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2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
.. _pronoun_indefinite:
Pronoun Indefinite
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
.. include:: includes/pronoun_indefinite-summary.rst
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
2019-02-18 10:32:04 +00:00
Biblical Hebrew contains two indefinite pronouns, the pronoun מִי (in reference to persons) and the pronoun מָה
(in reference to things). These pronouns can also as :ref:`interrogative pronoun<pronoun_interrogative>`, especially when they
appear at the beginning of a clause/sentence. However, this is not a universal rule; the specific use of these pronouns must
always be determined from the context. Indefinite pronouns function in a sentence almost exactly like a
:ref:`relative pronoun<pronoun_relative>` (see examples below).
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
2019-02-18 10:32:04 +00:00
Indefinite pronouns do not change their form based on number, gender, or person. However, the vowels can change depending on the
vocalization of the word immediately following the pronoun.
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
2019-02-18 10:32:04 +00:00
2019-02-18 10:32:04 +00:00
Personal indefinite pronoun (מִי)
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
.. csv-table:: Приклад: JDG 7:3
**Who**\ \_fears
**Whoever** is afraid
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
.. csv-table:: Приклад: EXO 32:26
מִ֥י לַיהוָ֖ה אֵלָ֑י
**mi** layhwah 'elay
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
**Who** to-Йагве to-me.
"**Whoever** is on Йагве's side, come to me"
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
.. csv-table:: Приклад: GEN 21:26
לֹ֣א יָדַ֔עְתִּי **מִ֥י** עָשָׂ֖ה אֶת־הַדָּבָ֣ר הַזֶּ֑ה
lo yada'ti **mi** 'asah 'eth-haddavar hazzeh
Not I-know **who** did [dir.obj]\_the-thing the-this.
I do not know **who** has done this thing.
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
.. csv-table:: Приклад: EXO 32:33
מִ֚י אֲשֶׁ֣ר חָֽטָא־לִ֔י
**mi** 'asher hata-li
**Who** which sinned\_to-me
**Whoever** has sinned against me
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
.. csv-table:: Приклад: JDG 10:18
מִ֣י הָאִ֔ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֣ר יָחֵ֔ל לְהִלָּחֵ֖ם בִּבְנֵ֣י עַמּ֑וֹן
**mi** ha'ish 'asher yahel lehillahem bivne 'ammon
**Who** the-man which begins to-fight with-sons-of Ammon?
**Who** is the man who will begin to fight the Ammonites?
2019-02-18 10:32:04 +00:00
Impersonal indefinite pronoun (מָה)
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
.. csv-table:: Приклад: 1SA 20:4
מַה־תֹּאמַ֥ר נַפְשְׁךָ֖ וְאֶֽעֱשֶׂה־לָּֽךְ
**mah**-ttomar nafshekha we'e'eseh-llakh
**What**\ \_you-say my-soul and-I-will-do\_for-you.
"**Whatever** you say, I will do for you."
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
.. csv-table:: Приклад: NUM 23:3
מַה־יַּרְאֵ֖נִי וְהִגַּ֣דְתִּי לָ֑ךְ
**mah**-yyar'eni wehiggadti lakh
**What**\ \_he-shows-me and-I-will-tell to-you.
**Whatever** he shows me I will tell you.
2023-01-01 16:49:33 +00:00
.. csv-table:: Приклад: ECC 3:15
מַה־שֶּֽׁהָיָה֙ כְּבָ֣ר ה֔וּא
**mah**-shehayah kevar hu
**What**\ \_which-exists already it
**Whatever** exists has already existed