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## Zechariah 02 Translation Questions ##
Q? What was the young man going to do with the measuring line in his hand?
A. He was going to measure Jerusalem, to determine its width and its length. [2:2]
Q? Why did the second angel say that Jerusalem would sit in the open country?
A. The second angel said this because of the multitudes of men and beasts that would be within her. [2:4]
Q? What did Yahweh say he would become for Jerusalem?
A. Yahweh said he would become a wall of fire around her and he would be the glory in her midst. [2:5]
Q? What was Yahweh's declaration to those who lived with the daughter of Babylon?
A. Yahweh told them to escape to Zion. [2:7]
Q? How were they supposed to know that Yahweh of hosts had sent the second angel?
A. The second angel said Judah and Israel would know Yahweh had sent him when he shook his hand over the nations that plundered them and when the nations that plundered Judah and Israel were plundered for their slaves. [2:9]
Q? What will happen when Yahweh comes and encamps in Zion?
A. When that happens great nations will join themselves to Yahweh and those of Zion will become his people. [2:11]
Q? Why is all flesh told to be silent before Yahweh?
A. All flesh is told to be silent before Yahweh because Yahweh has been roused from out of the heavens. [2:13]
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