the cup was found would be his slave, and the rest could go in peace.
60444:20ih56What reasons did Judah give for why his father loved the youngest brother?Judah said that the youngest brother was the child of his fathers old age, and the only child left of his mother.
60544:22dadtWhat did the brothers worry would happen to their father if the youngest left him?The brothers worried their father would die if the youngest left him.
60644:23tzsqWhy did Judah say the brothers were forced to bring Benjamin with them to Egypt?Judah said they were forced to bring Benjamin because Joseph had said that unless the youngest brother comes, they would not see Josephs face.
60744:26b4rkWhy did Judah say the brothers were forced to bring Benjamin with them to Egypt?Judah said they were forced to bring Benjamin because Joseph had said that unless the youngest brother comes, they would not see Josephs face.
60844:28ygvvWhat did Israel think had happened to Joseph?Israel thought that surely Joseph had been torn in pieces.
60944:29da96What did Israel say would happen to him if Benjamin were taken from him?Israel said that the brothers would bring his gray hair with sorrow to Sheol.
61044:31b9qqWhat did Judah say would happen to his father if they returned without Benjamin?Judah said that his father would die.
61144:32xl7lWhat guarantee for Benjamin did Judah say he had become?Judah said that if he did not return Benjamin to his father, he would bear the guilt forever.
61244:33rakkWhat did Judah ask Joseph to do so that Benjamin could return to his father?Judah asked Joseph to make him Josephs slave, so that Benjamin could return to his father.
61345:1-2vjzgWhat did Joseph do as he made himself known to his brothers, which the Egyptians heard?Joseph wept loudly as he made himself known to his brothers.
61445:3l7meHow did the brothers react when Joseph revealed himself to them?The brothers could not answer Joseph for they were shocked.
61545:7ricfAccording to Joseph, why did God sent Joseph to Egypt?God sent Joseph to Egypt to preserve life, and to preserve his family as a remnant in the earth.
61645:8reupWhat had God made Joseph in the land of Egypt?God had made Joseph father to Pharaoh, lord of all Pharaohs house, and ruler over all the land of Egypt.
61745:9-11s4koHow did Joseph plan to take care of his family?Joseph told his family to come and live in the land of Goshen where he would provide for them.
61845:13qe8zWhat did Joseph tell his brothers to hurry and do?Joseph told his brothers to hurry and bring his father to Egypt.
61945:16-18xmhlHow did Pharaoh react when he heard that Josephs brothers had come to Egypt?Pharaoh was very pleased, and he told Joseph to tell his brothers to bring their father and their households to live in the good of the land of Egypt.
62045:21-23ti5uWho received extra gifts and provisions for the trip?Benjamin received three hundred pieces of silver and five changes of clothing, and Israel received twenty loaded donkeys.
62145:26kaqhHow did Israel react when he heard that Joseph was alive and ruler over all the land of Egypt?Israels heart was astonished, for he did not believe the brothers when they told him.
62245:28bsa2What did Israel say he wanted to do before he died?Israel said he wanted to see Joseph before he died.
62346:1jfiuWhat did Israel do in Beersheba?Israel offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac.
62446:3-4gsbfWhat promises did God make to Israel in Beersheba?God promised to make Israel a great nation, to go with Israel to Egypt, to bring Israel up again from Egypt, and to have Joseph close his eyes.
62546:5-7lfw9Who went to Egypt with Israel?Israel and all his descendants with him went to Egypt.
62646:12dt3jWhich two sons of Judah died in the land of Canaan?Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan.
62746:27elp4How many persons of the house of Jacob came to Egypt?Seventy persons of the house of Jacob came to Egypt.
62846:29qcpeWhat did Joseph do to meet his father?Joseph went up with his chariot and met his father Israel in Goshen.
62946:29rrlqWhat did Joseph do when he saw his father?Joseph hugged his fathers neck and wept a long time.
63046:34stz9What did Joseph tell the brothers to say to Pharaoh concerning their occupation?The brothers were to tell Pharaoh that they were keepers of cattle from their youth.
63147:3wf9dWhat did the five brothers of Joseph tell Pharaoh their occupation was?The five brothers told Pharaoh their occupation was shepherding.
63247:4rbnrWhat kind of residents did the brothers say they were in the land of Egypt?The brothers said they were temporary residents in the land of Egypt.
63347:6x1ecWhat did Pharaoh tell Joseph to do with Josephs family?Pharaoh told Joseph to settle Josephs family in the best region, the land of Goshen.
63447:7m77lWhat did Jacob do for Pharaoh when he met him and when he went out from his presence?Jacob blessed Pharaoh when he met him and when he went out from his presence.
63547:9d5x1How long had Jacob lived when he met Pharaoh?Jacob had lived one hundred and thirty years.
63647:9bi7wHow long did Jacob say his life was compared to his ancestors?Jacob said his life was not as long as his ancestors lives.
63747:10wbk4What did Jacob do for Pharaoh when he met him and when he went out from his presence?Jacob blessed Pharaoh when he met him and when he went out from his presence.
63847:14q7t6What was Joseph able to do by selling grain?Joseph was able to gather up all the money in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan.
63947:16-17zln0What was Joseph then able to do by exchanging food with the Egyptians?Joseph was able to exchange food for all the livestock of the Egyptians.
64047:18-19cm9dAfter the money and livestock were all given to Pharaoh in exchange for food what did the people of Egypt offer Pharaoh in exchange for more food?The people of Egypt offered their land and themselves as servants of Pharaoh in exchange for more food.
64147:24lspqWhat part of the whole harvest did Joseph require to be given to Pharaoh?Joseph required one fifth of the harvest to be given to Pharaoh.
64247:27cwqhIn what ways did the people of Israel prosper in the land of Egypt?The people of Israel gained possessions in the land of Egypt, and they were fruitful and multiplied rapidly.
64347:28f5jmAt what age did Jacob die?Jacob died at the age of one hundred forty-seven.
64447:30tm45What did Israel ask Joseph to swear he would do?Israel asked Joseph to swear he would bury Israel in his forefathers burial place.
64548:1g27dWhat message did Joseph hear about his father, and what did he then do?Joseph heard that his father was sick, so he took with him his two sons.
64648:4jlhoWhat promises from God did Jacob recall to Joseph?Jacob recalled that God promised him he would be fruitful and multiply, he would be made an assembly of nations, and the land of Canaan would be an everlasting possession of his descendants.
64748:5-6u0vpHow did Jacob say he would consider the two sons of Joseph in the inheritance?Jacob said he would consider the two sons of Joseph as his own.
64848:8-10jbh5Why did Israel not recognize Josephs two sons?Israel did not recognize Josephs two sons because his eyes were failing because of his age.
64948:14dod2Who was the first-born of Josephs sons?Manasseh was the first-born of Josephs sons.
65048:14b0khUpon whom did Israel put his right hand, and upon whom his left hand?Israel put his right hand on Ephraim, and his left hand on Manasseh.
65148:17-18gp11Why did Joseph try to exchange the position of Israels hands?Joseph expected Israels right hand to be on Manasseh because he was the first-born.
65248:19py7hWhy did Israel refuse to exchange the position of his hands on the two sons of Joseph?Israel refused because the younger brother would be greater than the first-born.
65348:20peeqWhat blessing did Israel say the people of Israel would pronounce?Israel said the people of Israel would pronounce the blessing, “May God make you like Ephraim and like Manasseh”.
65448:21xk4iWhat did Israel say would happen to Joseph?Israel said that Joseph would be brought back to the land of his fathers.
65549:1rpv1For what reason did Jacob gather his sons together?Jacob gathered his sons together to tell them what would happen to them and their descendants in the future.
65649:3jappWhat positive attributes did Reuben have?Reuben was outstanding in dignity and power.
65749:4ooggWhy would Reuben not have the pre-eminence even though he was the firstborn?Reuben would not have the pre-eminence because he defiled his fathers bed.
65849:7qeleWhat did Jacob curse about Simeon and Levi?Jacob cursed the fierce and cruel anger of Simeon and Levi.
65949:8dy1eWhat did Jacob say his other sons would do before Judah?Jacob said his others sons would bow down before Judah.
66049:10f7jqWhat promises about the future were made to Judah?Judah was promised that the sceptre would not depart from him until Shiloh came, and that the nations would obey him.
66149:13tg53Where did Jacob say the descendants of Zebulun would live?Jacob said the descendants of Zebulun would live by the shore of the sea.
66249:17giloWhat animal did Jacob say Dan would be like?Jacob said Dan would be like a poisonous snake.
66349:20p7x3For what did Jacob say Asher would be known?Jacob said Asher would be known for providing royal delicacies.
66449:22dsl0What kind of plant did Jacob say Joseph would be like?Jacob said Joseph would be like a fruitful bough whose branches climb over a wall.
66549:24wi0mWho did Jacob say would keep Josephs bow steady and his hands skillful?Jacob said the hands of the mighty one of Jacob, the Rock of Israel would keep Josephs bow steady and his hands skillful.
66649:31e8xoWho was already buried in the place where Jacob wished to be buried?Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, and Leah were already buried there.
66749:33v7d9What did Jacob do after he gave his blessings and instructions to his sons?Jacob breathed his last and went to his people.
66850:2-3yc9dWhat did Joseph do with Israels body after Israel died?Joseph had Israels body embalmed.
66950:4-6fu39What request did Joseph make to Pharaoh about the burial of his father, and why did he make this request?Joseph requested to be able to go to the land of Canaan to bury his father, as his father had made him swear.
67050:7-9ynuuWho went with Joseph to bury Israel?All the officials of Pharaoh, the courtiers of his household, the senior officials of Egypt, Josephs household, Josephs brothers, his fathers household, and chariots and horsemen all went with Joseph.
67150:11o684What did the Canaanites say when they saw Joseph and those with him?The Canaanites said that this was a very sad occasion for the Egyptians.
67250:14d61tWhere did Joseph and his brothers go after burying their father?Joseph and his brothers returned into Egypt.
67350:15fuawAbout what were Josephs brothers worried after Israel died?Josephs brothers were worried that Joseph would repay them for all the evil the brothers had done to Joseph.
67450:17e6ksWhat did the brothers ask Joseph to do regarding the wrongs they had committed against Joseph?The brothers asked Joseph to forgive them for the wrongs they had committed against Joseph.
67550:18nfilWhat did Josephs brothers do when they came to Joseph?When they came to Joseph, Josephs brothers fell down before him.
67650:20feb9What good did Joseph say God had worked through the evil deeds of his brothers?Joseph said God had worked the good of preserving the lives of many people.
67750:22o2acHow long did Joseph live?Joseph lived one hundred and ten years.
67850:24a7nqWhat did Joseph say was about to happen to him?Joseph said that he was about to die.
67950:24giv9What promise did Joseph say God would fulfill for Israels descendants?Joseph said God would come to the people and lead them up to the land God promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
68050:25tgybWhat did Joseph make the people of Israel swear they would do?Joseph made them swear they would carry Josephs bones from Egypt when they left Egypt.
68150:26vqrxWhat happened to Josephs body after he died?Josephs body was embalmed and put in a coffin in Egypt.