906 B
906 B
- en:tw:ammon
- en:tw:arabia
- en:tw:god
- en:tw:heaven
- en:tw:jerusalem
- en:tw:king
- en:tw:mock
- en:tw:raise
- en:tw:rebel
- en:tw:servant
- Sanballat...Tobiah...and Geshem - These are the names of men who resisted the effort to rebuild the walls and the gates. See en:bible:notes:neh:02:09. (See en:ta:vol1:translate:translate_names)
- Sanballat the Horonite - The Horonites were a people group. (See: en:ta:vol1:translate:translate_unknown)
- Are you rebelling against the king? - The word "king" refers to Artaxerses, the King of Persia.
- We are his servants and we will arise and build - AT: "We his servants will begin rebuilding."
- But you have no share, no right, and no historic claim in Jerusalem - AT: “But you have no share, right, or religious claim in Jerusalem.”