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21:1hfmmTo whom did James write this letter?James wrote this letter to the twelve tribes that were scattered.
31:2zycmWhen experiencing troubles, what attitude does James say his readers should have?James says to consider it all joy when experiencing troubles.
41:3s4qdWhat does the testing of our faith produce?The testing of our faith produces endurance.
51:5jk2mFor what should we ask from God if we need it?We should ask God for wisdom if we need it.
61:6s23bWhat is a doubter like?Someone who doubts is like a wave in the sea that is tossed around by the wind.
71:7-8wg4zWhat should someone who asks with doubting expect to receive?Someone who asks with doubting should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.
81:10u52hWhy should the rich be humble?The rich should be humble because he will pass away just like the flowers.
91:11a2s9To what can the rich be compared?The rich can be compared to the flower of the grass that dries up, falls off, and perishes.
101:12od29Those who pass the test of faith will receive what?Those who pass the test of faith will receive the crown of life.
111:14x6abWhat causes a person to be tempted by evil?A persons own evil desires cause him to be tempted by evil.
121:15vd5uWhat is the result of full-grown sin?The result of full-grown sin is death.
131:17i17zWhat comes down from the Father of lights?Every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights.
141:18eqtcBy what means did God choose to give us life?God chose to give us life by the word of truth.
151:19d5qwWhat does James tell us to do about our hearing, speaking, and emotions?James tells us to be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger.
161:22cqtxHow does James say that we can deceive ourselves?James says that we can deceive ourselves by hearing the word and not doing it.
171:26gjxcWhat must be controlled in order for us to be truly religious?The tongue must be controlled in order for us to be truly religious.
181:27waeyWhat is pure and undefiled religion before God?Pure and undefiled religion before God is to visit the fatherless and widows, and to protect ourselves from the worlds corruption.
192:1shcxWhat attitude should believers not have?They should not have an attitude of favoritism.
202:3r2inWhat are believers telling a rich man who enters their meeting?They are telling him to come up front into the best location.
212:3xoj5What are believers telling a poor man who enters their meeting?They are telling him to stand far away or in a poor location.
222:4xhf4What have the believers become because of their favoritism?They have become judges of evil thoughts.
232:5zgpoWhat does James say about Gods choice of the poor?James says that God chose the poor to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom.
242:6-7q92nWhat does James say the rich have been doing?James says the rich have been oppressing the brothers and blaspheming Gods name.
252:8vce9What is the royal law of the scriptures?The royal law is, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”.
262:10bb6bWhoever breaks one point of Gods law is guilty of what?Whoever breaks one point of Gods law is guilty of breaking all the law.
272:13er1aWhat comes to those who have not shown mercy?Judgment without mercy comes to those who have not shown mercy.
282:14pr7gWhat does James say about those who claim to have faith, but do not help those in need?James says that those who claim to have faith but do not help those in need have a faith that cannot save them.
292:16gdhhDoes it help a poor person if we tell them to be warmed and filled, but do not give them anything?No, it does not help a poor person if we don't give them anything to warm or feed them.
302:17fpr8What is faith by itself, if it has no works?Faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.
312:18r57zHow does James say we must show our faith?James says we must show our faith by our works.
322:19felvWhat do demons and those who claim to have faith both believe?Those who claim to have faith and demons both believe there is one God.
332:21cex0How did Abraham demonstrate his faith by his works?Abraham demonstrated his faith by his works when he offered up Isaac upon the altar.
342:22mshqHow was the faith of Abraham perfected?Abraham's faith was perfected by his works.
352:23fs91What scripture was fulfilled with Abrahams faith and works?The scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness”.
362:25eoxeHow did Rahab demonstrate her faith by her works?Rahab demonstrated her faith by her works when she welcomed the messengers and sent them away by another road.
372:26nfj5What is a body apart from the spirit?A body apart from the spirit is dead.
383:1v31bWhy does James say that not many should become teachers?Not many should become teachers because they will receive greater judgment.
393:2ef6yWho stumbles, and in how many ways?We all stumble in many ways.
403:2ns4xWhat kind of person is able to control his whole body?A person who does not stumble in his words is also able to control his whole body.
413:3sfjtWhat little thing is able to steer a large ship where the pilot wants it to go?A small rudder is able to steer a large ship.
423:4s8n4What small thing is able to start a large fire in a forest?A small fire is able to start a large fire in a forest.
433:6ebm5What is the sinful tongue able to do to the whole body?The sinful tongue is able to defile the whole body.
443:8yjfdWhat has no one among man been able to tame?No one among man has been able to tame the tongue.
453:9av25What two ways to people treat God and men with their tongues?With a single tongue, they bless God and curse men.
463:11id89What two things can a spring not provide?One spring cannot provide both sweet and bitter water.
473:13gkvcHow does a person demonstrate wisdom and understanding?A person demonstrates wisdom and understanding by his works done in humility.
483:15ci1jWhere kind of wisdom causes a person to be jealous and ambitious, and to lie?Wisdom that is earthly, soulish, and demonic causes a person to be jealous and ambitious, and to lie.
493:16aj54What results from jealousy and ambition?Jealousy and ambition causes unsettledness and every wicked deed.
503:17skgeWhat attitudes reflect a wisdom from above?A person that is peace-loving, gentle, warm-hearted, full of mercy and good fruit, without favoritism, and sincere has wisdom from above.
514:1fjgfWhat does James say is the source of quarreling and disputing among the believers?The source is the evil desires that war among them.
524:3oharWhy do the believers not receive their requests to God?They do not receive because they ask for bad things to be spent on their evil desires.
534:4cwrcIf a person decides to be a friend of the world, what is that persons relationship with God?A person who decides to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
544:6yy3hWho does God resist, and to whom does he give grace?God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
554:7gzweWhat will the devil do when a believer subjects himself to God and resists the devil?The devil will flee.
564:8c3frWhat will God do for those who draw near to him?God will draw near to those who draw near to him.
574:11e4nrWhat does James tell the believers not to do?James tells the believers not to speak against one another.
584:15wedjWhat does James tell the believers to say about what will happen in the future?James tells the believers to say that if the Lord allows, we will live and do this or that.
594:16iiz3What does James say about those who boast about their plans?James says that those who boast about their plans are doing evil.
604:17gy3yWhat is it if someone knows to do good, but does not do it?It is sin if someone knows to do good, but does not do it.
615:3aksoWhat have the rich, about whom James is talking, done in the last days which will testify against them?The rich have hoarded their treasure.
625:4l7o1How have these rich treated their workers?These rich have not paid their workers.
635:6add4How have these rich treated the righteous man?These rich have condemned and killed the righteous man.
645:7h3jrWhat does James say the believers attitude should be toward the coming of the Lord?The believers should wait patiently for the coming of the Lord.
655:8tl7nWhy should believers strengthen their hearts as they wait patiently for the coming of the Lord?They should strengthen their hearts because the coming of the Lord is near.
665:10htucWhat should the suffering and the patience of the Old Testament prophets become for us?The suffering and the patience of the Old Testament prophets should become an example for us.
675:11mdqnWhat positive character trait did Job demonstrate?Job demonstrated endurance.
685:12n35bWhat does James say about the reliability of a believers “Yes” and “No?”A believers “Yes” must mean “Yes” and his “No” must mean “No”.
695:14fdupWhat should those who are sick do?The sick should call for the elders so they can pray over him and anoint him with oil.
705:16zww3What two things does James say believers should do with each other in order to be healed?Believers should confess to one another and pray for one another.
715:17h5vgWhat happened when Elijah prayed that it would not rain?It did not rain on the land for three years and six months.
725:18ws26What happened when Elijah prayed again, this time for rain?When he prayed again, the heaven gave rain and the earth produced fruit.
735:20c28qWhat does someone accomplish who leads a sinner out of the error of his way?The person who leads a sinner out of the error of his way saves a soul from death and covers a multitude of sins.