
73 KiB

21TI0101wb8j0God our SaviorGod who saves us
31TI0102zx370Christ Jesus our LordChrist Jesus, who is our Lord
41TI0103k4tm0Connecting Statement:Paul encourages Timothy to reject the wrong use of the law and use good teaching from God.
51TI0103amp40remain in Ephesuswait for me there in the city of Ephesus
61TI0104pw2h0to storiesThese may have been stories about their ancestors.
71TI0104ft330genealogiesthe written or verbal record of a person's parents and ancestors
81TI0105myi50NowThis word is used here to mark a break in the main teaching. Here Paul explains the purpose of what he is commanding Timothy.
91TI0105l7un0the commandmentHere this does not mean the Old Testament or the Ten Commandments but rather the instructions that Paul gives in [1 Timothy 1:3](../01/03.md) and [1 Timothy 1:4](../01/04.md).
101TI0105ar8t0good consciencea conscience that chooses right instead wrong
111TI0106j4z3figs-metaphor0Some people have missed the markPaul speaks of faith in Christ as if it were a target at which to aim. Paul means that some people are not fulfilling the purpose of their faith, which is to love as he just explained in 1:5. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
121TI0107j2hc0what they so confidently affirmwhat they so confidently state is true
131TI0110y5dx0sexually immoral peopleThis refers to anyone who sleeps with someone to whom they are not married.
141TI0110v1gh0homosexualsmen who sleep with other men
151TI0110gg420for whatever else is against faithful instructionfor those who do anything else that is against true Christian teaching
161TI0112pha50Connecting Statement:Paul tells how he acted in the past and encourages Timothy to trust God.
171TI0113gbd40a persecutora person who persecuted those who believed in Christ
181TI0113rq2m0But I received mercy because I acted ignorantly in unbeliefBut because I did not believe in Jesus, and I did not know what I was doing, I received mercy from Jesus
191TI0114zp830But the graceAnd the grace
201TI0115z48s0This message is reliableThis statement is true
211TI0116epe20so that in me, the foremostso that through me, the worst sinner
221TI0119h2wkfigs-metaphor0some have shipwrecked their faithPaul speaks of these people's faith as if it were a ship that could be wrecked at sea. He means that they have ruined their faith and no longer believe in Jesus. You should use this or a similar metaphor if it will be understood in the project language. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
231TI0120pv7ftranslate-names0Hymenaeus ... AlexanderThese are names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
241TI0120ty7nfigs-metaphor0whom I gave over to SatanPaul speaks as if he physically handed these men to Satan. This probably means that Paul rejected them from the community of believers. Since they are no longer a part of the community, Satan can have power over them and harm them. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
251TI0201z2xx0Connecting Statement:Paul encourages Timothy to pray for all people.
261TI0202pb580in all godliness and dignitythat honors God and that other people will respect
271TI0205t6660one mediator for God and manA mediator is a person who helps negotiate a peaceful settlement between two parties who disagree with each other. Here Jesus helps sinners enter into a peaceful relationship with God.
281TI0206u8r10gave himselfdied willingly
291TI0206fq7r0at the right timeThis means that this was the time that God had chosen.
301TI0208r6wx0Connecting Statement:Paul finishes his instructions on prayer then gives some special instructions for women.
311TI0208unw60lift up holy handsIt was a normal posture for people to raise their hands while praying.
321TI0209au5cfigs-doublet0with modesty and self-controlBoth of these words mean basically the same thing. Paul is emphasizing that women should wear clothes that are appropriate and do not attract improper attention from men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
331TI0209rf5vtranslate-unknown0pearlsThese are beautiful and valuable white balls that people use as jewelry. They are formed inside the shell of a certain kind of small animal that lives in the ocean. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
341TI0210g35m0who profess godliness through good workswho want to honor God by the good things they do
351TI0211gb7a0in silencein quietness
361TI0211c7sh0and with all submissionand submit to what is taught
371TI0212e2hg0I do not permit a womanI do not allow a woman
381TI0301rwi80Connecting Statement:Paul gives some special instructions on how the overseers of the church should act and be.
391TI0301f1330a good workan honorable task
401TI0302dff60husband of one wifeAn overseer must have only one wife. It is unclear if this excludes men who have been previously widowed or divorced, or never married.
411TI0302qnq90He must be moderate, sensible, orderly, and hospitableHe must not do anything to excess, must be reasonable and behave well, and must be friendly to strangers
421TI0303c2c70He must not be addicted to wine, not a brawler, but instead, gentle, peacefulHe must neither drink too much alcohol nor like to fight and argue, but instead he must be gentle and peaceful
431TI0303pc2g0a lover of moneygreedy for money
441TI0304w3un0with all respectPossible meanings are 1) the overseer's children should obey and show respect to their father or 2) the overseer's children should show respect to everyone or 3) the overseer should show respect to those in his household as he leads them.
451TI0305n8zi0For if a man does not know how to manageFor when a man cannot manage
461TI0308z1gd0Connecting Statement:Paul gives some special instructions on how the deacons of the church and their wives should act and be.
471TI0308nz2w0Deacons, likewiseDeacons, like overseers
481TI0310m5ar0be approvedThis means other believers should evaluate those who want to be a deacon and determine if they are fit to serve in the church.
491TI0311a12k0They should not be slanderersThey must not speak evil about other people
501TI0312wji20husbands of one wifeA man must have only one wife. It is unclear if this excludes men who have been previously widowed, divorced, or never married. See how you translated this in [1 Timothy 3:2](../03/02.md).
511TI0312dv310manage well their children and householdproperly take care of and lead their children and others who live in their homes
521TI0313m6840great confidence in the faith that is in Christ JesusPossible meanings are 1) they will trust in Jesus with even more confidence or 2) they will speak confidently to other people about their faith in Jesus.
531TI0314s4p20Connecting Statement:Paul tells Timothy the reason he wrote to him and then describes Christ's godliness.
541TI0315sg640the living GodHere this expression may be speaking of God as the one who gives life to all, as in the UST.
551TI0316ak8w0We all agreeNo one can deny
561TI0316w4730that the mystery of godliness is greatthat the truth that God has revealed is great
571TI0316y8spwriting-poetry0He appeared ... up in gloryThis is most likely a song or poem that Paul is quoting. If your language has a way of indicating that this is poetry you could use it here. If not, you could translate this as regular prose rather than poetry. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-poetry]])
581TI0316mr3a0in gloryThis means he received power from God the Father and he is worthy of honor.
591TI04introb39h0# 1 Timothy 04 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>[1 Timothy 4:1](../04/01.md) is a prophecy. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/prophet]])<br><br>#### Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter<br><br>##### Later times<br>This is another way of referring to the last days. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/lastday]])<br>
601TI0401gyd80Connecting Statement:Paul tells Timothy what the Spirit says will happen and encourages him in what he should teach.
611TI0401jzr90NowThis word is used here to mark a break in the main teaching. Here Paul starts to tell a new part of the teaching.
621TI0401b7390in later timesPossible meanings are 1) this refers to a time after Paul dies or 2) this is at a latter time in Paul's own life.
631TI0401ae5w0deceitful spirits and the teachings of demonsspirits who trick people and the things that demons teach
641TI0402u2f4figs-metaphor0Their own consciences will be brandedPossible meanings are 1) Paul is speaking of people who can no longer tell that they are doing wrong as if their minds are ruined like skin that someone has burned with a hot iron or 2) Paul is speaking of these people as if Satan had put a mark on these people with a hot iron to indicate that they belong to him. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
651TI0403k4db0They willThese people will
661TI0406hfx30these thingsThis refers to the teaching that started in [1 Timothy 3:16](../03/16.md).
671TI0406h6qrfigs-gendernotations0the brothersThis refers to all believers whether male or female. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-gendernotations]])
681TI0406ny780words of faithwords that cause people to believe
691TI0408i6rh0bodily trainingphysical exercise
701TI0408df190holds promise for this lifeis beneficial to this life
711TI0410l2yl0For it is for thisThis is the reason
721TI0412qi8l0Let no one despise your youthDo not let anyone consider you less important because you are young
731TI0414rr8f0laying on of the hands of the eldersThis was a ceremony in which the church leaders put their hands on Timothy and prayed that God would enable him to do the work he had commanded him to do.
741TI0416zxe70Continue in these thingsContinue to do these things
751TI0416u7ez0you will save yourself and those who listen to youPossible meanings are 1) Timothy will save himself and those who hear him from God's judgment or 2) Timothy will save himself and those who hear him from the influence of false teachers.
761TI05introjx4e0# 1 Timothy 05 General Notes<br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### Honor and respect<br>Paul encourages younger Christians to honor and respect older Christians. Cultures honor and respect older people in different ways.<br><br>##### Widows<br>In the ancient Near East, it was important to care for widows, because they could not provide for themselves.<br>
771TI0501h7d10Connecting Statement:Paul continues to tell Timothy how to treat the men, women, widows, and younger women in the church.
781TI0501l4w50Do not rebuke an older manDo not speak harshly to an older man
791TI0501dnf20Instead, exhort himInstead, encourage him
801TI0501enp9figs-simile0as if he were a father ... as brothersPaul uses these similes to tell Timothy that he should treat fellow believers with sincere love and respect. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
811TI0502t1pvfigs-simile0as mothers ... as sistersPaul uses these similes to tell Timothy that he should treat fellow believers with sincere love and respect. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
821TI0503smp50Honor widowsRespect and provide for widows
831TI0503qc6s0the real widowswidows with no one to provide for them
841TI0504q5c80Let them repay their parentsLet them do good to their parents in return for the good things their parents have given them
851TI0505xp1u0But a real widow is left all aloneBut one who is truly a widow has no family
861TI0505u1lj0She always remains with requests and prayersShe continues to make requests and prayers
871TI0505rwp4figs-doublet0requests and prayersThese two words mean basically the same thing. Paul uses them together to emphasize how much these widows pray. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
881TI0506p5hi0is still aliveThis refers to physical life.
891TI0507qw6m0Give these instructionsCommand these things
901TI0508p7h20does not provide for his own relatives, especially for those of his own householddoes not help with his relatives' needs, especially for those family members living in his home
911TI0508y6450he has denied the faithhe has acted contrary to the truth we believe
921TI0509s8ql0be enrolled as a widowThere seems to have been a list, written or not, of widows. The church members met these women's needs for shelter, clothing, and food, and these women were expected to devote their lives to serving the Christian community.
931TI0509i27xtranslate-numbers0who is not younger than sixtyAs Paul will explain in 5:11-16, widows who were younger than 60 years old might get married again. Therefore the Christian community was to care only for widows who were older than 60. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
941TI0509q9dj0a wife of one husbandPossible meanings are 1) she was always faithful to her husband or 2) she had not divorced her husband then married another man.
951TI0510mik70has been hospitable to strangershas welcomed strangers into her home
961TI0510h96j0has been devoted to every good workhas given herself to doing all kinds of good deeds
971TI0511vqq90For when they give in to bodily desires against Christ, they want to marryFor when they prefer to fulfill their sensual desires and get married, they go against their promise to serve Christ as widows
981TI0512k9nz0commitmentThe commitment of the widows was their agreement to serve the Christian community for the rest of their lives if the community would supply the widows' needs.
991TI0513t4iv0learn to be lazyget into the habit of doing nothing
1001TI0513nll40talk nonsense and are busybodies, saying things they should not sayThese three phrases are probably three ways of speaking of the same activity. These people should not be looking into other people's private lives and telling about them to others who are no better off after hearing.
1011TI0513cym50nonsensewords that do not help those who hear them
1021TI0513umk20busybodiespeople who look into other people's private lives for their own good and not for the good of the other people
1031TI0514bh1q0to manage the householdto take care of everyone in her house
1041TI0514u94k0the enemyPossible meanings are 1) this refers to Satan or 2) this refers to unbelievers who are hostile to Christians.
1051TI0516mf4s0has widowshas widows among her relatives
1061TI0516d35m0real widowsthose women who have no one to provide for them
1071TI0517i3l30Connecting Statement:Paul again talks of how elders (overseers) should be treated and then gives Timothy some personal instructions.
1081TI0518vw3afigs-metaphor0You shall not put a muzzle on an ox while it treads the grainPaul is using this quotation as a metaphor meaning that church leaders deserve to receive payment from the Christian community for their work. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
1091TI0518g985translate-unknown0muzzlea sleeve that goes over an animal's snout and mouth to prevent it from eating while it is doing work (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
1101TI0518kys10is worthy ofdeserves
1111TI0520m4uh0sinnersThis refers to anyone doing anything that disobeys or displeases God, even things that other people do not know about.
1121TI0520db630before allwhere everyone can see
1131TI0520ql4m0so that the rest may be afraidso that others will be afraid to sin
1141TI0521t7jq0the chosen angelsThis means the angels whom God and Jesus have chosen to serve them in a special way.
1151TI0521dph60these commandsPossible meanings are 1) this refers to the rules Paul just told Timothy or 2) this refers to the rules Paul is about to tell Timothy.
1161TI0522qb710Place handsThe placing of hands was a ceremony in which one or more church leaders would place their hands on people and pray that God would enable those people to serve the church in a way that would please God. Timothy was to wait until the person had shown good character for a long time before officially setting that person apart to serve the Christian community.
1171TI0522lt3y0Do not share in the sins of another personPossible meanings are 1) if Timothy chose someone who was guilty of sin to be a church worker, God would hold Timothy responsible for that person's sin or 2) Timothy should not commit sins he saw others committing.
1181TI0523xl32figs-explicit0You should no longer drink waterIt is implied that Paul means Timothy should not drink only water. He is telling Timothy to use wine as medicine. The water in that area often caused sickness. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1191TI0525pd8v0some good works are openly knownsome good works are obvious
1201TI06introrks40# 1 Timothy 06 General Notes<br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### Slavery<br><br>Paul does not write in this chapter about whether slavery is good or bad. Paul teaches about honoring, respecting, and diligently serving masters. Paul teaches all believers to be godly and content in every situation.<br>
1211TI0601zg9b0Connecting Statement:Paul gives some specific instructions to slaves and masters and then continues with instructions on living in a godly way.
1221TI0604z2rb0understands nothingunderstands nothing about God's truth
1231TI0604i3lk0controversies and arguments about words that result in envycontroversies and arguments about words, and these controversies and arguments result in envy
1241TI0604xt1z0about wordsabout the meaning of words
1251TI0604bjt60strifearguments, fights
1261TI0604y3mx0insultspeople falsely saying bad things about each other
1271TI0604kn690evil suspicionspeople feeling like others want to do evil to them
1281TI0605z2d80depraved mindswicked minds
1291TI0607j6qv0brought nothing into the worldbrought nothing into the world when we were born
1301TI0607jlv80Neither are we able to take out anythingAnd we can take nothing out of the world when we die
1311TI0608lbk50let uswe should
1321TI0609ij4j0NowThis word marks a break in the teaching. Here Paul returns to the topic about those who think being godly will make them wealthy ([1 Timothy 6:5](../06/05.md)).
1331TI0610j5z90who desire itwho desire money
1341TI0613aj8i0Connecting Statement:Paul talks of Christ's coming, gives specific instructions to the rich, and lastly closes with a special message to Timothy.
1351TI0613t6dh0I give these orders to youThis is what I command you
1361TI0614nk520until the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christuntil our Lord Jesus Christ comes again
1371TI0615ac6y0the blessed and only Sovereignthe One worthy of praise who rules over the world
1381TI0616l9i80Only he has immortalityOnly he has the power to live forever
1391TI0616tsz30dwells in inapproachable lightdwells in a light so bright that no one can approach him
1401TI0620vgr80Avoid the foolish talkDo not pay attention to the foolish talk