
2.5 KiB

strength, strengthen


The term "strength" refers to physical, emotional, or spiritual power. To "strengthen" someone or something means to make that person or object stronger.

  • "Strength" can also refer to the power to withstand some kind of opposing force.
  • A person has “strength of will” if he is able to avoid sinning when tempted.
  • One writer of the Psalms called Yahweh his “strength” because God helped him to be strong.
  • If a physical structure like a wall or building is being "strengthened," people are rebuilding the structure, reinforcing it with more stones or brick so that it can withstand an attack.

Translation Suggestions

  • In general, the term "strengthen" can be translated as "cause to be strong" or "make more powerful."
  • In a spiritual sense, the phrase "strengthen your brothers" could also be translated as "encourage your brothers" or "help your brothers to persevere."
  • The following examples show the meaning of these terms, and therefore how they can be translated, when they are included in longer expressions.
    • "puts strength on me like a belt" means "causes me to be completely strong, like a belt that completely surrounds my waist."
    • "in quietness and trust will be your strength" means "acting calmly and trusting in God will make you spiritually strong."
    • "will renew their strength" means "will become stronger again."
    • "by my strength and by my wisdom I acted" means "I have done all this because I am so strong and wise."
    • "strengthen the wall" means "reinforce the wall" or "rebuild the wall."
    • "I will strengthen you" means "I will cause you to be strong"
    • "in Yahweh alone are salvation and strength" means "Yahweh is the only one who saves us and strengthens us."
    • "the rock of your strength" means "the faithful one who makes you strong"
    • "with the saving strength of his right hand" means "he strongly rescues you from trouble like someone who holds you safely with his strong hand."
    • "of little strength" means "not very strong" or "weak."
    • "with all my strength" means "using my best efforts" or "strongly and completely."

(See also: faithful, persevere, right hand, salvation)

Bible References:

Word Data:##

  • Strong's: