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Isaiah 44 Translation Questions

Q? Why did Yahweh tell Jacob he was going to pour out on Jacob's offspring?

A. Yahweh said he was going to pour out his spirit on their offspring. [44:3]

Q? How could someone prove to Yahweh that there was someone else like him; another god?

A. To prove that to Yahweh you would have to explain to him the events that occurred since Yahweh established his ancient people and they would have to declare the events to come. [44:7]

Q? What does Yahweh say concerning those who fashion idols?

A. Yahweh says they are nothing and that the things they delight in are worthless and they will be put to shame. [44:9]

Q? What will happen to the craftsmen and their associates who form a god or cast an idol?

A. Craftsmen and their associates who form a god or cast an idol will be put to shame. [44:11]

Q? How does a carpenter start to make an idol?

A. He cuts down cedar trees, or chooses a cyprus tree or an oak tree. [44:14]

Q? What does the man do with the wood from the tree he has cut down?

A. The man uses part of it for a fire and warms himself with it, bakes bread with it and roasts his meat over it and with part of it he makes an idol, a god, and bows down to it. [44:15-16]

Q? Because those who make and worship idols are without understanding or knowledge and their eyes are blind and their hearts are unperceiving, what two questions do they not ask themselves?

A. First, they don't ask themselves if they should make the other part of the wood into something disgusting to worship. Second, they don't ask themselves if it is reasonable to bow down to a block or wood. [44:19]

Q? Why are Jacob and Israel told to think about Yahweh as the only God and idols as nothing ?

A. They are to remember these things because Yahweh formed them, they are his servants and he will not forget them. Also Yahweh has blotted out their sins and rebellious deeds. [44:21-22]

Q? Why are the heavens, the mountains, the forest and every tree commanded to sing?

A. They are commanded to sing because Yahweh has redeemed Jacob and will show his glory in Israel. [44:23]

Q? What does Yahweh do to omens and to those who read them?

A. Yahweh frustrates the omens of the empty talkers and disgraces those who read omens. [44:25]

Q? What does Yahweh do for his servant and messengers?

A. Yahweh fulfills the declarations of his servant and brings to pass the counsel of his messengers. [44:26]

Q? What did Yahweh say about Jerusalem and the cities of Judah?

A. He said that Jerusalem would be inhabited and the cities of Judah would be built again and that he would raise up her waste places. [44:26]

Q? What did Yahweh say about Cyrus and what he would do?

A. Yahweh said of Cyrus, "He is my shepherd, he will do my every wish—he will decree about Jerusalem, 'Let her be rebuilt,' and about the temple, 'Let your foundations be laid.'" [44:28]

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