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## Zechariah 14 Translation Questions ##
Q? Why will Jerusalem's plunder be divided in their midst?
A. Jerusalem's plunder will be divided in their midst because Yahweh will gather every nation against Jerusalem for battle, and the city will be captured. The houses will be plundered. [14:2]
Q? What will happen to the nations that fought against Jerusalem?
A. Yahweh will go out and wage war against those nations as when he wages war on the day of battle. [14:3]
Q? What will happen to the Mount of Olives when Yahweh stands on it?
A. The Mount of Olives will be split in half with a very great valley between the two halves. [14:4]
Q? When will Yahweh and the holy ones come?
A. Yahweh and the holy ones will come after the inhabitants of Jerusalem flee down the valley between Yahweh's mountains. [14:5]
Q? Where will the running water go that flows from Jerusalem?
A. Half of the water will go to the eastern sea, and half will flow toward the western sea. [14:8]
Q? Who will be king over all the earth?
A. Yahweh will be king over all the earth. [14:9]
Q? Will God destroy Jerusalem?
A. There will be no more destruction from God against them; Jersusalem will live in safety. [14:11]
Q? With what plague will Yahweh attack all the peoples that waged war against Jerusalem?
A. The flesh, eyes, and tongues of all the people that waged war against Jerusalem will rot. [14:12]
Q? What will happen when that great fear from Yahweh comes among them?
A. Each man will seize his neighbor's hand; each hand will be raised against its neighbor's hand. [14:13]
Q? What will all who remain in those nations that came against Jerusalem do?
A. All those who remain in those nations will go up from year to year to worship the king, Yahweh of hosts, and to keep the Festival of Shelters. [14:16]
Q? What will happen if anyone from all the nations of the earth does not go up to Jerusalem to worship the king, Yahweh of hosts?
A. If anyone does not go up to Jerusalem, Yahweh will not bring rain on them. A plague from Yahweh will attack the nations that do not go up to keep the Festival of Shelters. [14:17-18]
Q? On that day who will no longer be in the house of Yahweh of hosts?
A. On that day traders will no longer be in the house of Yahweh of hosts. [14:21]
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