2.1 KiB
Isaiah 08 Translation Questions
Q? What did Yahweh tell Isaiah to do?
A. He told Isaiah to take a large tablet and write on it, 'Maher-shalal-hash-baz'. [8:1]
Q? Who were to be Yahweh's faithful witnesses?
A. Yahweh's witnesses were to be Uriah the priest and Zechariah the son of Jeberekiah. [8:2]
Q? Why did Yahweh tell Isaiah to name his son 'Maher-shalal-hash-baz'?
A. He was to be named 'Maher-shalal-hash-baz' because before he knew how to cry 'My father' and 'My mother,' the king of Assyria would come and carry away the riches of Damascus and the plunder of Samaria. [8:3-4]
Q? In what specific ways of the people was Isaiah warned not to walk?
A. Isaiah was warned not to call conspiracy anything that people called conspiracy and not to fear what they feared or be in awe of those things. [8:12]
Q? Who was Isaiah told to treat as holy and to fear?
A. Isaiah was told to fear and be in awe of Yahweh of Hosts and to treat him as holy. [8:13]
Q? What was Yahweh going to be to both houses of Israel and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem?
A. He was going to be a stone that makes people trip and a rock that makes people stumble to Israel, and a trap and snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. [8:14]
Q? What was Isaiah's testimony that was to be given to his disciples?
A. Isaiah's testimony was that he would wait for Yahweh and that Isaiah and his sons were given by Yahweh for signs and wonders in Israel. [8:16-18]
Q? According to Isaiah what were the people of Israel going to tell Isaiah's disciples?
A. They were going to tell Isaiah's disciples to consult with the mediums and magicians. [8:19]
Q? Who does Isaiah say the people should consult?
A. The people should consult their God. [8:19]
Q? To what does Isaiah command his disciples to pay attention?
A. They are commanded to pay attention to the law and the testimony. [8:20]
Q? What will the people of Israel do when they are greatly distressed and hungry and become angry?
A. They will turn their faces upward and curse their king and their God. [8:21]
Q? What will happen to the people of Israel?
A. They will be driven into a land of darkness. [8:22]