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Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
1:1-3 ev7x Who did Yahweh tell Moses to count in the census? He told Moses to count all the men of Israel, every male who was twenty years old or older.
1:4 t0ct Who would serve Moses as tribe leaders? A man from every tribe, a clan head, would serve as his tribes leader.
1:18 pxom How did each man identify his ancestry? He had to name the clans and families descended from his ancestors.
1:46 hpk6 How many men from the tribes twenty years old or older who could fight in a war were recorded? There were 603,550 men from the tribes.
1:47 svur The men from what tribe were not to be counted? The men from the tribe of Levi were not counted.
1:50 nmm4 For what were the Levites assigned to care? They were assigned to care for the tabernacle, for all the furnishings in the tabernacle, and for everything in it.
1:51 sua8 What were the Levites to do to any stranger who came near the tabernacle? The Levites were to kill strangers that came near the tabernacle.
1:52 lda8 Where were the people of Israel to set up their tents? Each man was to set up his tent near the banner that belonged to his armed group.
1:53 hqmx Where were the Levities to set up their tents? They were to set up their tents around the tabernacle of the covenant decrees.
1:54 g3mt Did the people do what Yahweh commanded? Yes, they did everything commanded by Yahweh through Moses.
2:1-2 wjuh Where did Yahweh tell Moses and Aaron for the tribes to put their tents? Yahweh told the tribes to put their tents around the banner of their armed group and around a smaller flag indicating their tribe. Their camps were to face the tent of meeting.
2:3-4 vrlr Where did Moses say the 74,600 men of the army of the tribe of Judah must camp, and who must lead their army? They must camp around Judahs banner to the east of the tent of meeting where the sun rises, and that Nahshon must lead their army.
2:5-6 j6uh Where must the 54,400 men of the tribe of Issachar camp, and who must lead their army? They must camp next to Judah, and Nethanel must lead the army.
2:7-8 k7z1 Where must the 57,400 men of the tribe of Zebulun camp and who must lead their army? They must camp next to Issachar, and Eliab must lead the army.
2:9 gnm8 Who is to go first out of the camp? All the armies that camp with Judah would go first out of the camp.
2:10-11 hjgl Where must the 46,500 men of the tribe of Reuben camp, and who must lead their army? They must camp around the banner of Rueben on the south side, and Elizur must lead the army.
2:12-13 mdx9 Where must the 59,300 men of the tribe of Simeon camp, and who must lead their army? They must camp next to Rueben, and Shelumiel must lead their army.
2:14-15 ka0d Where must the 45,650 men of the tribe of Gad camp, and who must lead their army? They must camp next, and Eliasaph must lead their army.
2:16 kn2w Who is to go second out of the camp? All the armies that camp together with Reuben must go out second.
2:24 o3ci How many people were numbered in the camp of Ephraim? There were 108,100 people numbered in the camp of Ephraim.
2:24 kevw When was the camp of Ephraim supposed to set out in relation to the other camps? The camp of Ephraim was supposed to set out third.
2:25 c038 Who was the leader of the people of Dan? The leader of the people of Dan was Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai.
2:32-33 mxsr Whom did Moses and Aaron not count among the people of Israel and why? Moses did not count the Levites among the people of Israel because this was as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
2:34 gjd5 What did the people of Israel do? The people of Israel did everything that Yahweh commanded Moses—camped by their banners and went out from camp by their clans in the order of their ancestors families.
3:1 fb25 Of what was this the history? This was the history of the descendants of Aaron and Moses.
3:2 wzoe What were the names of Aarons sons? The names of Aarons sons were Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
3:4 ejsc Why did Nadab and Abihu fall dead before Yahweh? Nadab and Abihu fell dead before Yahweh when they offered unacceptable fire to him.
3:4 c3bc Which of Aarons sons served as priests with Aaron? Eleazar and Ithamar served with their father Aaron as priests.
3:6 ytdc Which tribe did Yahweh say was to help Aaron serve as priest? The tribe of Levi was to help Aaron.
3:7-8 wriz What were the duties of the tribe of Levi? They were to perform the duties on behalf of Aaron and the whole community, care for all furnishings, and help the tribes with the tabernacle service.
3:9-10 x9fc Whom did Yahweh give to help Aaron and his sons? Yahweh gave the Levites to Aaron and his sons to serve as priests for the people of Israel.
3:11-13 hzoc Whom did Yahweh set apart for himself? Yahweh set apart for himself the Levites and all the firstborn in Israel, both people and animals.
3:13 enld When did God set apart all the firstborn of Israel? He set apart for himself all the firstborn in Israel on the day that he attacked all the firstborn in the land of Egypt.
3:15-16 f4m1 Whom did Yahweh command Moses to count in the tribe of Levi? Yahweh commanded Moses to count every male in Levi who was one month old and older.
3:17 rjvd Who were the sons of Levi? The sons of Levi were Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
3:23 wfk3 Where were the clans of the Gershonites to camp? The clans of the Gershonites were to camp on the west side of the tabernacle.
3:24 fxpt Who was to lead the clans of the descendants of the Gershonites? Eliasaph the son of Lael was to lead the clans of the descendants of the Gershonites.
3:25-26 f2vy Who was to care for the tabernacle curtains, the tent, the tent covering, the entrance curtain, the courtyard hangings, the courtyard entrance curtain, and the courtyard, ropes, and all that was in the tent of meeting? The clans of the Gershonites who camped on the west side of the tabernacle were to care for the tabernacle coverings, curtain, and ropes.
3:31 bpwh What were the clans from Kohath who camped on the south side of the tabernacle do? They were to take care of the sanctuary, the sanctuary curtain, and everything in the sanctuary.
3:32 f6be Who was Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest to supervise? He was to supervise the men who led the Levites and the men who cared for the sanctuary.
3:35 gwhd Who was to lead the clans of Merari who camped on the north side of the tabernacle? Zuriel son of Abihail was to lead the clans of Merari.
3:36-37 wp1u What were the clans from Merari who camped on the north side of the tabernacle do? They were to care for the boards of the tabernacle, the crossbars, posts, bases, all of the hardware, and everything that went with them.
3:38 b2cr What were Moses and Aaron and sons who were camped on the east of the tabernacle do? They were to do the duties of the sanctuary and the duties of the people of Israel.
3:38 twyw What was to happen to any foreigner who approached the sanctuary? Any foreigner who approached the sanctuary was to be put to death.
3:39 rl5g Whom did Moses and Aaron count? Moses and Aaron counted all the males in the clans of Levi who were one month old and older.
3:41 d7u7 Whom did Moses take for Yahweh instead of the firstborn of Israel and instead of their livestock? Moses took the Levites and their livestock instead of Israels firstborn men and livestock.
3:43 z8cw Then whom did Moses count? Moses counted all the firstborn males of Israel by name, aged one month old and older.
3:45 u3af To whom did all the Levites belong? The Levites belonged to Yahweh.
3:46 g8tn How many sanctuary shekels did Moses collect per firstborn to buy back each of the 273 firstborn people of Israel who exceeded the number of the Levites? Moses collected 5 shekels each to buy back each of the 273 firstborn people of Israel who exceeded the number of the Levites.
3:51 utfo To whom did Moses give the money to buy back the first born of the people of Israel? He gave the money to Aaron and his sons as Yahweh had commanded him.
3:51 uhne How much did Moses do of what he was told to do by Yahwehs word? Moses did everything he was told to do by Yahwehs word.
4:1-3 ln54 What were Moses and Aaron to conduct? Moses and Aaron were to conduct a census of the male descendants of Kohath from among the Levites who were 30 to 50 years old.
4:4 oyv8 What were the descendants of Kohath to do to serve in the tent of meeting? They were to care for the most holy things reserved for Yahweh in the tent of meeting.
4:5-6 hssn What were Aaron and his sons to take down when the camp moved forward? They were to go into the tent to take down the curtain that separated the most holy place from the holy place, cover the ark of the covenant with sea cow skins and a blue cloth, and then insert poles to carry it.
4:7 o99i On what were Aaron and his sons to spread a blue cloth and then put on that the dishes, spoons, bowls, and jars for pouring? They were to spread a blue cloth on the bread of presence and then put on that the dishes, spoons, bowls, and jars for pouring.
4:7 u5dj What was always to be on the table? Bread was always to be on the table of the bread of the presence.
4:9-10 wcuz How were the lampstands and all its accessories to be prepared for moving? They put a blue cloth cover over the lampstand with all its accessories, covered it with sea cow skins, and put it on a carrying frame.
4:11 jalh Then what were they to use after that to cover the bread of presence and what were they to insert in it to carry the table? They were cover the bread of presence then with a scarlet cloth and again with sea cow skins, and then they were to insert poles with which to carry it.
4:11 h5a9 How was the gold altar and its equipment prepared for moving? The gold altar and all of its equipment were to be wrapped in blue cloth, covered with sea cow skins, and then insert the carrying poles.
4:12 kbov How was all the equipment for the work in the sanctuary to be prepared? All the equipment for the work in the sanctuary was to be wrapped in a blue cloth, covered with sea cow skins, and then put on the carrying frame.
4:13 ljgn What did they remove from the altar, and what must they spread on the altar? They removed the ashes from the altar and spread a purple cloth on it.
4:14 rd6v Where was all the equipment that they used in the work of the altar placed? All the equipment that they used in the work of the altar was placed on the carrying frame.
4:14 cvgp With what would was the altar covered before they inserted the carrying poles? The altar was covered with sea cow skins before they inserted the carrying poles.
4:15 eb9w Who came to carry the sanctuary after Aaron and his sons completed covering the sanctuary and all its equipment when the camp was ready to move forward? The descendants of Kohath came to carry the sanctuary after Aaron and his sons completed covering it and the camp was ready to move forward.
4:16 j0ft For what did Eleazar son of Aaron have to care and supervise? He had to care for the oil and the light as well as supervise the care of the sweet incense, the regular grain offering, the anointing oil, the entire tabernacle and all that was in it.
4:18-19 egd8 From among whom could the Kohathite clans not be removed that they would live and not die? The Kohathite clans could not be removed from among the Levites that they would live and not die.
4:20 cx5b About what did Yahweh warn Moses and Aaron that the Kohathite tribal clans could not go in to see or they would die? The Kohathites tribal clans could not go in to see the sanctuary or they would die.
4:20 przh Who only was allowed to go into the sanctuary? Only Aaron and his sons were allowed to go into the sanctuary.
4:22-23 qypx What does Yahweh tell Moses to do concerning counting of those who served in the tent of meeting from the Gershon clans? Moses was to conduct a census counting those who are thirty years old to fifty years old.
4:24-26 uylx What was the work of the Gershonites? The work of the Gershonites was to carry all the curtains and coverings of the tabernacle and the tent of meeting and its covering of sea cow skin as well as the curtains of the court and its doorway and their ropes and all the instruments for their service.
4:27-28 k1f2 Who was to direct all service of the descendants of the Gershonites who were being led by Ithamar the priest? Aaron and his sons must direct all the service of the descendants of the Gershonites.
4:31-32 l9mu What was the Merari clan to do in their service for the tent of meeting? They were to care for the framing of the tabernacle, along with the posts, their hardware, and their ropes plus make a list of what they must carry.
4:34-35 ebyq What did Moses, Aaron, and the leaders of Israel do to obey Yahweh? They counted all the men of the Kohathites who were thirty to fifty years old by the type of work he was assigned to do in the tabernacle, and they counted who would carry and care for the items in the tent of meeting.
4:41 btky Who else was counted in their clans from 30-50 years old? The descendants of Gershon were counted in their clans.
4:42-44 tkx4 Who else did Moses and Aaron count in their clans from 30-50 years old? The descendants of Merari were counted in their clans.
4:47 e924 When Moses counted each Levite by clans from 30-50 years old, of what did he keep count? Moses kept count of each man who would work in the tabernacle and who would carry and care for the items in the tent of meeting.
4:49 kp1k When Moses counted each man and kept count of each mans type of work and responsibility, who did he obey? When Moses counted each man and kept count of each mans type of work and responsibility, he obeyed Yahweh.
5:2-3 hptx For what problems did Yahweh say that Moses should send both men and women away from the camp? Yahweh said that Moses should send away everyone who had infectious skin diseases or oozing sores and everyone who had touched a dead body and therefore were unclean.
5:7 ppx1 What did Yahweh say to Moses that men and women who commit sins to another person should do? Everyone who had committed sins to another person was to confess the sin, pay back the price of his guilt to the one he had wronged, and add one fifth more.
5:8-10 fu1w What was the payment and what did he do with the payment if the wronged person had no relative to receive the payment? He had to present the price along with a ram to a priest who would then own it.
5:15 oj0n What did Yahweh tell Moses to do with a wife whose husband thought she had sinned against him? The man brought his wife to the priest with a drink offering for her and a grain offering of barley flour as a possible indicator of sin.
5:16-17 v1pl What did the priest do first? He had to place the woman before Yahweh, then take a jar of holy water and mix dust from the floor of the tabernacle into the water.
5:18-19 rrp5 Then what did the priest do? The priest uncovered and untied her hair and put the grain offering of jealousy in her hands. The priest, holding the bitter water, caused her to swear an oath that brought down a curse on her if she had been unfaithful.
5:22 wj9x What did the curse cause if she were guilty? The curse caused her thigh to waste away and her abdomen to swell.
5:24 xn76 What was the priest to do with the bitter water that had the curses in it? The priest was to make the woman drink the bitter water.
5:25-26 dj4a What did the priest do with the grain offering? The priest took the grain offering from the womans hand, held it up to Yahweh, gave a portion of it to Yahweh, and burned it on the altar.
5:26 xnk9 What did the priest do with the bitter water? He gave the bitter water to the woman to drink.
5:27 vlp8 What happened to the woman if she had committed a sin against her husband? The womans abdomen swelled, her thigh wasted away, and she was cursed among her people.
5:28 nn4s What will happen to the woman if she had not been defiled? She was free and was able to conceive children.
5:29-30 g2p8 What is the law of jealousy? It is a law for a woman who strays away from her husband and is defiled. It is also a law for a man with a spirit of jealousy when he is jealous of his wife.
6:2 qmkv Who separated himself with the vow of a Nazirite to Yaweh? A man or woman gave a vow of a Nazirite to separate himself to Yahweh.
6:3-4 ytrt What did a person who had made the vow of the Nazirite not eat during the days of his separation to Yahweh? He did not eat wine, strong drink, vinegar, grape juice, grapes, and raisins—any thing that had grapes in it.
6:5 lmip What did he not use during the days of his separation? During the days of his separation he did not use a razor on his head.
6:6 nf7v During the days of his separation to Yahweh what must the one who takes a Nazirite vow not come near to? One who takes a Nazirite vow must not come near a dead body.
6:8 ae22 To whom was he reserved during the days he was separated and holy. During the time of his separation he was holy, reserved for Yahweh.
6:9 tvcs What did a Nazirite do seven days after he was defiled by a dead body? After seven days a Nazirite shaved his head.
6:10-11 rsxu What did a defiled Nazirite first need to bring for an atonement on the eighth to the priest at the entrance to the tent of meeting on the day he consecrated himself? On the eighth day he needed to bring for an atonement two doves or two young pigeons to the priest at the entrance to the tent of meeting. Then he had to consecrate himself on that same day.
6:11 mu9g For what were the two offerings? The two offering were as a sin offering and a burnt offering for atonement.
6:12 kt0v What guilt offering did he have bring to rededicate himself to Yahweh for the time of his separation? To rededicate himself to Yahweh for the time of his separation, he had to bring a male lamb one year old as a guilt offering.
6:14-15 aun9 What sin offering did the defiled Nazirite need to bring to the entrance of the tent of meeting with his male lamb for a guilt offering? He needed to bring a sin offering of a female one year old lamb without blemish, a ram without blemish as a fellowship offering, a basket of bread without leaven, a grain offering, and a drink offering to Yahweh.
6:16-17 jmci Who had to present the offerings to Yahweh for the Nazirite? The priest had to present them before Yahweh.
6:18 an28 What did the Nazirite have to do with the hair that he shaved from his head? He had to take the hair and put it on the fire under the fellowship offerings.
6:19-20 p8d7 What did the priest put in the Nazirites hands to lift high as an offering before Yahweh to present to Yahweh? In the Nazirites hands, the priest put the boiled shoulder of the ram, one loaf of bread without yeast out of the basket, and one wafer without yeast to present to Yahweh.
6:20 ugct To whom was this offering, plus the breast and thigh that was raised, reserved afterwards? This offering, plus the breast and thigh that were raised, were reserved for the priest.
6:20 ejbf What could the Nazirite drink after that? The Nazirite could drink wine.
6:25-26 m6rw What blessings were Aaron and his sons to give the people from Yahweh? Aaron and his sons were to give the people a blessing of Yahwehs light and peace.
7:1 a3xa What did Moses anoint and sanctify for Yahweh on the day that the tabernacle and altar were completed? He anointed and sanctified the tabernacle, all its furnishings, the altar and all its utensils for Yahweh.
7:3 u91o What did the leaders of Israel bring as sacrifices in front of the tabernacle? They brought six covered carts and twelve oxen as sacrifices in front of the tabernacle.
7:5 b29f To whom did Moses give the offerings? Moses gave the offerings to the Levites, to each one as his work needed them.
7:7 y8rq What did Gershon and his descendants receive because of what their work needed? Gershon and his descendants received two carts and four oxen.
7:8 ctie What did Merari and his descendants receive because of what their work needed? Merari and his descendants received four carts and eight oxen.
7:9 tu7t Why didnt the descendants of Kohath receive any of the carts and oxen given as offerings? The descendants of Kohath didnt receive any of the carts and oxen given as offering because they carried the equipment and objects reserved for the tabernacle on their shoulders.
7:10 rsrr When was each leader to offer their goods for the dedication of the altar? On their own day each leader offered their sacrifices in front of the altar.
7:12 s2qw Who was the first of the 12 tribes of Israel that offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar? Judah was the first of the 12 tribes of Israel that offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar.
7:18 yo56 On the 2nd day, which of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar? On the 2nd day, Issachar of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar.
7:24 zdpn On the 3rd day, which of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar? On the 3rd day, Zebulun of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar.
7:30 yocj On the 4th day, which of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar? On the 4th day, Reuben of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar.
7:36 uv0o On the 5th day, which of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar? On the 5th day, Simeon of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar.
7:42 guuz On the 6th day, which of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar? On the 6th day, Gad of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar.
7:54 kgq8 On the 8th day, which of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar? On the 8th day, Manasseh of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar.
7:60 pyly On the 9th day, which of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar? On the 9th day, Benjamin of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar.
7:60 kn6n On the 11th day, which of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar? On the 11th day, Asher of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar.
7:60 g658 On the 12th day, which of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar? On the 12th day, Naphtali of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar.
7:66 kce0 On the 10th day, which of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar? On the 10th day, Dan of the 12 tribes of Israel offered sacrifices for the dedication of the altar.
7:89 a0b7 From what place did Yahweh speak to Moses when he was in the tent of meeting? Yahweh spoke to Moses from above the atonement lid on the ark of the covenant decrees, between the two cherubims.
8:2 wf6r What was Yahwehs command to Aaron about the seven lamps? Yahweh commanded that the lamps must give light in front of the lampstand.
8:4 hpsi Who showed Moses the pattern for the lamp? Yahweh showed Moses the pattern for the lamp.
8:5 uupq What did Yahweh ask Moses do to the Levites? Yahweh told Moses to take the Levites from among the people of Israel and purify them.
8:7 hr2r What did Moses do to the Levites to purify them? Moses sprinkled them with water of atonement, shaved their entire bodies, and washed their clothes.
8:8 w5yf What was the offering that the Levites brought? The Levites brought two young bulls and a grain offering with fine flour mixed with oil.
8:10 dwn8 What did Yahweh tell Moses to ask the people of Israel to do to the Levites to purify them? Yahweh told the people of Israel to lay their hands on the Levites.
8:11 hdlg Why did they present the Levites as though they were raised high before Yaweh? They presented the Levites on behalf of the people so that the Levites might serve Yahweh.
8:12 jlpv What kinds of offerings were the bulls for the Levites? The bulls were a sin offering and a burnt offering to atone for the Levites.
8:12 tm7w Where did the Levites place their hands? The Levites placed their hands on the heads of the bulls.
8:14-15 loq5 What tribe was separated, purified, and lifted up as an offering to Yahweh so they could serve in the tent of meeting? The Levite tribe was separated, purified, and lifted up as an offering to Yahweh so they could serve in the tent of meeting.
8:17 iopa When did Yahweh set apart all the firstborn people and animals for himself? Yahweh set apart all the firstborn of people and animals for himself since the day he took the lives of all the firstborn of the Egyptians in the land of Egypt.
8:19 go42 Whom did Yahweh give to the people of Israel to atone for the people so that no plague would harm them when they came near the sanctuary? He gave the Levites, instead of the firstborn, to Aaron and his sons to do the work and to atone for the people in the tent of meeting.
8:20 dsat Did Moses, Aaron, and the whole community do everything that Yahweh had commanded concerning Levites? Yes, they did everything that Yahweh had commanded Moses concerning the Levites.
8:24 dy9n What did Yahweh say to Moses about the age limits of serving in the tent meeting? Levites who were twenty-five years old could serve until they were fifty years.
8:26 qnfa What could they do when they could not serve in the tabernacle after 50? Levites after 50 years old could help their brothers.
9:1 v4ja Who spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai? Yahweh spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai.
9:1 rqtg When did Yahweh spoke to Moses? Yahweh spoke to Moses in the first month of the second year after they came out from the land of Egypt.
9:3 jw0j When were the people of Israel to observe the Passover while they were in the wilderness of Sinai? Every year they were to observe the Passover on the fourteenth day of the first month.
9:7 pocz With what question did Moses go to Yahweh? Moses went to Yahweh with a question because there were men who were unclean but wanted to keep the Passover.
9:10 wg53 What was the answer to Moses question to Yahweh? Yahweh told Moses that if a man was unclean because of a dead body or because he was on a long journey, he could still keep the Passover.
9:11 p022 When were those men to keep the Passover rather than on the 14th day of the 1st month? Those men who were unclean or on a long journey kept the Passover on the 14th day of the 2nd month.
9:11-12 i7wl What were some rules for keeping the Passover? They ate the Passover with bread without yeast and bitter herbs and left none of it until morning while not breaking a bone of the animal.
9:13 yq41 What caused a man to be cut off from his people? A person who was clean and not on a journey but failed to keep the Passover that Yahweh required would be cut off from his people.
9:14 btrx What was the Passover law for a stranger in the land of Israel? He had to keep the Passover, do all the commands, and obey the laws required.
9:15-16 cfu8 What happened to the cloud over the tabernacle at night? The cloud appeared as a fire at night.
9:17 yjgl How did the people know to go or to stop traveling? When the cloud was taken up from over the tent, the people would travel; when the cloud stopped, the people stayed in their camp.
9:19 biwx What would the people do when the cloud remained on the tabernacle for many days? The people would obey Yahwehs instructions and not travel.
9:20-21 lpkx When was the only time the people could journey? The people could only journey when the cloud lifted at Yahwehs command.
9:22 uw6n When did the people of Israel stay in their camp and not travel? When the cloud stayed on the tabernacle, the people of Israel stayed in their camp and did not travel.
9:23 x4n1 How did the people of Israel find out Yahwehs commands? The people of Israel found out Yahwehs commands through Moses.
10:2 d9ge Why did Yahweh tell Moses to make two silver trumpets? Yahweh told Moses to make two silver trumpets to call the community together or to move their camps.
10:3 koqd Who was to blow the trumpets? The priests were to blow the trumpets.
10:4 ok9r What was the signal for only the leaders to gather to Moses? When the priests blew only one trumpet, that was the signal for only the leaders to gather to Moses.
10:5 lin9 What was the signal for people on the east side to begin their journey? The signal for people on the east side to begin their journey was a loud trumpet blow.
10:6 cv7j What was the signal for the camps on the south side to begin their journey? The signal for the camps on the south side to begin their journey was a second loud signal.
10:7 zcfm What did a soft blow of the trumpet signal? The community was to gather together.
10:8 jqh3 Who was always to blow the trumpets? The sons of Aaron, the priests, were the only ones to blow the trumpets.
10:9 ce8l When they went to war and sounded an alarm with the trumpets, what would Yahweh do? When they went to war and sounded an alarm with the trumpet, Yahweh would remember them and save them from their enemies.
10:10 a4uq What was a reminder to God, at the times of celebration, that Yahweh was their God? They would blow the trumpets in honor of their burnt offerings and fellowship offerings.
10:11 ao9o What happened in the second year, in the second month, on the twentieth day of the month? In the second year, in the second month, on the twentieth day of the month, the cloud lifted from the tabernacle.
10:12 n46m Where did the people of Israel go after leaving the wilderness of Sinai? The people went from the wilderness of Sinai to the wilderness of Paran.
10:14 mp9d What camp moved first? The camp of Judah moved out first.
10:17 t5ua Who cared for the tabernacle? The descendants of Gershon and of Merari.
10:21 w5ge Who carried the sanctuarys holy equipment? The Kohathites carried the holy equipment.
10:22 y4gp Under what banner were the next armies to set out? The armies under the banner of Ephraim were the next to set out.
10:25 b4st Under what banner was the last army that set out? The armies that camped under the banner of Dans descendants were the last that set out.
10:29 sbv6 Who was Reuel? Reuel was the father of Moses wife.
10:29 u9zc Who did Moses invite to come with the people of Israel? Moses invited Hobab his wifes fathers son.
10:30 x48h Where did Hobab want to go instead? Hobab wanted to go to his own land and to his own people.
10:31 dqpo Why did Moses want Hobab to go with them? Moses wanted Hobab to go with them because he knew how to camp in the wilderness.
10:33-34 rcss What was over them as they journeyed in the daylight with the ark of the covenant? Yahwehs cloud was over as they journeyed in the daylight with the ark of the covenant.
10:35 mjmi What did Moses ask Yahweh to do as they set out on their journey? He asked Yahweh to scatter his enemies and make those who hated him run from him.
10:36 sdaj What did Moses say to Yahweh when they stopped? He asked Yahweh to return to Israels many tens of thousands.
11:1 u1gb To what words of the people was Yahweh listening? The people complained about their troubles as Yahweh listened.
11:2 gmqy What did Moses do when the people called out to him about the fire? When they called out to Moses, he prayed to Yahweh, and the fire stopped.
11:4 l8cf What were the people of Israel asking for when they began to weep? The people of Israel wept and said, “Who will give us meat to eat?”
11:8 v24o Where did the people find manna? The people walked through the camp ground and gathered manna.
11:9 gjio When would the manna fall on the camp? When the dew fell on the camp in the night, the manna also fell.
11:11 s612 How did Moses say Yahweh had treated him? Moses said Yahweh had treated his servant so badly.
11:13 mhpk For what were the people asking when they wept in front of Moses? They wept in front of Moses and asked for meat to eat.
11:16 umje Who did Yahweh tell Moses to bring to him? Yahweh told Moses to bring to him seventy of Israels elders.
11:17 tnx8 What did Yahweh say the leaders would do after he put some of the Spirit on them? Yahweh said that the leaders would bear the burden of the people with Moses.
11:18 xq3c Who would supply the meat for the people to eat? Yahweh would give them meat, and they would eat it.
11:20 dnqk For how long did Yahweh say the people would eat meat? The people would eat meat for a whole month.
11:23 dsg8 What did Yahweh say Moses would see about Yahwehs word? Yahweh said Moses would see whether or not Yahwehs word was true.
11:25 kzxx What did the seventy elders do when the Spirit rested on them? When the Spirit rested on the seventy elders, they prophesied.
11:26 psvj What happened to the two men who remained in the camp? The Spirit also rested on the men who had remained in the camp.
11:28 qh2h What did Joshua ask Moses to do about the two men who were prophesying in the camp? Joshua asked Moses to stop them from prophesying.
11:31 g38b How far from the camp did the quail fall? The quail fell near the camp, about a days journey on one side and a days journey on the other side.
11:32 bbke How long were the people busy gathering the quail? The people were busy gathering quails all that day, all the night, and all the next day.
11:33 y7p1 How did Yahweh act in anger, while the people were still chewing the meat? While the people were chewing, Yahweh became angry at them and attacked them with a very great disease.
12:1 wa16 Why did Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses? Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married.
12:3 k4m8 What is said to emphasize that Moses was humble? The man Moses was very humble, more humble than anyone else on earth.
12:4 ikgs To where did Yahweh call Moses, Aaron, and Miriam? Yahweh called Moses, Aaron, and Miriam out to the tent of meeting.
12:5 d07q In what and where did Yahweh appear to talk with them? Yahweh came down in a pillar of cloud and stood at the entrance to the tent.
12:6 wx6l How did Yahweh reveal himself to his prophets among the people? When a prophet of Yahweh was with the people, Yahweh revealed himself to the prophet in visions and dreams.
12:8 ztuu How did Yahweh speak differently to Moses than to other prophets? Yahweh spoke to Moses directly, not with visions or riddles.
12:9 hla5 How did God react to Aaron and Miriam? His anger burned against them.
12:10 nidf What did Aaron notice about Miriam when Yahweh left and the cloud rose from over the tent? When the cloud rose from over the tent, Miriam was suddenly leprous—she was as white as snow.
12:11 kmvh What did Aaron say about what they had said to Moses? Aaron said that they had spoken foolishly and sinned.
12:12 d2gx How did Aaron describe what Miriams leprous body was like? He described her like a dead newborn whose flesh was half consumed.
12:14 fhbi What did Yahweh say was normal punishment if a father spat in a daughters face. Yahweh says that if her father had spit in her face, she would be disgraced for seven days.
12:15 ddl1 Where did Miriam have to stay for 7 days and what did the people not do until Miriam return to camp? Miriam was shut outside the camp for 7 days and the people did not journey until Miriam had returned to the camp.
13:2 fyp5 Where did Yahweh tell Moses to send some men? Yahweh told Moses to send some men to examine the land of Canaan, which he had given to the people of Israel.
13:2 uq03 What was the rank of the men who were sent from among the people of Israel? All of the men were leaders from every tribe among the people of Israel.
13:16 wny9 What name did Moses use for Hoshea son of Nun who was chosen? Moses called Hoshea son of Nun by the name of Joshua.
13:18 pp49 What did Moses tell the men to observe about the people who lived in the land? Moses told the men to observe the people who lived there, whether they were strong or weak, few or many.
13:19 mqkl What did Moses tell the men to notice about the cities in the land? Moses told them to see if the cities were like camps or fortified cities.
13:20 tytc What did Moses tell the leaders to find out about the land and what were they to bring back? Moses told the leaders to see whether the land was good for growing crops, whether there were trees, and to bring back samples of produce.
13:23 hdye What did the men cut down in the Valley of Eschol? When the men reached the Valley of Eshcol, they cut down a branch with a cluster of grapes.
13:23 zu5n How many men did it take to bring back the cluster of grapes, and what else did the people bring back? It took two men to carry the grapes on a staff; their group also brought pomegranates and figs.
13:25 ghav How long did the men spend examining the land? The men returned from examining the land after forty days.
13:26 hy19 To whom did they bring back word besides Moses and Aaron? They also brought back word to all the community of the people of Israel.
13:28 l230 What did the men report about the people in the land? The men reported that the people who made their homes in the land were strong.
13:28 rijs What word did the men return about the cities in the land? The men returned word that the cities were fortified and very large.
13:30 exi0 When did Caleb encourage the people to attack the land? Caleb encouraged the people to attack it at once.
13:31 jzmv Why did the other men who had gone with Caleb say they were not able to attack the people? The other men who had gone with Caleb said they were not able to attack the people because they were stronger than they were.
13:33 fdgg How did the men describe how small they felt compared to the giants of the land? The men said that in their own sight they were like grasshoppers in comparison with the giants of the land.
14:1 i5g3 How did the community react to the news about the giants in the land? That night all the community wept loudly.
14:2 npav What did the whole community of Israel wish had happened when they criticized Moses and Aaron? They said to Moses and Aaron that they wished they had died in the land of Egypt or in the wilderness.
14:3 jfj2 What did they think would have better instead of going into the land to which Yahweh had brought them? They thought it would have been better to return to Egypt with their wives and little ones.
14:4 l2x4 What did the people talk with each other about doing? They talked about choosing another leader and returning to Egypt.
14:5 z28p What did Moses and Aaron do in front of the assembly? Moses and Aaron lay face down in front of the assembly.
14:6-7 f9gx How did Joshua and Caleb react? Joshua and Caleb tore their clothes and spoke to all the people.
14:8 ugfg What did Joshua and Caleb tell the community would happen if Yahweh was pleased with them? They said that if Yahweh was pleased with them he would take them into that land and give it to them.
14:8 zhws How did Joshua and Caleb describe the land? Joshua and Caleb described the land as a land that flowed with milk and honey.
14:9 ircz Why did Joshua and Caleb say protection would be removed from the people of the land? They said that the protection of the people of the land would be removed from those people because Yahweh was with the people of Israel.
14:10 rypu What did all the community want do do with Joshua and Caleb, and where did Yahwehs glory appear? All the community wanted to stone Joshua and Caleb to death. Yahwehs glory appeared at the tent of meeting.
14:12 et1v How did Yahweh offer to bless the clan of Moses after attacking them with plague and disinheriting the people of Israel? Yahweh told Moses he would make his clan a nation that would be greater and mightier than the people of Israel were.
14:13 e2lx What did Moses say the Egyptians would do when they heard about Yahwehs destroying Israel? Moses said the Egyptians would tell the inhabitants in this land.
14:16 q6as What did Moses say the nations would say if Yahweh killed the people of Israel in the wilderness? He said they would say that because Yahweh could not take this people into the land that he swore to give them, he killed them in the wilderness.
14:19 i0id Why does Moses plead with Yahweh to pardon the peoples sin? Moses pleaded with Yahweh to pardon the peoples sin because of the greatness of his covenant faithfulness.
14:20-21 e9zx What did Yahweh say would happen because he had pardoned them in keeping with Moses request? Yahweh said that as He lived, all the earth would be filled with his glory.
14:22 y8i8 What had all those people done who had seen Yahwehs glory and the signs of his power that he had done in Egypt and in the wilderness? All the people who had seen his glory and signs had tempted him 10 times and had not listened to his voice.
14:23 aj4r What was going to happen to those people who had despised Yahweh? The people who had despised Yahweh would not see the land about which Yahweh had made an oath to their ancestors.
14:24 ac4y What did Caleb do because he had another spirit, and what would happen to Caleb? Caleb had another spirit so he followed Yahweh fully; therefore he would go into the land that he had examined and his descendants would possess it.
14:25 jayw Where did Yahweh tell the people to go the next day? Yahweh told the people to turn tomorrow and go to the wilderness by the way of the Red Sea.
14:29 qoto What age of people did Yahweh say would fall dead in the wilderness? Yahweh said that the dead bodies of the people from twenty years old and upward would fall in the wilderness.
14:30 xbvj Who were the only two men over 20 that Yahweh said he would take into the land that he had promised for their home? He said he would only take Caleb and Joshua into the land that he had promised for their home.
14:31 beon Whom else did Yahweh say he would take into the land? He said that he would take into the land the little ones whom the parents had said would be victims.
14:34 hvnm How many years would the people to bear the consequence of their sin and why that number? They would bear the consequences of their sins for forty years because the men had examined the land for 40 days.
14:36-37 jzaz What happened to the men who had gone to look at the land? The men whom Moses had sent to look at the land all died by Yahwehs plague.
14:38 lz23 Who remained alive of the men that went to look at the land? Of the men who had gone to look at the land, only Joshua and Caleb remained alive.
14:41-42 c2vu Why did Moses tell the people not to go into the land? Moses told them not to go because they were violating Yahwehs command and because Yahweh was not with them to stop their enemies from defeating them.
14:44 ol4u Who did not leave the camp to go up into the hill country with the people? Neither Moses nor the ark of the covenant of Yahweh left the camp when they went up into the hill country.
15:3 ph32 What did the offerings at the feasts produce for Yahweh? The offering at the feasts produced a sweet aroma for Yahweh.
15:4 j1aq What grain offering were they to bring with the offering of a ram? With the offering of a ram, they were to bring a grain offering of flour mixed with oil.
15:5 j25e What drink offering were the people to bring with their burnt offering or with the sacrifice of each lamb? The people were told to prepare wine as the drink offering with their burnt offering or with the sacrifice of each lamb.
15:12-13 fsba Who was told to follow those laws about offerings? All who were native-born Israelites were told to prepare the sacrifices and offerings as Yahweh had described here.
15:15-16 faol How did the law and decree apply to the foreigner who stayed with the people of Israel? The same law and decree applied to the traveler and foreigner who stayed with the people of Israel.
15:20 a1ny What were the people to do with the first of their dough? The people were to raise up a loaf from the first of their dough?
15:21 yo26 How often did Yahweh command the people to raise up an offering from the first dough? He said that they must give a raised offering throughout the peoples generations.
15:24 p8od What was the community to do about an unintentional sin? All the community had to offer one young bull, a grain offering and drink offering, and one male goat as a sin offering.
15:25-26 ktbk For whom did the priest need to make an atonement and why? The priest had to make an atonement for all the community of the people because the sin was an unintentional error.
15:30-31 kdym What had to be done to the person who did anything in defiance and why? The person who did anything in defiance had to be be cut off from among his people because he had despised Yahwehs word and broken his commandment.
15:35-36 ncg5 What did the community do to the man found gathering wood on the Sabbath? The community brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death.
15:38 ngc0 What were the descendants of Israel commanded to make for themselves on their clothes? The descendants of Israel were commanded to make tassels to hang on the borders of their clothes with a blue cord.
15:39 cpgi Of what would the tassels be a reminder to do? The tassels would be a reminder that they wold keep all of Yahwehs commandments and not follow after their own hearts and eyes.
15:40 e0dr Of what else would the tassels would be a reminder? The tassels would be a reminder to obey all of Yahwehs commands and that they would be holy, reserved for God.
15:41 z17d What did Yahweh say he did to become the people of Israels God? Yahweh said that he had brought them out of the land of Egypt, to become their God.
16:1 gyi8 Who—along with Dathan, Abiram, and On—gathered some men against Moses? Korah gathered some men against Moses?
16:2 hn8f Who joined Korah, Dathan, Abiram, and On to rise up against Moses? Two hundred and fifty leaders of the Israelite people rose up with them against Moses.
16:3 zd3b Which two men did Korah and the others think were lifting themselves above the rest of Yahwehs community? They thought that Moses and Aaron were lifting themselves above the rest of Yahwehs community.
16:4 juav What did Moses do when he heard what the leaders had said to him? Moses lay face down when he heard what the leaders had said to him.
16:5 hxzq Whom did Moses say would show Korah and those with him had been chosen to be Yahwehs priest, by bringing him up to himself in the morning? Moses told Korah and those with him that Yahweh would show whom he had chosen as a priest, by bringing that man up to himself in the morning.
16:6-7 wtmx Whom did Moses instruct to bring censers to show whom Yahweh had chosen to be the holy one, and what were they to do with their censers? Moses instructed Korah all his group to bring censers on the next day and put fire and incense in them before Yahweh to show whom Yahweh had chosen to be the holy one.
16:8-9 i0ox What was the work that Yahweh had separated the Levites from the community of Israel to do? Yahweh of Israel had separated the Levites from the community of Israel to bring them near to himself, to do work in Yahwehs tabernacle, and to stand before the community to serve them.
16:10-11 vowb Whom were Korah and the Levites gathered against when they demanded Aarons priesthood and complained against Aaron? Korah and the Levites were gathered against Yahewh when they demanded Aarons priesthood and complained against Aaron.
16:12-13 sufi What did Dathan and Abiram say when Moses called them to come, and what did they say about Moses? Dathan and Abiram said they would not come to Moses. They said that Moses had brought them out of a land flowing with milk and honey to kill them in the wilderness, and that he wanted to rule them.
16:15 kqen What did Moses ask in anger to Yahweh about Dathan and Abirams offering, and what did Moses say he had not taken from them nor done? Moses asked Yahweh in anger that he not accept their offering, and Moses said he had not taken one donkey from them nor harmed any of them.
16:16-17 nvd3 What did Moses tell the 250 men and Aaron to bring with them next day and where were they to come? Moses told Aaron and the 250 men with him to come before Yahweh with their censors.
16:19 pa2u What appeared when Korah his followers assembled against Moses and Aaron and they stood at the entrance to the tent of meeting? When Korah his followers assembled against Moses and Aaron and stood at the entrance to the tent of meeting, the glory of Yahweh appeared to all the community.
16:20-21 x1lh What did Yahweh want Moses and Aaron to do? Yahweh wanted Moses and Aaron to separate themselves from among that community that he might consume the community immediately.
16:22 en4s What did Aaron and Moses do and say when the God of the spirits of all humanity instructed them to get away from the people who had gathered at the entrance of the tent? Moses and Aaron lay face down and asked the God of the spirits of all humanity if he had to be angry with all the community when one man had sinned.
16:23-24 kxrt What did Yahweh tell Moses to tell the community to do? Yahweh told Moses to tell the community to get away from the tents of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.
16:25-26 huh6 Who followed Moses when he went to Dathan and Abiram and told the community to leave the tents of those wicked men and touch nothing of theirs? The elders followed Moses when he went to Dathan and Abiram and told the community to leave the tents of those wicked men and touch nothing of theirs.
16:25-26 nekv What did he tell them would happen to the community if they stayed near their tents? He said the community would be consumed by all their sins.
16:27 da0o Who came out of their tents and stood in the entrances to their tents with their wives, sons, and their little ones? Dathan and Abiram came out and stood at the entrance to their tents, with their wives, sons, and their little ones.
16:28-30 s9wf How would the people know that Yahweh had sent Moses to do all those works and that he hadnt done them by his accord? If the men died a natural death, then Yahweh had not sent Moses. If Yahweh created and opening in the ground and swallowed them up to go down alive into sheol, then the all people would understand that those men had despised Yahweh.
16:31-32 k31k What happened as soon as Moses stopped speaking to Korah and his men? As soon as Moses stopped speaking, the ground opened and swallowed Korah, the men, their families, and their possessions.
16:33 g5t6 What happened to everyone in their families? Everyone in their families went down alive into sheol, the earth closed over them, and they perished from the midst of the community.
16:34 ffqz What did all Israel do, and of what were they afraid? All Israel fled because they were afraid the earth might swallow them up.
16:35 cp9t What happened to the 250 men who had offered incense to the Lord? Fire flashed out from Yahweh and devoured the 250 men who had offered incense.
16:37 ayey What did Yahweh tell Moses to tell Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, to do and why? Yahweh told Moses to tell Eleazar to take the censors out of the smoldering remains and scatter the embers because the censers were holy, reserved for him.
16:38 lksu What did Moses tell Eleazar to do with the metal of the censers of those that had lost their lives because of their sin? Eleazar was to hammer the metal from the censors to make a covering over the altar because they were set apart for Yahweh.
16:38 sejb Of what would the covering for the altar be a sign? The covering for the altar would be a sign of Yahwehs presence to the people of Israel.
16:39-40 vw68 What reminder did the bronze censors become? They would become a reminder to the people of Israel, so that no person, not descended from Aaron, would come up to burn incense before Yahweh.
16:41 kotw What did all the community of the people of Israel say the next morning to complain against Moses and Aaron? The next morning all the community of the people of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron saying that Moses and Aaron had killed Yahwehs people.
16:42 q0nk What happened when the community looked toward the tent of meeting? The cloud was covering the tent of meeting and Yahwehs glory appeared.
16:43 p1rm Where did Moses and Aaron go? Moses and Aaron went to the front of the tent of meeting.
16:45 ggij What did Yahweh tell Moses as they stood in front of the sacred tent? Yahweh told Moses that they should get away from the community so that he could consume the community immediately.
16:45 rpy3 What did Aaron and Moses do when they were told by Yahweh to get away from the people? Aaron and Moses lay face down on the ground when they were told to get away from the people.
16:46 ft9r What did Moses tell Aaron to do to stop the plague because of Yahwehs anger? Moses told Aaron to take the censer, put fire in it from the altar, put incense in it, and carry it quickly to the community for the people.
16:47-48 i81m Where did Aaron run to make atonement as the plague spread, and what did he stand between? Aaron ran to the middle of the community as the plague spread to make atonement, and he stood between the dead and the living.
16:49 i57o Besides those who had died in the matter of Korah, how many died by the plague? Besides those who had died in the matter of Korah, those who died by the plague were 14,700.
16:50 d2dv What happened when Aaron returned to the entrance of the tent? The plague ended when Aaron returned to the entrance of the sacred tent.
17:2 xhmt What did Yahweh tell the people of Israel to take from each tribe and to do with that which they took? Yahweh instructed Moses to tell the people of Israel to take twelve staffs, one from each leader of a tribe, and write the name of the leader on his staff.
17:3 oty5 Whose name did Yahweh instruct Moses to put on the staff of Levi? Yahweh instructed Moses to write Aarons name on Levis staff.
17:4 uz2i What was Moses to do with the twelve staffs? Moses was to place the staffs in the tent of meeting in front of the covenant decrees.
17:4 a7hh What did Yahweh say would happen to the staff of the man whom Yahweh chose? The staff of the man, whom Yahweh chose, would bud.
17:5 ohmp What would happen when Yahweh caused the staff to bud? Yahweh would cause the complaints which the people of Israel were speaking against Moses to stop.
17:6 bs2y When Moses talked to the people of Israel, who gave their staffs to Moses? All the tribal leaders gave him their staffs, including Aaron.
17:8 tbh4 What happened to one of the staffs when Moses deposited the staffs before Yahweh in the tent of the covenant decrees? When Moses put the staffs before Yahweh in the tent of the covenant decrees, Aarons staff budded and produced blossoms and ripe almonds.
17:9 rvfq What did Moses do with all the staffs? Moses brought out all the staffs from before Yahweh, and each man found his rod and took it.
17:10 sgcw What did Yahweh tell Moses to do with Aarons staff? Yahweh told Moses to put Aarons staff in front of the covenant decrees.
17:10 h6wm Why did Yahweh tell Moses to put Aarons staff in front of the covenant decrees? Yahweh told Moses to put Aarons staff in front of the covenant decrees to keep it as a sign of guilt against the people who rebelled so that Moses would end complaints against Yahweh.
17:12-13 vdjb Of what were the people of Israel afraid? The people of Israel were afraid they would die when everyone approached Yahwehs tabernacle.
18:1 f8ez For what did Yahweh say that only Aaron, his sons, and his ancestors clan would be responsible? Yahweh told Aaron that he, his sons, and his ancestors clan would be responsible for all sins committed against the sanctuary.
18:1 rcb2 Who did God say would be responsible for all sins committed by anyone in the priesthood? Only Aaron and his sons would be responsible for all sins committed by anyone in the priesthood.
18:2 fhu2 Which tribe would help Aaron and his sons when they served in front of the tent of the covenant decrees? The tribe of Levi, the tribe of Aarons ancestors, would join to help Aaron and his sons when they served in front of the tent of the covenant decrees.
18:3 pa38 Where could the Levites not go as they served Aaron and the tent? The Levites could not go near anything in the sanctuary nor in the altar.
18:3 edj6 What would happen if the Levites came near to anything in the sanctuary or altar? If the Levites came near to anything in the sanctuary or altar, they and Aaron would die.
18:4 hqm8 Who could not come near Aaron? A foreigner could not come near Aaron.
18:4 aeii For what would the Levites take responsibility? The Levites would join Aaron to take care of the tent of meeting and all the work connected with the tent.
18:5 zhc8 Why did Aaron and his sons have to take care of the sanctuary and the altar? Aaron and his sons had to take care of the sanctuary and the altar so that Yahwehs anger did not come on the people of Israel again.
18:6 i3pm What gifts did Yahweh give to Aaron and his sons and why did he give them? Yahweh chose the Levites as a gift to Aaron, given to Yahweh, to do the work connected to the tent of meeting.
18:7 pw07 Who only were allowed to exercise the priesthood regarding everything connected with the altar and everything inside the curtain? Only Aaron and his sons could exercise the priesthood regarding everything connected with the altar and everything inside the curtain.
18:7 ya0j What would happen to any foreigner who approached the altar of Yahweh inside the curtain? Any foreigner who approached the altar of Yahweh inside the curtain would be put to death.
18:8-9 z8xo What holy offerings to Yahweh would be given to Aaron and his sons as their ongoing share? The things from the most holy offerings that people of Israel gave to Yahweh that were not completely burned up would be Aaron and his sons ongoing share.
18:9 sahi What other offerings would be for him and his sons? Every sacrifice that the people brought—including every grain offering, every sin offering, and every guilt offering—would be for Aaron and his sons.
18:10 oypz How was every male Levite to eat those offerings? Every male Levite was to eat those offerings as something most holy, solemnly reserved for Yahweh.
18:11 lbpi To whom did Yahweh give, as their ongoing share, the gifts set apart from all the raised offerings of the people of Israel? Yahweh gave the gifts set apart from all the raised offerings of the people of Israel to Aarons ritually clean sons and daughters as their ongoing share.
18:12-13 iilp What other things was given to Aarons family? All the best of the oil, the new wine, the grain, the first fruits, and the first ripe produce of their land that the people brought to Yahweh would belong to Aaron and those that were clean in his family.
18:15 q0xh What would the people have to buy back? The people had to buy back every firstborn son and firstborn male of unclean animals.
18:16 eggj At what time were the people to buy back the firstborn males? The people were to buy back the firstborn males after they became one month old.
18:17-18 dlqk What animals were not to be bought back but were holy, reserved for Yahweh as a sacrifice which Aaron and his sons would eat? Firstborn cows, sheep, or goats were not to be bought back because they were holy, reserved for Yahweh and their meat would be for Aaron and his sons.
18:19 l8tc What did Yahweh say would be given to Aaron and his sons and to his daughters as an ongoing share because those offerings stood as a covenant of salt, a binding covenant forever before Yahweh with Aaron and his descendants? Yahweh gave all the presented offerings of holy things to Aaron and his sons and daughters, as an ongoing share, as a covenant of salt as a binding covenant forever, before Yahweh with Aaron and Aarons descendants.
18:20 l25c Why does Yahweh tell Aaron he would not have an inheritance in the land among the people? Yahweh told Aaron he would have no inheritance in the land because Yahweh was his share and inheritance.
18:21 kpl8 What else had Yahweh given the descendants of Levi as their inheritance in return for their service at the tent of meeting? Yahweh had given all the tithes of Israel to the descendants of Levi as their inheritance in return for their service at the tent of meeting.
18:22 mwp9 Whom did Yahweh say would die from then on if the people came near Yahwehs tent of meeting? Yahweh told Aaron that from now on the people of Israel could not come near the tent of meeting, or they would die.
18:27 lyah What was the offering that the Levites gave to Yahweh when they received an offering of grain or wine from the people of Israel? The offering that the Levites gave back to Yahweh was a tenth of the grain or wine offering.
18:28 v5ee To whom did the Levites give a presented offering to Yahweh from all the tithes that they had received from the people of Israel? The Levites gave to Aaron a presented offering to Yahweh from all the tithes that they had received from the people of Israel.
18:32 bqy7 What would happen if the Levites profaned the holy offerings of the people of Israel? If the Levites profaned the holy offerings of the people of Israel, they would die.
19:2 dqj3 What statute or law did Yahweh command the Israelite people? Yahweh commanded the Israelite people to bring a red heifer without blemish which had never carried a yoke.
19:3 epdk Where did Eleazar the priest take the heifer which someone killed in front of him? Eleazar the priest had to take the heifer, which someone would kill in front of him, outside the camp.
19:4 apvw What did Eleazar do with the blood of the heifer? Eleazar took some of the blood on his finger and sprinkled it seven times toward the front of the tent of meeting.
19:5 y15i What did another priest have to do with the heifer? Another priest had to burn the heifers hide, flesh, blood, and dung in front of Eleazar.
19:6 q0c8 Where did the priest throw cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet wool? The priest had to throw cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet wool into the middle of the burning heifer.
19:7 hnhb How long did Eleazar stay unclean after he had washed his clothes, bathed in water, and gone back to the camp? Eleazar stayed unclean until the evening after he had washed his clothes, bathed in water, and gone back to the camp.
19:8 qkjv How long did the priest who had burned the heifer stay unclean after he had washed his clothes, bathed in water, and gone back to the camp? The priest who had burned the heifer remained unclean until the evening after he had washed his clothes, bathed in water, and gone back to the camp.
19:9 jam1 What did someone who was clean do with the ashes from the heifer? Someone who was clean gathered the heifers ashes and put them outside the camp in a clean place.
19:9 fsli What happened to the ashes that were placed outside the camp in a clean place? These ashes were kept for the community of Israel to mix with water for purification from sin since they came from a sin offering.
19:10 ykpo What was the permanent law about the one who gathered the heifers ashes? The one who gathered the heifers ashes washed his clothes and remained unclean until the evening.
19:11 jmrm How long would anyone who touched a dead body of a man be unclean? Anyone who touched a dead body would be unclean until the seventh day.
19:12 xad9 How did the person who touched a dead body purify himself? Anyone who touched a dead body purified himself on the third and seventh days in order to be clean the seventh day.
19:12 f22i What happened to anyone who touched a dead body and did not purify himself on the third day? The person who did not purify himself on the third day after touching a dead body would not be clean on the seventh day.
19:13 j48j Why would the person who touched a dead body, but did not purify himself, remain unclean; and what would happen to that man? The person who touched a dead body and did not purify himself would remain unclean because he had defiled Yahwehs tabernacle. That man would be cut off from Israel and he would remain unclean.
19:14 hkxg What happened to any person who went into a tent where someone had died or who was already in the tent when someone died? Both those who went into the tent where someone had died and those who were already in the tent would be unclean for seven days.
19:15 umd2 What happened to containers that were uncovered when someone died inside a tent? Every open container became unclean when someone died inside a tent.
19:16 aq10 What was the law for anyone outside a tent who touched someone who had been killed with a sword or who had touched another a dead body, a human bone, or a grave? The Israelite who touched someone who had been killed with a sword or who had touched a dead body, a human bone, or a grave would be unclean for seven days.
19:17 swgs What had to be used for the unclean person, and in what was it mixed? Ashes from the burnt sin offering had to be used and were mixed in a jar with fresh water.
19:18 eb93 What did someone do with the ashes from the burnt sin offering that were mixed in a jar with fresh water. Using hyssop, someone who was clean had to sprinkle some of that water on the tent and on the things and people who were in the tent where someone had died. This water was also sprinkled on the person who had touched a human bone, a dead body, or a grave.
19:21 nfuv What happened to the one who sprinkled the water for impurity, and how long was he unclean? The one who sprinkled the water for impurity had to wash his clothes, and he was unclean until evening.
19:22 pntw What happened to anyone who touched something that the unclean person had touched? Anyone who touched something that the unclean person had touched would be unclean until that evening.
20:1 mkml Who went into the wilderness of Sin in the first month and stayed at Kadesh? The people of Israel went into the wilderness of Sin.
20:1 jvpp What happened to Miriam at Kadesh? Miriam died and was buried at Kadesh.
20:2-3 orqe What happened to make the people complain against Moses and Aaron? There was no water for the people.
20:4 g9i4 What did the people, the community of Yahweh, ask Moses and Aaron? The people asked Moses and Aaron why they brought them and their animals into the wilderness to die.
20:5 g6t3 What did the people not have in this wilderness of Sin? The people did not have seed, figs, vines, pomegranates or water to drink.
20:6 h6n4 What appeared to Moses and Aaron when they went to the entrance of the tent of meeting and lay face down? Yahwehs brilliant glory appeared to them when they lay face down at the entrance of the tent.
20:7-9 h040 Why did Yahweh tell Moses to take his staff, assemble the community and speak to the rock before the eyes of the people? Yahweh told Moses to do this so that the rock would produce water for the people and their cattle to drink.
20:10 xban What did Moses call the people before he struck the rock? Moses called the people rebels.
20:10-11 ybwn What happen when Moses struck the rock twice with his staff? When Moses struck the rock much water came out of the rock and the community and their cattle drank the water.
20:12-13 pq77 What did Yahweh tell Moses and Aaron would happen because they did not trust Yahweh or sanctify him in the eyes of the people of Israel? Yahweh told them they would not bring the assembly of the people into the land Yahweh had given to them.
20:14-16 jmk6 To whom did Moses send messengers telling of the difficulties the people had encountered? Moses sent messengers to the king of Edom.
20:17 y9dx What did Moses ask of the king of Edom to allow the people to do? Moses asked the king if he would allow the people of Israel to pass through the land.
20:17 ssw3 What did Moses say the people not do until they had passed through the kings border? Moses said the people would not turn to the right or to the left until they had passed the kings border.
20:18 rd5n What was the kings reply to Moses? The kings reply was that the people of Israel could not pass through his land and he would attack them with the sword if they tried to pass through it.
20:19 c2pn What was the reply of the people of Israel to the king of Edom? The people of Israel replied that they would just go along the highway, pay for any water that their livestock might drink and they would only walk through and not do anything else.
20:20-21 bg4r What did the king of Edom do after he refused to let the people of Israel pass through his land? The king of Edom came against Israel with a strong hand with many soldiers.
20:21 hcta What did Israel do when the king of Edom refused to allow them to cross over the border? Israel turned away from the land of Edom.
20:22 kk8c Where did the people of Israel go when they journered from Kadesh? The people of Israel journeyed to Mount Hor.
20:23-24 u0y1 What did Yahweh tell Moses and Aaron at Mount Hor about the consequence of their rebellion? Yahweh told them that Aaron must be gathered to his people and Aaron would not enter the land given to the people of Israel because they both rebelled against Yahwehs word at the Waters of Meribah.
20:25 hh5v Who did Yahweh say Moses and Aaron should bring with them to Mount Hor? Yahweh told Moses and Aaron to bring Eleazar, Aarons son, with them to Mount Hor.
20:26 wxzl Why did Yahweh tell them to take Aarons priestly garment off him and put them on Eleazar his son? Yahweh told them that Aaron must die and be gathered to his people.
20:27-29 cpht What did the community do after Moses did as Yahweh commanded and they saw that Aaron was dead? When all the community saw that Aaron was dead, the entire nation wept for Aaron for thirty days.
21:1 b49s What did the Canaanite king of Arad do when he heard that Israel was traveling by the road to Atharim? The king of Arad fought against Israel and took some of them captive.
21:2-3 lsvr What did Yahweh do in response to Israels vow that they would destroy the cities of the king of Arad completely if Yahweh would give Israel victory over them? Yahweh listened to Israel and gave them victory over the Canaanites.
21:3 frlf What was name of the place called where Israel destroyed the Canaanites and their cities? The name of the place was called Hormah.
21:4 eran What happened to the peoples hearts as they traveled from Mount Hor by the road to the Red Sea to go around the land of Edom? The peoples hearts became very discouraged.
21:5 yhmv What was the complaint of the people against God and Moses? The people complained against God and Moses and asked why they had been brought out of Egypt to die in the wilderness because they had no bread, they had no water, and they hated the food.
21:6 vb28 What happened to the people when Yahweh sent poisonous snakes among the people? The snakes bit the people and many people died.
21:7 o52d What did the people ask Moses to do after they confessed that they had sinned and had spoken against Yahweh and Moses? The people asked Moses to pray to Yahweh to take the snakes away from them.
21:8 bsqb What did Yahweh tell Moses to do after Moses prayed for the people? Yahweh told Moses to make a snake and attach it to a pole.
21:9 s5wo What happened if a person looked at the bronze snake after he was bitten by a snake? The person survived who looked at the bronze snake after he was bitten.
21:16 qssw What did the people find at Beer? There was a well there where Yahweh had told Moses to gather the people together for Yahweh to give them water.
21:17-18 okjw About what did Israel sing? They sang about the well that the leaders had dug to give them water.
21:21 k51s To whom did the Israelites send messengers? The Israelites sent messengers to Sihon king of the Amorites.
21:22 lthn What did Israelites messengers request of Sihon? The Israelites requested that they pass through his land without drinking from his wells and staying on the kings highway.
21:23 px95 How did the king respond to the request of the Israelites? The king refused to allow Israel to pass through his border. He gathered his army and attacked Israel in the wilderness.
21:24 k6cl What did Israel do in response to Sihons attack? The Israelites attacked the army of Sihon with the edge of the sword and took their land.
21:31 lan1 Where did Israel begin to live? Israel began to live in the land of the Amorites.
21:32 okm3 What happened after Moses sent men to look at Jazer? The Israel took its villages and drove out the Amorites who were there.
21:33 h5ty What did Og do when Israel turned and went up by the road of Bashan? Og and all his army went out to fight the Israelites at Edrei.
21:34 liz0 What did Yahweh say to Moses about Og and his army? Yahweh told Moses not to fear Og and to do to him as the Israelites did to Sihon king of the Amorites because Yahweh had given them victory over him, his army, and his land.
21:35 mwro How did Moses and the people of Israel respond to Yahwehs instructions? Moses and the people killed Og, his sons, his army and his people and then took over his land.
22:1 s6bb What city was near the place where the people of Israel camped in the plains of Moab on the other side of Jordan River? The city of Jericho was on the other side of the Jordan River near the place where they camped.
22:2-3 ndvs Why were the people of Moab afraid of the people of Israel? The people of Moab were afraid of the people of Israel because they had seen all that they had done to the Amorites, and because there were many people.
22:4 sc71 Of what country was Balak king? Balak was the king of Moab.
22:5-6 mip6 What did Balak want Balaam to do to the nation that came from Egypt? Balak wanted Balaam to curse the nation that came from Egypt.
22:5-6 dzdp Why did Balak want Balaam to curse the nation that had come from Egypt? He wanted Balaam to curse that nation because they covered the face of the earth, they were next to him, and they were too strong for him.
22:6 vg4t What did Balak know that Balaam could do? Balak knew that whomever Balaam blessed would be blessed, and whomever he cursed would be cursed.
22:8 goc9 What Balaam say when he heard Balaks message? Balaam said that the messengers should stay there overnight and he would bring to them what Yahweh said to him.
22:11 ovl8 What did Balaam tell Yahweh about the request of those men who came to him from Balak? Balaam told God that Balak asked him to curse the people of Israel so Balak could fight them and drive them out.
22:12 h7gy What did God tell Balaam to do about going with the messengers and about cursing the people of Israel? God told Balaam that he was not to go with the men and that he was not to curse the people of Israel.
22:13 dgy6 What did Balaam tell Balaks leaders in the morning? Balaam told Balaks leaders to go back to their land because Yahweh refused to allow him to go with them.
22:14 sgbg What did the leaders tell Balak when they went back to him? The leaders told Balak that Balaam refused to come with them.
22:17 srjh How did Balak try to get Balaam to come to him when he sent more honorable leaders to Balaam? Balak tried to get Balaam to curse Israel by paying him extremely well, giving him great honor, and doing whatever he told him to do.
22:18 u6ew What did Balaam say to Balaks men in reply to their request? Balaam told them that he could not go beyond the word of Yahweh, his God, and could do neither less nor more than what he old me.
22:19 mvi3 Why did Balaam tell Balaks men they should wait overnight? Balaam told Balaks men to wait there that night so that he might learn anything further that Yahweh said to him.
22:20 qyv9 What did God tell Balaam to do when he came to Balaam at night? When God came to Balaam that night, he told Balaam to get up and go with Balaks men but to do only what God told him to do.
22:21 mzmf What did Balaam do in the morning? Balaam got up, saddled his donkey, and went with the leaders of Moab in the morning.
22:22 w372 Why did Gods anger kindled? Gods anger was kindled because Balaam went with them.
22:22 gpl5 What did the angel of Yahweh do? The angel of Yahweh placed himself in the road as someone hostile to Balaam.
22:23 rfgg What did Balaams donkey see standing in the road? Balaams donkey saw the angel of Yahweh standing in the road with his drawn sword in his hand.
22:23 uq6g What did Balaams donkey do when he saw the angel of Yahweh, and what did Balaam do to his donkey? Balaams donkey turned off the road and went into a field; Balaam struck the donkey to turn her back to the road.
22:24 zlaw What was on the right and left of the angel of Yahweh when he stood in a narrow part of the road between some vineyards? A wall was on the angels right side and another wall was on his left side.
22:25 a9ns What did the donkey do when he saw the angel of Yahweh with the drawn sword in the narrow place of the road, and then how did Balaam respond to what his donkey did? When the donkey saw the angel of Yahweh, she struck the wall and pinned Balaams foot against it; then Balaam struck her again.
22:27 wr1s What did the donkey do when she saw the angel of Yahweh in another narrow place where there was no way to turn to either side, and what did Balaam do? The donkey laid down under Balaam; Balaam struck the donkey with his staff.
22:28 b436 What did the donkey ask Balaam when Yahweh opened her mouth so she could talk? The donkey asked Balaam what she had done to him that made him strike her three times.
22:29 o04q How did Balaam reply to the donkey, and what did he wish he could do to her? Balaam replied to the donkey that he had struck her because she acted so stupidly, and he wished that he had a sword in his hand so that he could kill her.
22:31 lhpt What did Balaam see and do when Yahweh opened his eyes? Balaam saw the angel of Yahweh standing in the road with his drawn sword in his hand so Balaam lowered his head and lay face down.
22:32-33 or36 Why did the angel of Yahweh tell Balaam about why his donkey acted the way she did? The angel told Balaam that when his donkey saw the angel she turned away three times.
22:33 jror What did the angel say would have happened to Balaam if his donkey had not turned away? The angel told Balaam that if his donkey had not turned away the angel would have killed Balaam and spared the donkeys life.
22:34 w2g6 What did Balaam confess to the angel, and what did he offer to do? Balaam confessed that he had sinned and offered to return to the place from which he had come.
22:35 ucfr How did the angel reply to Balaam? The angel replied that Balaam should go ahead with the men but only speak the words that the angel told him to speak.
22:36 a1oy What did Balak do when he heard that Balaam had come? Balak went out to meet Balaam.
22:37 k86v What did Balak ask Balaam when he met him at the city of Aron, a city on Moabs border? Balak asked Balaam why he had not come when Balak summoned him, and did Balaam not think Balak was able to honor him.
22:38 edlq What did Balaam tell Balak that he could only say? Balam told Balak that he could only say the words that God put into his mouth.
22:39-40 ykak What did Balak do when he and Balaam arrived at Kiriath Huzoth? When they arrived at Kiriath Huzoth, Balak sacrificed oxen and sheep and gave some meat to Balaam and the leaders who were with him.
22:41 ow3v What could Balaam see when Balak took him up to the shrines of Baal? Balaam could see only a part of the Israelites in their camp.
23:1 bc84 What did Balaam the prophet tell Balak the king to do? Balaam told Balak to build seven altars for him and prepare seven bulls and seven rams.
23:2 vcw2 What did Balak do about Balaams request? Balak did as Balaam requested, and they offered a bull and a ram on each altar.
23:3 f5iq What did Balaam tell Balak that Yahweh might do when Balaam went aside? Balaam told Balak that Yahweh might come to meet him and then he would tell Balak whatever Yahweh showed him.
23:5 dm84 What did Yahweh tell Balaam to do? Yahweh told Balaam to return to Balak to speak a message to him.
23:7-8 sqtb What two questions did Balaam ask in the first part of the message God gave him? Balaam asked, “How can I curse those whom God has not cursed? How can I oppose those whom Yahweh does not oppose?”
23:9 x8hl What did Balaam say about how Israel considered themselves? Balaam said that the Israel did not consider themselves to be just an ordinary nation.
23:10 yy0l What did Balaam say about the size of Israel? He said no one could number even one fourth of Israel.
23:10 zyri What kind of death did Balaam wish to die? Balaam wished to die the death of a righteous person, and that he wanted his lifes end to be like Israels end.
23:11 rlkk What did Balak say that Balaam had done instead of cursing his enemies? Balak said that Balaam had blessed his enemies instead of cursing them.
23:12 t7ve How did Balaam reply when Balak said he had blessed his enemies instead of cursing them? Balaam answered that he was careful to say only what Yahweh put in his mouth.
23:13 kjh0 What did Balak want Balaam to do when Balak took Balaam to another place where he could see the nearest part of Israel, Balaks enemies? Balak wanted Balaam to curse Balaks enemies.
23:14 gbb7 Where did Balak take Balaam, and what did he do there? Balak took Balaam to the top of Mount Pisgah and he built seven more altars there and offered up a bull and a ram on each altar.
23:15 winj What did Balaam tell Balak he was going to do while Balak stood by his burnt offering? Balaam said that he was going to meet with Yahweh.
23:19 nonf What was the message that Yahweh put in Balaams mouth? Balaam said that God does not lie and he does not change his mind.
23:20 p2qn What did Balaam say that he could not do about Gods command to bless Israel? Balaam said that he could not reverse Gods command to bless Israel.
23:21 oij2 Who did Balaam say was with the Israelites? Balaam said that Yahweh was with the Israelites.
23:22 xc6a What did Balaam say Gods strength is like? He said Gods strength is like the strength of a wild ox.
23:23 kk9d What things could not work against nor harm Israel? Sorcery and fortune telling could not work against nor harm Israel.
23:23 mjbp What had to be said about Jacob and Israel? It had to be said, “Look what God has done!”
23:24 b07a How did Balaam describe what the people of Israel were like? The people of Israel were like lions that attackrd and ate their victims.
23:25 jfrs What did Balak say to Balaam after Balaam gave his prophecy? Balak said to Balaam that he should neither curse nor bless the Israelites at all.
23:26 tv7s What did Balaam tell Balak was the only thing that he could say? Balaam told Balak that he could say only what Yahweh told him to say.
23:27 i331 What did Balak think Balaam might be able to do if he took Balaam to another place? Balak thought God might allow Balaam to curse the Israelites from another place.
23:28 u51y So now where did Balak take Balaam? Balak took Balaam to the top of Mount Peor.
23:29-30 yxz4 What did Balaam tell Balak to do this time and what did Balak do? Balaam told Balak to build seven altars so Balak did as Balaam said and offered a bull and a ram on each altar.
24:1 d5xr What did Balaam the prophet not do when he saw that blessing Israel pleased Yahweh? Balaam did not use sorcery but looked toward the wilderness.
24:2-3 pjnv What happened when Balaam raised his eyes and saw Israel camped, each in their own tribe? When Balaam raised his eyes and saw Israel camped, the Spirit of God came on Balaam and he received a prophecy.
24:4 npy0 What did Balaam do when he saw a vision from the Almighty? Balaam bowed down with his eyes open.
24:5 tsqg What did Balaam say about Jacobs tents? Balaam said that the tents of Jacob were beautiful.
24:6 ck1m How did Balaam describe the beauty of the place where Israel lived? Balaam described valleys like gardens by the riverside, like aloes planted by Yahweh, and like cedars beside the waters.
24:7 qg11 With what did God bless Israel in the land in which they lived? God blessed Israel with flowing water that would also water the seeds they planted.
24:7 p8ax What would happen to the kingdom of Israel? Their kingdom would be honored.
24:8 aiue From what place did God bring his people? God brought his people out of Egypt.
24:8 y4xc What did Balaam say about the strength of Israel? Balaam said the Israels strength was like a wild ox.
24:8 wxe5 What would happen to the nations who fought against Israel? Balaam said Israel would eat up the nations who fought against him, break their bones to pieces, and shoot them with his arrows
24:9 hkuw What did Balaam prophesy would happen to those who blessed or cursed Israel? Those who blessed Israel would be blessed and those who cursed Israel would be cursed.
24:10 ysju How did Balak show his anger against Balaam? Balak struck his hands together in anger.
24:11 s1cx Who did Balak say kept Balaam from getting the promised reward? Balak said that Yahweh kept Balaam from getting his reward.
24:13 prkc What did Balaam tell Balak he could not do even if Balak gave him his palace full of silver and gold? Balaam told Balak that he could not go beyond Yahwehs word to say anything bad or good, or to say anything that he might want to say.
24:13 hdpl What did Balaam say was the only thing that he could say? Balaam said that he could only say what Yahweh told him to say.
24:14 l1g8 About what did Balaam warn Balak before he returned to his own people? Balaam warned Balak what Israel was going to do to Balaks people in the days that were coming.
24:16 txg8 From whom did Balaam say that his prophecy, words, knowledge, and visions came? Balaam said that his prophecy, words, knowledge, and visions came from God, the Most High, the Almighty.
24:17 rgdb What did Balaam say would come out of Jacob and rise out of Israel? Balaam said that a star would come out of Jacob, and a scepter would rise out of Israel.
24:17 bco6 What did Balaam say that star and scepter would do to Moabs leaders and all the descendants of Seth? Balaam said that that star and scepter would shatter and destroy Moabs leaders and all the descendants of Seth.
24:18 g1gw What would happen to Edom and Seir when Israel conquered them with force? Edom and Seir would become possessions of Israel, and Israel would conquer them with force.
24:19 rl2i What would come out of Jacob and what would he do? A king who would have dominion would come out of Jacob and he would destroy the survivors of their city.
24:20 dxjk What would happen to Amalek, the greatest of nations? The final end of Amalek, the greatest of nations, would be destruction.
24:21-22 i36w What did Balaam prophesy would happen to Kain and the Kenites who lived in a strong place in the rocks? Kain would be ruined when Assyria carried them away captive.
24:24 sgoe What would come from the coast of Kittim which would attack Assyria and conquer Eber, and then what would happen to them? Ships would come from the coast Kittim which would attack Assyria and conquer Eber; but they, too, would end in destruction.
24:25 bysu When Balaam ended his final prophecy, what did he do and what did Balak do? Balaam got up and returned to his home. Balak also went away.
25:1-2 xj2b What caused Yahwehs anger to be kindled against Israel? The men began to sleep with the women of Moab and people ate and bowed down to the Moabite gods.
25:4 pj9w What did Yahweh tell Moses to do to Israels leaders who worshiped Baal of Peor? Yahweh told Moses to kill all the Israelite leaders who had joined in worshiping Baal of Peor and to hang those leaders up before Yahweh.
25:6 toeo Where was the community of the people of Israel when one of the men brought a Midianite woman among his family? When one of the men brought a Midianite woman among his family, the people of Israel were weeping at the entrance to the tent of meeting.
25:7 ervn What did Phinehas, son of Eleazar do when he saw the Israelite man and the Midianite woman? When Phinehas saw the Israelite man and the Midianite woman, he rose up from among the community and took a spear in his hand.
25:8 i1q5 What happened to the Israelite who brought a Midianite woman into the camp in the sight of Moses? Phineas the priest took a spear and thrust a spear into the bodies of both the man and the woman.
25:8-9 eqh4 What did God do to stop them from sleeping with the Moabite women and worshiping Baal of Peor, and how many died? God sent a plague so that those who died were 24,000 in number.
25:11 y88q Why was Yahwehs rage turned away from the people of Israel? Yahwehs rage was turned away because Phinehas was passionate with Yahwehs zeal.
25:12 nuit What was the first name Yahweh called his a covenant of everlasting priesthood? Yahweh called his covenant of everlasting priesthood, his covenant of peace.
25:13 c8s9 Why did Yahweh make a covenant of everlasting priesthood with Phinehas? Yahweh made a covenant with Phinehas because he was zealous for Yahweh and had atoned for the people of Israel.
25:17-18 nqns Why did Yahweh tell Moses to treat the Midianites as enemies and attack them? God told Moses to treat the Midianites as enemies and attack them because they had treated Israel like enemies with their deceitfulness.
25:18 t8b6 How did Yahweh refer to Cozbi, the daughter of a leader in Midian who was killed on the day of the plague? He referred to Cozbi, the daughter of a leader in Midian who was killed on the day of the plague, as their sister.
26:2 arh0 What did Yahweh tell Moses and Eleazar to do after the plague? Yahweh told them to count all the people of Israel from twenty years old and up, by their tribes, who were able to go to war.
26:4 hyil What did Moses and Eleazar tell the people Yahweh had commanded them to do? They told the people they needed to count the people from 20 years old and up, who had come out of the land of Egypt.
26:5 jb7n Who was the firstborn of Israel? The firstborn of Israel was Reuben.
26:7 mt3a How many men did the clans of Reubens descendants number? The clans of Reubens descendants numbered 43,730 men.
26:9 kxrj Who were the sons of Eliab, descendant of Reuben, and what did his sons do? Eliabs sons were Nemuel, Dathan and Abiram. Dathan and Abiram rebelled against Yahweh by following Korah who had challenged Moses and Aaron.
26:10 usxs What happened to all the followers of Korah that became a warning sign? The earth swallowed them up and fire devoured 250 men.
26:11 kefb Whose line did not die out? Korahs line did not die out.
26:14 dwht Who was listed next of Israels sons, and how many did their descendants number? The clans of Simon was the next of Israels sons; they numbered 22,200 total men.
26:18 v4vl How many did the male descendants of Gad number? The male descendants of gad numbered 40,500 men.
26:19 xq4s What happened to Judahs sons, Er and Onan? They died in the land of Canaan.
26:22 jcwg How many men were in the other descendants of Judah? The other descendants of Judah numbered 76,500 men.
26:25 m3o4 What was the number of the men of the clans from Issachars descendants? The number of the men of the clans from Issachars descendants was 64,300 men.
26:27 cz2k What was the number of the men from Zebuluns descendants? The number of the men from Zebuluns descendants were 60,500 men.
26:28 teps Who were Josephs children? The children of Joseph were Manasseh and Ephraim.
26:33 kzzn How many daughters did Zelophehad son of Hepher have although he had no sons? Zelophehad son of Hepher had no sons and had five daughters.
26:34 rosz How many men came from the descendants of Manasseh? The men that came from the descendants of Manasseh numbered 52,700 men.
26:37 uu7v How many men came from the descendants of Ephraim? The men that came from the descendants of Ephraim numbered 32,500 men.
26:41 sj84 How many men came from the descendants of Benjamin? The men that came from the descendants of Benjamin numbered 45,600 men.
26:43 w4zb How many men came from the descendants of Dan? The men that came from the descendants of Dan were numbered 64,400 men.
26:47 r4et How many men came from the descendants of Asher? The men that came from the descendants of Asher numbered 53,400 men.
26:50 w445 How many men were numbered from the descendants of Naphtali? The men that came from the descendants of Naphtali were numbered 45,400 men.
26:51 r6r6 What was the complete count of the men of the people of Israel? The complete count of men from among the people of Israel was 601,730.
26:53 jh0g How did Yahweh say the land would be divided? Yahweh said to divide the land among those men as an inheritance according to the number of their names.
26:54 wsjg Who would get more and who would get less land for their inheritance? The clans who were larger in number would be given more inheritance and the clans who were smaller in number would be given less inheritance.
26:55 udzs What way would be used to divide the land? The land would be divided by random lots from among their ancestors tribes.
26:57 u0uw From what clan were Gershon, Kohath, and Marari? Gershon, Kohath, and Marari were from the Levite clans.
26:58 s7av From what clan did the Libnites, Hebronites, Mahlites, Mushites, and Korahites descend? The Libnites, Hebronites, Mahlites, Mushites, and Korahites were descended from Levi.
26:58 jkhb Who was Amrans ancestor? Amrams ancestor was Kohath.
26:59 q5rr Who were the children of Amram and Jochebed, a descendant of Levi who was born in Egypt? Their children were Aaron, Moses, and Miriam, their sister.
26:60 dp33 Who was the father of Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar? Aaron was the father of Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
26:61 thlf What happened to Nadab and Abihu and why did they die? Nadab and Abihu died when they offered unacceptable fire before Yahweh.
26:62 ryeq What was the number of males from Levi that were one month old and older? The number of males from Levi who were one month old and older was 23,000.
26:62 vh0g Why was the number of males one month old and up not counted among Israels descendants? The males one month old and up were not counted among Israels descendants because they had no land inheritance among the people of Israel.
26:63 czin Where did Moses and Eleazar the priest count the people of Israel? Moses and Eleazar counted the people of Israel in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho.
26:64 h7a0 How many men were found who had been counted by Moses and Aaron the priest when the descendants of Israel had been counted in the wilderness of Sinai? There was no man counted that had been counted by Moses and Aaron when the descendants of Israel had been counted in the wilderness of Sinai.
26:65 z26i Why wasnt Moses and Aaron able to count these descendants? Yahweh had said that those people would die in the wilderness, except for Caleb and Joshua.
27:3 qzc7 Why did Zelophehad die in the wilderness? Zelophehad died in the wilderness not because he was one of those who gathered against Yahweh in the company of Korah, but he died because of his own sin.
27:4 xixe What did the daughters of Zelophehad want Moses to give them? The daughters of Zelophehad wanted Moses to give them land among their fathers relatives.
27:8 dp1q What did Yahweh say should happen to the inheritance of a man when he dies and has no son? When a man died without a son, then his inheritance must pass to his daughter.
27:9 rfuu If a man died and has no son or daughter, who received his inheritance next? If a man had no son or daughters, his inheritance passed to his brothers.
27:12-14 w7wb Why was Moses to be gathered with his people instead of going into the land which Yahweh had given them? Moses was to be gathered with his people because he and Aaron rebelled against the command of Yahweh by striking the rock in anger.
27:15-17 le0h Why did Moses ask Yahweh to appoint a man over the community? Moses asked that Yahweh appoint a man over the community so they would not be like sheep that have no shepherd.
27:18-19 ncvm Why did Yahweh instruct Moses to lay his hand on Joshua, son of Nun? Yahweh instructed Moses to choose Joshua because he was a man in whom Yahwehs spirit lived.
27:20-21 qfkd How much authority did Yahweh command Moses to give to Joshua? Moses was to give Joshua the authority to seek Yahwehs will by the decisions of the Urim and command all Israel to obey him.
27:22-23 x571 How did Moses respond to Yahwehs command? Moses placed Joshua before Eleazar the priest and all the community and laid his hands on him as he commanded him to lead as Yahweh had instructed him.
28:2 sdqp What did Yahweh say the sacrifices produced for him? Yahweh said the sacrifices produced a sweet aroma for him.
28:3-4 hkap What two animals, one in the morning and one in the evening, were to be offered in the regular burnt offerings each day? The sacrifices in the regular burnt offerings in the mornings and in the evenings were to be male lambs without blemish.
28:5 tpzl What else did they have to offer with the regular burnt offering? They had to offer a tenth of an ephah of fine flour as a grain offering mixed with a fourth of a hin of beaten oil.
28:7-8 bu4v What was the drink offering to Yahweh that had to be added to those regular burnt offerings and what did they do with it? One fourth of a hin of strong drink had to be added to these sacrifices and poured out in the holy place.
28:9-10 oro3 What had to be offered on the Sabbath day? On the Sabbath day, two male lambs, each a year old without blemish and fine flour mixed with oil, and a drink offering had to be offered.
28:11 c07e What special animal sacrifices had to be made at the beginning of each month? At the beginning of the month the animals of the special sacrifices were two young bulls, one ram, and seven one year old male lambs without blemish.
28:12 gg6r What were the grain offerings given with the two bulls and for the one ram? The grain offerings for each of the two bulls was three tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil, and the grain offering for one ram was two tenths of fine flour mixed with oil.
28:13 wav7 What was the grain offering for each lamb? Each lamb had a grain offering of a tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil.
28:14 onqh How often were these special burnt offerings to be given? These special burnt offerings were to be given every month throughout the year.
28:15 qmtq What was offered with the regular burnt offering and the drink offering? One male goat was offered as a sin offering to Yahweh.
28:16 pqoe When did Yahwehs Passover come? Yahwehs Passover came during the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month.
28:16-17 hbzo On what day was the feast to be held and what kind of bread was eaten for seven days? The feast was to be held on the fifteenth day of the first month, and they ate bread without yeast for seven days.
28:18 e19k What did they do to honor Yahweh on the first day of the Passover, and what did they not do that day? They had a holy assembly to honor Yahweh; on that day they did no normal work.
28:19 eymn What animal sacrifices had to be made during the seven days of the Passover? They offered two young bulls, one ram, and seven one year old male lambs without blemish.
28:20 bx5y What grain offerings did they give with the two young bulls and with the ram? With the bulls they offered three tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil and with the ram they offered two tenths.
28:21 yrnk What did they offer with the lambs? With each lamb they offered a tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil.
28:22 yc83 Why was the male goat given? The male goat was given as a sin offering to make atonement for themselves.
28:25 dn04 What happened on the seventh day of the feast of the Passover? On the seventh day of the feast of the Passover they had to have a holy assembly to honor Yahweh and do no normal work on that day.
28:26 ai4k What did they have to offer of the day of the first fruits in their Festival of Weeks and what did they do on that day? On the day of the first fruits, they offered a new grain offering to Yahweh in their Festival of Weeks, and had a holy assembly to honor Yahweh and did no normal work on that day.
29:1 fmuh Why did the people of Israel have a holy assembly on the first day of the seventh month; what did they not do and what did they do on that day? On the first day of the seventh month the people of Israel had a holy assembly to honor Yahweh; they did no normal work and they blew trumpets.
29:2 tidp On that day, what animals did they offer and why did they offer it? On that day, they offered a burnt offering of one young bull, one ram, and seven male lambs a year old—each without blemish—to produce a sweet aroma for Yahweh.
29:3 os3u What was the grain offering that they offered with the animals? With the animals they offered a grain offering of fine flour mixed with oil.
29:4 m0u2 Why did they offer one male goat? They offered one male goat as a sin offering to make atonement for themselves.
29:6 i34a When were they to make this sin offering, in addition to all of the usual offerings they were to make each month? They were to make this sin offering in the seventh month, in addition to all of the usual offerings they were to make each month.
29:7 tb3i What did Yahweh say the people of Israel had do on the tenth day of the seventh month? On the tenth day of the seventh month the people of Israel had to have a holy assembly to honor Yahweh, humble themselves, and do no work.
29:8 r9eu What animals did they have to offer as a burnt offering to produce a sweet aroma for Yahweh on the fifteenth day of the seventh month? On the fifteenth day of the seventh month the people of Israel had to offer offer one young bull, one ram, and seven male lambs a year old—without any blemish.
29:9-10 ya34 What did the people of Israel have to put with each of the animals? The people of Israel had to put flour mixed with oil with each of the animals.
29:11 ghm0 Why was the male goat given? The male goat was given as a sin offering.
29:12 xqbt On what day was there another holy assembly to honor Yahweh in which they did no normal work and this time kept the festival for him for seven days? On the fifteenth day of the seventh month there was another holy assembly to honor Yahweh in which they did no normal work and kept the festival for him seven days.
29:13 jixx On this day how many bulls, rams and male lambs a year old without any blemishes did they offer? On this day they offered thirteen young bulls, two rams, and fourteen male lambs a year old, each without blemish.
29:16 hw01 In addition to the grain offerings, drink offerings, and other animal sacrifices, what other animal was offered as a sin offering? In addition to the grain offerings, drink offerings, and other animal sacrifices, a male goat was offered as a sin offering.
29:17 k3ey How many bulls did they offer on the second day of the assembly? On the second day of the assembly, they offered twelve young bulls.
29:20-22 c472 How many bulls did they offer on the third day of the assembly? On the third day of the assembly they offered eleven bulls, and all the sacrifices of the previous day.
29:23-25 acdo How many bulls did they offer on the fourth day of the assembly in addition to all the sacrifices of the previous day? On the fourth day of the assembly the people of Israel had to offer ten bulls as well as all the sacrifices of the previous day.
29:26-28 lg3n How did the people of the Israel have to celebrate the fifth day of the assembly? On the fifth day of the assembly the people of Israel had offer nine bulls and all the sacrifices of the previous day.
29:29-31 tatd How did the people of Israel celebrate the sixth day of the assembly? On the sixth day of the assembly the people of Israel had to offer eight bulls and all the sacrifices of the previous day.
29:32-34 btgh How were the people of Israel to celebrate the seventh day of the assembly? On the seventh day of the assembly the people of Israel were to offer seven bulls and all the sacrifices of the previous day.
29:35 rqcm How were the people of Israel to celebrate the eighth day of the assembly? On the eighth day of the assembly the people of Israel were to have another solemn assembly and do no normal work.
29:36 co4y What animals were they to offer on the eighth day for their burnt offering by fire to produce a sweet aroma for Yahweh? They had to offer one bull, one ram, and seven male lambs a year old, each without blemish.
29:37-38 ftbm What else did they have to offer in addition to the bull, ram, and seven male lambs a year old and without blemish? In addition to the bull, ram, and seven male lambs which were a year old and without blemish, they were to offer grain offerings and drink offerings as well as one male goat as a sin offering.
29:39 jwkp Besides their burnt offerings, grain offerings, drink offerings, and fellowship offerings, what other offerings did they have? Besides their burnt offerings, grain offerings, drink offerings, and fellowship offerings, they had vows and freewill offerings.
29:40 xm4h What did Moses tell the people of Israel? Moses told the people of Israel everything that Yahweh had commanded him to say.
30:1-2 k2pa What must a person who makes a vow not do? He must not break his word.
30:3-4 mrca If a young woman who lives in her fathers house makes a vow to Yahweh and her father hears her vow but says nothing to reverse the vow, is the vow in force? Yes, it is in force.
30:5 egwz If a young woman who lives in her fathers house makes a vow to Yahweh and her father stops her on the day that he hears of it, is the vow in force? No, the vow is not in force.
30:6-7 lek6 If a young woman who is married makes her vows and her husband hears about it and does nothing to stop her, are the vows in force? Yes, the vows are in force.
30:8 z8bq If a young womans husband stops her on the day that he hears about her vows, are the vows in force? No, the vows are not in force.
30:9 apmd If a widow or a divorced woman makes a vow to Yahweh, is the vow in force? Yes, the vow is in force.
30:10 vxdm If a woman in her husbands family makes a vow and her husband cancels it on the day that he hears about it, is the vow in force? No, her vow will not remain in force.
30:10-11 xg1w If a woman in her husbands family makes a vow and her husband hears of it and says nothing to her, is the vow in force? Yes, her vows must remain in force.
30:12-13 uaw8 If a woman in her husbands family makes a vow and her husband cancels it on the day that he hears about it, is the vow in force? No, her vow will not remain in force.
30:13-14 txg6 If a woman in her husbands family makes a vow and her husband hears of it and says nothing to her, is the vow in force? Yes, her vows must remain in force.
30:15 sob8 If a wifes husband tries to cancel her vow a long time after he has heard about it, is the vow in force? Yes, it will be in force, and if he breaks it, he will be responsible for her sin and suffer the penalty for breaking it.
31:1-2 c4ku What did Yahweh tell Moses would happen after he avenged the people of Israel against the Midianites? Yahweh told Moses that Moses would die and be gathered to his people.
31:3-5 ood1 How many soldiers was each tribe to send to war against Midian? Each tribe was to send a thousand soldiers.
31:6-8 poza What happened in Israels battle against Midian? Every Midianite was killed, including their kings and Balaam.
31:9 xz4m What did the army of Israel take as plunder from Midian? The army of Israel took the women of Midian, their children, and all their cattle, flocks, and goods as plunder.
31:13-15 bvhw Why was Moses angry with the officers of the army of Israel? Moses was angry with the officers because they let had all the women of Midian live.
31:16 czae Why was Moses angry that the officers of the army of Israel had let the women of Midian live? Moses was angry because the women of Midian had caused the people of Israel, through Balaams advice, to commit sin against Yahweh.
31:17 k7sw Who did Moses command the officers of the army of Israel to kill? Moses told the officers to kill every male among the little ones and every woman who had slept with a man.
31:18 ul7h Who did Moses tell the officers of the army they could take for themselves? Moses told the officers of the army they could take for themselves all the young girls who had never slept with a man.
31:18-19 kpji How long did the soldiers who had killed anyone or touched a dead body have to camp outside the camp of Israel? They were to stay outside the camp for seven days.
31:19 dbui On which days were those soldiers and their prisoners camped outside the camp of Israel supposed to purify themselves? Those camped outside the camp of Israel had to purify themselves on the third and and seventh days.
31:19-20 hx9o Which men in the army of Israel had to purify themselves? All the men in the army who had killed anyone or touched a dead person had to purify themselves.
31:25-27 dikh Between what two groups did Moses ask Eleazar the priest to divide the plunder from the war? Moses asked Eleazar to divide the plunder from the war between the soldiers who went out to battle and all the rest of the community.
31:28-29 snzz What was the tax that the soldiers were to pay to Eleazar the priest? The soldiers were to pay a tax of one out of every five hundred persons, cattle, donkeys, sheep, or goats.
31:30-31 obme What was the tax the people of Israel were to give to the Levites who took care of the tabernacle? The people of Israel were to pay a tax of one out of every fifty persons,cattle, donkeys, sheep, and goats.
31:50-51 a8sk Why did the officers of the army of Israel bring Yahweh offerings? They brought the offerings to make atonement for themselves before Yahweh.
31:52-54 h1l1 Why was all the gold from the commanders of thousands and from the captains of hundreds given over to Yahweh? It was placed in the tent of meeting to remind Yahweh of the people of Israel.
32:1-3 bvhd Why did the descendants of Reuben and Gad go and speak to Moses? The descendants of Reuben and Gad went and spoke to Moses because they saw that the land of Jazer and Gilead was a wonderful place for livestock and the descendants of Reuben and Gad had large numbers of livestock.
32:6 zo3x Why did Moses think the descendants of Gad and Reuben wanted to stay in Jazer and Gilead? He thought they wanted to settle there and let their brothers go to war.
32:7 z1vg What did Moses think would happen to the hearts of the people of Israel if the people of Gad and Reuben settled there? He thought the hearts of the people would become discouraged.
32:9 j604 What had their fathers done when Moses sent them from Kadesh Barnea to examine the land? They had seen the land and then discouraged the hearts of the people of Israel so they refused to enter the land.
32:10-12 f1z0 Why did Yahweh take an oath that none of the men of Israel from twenty years old and up except Caleb and Joshua would see the land which he had sworn to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Yahweh took this oath because he was angry that the men of Israel had not completely followed him.
32:13 rws6 What did Yahweh do because he was angry with the men of Israel? He made them wander around in the wilderness for forty years.
32:16-17 pfsv What promise did the descendants of Reuben and Gad make to Moses if he would allow them to build fences for their cattle and cities for their families? They promised to be armed to go with Israels army and not return until they had led Israel into their place.
32:20-22 b28j What did Moses decide to do about the request the descendants of Reuben and Gad had made? He told them that if they would go to war with the men of Israel and drive out the enemies in the land, then they could return to the land they possessed and be guiltless towards Yahweh and Israel.
32:28-30 jpab What would happen if the descendants of Reuben and Gad did not cross over and fight with the men of Israel to take the land Yahweh had given to them? If they did not cross over and fight with the men of Israel, then they would not receive the land in Gilead, but would acquire their possessions in the land of Canaan.
32:31-32 ivv4 What did the descendants of Reuben and Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh promise to the leaders of the people of Israel? They promised to cross over into the land of Canaan.
32:33 v6ox Whose land did Moses give to the descendants of Gad and Reuben, and also to the half tribe of Manasseh? He gave them the land of Sihon, king of the Amorites, and of Og, king of Bashan.
33:3-4 eyf1 Why were the people of Israel able to openly leave Rameses without opposition from the Egyptians? They were able to leave openly because the Egyptians were busy burying all their firstborn.
33:9 mt7j Why did the people of Israel choose to camp at Elim? They choose to camp there because twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees were there.
33:14 ohef What could the people of Israel not find at Rephidim? There was no water found at Rephidim.
33:38-39 f3my How long after Israel had come out of Egypt did Aaron die at Mount Hor? Aaron died forty years after the people of Israel had come out of Egypt.
33:50-52 mk36 What did Yahweh command the people through Moses to do after they crossed over the Jordan into Canaan? Yahweh commanded them to drive out all of the lands inhabitants and destroy all their cast figures and shrines.
33:53-54 l2qe How did Yahweh want the people of Israel to divide up the land that they were to possess? Yahweh wanted the people of Israel to divide up the land by lot, giving a larger share of land to the large clans and a small share of land to the small clans.
33:55-56 mr63 What would happen if the people of Israel did not drive out the lands inhabitants? The people whom they allowed to stay would make life difficult for them.
34:13 w2t4 Who were the people who would receive the land of Canaan as their possession? The nine and one half tribes of Israel would receive the land of Canaan as their possession.
34:14-15 fcz8 What would the descendants of Reuben and Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh receive as their share of the land? The descendants of Reuben and Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh would receive their share of land beyond the Jordan at Jericho eastward.
34:16-18 zaow Who were the men who would divide the land for their inheritance? The men would be Eleazar the priest, Joshua son of Nun, and one leader from every tribe.
34:29 l2ny What did Yahweh command these men to do? He commanded them to divide the land of Canaan and to give each tribe of Israel its share.
35:1-2 pxpi What did Yahweh command each one of the tribes of Israel to do for the Levites? He commanded them to give to the Levites some of their own shares of land, cities to live in, and pastureland surrounding the cities.
35:6 fst8 How many cities were to be given to the Levites? Forty-eight cities were to be given to the Levites.
35:6 fjqt What was the purpose for six of the cities that the Levites would receive? They were to serve as cities of refuge to which accused murderers could flee.
35:12 h51l How would the cities of refuge protect an accused man from his avenger? Anyone who killed someone unintentionally could flee to them and know they would not be killed without standing on trial before the community.
35:16-18 u5s0 What would cause an accused man to certainly be put to death? He would be put to death if he struck his victim with an instrument of iron, a stone in his hand, or a wooden weapon and then his victim died.
35:20-21 s7vw What would happen if an accused man without a weapon injured someone so that they die? If an accused man without a weapon manhandles anyone or throws something at him while hiding, or strikes him down with his hand so that the victim dies, then the accused man must be put to death.
35:25 y7yd What must the community do to rescue from the blood avenger an accused man, whose victim dies through unintentional harm? The community must rescue the accused man by returning him to the city of refuge to which he had originally fled.
35:26-27 heqn When could a blood avenger kill the accused man and yet not be guilty of murder? If the blood avenger would find the accused man outside the border of the city of refuge to which he fled, then he could kill him and not be found guilty of murder.
35:28 yuqa When would an accused man be free to return to his own property? He would be free to return after the death of the high priest.
35:30 g6wd What is needed before a murderer can be put to death? The testimony of more than one witness is needed before a murderer can be put to death.
35:31-32 y44n What ransom can people accept for the life of a murderer? The people are to accept no ransom for the life of a murderer or for one who has fled to a city of refuge.
35:33-34 r8lk What is the only thing that can atone for land on which blood has been shed? Only the blood of the one who has shed the blood will atone for the land.
36:1-2 fwpp To whom had Yahweh commanded Moses to give the land of Zelophehad? Yahweh had commanded Moses to give Zelophehads land to his daughters.
36:3 bd6g What would happen to Zelophehads land if his daughters married men from other tribes in Israel? If they did that, then their share of land would belong to the tribe into which they married.
36:4 oqzo What would happen to the land that had belonged to a daughter who had married a man from another tribe when the jubilee came? When the jubilee came, the share that had belonged to the daughter would belong to her husbands tribe and be taken away from Zelophehads tribe.
36:5-6 q2ck What command did Yahweh give through Moses concerning Zelophehads daughters? He commanded that Zelophehads daughters could marry only within their fathers tribe.
36:7 vzmu What must never happen to shares of land in Israel? No share of land in Israel can change from one tribe to another. Each mans share must stay within his ancestors tribe.
36:8-9 nzqa Why did Yahweh command that every woman among the people of Israel who owned a share of land in her tribe must marry someone from the clans belonging to her fathers tribe? Yahweh gave this command so that everyone among the people of Israel could own an inheritance from his ancestors.
36:10-12 znv5 How did Zelophehads daughters comply with this command from Yahweh? They married into the clans of the descendants of Manasseh so their inheritance remained in the tribe of their fathers clan.