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1.7 KiB

## Nehemiah 02 Translation Questions ##
Q? At what date did Nehemiah, when he was sad, give wine to the king?
A. He gave it to king in the month of Nisan, in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes. [2:1]
Q? Why was Nehemiah sad?
A. He was sad because the city was in ruins and its gates destroyed. [2:3]
Q? When the king asked what Nehemiah wanted him to do, what did Nehemiah do?
A. Nehemiah prayed to the God of heaven. [2:4]
Q? What did Nehemiah want the king to give him permission to do?
A. Nehemiah wanted permission from the king to go to Judah to rebuild the city. [2:4-5]
Q? When the king sent Nehemiah with officers of the army and horsemen, why were Sanballat and Tobiah displeased?
A. They were displeased that someone had come who was seeking to help the people of Israel. [2:9-10]
Q? When Nehemiah arose in the night, who did he tell what God had put into his heart to do for Jerusalem?
A. Nehemiah had not told anyone what his God had put into his heart to do for Jerusalem. [2:12]
Q? When Nehemiah told the rulers, the Jews, the priests, the nobles, the rest who did the work that the good hand of his God was on him and about the words the king had spoken to him, what did they say and do?
A. They said that they would rise and build, and they strengthened their hands for the good work. [2:17-18]
Q? How did Nehemiah respond to Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem when they heard about the work, and mocked and ridiculed the workers?
A. Nehemiah responded by saying that God would give them success, that they were God's servants, and that Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem had no share, no right, and no historic claim in Jerusalem. [2:19-20]
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