
4.3 KiB
Raw Blame History

sacrifice, sacrifices, offering


In the Bible, the terms “sacrifice” and “offering” refer to special gifts given to God as an act of worshiping him. People also offered sacrifices to false gods.

  • The word “offering” generally refers to anything that is offered or given. The term “sacrifice” refers to something that is given or done at great cost to the giver.
  • Offerings to God were specific things that he commanded the Israelites to give in order to express devotion and obedience to him.
  • The names of the different offerings, such as “burnt offering” and “peace offering,” indicated what kind of offering was being given.
  • Sacrifices to God often involved the killing of an animal.
  • Only the sacrifice of Jesus, Gods perfect, sinless Son, can completely cleanse people from sin animal sacrifices could never do that.
  • The figurative expression “offer yourselves as a living sacrifice” means, “live your life in complete obedience to God, giving up everything in order to serve him.”

Translation Suggestions

  • The term “offering” could also be translated as “a gift to God” or “something given to God” or “something valuable that is presented to God.”
  • Depending on the context, the term “sacrifice” could also be translated as “something valuable given in worship” or “a special animal killed and presented to God.”
  • The action to “sacrifice” could be translated as to “give up something valuable” or to “kill an animal and give it to God.”
  • Another way to translate “present yourself as a living sacrifice” could be “as you live your life, offer yourself to God as completely as an animal is offered on an altar.”

(See also: altar, burnt offering, drink offering, false god, fellowship offering, freewill offering peace offering, priest, sin offering, worship)

Bible References:

Examples from the Bible stories:

  • 03:14 After Noah got off the boat, he built an altar and sacrificed some of each kind of animal which could be used for a sacrifice. God was happy with the sacrifice and blessed Noah and his family.
  • 05:06 “Take Isaac, your only son, and kill him as a sacrifice to me.” Again Abraham obeyed God and prepared to sacrifice his son.
  • 05:09 God had provided the ram to be the sacrifice instead of Isaac.
  • 13:09 Anyone who disobeyed Gods law could bring an animal to the Tent of Meeting as a sacrifice to God. A priest would kill the animal and burn it on the altar. The blood of the animal that was sacrificed covered the persons sin and made that person clean in Gods sight.
  • 17:06 David wanted to build a temple where all the Israelites could worship God and offer him sacrifices.
  • 48:06 Jesus is the Great High Priest. Unlike other priests, he offered himself as the only sacrifice that could to take away the sin of all the people in the world.
  • 48:08 But God provided Jesus, the Lamb of God, as a sacrifice to die in our place.
  • 49:11 Because Jesus sacrificed himself, God can forgive any sin, even terrible sins.

Word Data:

  • Strongs: H801, H817, H819, H1685, H1890, H1974, H2076, H2077, H2281, H2282, H2398, H2401, H2402, H2403, H2409, H3632, H4394, H4503, H4504, H5066, H5068, H5071, H5257, H5258, H5261, H5262, H5927, H5928, H5930, H6453, H6944, H6999, H7133, H7311, H8002, H8426, H8548, H8573, H8641, G266, G334, G1049, G1435, G1494, G2378, G2380, G3646, G4376, G5485