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### How to do an Oral Partner Check
At this point, you have already gone through the steps of drafting your translation. Now you are ready for others to help you to check it, find any errors or problems, and make it better. To do so, follow these steps.
* Read your translation to a partner (a member of the translation team) who did not work on this passage.
* The partner can listen first for naturalness and tell you which parts do not sound natural in your language. Together, you can think of how someone would say that meaning in your language.
* Use those ideas to change the unnatural parts of your translation to be more natural.
* Then read the passage to your partner again. This time, the partner can listen to the translation while following along in the source text.
* Your partner can tell you if there is any part where something was added, missing, or changed when compared to the source text.
* Correct those parts of the translation.