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21:1-3owceWhat did Yahweh tell Joshua to do after the death of Moses?Yahweh told Joshua to cross the Jordan and lead the people of Israel into the land that Yahweh would give them.
31:5ntgeWhy did Yahweh say that no one would be able to stand against Joshua?Yahweh said that no one would be able to stand against Joshua because he would be with Joshua just as he had been with Moses.
41:7umkyWhat three things did Yahweh ask of Joshua?Yahweh ask Joshua to be strong, courageous and to obey the law.
51:8rk5vWhat did Yahweh ask Joshua to meditate upon day and night?Yahweh ask Joshua to meditate day and night upon the book of the Law.
61:11evy2What did Joshua command the leaders of the people to do?Joshua commanded the leaders of the people to command the people to prepare provisions for themselves to cross over the Jordan in three days.
71:13ae9hWhat two things did Joshua say Moses had said Yahweh had commanded the Reubenites, the Gadites and half the tribe of Manasseh to call to mind?The two things that Joshua said Moses had said Yahweh had commanded the Reubenites, the Gadites and half the tribe of Manasseh to call to mind are “Yahweh your God is giving you rest, and he is giving you this land.”
81:14uyohWhat did Joshua tell the Reubenites, the Gadites and half the tribe of Manasseh to do?Joshua told the Reubenites, the Gadites and half the tribe of Manasseh to leave wives, children and livestock in the land Moses had given them beyond the Jordan, but the fighting men should cross the Jordan and help their brothers.
91:16tsuqHow did the people answer Joshua commands?The people answered Joshua commands saying they would do what he said to do and go where he said to go.
102:1nua6Where did the two spies from Shittim find lodging when Joshua sent them to spy on the land?The two spies found lodging at the house of a prostitute named Rahab.
112:4c19yWhat did Rahab do with the spies when the kings men came looking for them?When the kings men came to Rahab looking for the spies, she had hid them.
122:5hxaqWhat did Rahab say to the kings men?Rahab said to the kings men that the spies had been there, but had already left.
132:9bvtlWhy did Rahab tell the spies was the reason that she had hidden them.Rahab told the spies that she had hidden them because she believed that Yahweh had given them the land.
142:10q1reWhat did Rahab say were the reasons she believed that Yahweh would give the Israelites the land?Rahab said she believed Yahweh had given the Israelites the land because the waters of the Dead Sea had dried up allowing their escape from Egypt, and they had destroyed the Amorite kings.
152:12-13jva0What did Rahab ask the spies to do?Rahab ask the spies to show mercy and to spare her and her family when they came to take the land.
162:14yh09What did the spies promise Rahab?The spies promised Rahab that they would be merciful and faithful to her if she did not tell of their business.
172:18sjfwWhat did the spies ask Rahab to do to be safe?The spies ask Rahab to put a scarlet rope in her window and gather her entire family into her house.
182:23-24rzdgWhat did the spies report to Joshua when they returned from Rahabs city?The spies told Joshua everything that had happened, and that Yahweh was giving them the land.
193:3lnojWhat did the officers tell the people to follow when the Levite priests carried it?The officers told the people to follow the ark of the covenant when the Levite priests carried it.
203:4b05rWhy did the priests tell the people to stay about 2000 cubits behind the ark of the covenant?The priest told the people to stay behind the ark so they could see which way to go since they had never gone that way before.
213:5t8xvWhat did Joshua say that Yahweh was going to do among the people on that day?Joshua said that Yahweh was going to do “wonders” among the people that day.
223:8o9g3What did Yahweh tell Joshua to say to the priests when they got to the Jordan River?Yahweh told Joshua to tell the priests to stand still in the Jordan River.
233:13pl70What did Joshua tell the people would happen when the soles of the feet of the priests carrying the ark touched the Jordan River?Joshua told the people the waters would be cut off when the soles of the feet of the priests carrying the ark touched the river.
243:16v53oWhere did the people cross the Jordan River?The people crossed the Jordan near Jericho.
253:17u449What did the priests who carried the ark of the covenant do while the people crossed over?The priests who carried the ark of the covenant remained in the middle of the Jordan River on dry ground while the people crossed over.
264:3twahWhat did Yahweh tell Joshua to command twelve men to take from the Jordan?Yahweh told Joshua to command twelve men to take twelve stones from the dry ground in the middle of the Jordan where the priests were standing, and to bring them to the place where they were to spend the night.
274:7z1y3What did Joshua say was the purpose of taking the stones to the place where they were to spend the night?The stones would become a memorial to remind the people of Israel forever of what Yahweh had done.
284:9lso0Where did Joshua set up a monument of twelve stones?Joshua set up a monument of twelve stones were the priests had stood on dry ground in the Jordan River.
294:13q0tyAbout how many men equipped for war passed by Yahweh for battle on the plains of Jericho?About 40,000 men equipped for war passed by Yahweh for battle on the plains of Jericho.
304:18kfnzWhat happened when the priests who carried the ark of the covenant came up out of the Jordan River?When the priests came up out of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan returned to their place.
314:20qicpWhere did Joshua set up the stones that came out of the Jordan?Joshua set up the stones that came out of the Jordan at Gilgal.
324:24ljkpWhy did Joshua tell the people to tell their children what Yahweh had done for them at the Jordan?Joshua told the people to tell their children what Yahweh had done for them at the Jordan in order to for all the peoples of the world to know that the hand of Yahweh is mighty.
335:1j4uxWhat happened to the hearts of the kings of the Amorites and the Canaanites when they heard how Yahweh had dried up the waters of the Jordan until the people of Israel had crossed over?When the kings of the Amorites and the Canaanites heard how Yahweh had dried up the waters of the Jordan, their hearts melted and there was no longer any spirit in them.
345:2ghz5What did Yahweh command Joshua to do with flint knives?Yahweh commanded Joshua to circumcise all the males of Israel.
355:6-7tyqkWhy was Joshua commanded to circumcise all the males of Israel?Joshua was commanded to circumcise all the males of Israel because the boys who had been born during the wanderings in the wilderness had not been circumcised.
365:10rbcbWhat did the people of Israel keep on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, on the plains of Jericho?The Israelites kept Passover on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, on the plains of Jericho.
375:12z3d5What stopped coming on the day after the people of Israel ate from the produce of the land?Manna stopped coming on the day after the people of Israel ate produce from the land.
385:13qreiWho did Joshua meet standing in front of him near Jericho?Joshua met a man with a drawn sword in his hand.
395:14zt6zWhat did Joshua say to the man with the drawn sword?Joshua said to the man with the drawn sword, “Are you for us or for our enemies?”
405:14btkjWho did the man with the drawn sword say that he was?The man with the drawn sword told Joshua that he was the commander of the army of Yahweh.
415:15fojdWhat did the commander of the army of Yahweh tell Joshua to do?The commander of the army of Yahweh told Joshua to remove his sandals, because he was on holy ground.
426:1sw2rWhat did Yahweh promise to Joshua about Jericho?Yahweh promised Joshua that he was giving Jericho into his hand.
436:3oaowHow many times were the men of Israel to walk around the walls of Jericho for the first six days?The men of Israel were to walk around the wall of Jericho one time each day for six days.
446:5wlqaWhat did Yahweh tell the men to do on the seventh day?Yahweh told the men to walk around Jericho seven times on the seventh day, and for the priests give blasts on their trumpets.
456:5k5ewWhat did Yahweh say would happen if the men of Israel and the priests did this?Yahweh said the the walls around Jericho would fall down if the men and the priests did this.
466:10du2yWhat did Joshua command the people not to do until the seventh day?Joshua commanded the people not to shout until the seventh day.
476:17ju5xWho did Joshua tell the people to let live when Yahweh gave them the city?Joshua told the people to let Rahab and all in her house live because she had hidden the spies.
486:19s5yyWhat things did Joshua tell the people were holy to Yahweh and must be brought to the treasury?Joshua told the people that things made of silver, gold, iron and bronze were holy to Yahweh and must be brought to the treasury.
496:21of2zWhat did the people of Israel do when the walls of Jericho fell?The people of Israel captured the city and destroyed all that were in the city by the edge of the sword.
506:22gyhlWhat did Joshua command the two young men who had spied out the land to do?Joshua commanded the two spies to go into the prostitutes house and bring her and all who were with her out, as they swore to her.
516:26p411What did Joshua say will happen to the man who tries to rebuild Jericho?Joshua said that the man who tries to rebuild Jericho will be cursed.
527:1c6faWhy did Yahwehs anger burn against the people of Israel?Yahwehs anger burned against the people of Israel because Achan took some things for himself that were dedicated to destruction.
537:3nn2lWhat did the spies that were sent by Joshua to Ai report back to Joshua?The spies that were sent to Ai reported to Joshua that only a small army could take Ai because there were few people there.
547:5tkibWhat happened to the smaller army of three thousand men who attacked Ai?The smaller army which attacked Ai was driven away by the men of Ai and thirty-six were killed.
557:6dzxuWhat did Joshua do when he learned of the defeat of his army at Ai?When Joshua learned of the defeat of his army at Ai, he tore his garments, put dust on his head, and lay before the ark.
567:11fdz6What did Yahweh tell Joshua was the reason his army was defeated at Ai?Yahweh told Joshua that his army was defeated because Israel had sinned by stealing some of the things dedicated for destruction.
577:13kkefWhat did Yahweh tell Joshua to do?Yahweh told Joshua to get up and consecrate the people to give over the things dedicated for destruction.
587:15n4u0What did Yahweh say would happen to the one who had stolen the things dedicated to destruction?Yahweh said that the one who had stolen the things dedicated to destruction would be burned as well as all he had.
597:21hyf3What did Achan tell Joshua that he had taken?Achan told Joshua that he had taken a beautiful coat, two hundred shekels of silver, and a bar of gold.
607:21gepdWhere did Achan tell Joshua that he had hidden the things he had taken?Achan told Joshua that he had hidden the things he had taken in the ground in the middle of his tent.
617:24eh9aWhere did Joshua and all Israel take Achan and all that he had?Joshua and all Israel took Achan and all that he had to the valley of Achor.
627:26uaviWhat happened to Yahwehs burning anger?Yahwehs burning anger was turned away.
638:1-2krznWhat did Yahweh tell Joshua to do in order to take the city of Ai?Yahweh told Joshua to take all the people of war to Ai and set an ambush behind the city.
648:2ml6zWhat were the people to do with the plunder from Ai?Yahweh told the people they could take the plunder and cattle for themselves.
658:3eu01When did Joshua send the thirty thousand strong and courageous men to Ai?Joshua sent the thirty thousand strong and courageous men to Ai at night.
668:4kgczWhat did Joshua plan to do with his men when they approached the city?When Joshua approached the city with his men and the people of the city came out to attack, Joshuas men would run away like before.
678:8j4r1What were Joshuas men to do with the city when they captured it?When the men captured the city, they were to set it on fire.
688:15-17akazWhat did the men of Ai do when the army of Joshua fled toward the wilderness?The men of Ai pursued Joshuas army as they fled toward the wilderness, until not one man was left in the city.
698:18hcc9What signal did Yahweh tell Joshua to give when he was ready for his army to take the city?Yahweh told Joshua to point the spear he held in his hand toward Ai.
708:23p7v3Who did the men of Israel capture alive and bring to Joshua?The men of Israel captured alive the King of Ai and brought him to Joshua.
718:26rzkwWho did Joshua destroy in the city of Ai?Joshua destroyed all of the people of Ai.
728:27ynx0What did Israel take from the city of Ai before they burned it?Israel took the livestock and plunder, just as Yahweh had commanded Joshua.
738:29zzafWhat did Joshua do with the king of Ai?Joshua hanged the king of Ai on a tree and then threw his body in front of the city gates.
749:1-2x4zxWhat did the kings who lived beyond the Jordan in the hill country do to wage war against Joshua and Israel?The kings who lived beyond the Jordan in the hill country joined together under one command to defeat Joshua and Israel.
759:3-4ojcvWho acted with a cunning plan?The inhabitants of Gibeon acted with a cunning plan.
769:4-5y516How did the Gibeonite “messengers” prepare themselves?The people of Gibeon took worn out sacks and put them on their donkeys. They took old wine skins, and put on patched sandals and dressed in worn out clothing. They also took dry and moldy bread.
779:6d6czWhen the Gibeonites came to Joshua at Gilgal where did they say they were from?The Gibeonites said they were from a very far country.
789:6eiv4What did the Gibeonites want the men of Israel to do?The Gibeonites wanted the men of Israel to make a treaty with them.
799:14dwlkWhat did the Israelites fail to do?The Israelites did not consult with Yahweh for guidance.
809:15g7bhWhat did Joshua promise the people of Gibeon?Joshua made peace with them and made a vow to let them live.
819:16y3bpWhat did the Israelites learn about the people from Gibeon just a few days later?The Israelites learned that the people from Gibeon were their neighbors and lived nearby.
829:18-19i1b2Why did the Israelites not attack the people of Gibeon?The Israelites did not attack the people of Gibeon because they had taken an oath about them before Yahweh.
839:21ixj8What did the Gibeonites do for the Israelites?The Gibeonites became cutters of wood and drawers of water for all the Israelites.
849:24xh4iWhat was the reason the Gibeonites gave to Joshua for why they had deceived him?The Gibeonites told Joshua that they were very afraid for their lives.
859:26-27tsdvWhat would happen to Gibeonites?Joshua removed them from the power of the Israelites and made them cutters of wood and drawers of water for the community and the altar of Yahweh.
8610:2rezgWhy were the people of Jerusalem afraid that the people of Gibeon had made peace with Israel?The people of Jerusalem were afraid because Gibeon was a large city, larger than Ai, and all its men were mighty warriors.
8710:3-4xo1zWhat did the king of Jerusalem ask the other kings to do?The king of Jerusalem ask other kings to come up to him and help him attack Gibeon.
8810:5x0xcWhat did the kings do?They came up and with all their armies and attacked Gibeon.
8910:6tq5kWhat did the people of Gibeon do when the saw all the kings and their armies?The people of Gibeon sent a message to Joshua to come and save them.
9010:8ougnWhat did Yahweh say to Joshua?Yahweh said to Joshua that the kings had been given into his hand.
9110:11txsdHow did Yahweh kill most of the enemy?Yahweh threw large stones from heaven which killed more than were killed with the sword by the men of Israel.
9210:12pi2yWhat did Joshua say to Yahweh on the day Yahweh gave the men of Israel victory?Joshua said to Yahweh, “Sun, be still at Gibeon, and moon, in the valley of Aijalon.”
9310:16r3zxWhat happened to the five kings?The five kings hid in the cave of Makkedah.
9410:20e3inWhat happened to the armies of the kings?The Israelites slaughtered most them. Only a few survivors escaped.
9510:26-27d4ypWhat happened to the five kings who had hidden in the cave of Makkedah?The five kings who had hidden in the cave were brought to Joshua, attacked and killed, hung on five trees until sunset, and then thrown into the cave.
9610:40ejb8What did Joshua and the army of Israel do throughout the land of the hill country, the Negev, the lowlands and the foothills.Joshua and the army of Israel conquered all the kings leaving not one survivor.
9710:42e3n7Why was Joshua so successful in capturing all these kings and their land?Joshua was successful in capturing these kings and their land because Yahweh, God of Israel, fought for Israel.
9811:1-3n9xbWhat did Jabin, king of Hazor, do when he heard about the victory of the Israelites at Gibeon?He sent a message to many kings from the region.
9911:4pi44What did their number seem like?Their number seemed like the sand of the seashore.
10011:4-5xbipWhat was the response of the kings to Jabins message?In response to Jabins message all their armies came out with them and met at the appointed time and they camped at the waters of Merom to wage war with Israel.
10111:6mkeyWhere did the battle take place?The battle took place at the waters of Merom.
10211:6p12dWhat did Yahweh tell Joshua he would do after the battle?Yahweh told Joshua he would hamstring their horses and burn their chariots.
10311:10-11zvd1What did Joshua do to Hazor and its king?Joshua burned the city and struck the king with his sword.
10411:12-13nun0What did Joshua do with the rest of the kings and cities that had waged war with Israel?Joshua captured the kings and destroyed them, but he did not burn their cities.
10511:14h3jtWhat had Moses commanded Joshua to do?Moses had commanded Joshua to kill every human being.
10611:15pr7sDid Joshua do all that Moses had commanded him to do?Yes. Joshua did all that Moses had commanded him to do.
10711:19b31qWhat was the only city that made peace with Israel?Gibeon was the only city to make peace with Israel.
10812:1dhynWhat did the Israelites do to the land on the east side of the Jordan?They took possession of the land of the east side of the Jordan where the sun rises.
10912:6glxtWho led the people of Israel as they defeated the people on the east side of the Jordan?Moses, the servant of Yahweh led them as they defeated the people on the east side of the Jordan.
11012:7eavgWho led the people of Israel as they defeated the people on the west side of the Jordan?Joshua led them as they defeated the people on the west side of the Jordan.
11112:24dx6vHow many kings did Joshua and the Israelites conquer in the land which Yahweh had given them?Joshua and the Israelites conquered thirty-one kings in all the land which Yahweh had given them.
11213:1k69iWhy did Yahweh say to Joshua that there was still very much land to capture?Yahweh said to Joshua that there was still very much land to capture because Joshua was old and well along in years.
11313:6f5qqWhat did Yahweh tell Joshua to do after he drove the inhabitants out before the army of Israel?Yahweh told Joshua to assign the land to Israel as an inheritance as Yahweh had commanded.
11413:7thiuTo whom should the land be divided?The land should be divided as an inheritance to the nine tribes and the half tribe of Manasseh.
11513:8c2qaWhere had the other two and one half tribes already received their inheritance?The half tribe of Manasseh, the Reubenites and the Gadites had received their inheritance on the east side of the Jordan.
11613:14zozgTo what one tribe did Moses not give an inheritance?Moses did not give an inheritance to the tribe of Levi.
11713:14vnwpWhat inheritance did Moses give to the tribe of Levi?Moses gave to the tribe of Levi “The offerings of Yahweh, the God of Israel, made by fire” as an inheritance.
11813:23w0ggWhat was the border of the tribe of Reuben?The border of the tribe of Reuben was the Jordan River.
11914:4jetdWhat were the two tribes that made up the tribe of Joseph?The tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim made up the tribe of Joseph.
12014:7udx7How old was Caleb when Moses the servant of Yahweh sent him to spy on the land?He was forty years old when Moses the servant of Yahweh sent him from Kadesh Barnea to spy on the land.
12114:9fh59What did Moses swear to give to Caleb?Moses swore to give to Caleb the land on which his foot has walked as an inheritance for him and for his children forever.
12214:10ifqnHow old was Caleb when he came to Joshua?Caleb was eighty-five years old when he came to Joshua.
12314:12xp2zWhat did Caleb ask Joshua to give him?Caleb asked Joshua to give him the hill country as an inheritance.
12415:1l2mnWhat was the farthest point south to which the land of Judah extended?The farthest point south was the wilderness of Sin.
12515:5jk0kWhat was the eastern boundary of the land of Judah?The eastern boundary was the Salt Sea.
12615:8gxgoWhat was the name of the Jebusites city?The Jebusites city was Jerusalem.
12715:12tzniWhat was the western border of the clan of Judah?The western border of the clan of Judah was the Great Sea and its coastline.
12815:19fkteWhat did Caleb give his daughter, Achsah, when she asked for it?Caleb gave Achsah the upper and lower springs when she asked.
12915:63ld4xWhat people could not be driven out of Jerusalem by the tribe of Judah?The Jebusites could not be driven out of Jerusalem by the tribe of Judah.
13016:4rjbwWhat were the two tribes of Joseph that received their inheritance together?The tribes of Joseph and Ephraim the descendants of Joseph.
13116:10il4aWhat people did the tribe of Ephraim not drive out of Gezer?The tribe of Ephraim was unable to drive out of Gezer the Canaanites.
13217:1d29rWho was the firstborn of Joseph?Manasseh was the firstborn of Joseph.
13317:1f6ptWho was Makir?Makir was the firstborn of Manasseh and the father of Gilead.
13417:4rekkWhy did the daughters of Zelophehad approach Eleazer, Joshua, and the leaders?The daughters of Zelophedad approached Eleazer, Joshua, and the leaders because they had no brothers to receive an inheritance.
13517:4ojkeWhat did Joshua do for the daughters of Zelophedad?Joshua gave the daughters of Zelophedad an inheritance among the brothers of their father.
13617:13bmfeWhat did the people of Israel do to the Canaanites when the Israelites grew strong?When the people of Israel grew strong, they put the Canaanites to forced labor.
13717:14ithwWhat did the descendants of Joseph say to Joshua?The descendants of Joseph said to Joshua that the hill country was not enough for their number.
13817:15lnwcWhat did Joshua say to the descendants of Joseph?Joshua told the descendants of Joseph to go up by themselves to the forest and clear the land in the land of the Perizzites and of the Rephaim.
13918:2o26aWhen the assembly of the people met at Shiloh, how many tribes of the people of Israel had not been assigned an inheritance?When the assembly of the people met at Shiloh, seven tribes of the people of Israel had not been assigned an inheritance.
14018:4fo2eWho did Joshua send out to survey the land up and down?Joshua sent out three men from each of the seven tribes to survey the land up and down.
14118:4tatbWhat were the three men from each tribe to report to Joshua?The three men from each tribe were to write out a description of the land, with a view to their inheritances, and then they were to come back to Joshua.
14218:10ifoeWhat did Joshua do after the men returned to him after making the survey?Joshua cast lots for them at Shiloh before Yahweh when the men returned from surveying the land.
14318:11u8krBetween what two tribes was the tribe of Benjamin assigned as an inheritance?The tribe of Benjamin was assigned as an inheritance the land between the descendants of Judah and the descendants of Joseph.
14419:1hhzhThe second casting of lots fell to which tribe?The second casting of lots fell to Simeon.
14519:9xkw4The inheritance to Simeon came out of the territory of what tribe?The inheritance to Simeon came out of the territory of the tribe of Judah.
14619:9ny65Why did the inheritance of Simeon come out of the territory of Judah?The inheritance of Simeon came out of the territory of Judah because that territory was too large for Judah.
14719:10zrtzThe third casting of lots fell to what tribe?The third casting of lots fell to the tribe of Zebulun.
14819:17h9yvThe fourth casting of lots fell to what tribe?The fourth casting of lots fell to the tribe of Issachar.
14919:24i5oiThe fifth casting of lots fell to what tribe?The fifth casting of lots fell to the tribe of Asher.
15019:32thqgThe sixth casting of lots fell to what tribe?The sixth casting of lots fell to the tribe of Naphtali.
15119:38tmx4How many cities were included in the inheritance of the tribe of Naphtali?The inheritance of the tribe of Naphtali included nineteen cities.
15219:40hh7nThe seventh casting of lots fell to which tribe?The seventh casting of lots fell to the tribe of Dan.
15319:50ou2vWhat inheritance did the people of Israel give to Joshua when they had finished the allocation of the land?The people of Israel gave to Joshua by command of Yahweh the city for which he asked, Timnath Serah.
15420:2lbe3What did Yahweh tell Joshua to say to the people?Yahweh told Joshua to say to the people that they should appoint the cities of refuge.
15520:3ebgjWhat is a city of refuge?A city of refuge is a city where someone who has unintentionally killed a person can go to escape anyone who seeks to avenge the blood of a person who was killed.
15620:4tz6bTo whom and where would the person who killed another explain his case?The person who had killed another would stand at the city gate and explain his case to the elders of that city.
15720:6gnilAfter a person fled to the city of refuge and stood before the assembly for judgment, what else had to happen before he was allowed to return to his home?He could not leave the city of refuge and return home until the death of the high priest.
15820:9yiu2What would the accused person do in the city of refuge to avoid being killed by the one who wanted to avenge the shed blood?The accused person would first stand before the assembly.
15921:1-2emvgWho asked the people of Israel to give them cities to live in and pasture lands for their livestock?The clans of the Levites asked the people of Israel to give them cities to live in and pasture lands for their livestock.
16021:8jfcvHow did the people of Israel determine the cities and pasture lands to be given to the Levites?The people of Israel determined the cities and pasture lands to be given to the Levites by casting lots, just as Yahweh had commanded.
16121:18s9xtHow many cities were given to the descendants of Aaron?The descendants of Aaron received clans of Merari cities in all.
16221:26bw0iHow many cities were given to the family of Kohath?The family of Kohath received ten cities in all.
16321:33gfikHow many cities were given to the clans of Gershon?The clans of Gershon received clans of Merari cities in all.
16421:40zhnhHow many cities were given to the clans of Merari?The clans of Merari received twelve cities in all.
16521:41i54gHow many cities were given to all the Levites from the middle of the land possessed by the people of Israel?Forty-eight cities, including their pasture lands, were given to the Levites from the middle of the land.
16621:44d026What had Yahweh sworn to the ancestors of the Israelites?Yahweh had sworn to give them the land they possessed, and rest on every side.
16722:1-3wgdgWhat commendation did Joshua give to the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh?Joshua commended them by saying the had done everything that Moses and Joshua had commanded them and that they had not deserted their brothers but had been careful to obey Yahweh their God.
16822:5wlziWhat did Joshua tell these tribes to be very careful about when they returned to their tents?Joshua told these tribes to be very careful to observe the commandments and the law that Moses commanded them.
16922:8rx9yWhat did Joshua tell one half of the tribe of Manasseh to divide among their brothers?Joshua told one half of the tribe of Manasseh to divide among their brothers the plunder.
17022:10-11qhecWhat did the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh do beside the Jordon that angered the people of Israel in the land of Canaan?The Reubenites, Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh built a large altar on the side of the Jordon that belonged to the people of Israel.
17122:12n9mrWhat did the people of Israel do when they heard about the altar?The people of Israel gathered together at Shiloh to go up and make war against those tribes when they heard about the altar.
17222:13-14k2zqWhat messengers did the people of Israel send to the people of Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh?The people of Israel sent Phinehas, the son of Eleazor the priest, and ten leaders as messengers to Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh.
17322:16zna0What did the messengers of the people of Israel say to the people of Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh?The messengers of the people of Israel said to the people of Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh, “What is this unfaithfulness you have committed against the God of Israel by building yourself an altar…?”
17422:18j6chWhat were the people of Israel worried about if the people of Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh rebelled against Yahweh?The people of Israel were worried that is the people of Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh rebelled against Yahweh, then Yahweh would be angry with the whole assembly of Israel.
17522:26-27x9m1What did the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh say to the messengers of the people of Israel?The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh said to the messengers of Israel that they had built the altar, not for burnt offerings or sacrifices, but as a witness between them and the people of Israel that they will perform the service of Yahweh for future generations to see.
17622:30k6stWhat did Phinehas the priest and the other messengers say about the words they had heard from the Reubenites, the Gadites, and Manasseh?Phinehas and the other messengers said that the words spoken by the Reubenites, Gadites, and Manasseh were good in their eyes.
17722:33ucrrWhat did the people of Israel do when Phinehas and the messengers reported back to them?The people of Israel blessed God and spoke no more about making war.
17822:34hsumWhat did the Reubenites and the Gadites name the altar?The Reubenites and Gadites named the altar “Witness.”
17923:1-2h17vWhat did Joshua do after Yahweh had given rest to Israel from all their enemies?After Yahweh had given rest to Israel from all their enemies, Joshua called for all Israel.
18023:3tnpoWho did Joshua say had fought for them?Joshua said that Yahweh had fought for them.
18123:7vsl5What did Joshua tell the people not to mention?Joshua told the people they should not mention the name of the gods of the nations that remained among them.
18223:13cc6hWhat did Joshua say Yahweh would do if they intermarried with the survivors of the nations who remained among them?Joshua said to the people that Yahweh would cause them to perish from the good land they had been given if they intermarried with the survivors of the nations who remained among them.
18323:14ie7aWhat did Joshua say was going to happen to him?Joshua said that he was going the way of all the earth.
18423:16ts92What did Joshua say would make Yahweh bring on the people of Israel all the evil things?Joshua said Yahweh would bring all the evil things on the people of Israel if they broke the covenant of Yahweh.
18524:1b6mpWho did Joshua speak to and where did he speak to them?Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel at Shechem and spoke to the elders of Israel, their leaders, their judges, and their officers.
18624:13ze9kWhat did Yahweh say he had given the people of Israel?Yahweh said he had given the people of Israel land which they had not worked, cities which they had not built, and vineyards and olive groves which they did not plant.
18724:15ifh2What did Joshua say about himself and his house?Joshua said he and his house would worship Yahweh.
18824:18dce7How did the people of Israel answer Joshua?The people of Israel answered Joshua by saying they would also worship Yahweh.
18924:19arctHow did Joshua answer the people of Israel?Joshua told the people of Israel they could not serve Yahweh because of their transgressions and sins.
19024:21wq69What did the people of Israel finally say to Joshua?The people of Israel finally said to Joshua, “No, we will worship Yahweh.”
19124:26w2tyWhat did Joshua do to mark the covenant with the people made that day?Joshua wrote these words in the book of the Law of God and set a large stone beneath the oak tree beside Yahwehs sanctuary.
19224:27w47sOf what did Joshua say the stone would be a witness?Joshua said the stone would be a witness against the Israelites because it had heard all the words said by Yahweh and the people of Israel.
19324:29hgqmHow old was Joshua when he died?Joshua was 110 years old when he died.
19424:32nn52Whose bones had the people of Israel brought out of Egypt?The people of Israel had brought the bones of Joseph out of Egypt.