
1.7 KiB

Isaiah 60 Translation Questions

Q? Though darkness will cover the earth, what will Yahweh do for Israel?

A. Yahweh will arise upon them and his glory will be seen on them. [60:2]

Q? Who will come to Israel's light?

A. Nations and kings will come to their light. [60:3]

Q? Why will Israel look and be radiant and their heart rejoice and overflow?

A. This will be because the abundance of the sea will be poured out to them, the wealth of the nations will come to them. [60:5]

Q? Who leads in bringing Israel's sons from afar?

A. The ships of Tarshish lead. [60:9]

Q? Who will rebuild the city of Yahweh and who will serve them?

A. Sons of foreigners will rebuild their walls and kings will serve them. [60:10]

Q? Why will the gates of the city remain open continually?

A. They will remain open so that the wealth of the nations may be brought in. [60:11]

Q? What will happen to those nations and kingdoms who will not serve them?

A. Those nations and kingdoms will perish; they will be completely destroyed. [60:12]

Q? What will Yahweh make the City of Yahweh to be?

A. He will make her to be a thing of pride forever, a joy from generation to generation. [60:15]

Q? What will no longer be heard in the land of Zion?

A. Violence will no longer be heard in their land, or devastation nor shattering within their borders. [60:18]

Q? What will give light to the land?

A. Yahweh will be their everlasting light. [60:19-20]

Q? For how long will Yahweh's people possess the land?

A. They will take possession of the land for all time. [60:21]

Q? How long will it take for Yahweh to accomplish these things?

A. Yahweh will swiftly accomplish these things when the time comes. [60:22]

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