
2.7 KiB



The term "blood" refers to the red liquid that comes out of a person's skin when there is an injury or wound. Blood brings life-giving nutrients to a person's entire body.

  • Blood symbolizes life and when it is shed or poured out, it symbolizes the loss of life, or death.
  • When people made sacrifices to God, they killed an animal and poured its blood on the altar. This symbolized the sacrifice of the animal's life to pay for people's sins.
  • Through his death on the cross, Jesus' blood symbolically cleanses people from their sins and pays for the punishment they deserve for those sins.
  • The expression "flesh and blood" refers to human beings.
  • The expression "own flesh and blood" refers to people who are biologically related.

Translation Suggestions:

  • This term should be translated with the term that is used for blood in the target language.
  • The expression "flesh and blood" could be translated as "people" or "human beings."
  • Depending on the context, the expression "my own flesh and blood" could be translated as "my own family" or "my own relatives" or "my own people."
  • If there is an expression in the target language that is used with this meaning, that expression could be used to translate "flesh and blood."

(See also: flesh)

Bible References:

Examples from the Bible stories:

  • 08:03 Before Joseph's brothers returned home, they tore Joseph's robe and dipped it in goat's blood.
  • 10:03 God turned the Nile River into blood, but Pharaoh still would not let the Israelites go.
  • 11:05 All the houses of the Israelites had blood around the doors, so God passed over those houses and everyone inside was safe. They were saved because of the lamb's blood.
  • 13:09 The blood of the animal that was sacrificed covered the person's sin and made that person clean in God's sight.
  • 38:05 Then Jesus took a cup and said, "Drink this. It is my blood of the New Covenant that is poured out for the forgiveness of sins.
  • 48:10 When anyone believes in Jesus, the blood of Jesus takes away that person's sin, and God's punishment passes over him.

Word Data:

  • Strong's: H1818, H5332, G129, G130, G131, G1420